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first aid

教学目标 teaching aims 通过本单元的教学,学生了解有关急救的常识,在生活中如何处理一些突发事件,然后实施紧急救护等总结,归纳情态动词的用法,如:should/shouldn’t; must/mustn’t ;ought to等表示义务和责任的用法。 teaching important and difficult points 1.words knee, still, bite (bit, bitten/bit), lay (laid, laid), mouth-to-mouth, bum, cut, electric, container pool, breathe, within, handkerchief, wound, safety, wire, guard, sideway, firm, firmly wherever, stomach, injure, injured, injury, poison, quantity, nearby 2.phrases first aid, ought to, medical care, by mistake, pay attention to, in a short while, deal with, take it easy, running water, out of one’s reach, throw up, hold up 3. useful expressions we must carry her to the side of the road. you mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt. parents should know some first aid. you shouldn’t get up if you are badly hurt. i ought to go home. i have to cook supper for my grandmother. 4. grammar revise modal verbs : must, should study modal verb: ought to 教学建议 课文建议 教师安排中国学习联盟声朗读课文,理解课文含义,通过阅读,教师对学生可小组讨论,提



《unit 1 art》



1. 知识与技能目标




2. 过程与方法目标


(2)通过阅读课文利用skimming 和 scanning阅读技能找到每个艺术馆的地理位置、艺术特色等相关信息,提高分析处理英文信息的能力。通过寻找描述每个艺术馆的关键词培养学生的归纳总结信息的能力,同时为下一个扮演导游介绍艺术馆的活动做铺垫,提供相关的语言词汇铺垫。


3. 情感、态度、价值观目标









(三) fast reading


(四)detailed reading: 详细阅读

(五)challenge your speaking(口语能力提升)

提供参考词汇: welcome to …

this museum is located in…

it displays(展出) art works in… centuries of …countri




本单元对话课复习了有关问路及应答用语,要求学生用所学语言自编对话描述所在学校、区域或城市; 本单元介绍了美国的迪斯尼乐园及其创始人walt disney艰苦创业的生活经历。通过本单元教学,要求学生掌握迪斯尼乐园的概况,并可根据提示复述沃尔特?迪斯尼奋斗的生活简历。引导学生意识到只有通过自身的努力,艰苦奋斗,才能收获成功的道理。同时,设计问答练习,提高学生阅读能力。 作为高二的起始单元,此处复习了宾语从句的用法,通过课文阅读,完成练习册后练习,学生需熟练掌握此语言项目,并准确运用到口头及书面表达中。


step 1听录音

教师放对话录音,放完两遍之后,教师根据对话内容提出一些问题。 1.what were they talking about ? 2.how to answer the first /second/third/forth/fifth visitor question?

step 2 练习


step 3改写 将对话内容改写为一篇短文,要求学生用本课的地点名称如: sleeping beauty castle , bear country, horse-drawn streetcars, the tomorrow land building 比如:carl is answering visitors’ questions. the first visitor asks carl the way to the sleeping beauty castle….

step 4 讨论

if you are visitor, how to ask the way to the stranger at first?

step 5总结


asking: where is …... how can i get to… which is the way to… could you tell me if… could you tell me the way to… answering: go straight ahead… it’s behind …/in frond of/ go down this st


unit1 what’s he like?(第一课时) 一. 教学内容 main scene part a (let’s try let’s talk) 二.教学目标 1.能正确听,说,朗读“who is …? he/she is…what’s he/she like? he/she is … is he/she…?yes,he/she is. no, he/she isn’t.” 2. 能正确听,说,认读表示人物外貌与性格特征的形容词old,young,funny,kind,strict,polite,hard-working,clever. 3.能听懂,会说,会表演let’s talk 的内容并在真实场景中运用。 三.教学重点 学生能够表演main scene 和let’s talk的交际内容,能够根据实际情况用英语讨论人物。 四.教学难点 用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如:“who is …? he/she is…what’s he/she like? he/she is … is he/she…?yes,he/she is. no, he/she isn’t.” 五.课前准备 1. 教材相配套的教学课件[unit 1 let's learn/a] 2. 教材相配套的教学录音带 3. 教师自制的单词卡 六、教学过程 step1. warming-up 1.let’s look and say the names.(通过多媒体播放一些卡通图片,分别展示年老,年轻,滑稽,有礼貌,工作努力,聪明,严格等外貌与性格特征,让学生认读,说一说这是谁,怎么样。) 2.let’s listen and sing”who’s your teacher?” step2. presentation 1.学习main scene (1).出示main scene中的部分教学挂图,让学生观察who? what are they talking about? (2).学生看图片想象并回答老师的问题。 dialogue1: who:wu yifan,amy,oliver and a teacher. what are they talking about? the teacher introduces classmates to each other. dialogue2:who


认识五官teaching aims

1、正确识别面部器官:眼、耳、鼻、嘴。 2、能够区分单复数的器官名称。 3、单词:eye(s)、ear(s)、nose、mouth

短语:touch my 句型:this is a/an these are

teaching aids:五官图片 teaching ste

一、warming up chant: two little blackbirds 二、daily talk 1、a: hi, good morning. b: morning. a: how are you? b: fine, thank you. (and you?) a: thank you. 2、a: how do you do? b: how do you do? a: what day is it today? b: its friday. 3、a: whats your name? b: my name is a . a: im john. nice to see you, a . b: nice to see you, too. 4、a: how many people are there in your family? b: therere five. a: who are they? b: they are my father 5、a: how old are you? b: six. a: whos your friend? b: jim. 6、a: whats your telephone number? b: 65896246. 7、a: what color is it? b: its red. a: what color do you like? b: i like pink and blue. 三、to review 1、t: look! whats this? its a face. c: face. t: what is on the face? (point to the parts of the face.) c: this is an eye/ear/nose/mouth. 2、t: look at the face! how many


活动目的: 1.通过复习使幼儿对五官类的英文名称熟练掌握。 2.通过活动培养幼儿的反应能力、观察能力以及审美能力。 3.通过活动促使幼儿在不经意中了解小兔和小猫的头部外形特征。 4.能听懂简单的日常用语,并会用简单的日常用语和老师交流。

活动准备: 1. english cards: head ear eye nose mouth 各一张。 2.挂图两幅: 缺鼻子少眼睛的动物头像(小猫、小兔)各一幅。(ear、eye、nose、mouth是活动的) 3.没有ear、eye、nose、mouth的熊猫图片若干(跟幼儿人数相等)

活动过程: 1.组织教学t: good morning , boys and girls . c: good morning , teacher . 2. let' s sing a song.  sing in chorus to the piano .老师弹歌曲《hello!》.让幼儿跟着唱,如果唱得的不好,还可以sing the song again,可以适当鼓励(great). 3.老师让幼儿close your eyes ,然后把cards: head、ear、eye、nose、mouth的图片贴到黑板上,让幼儿open your eyes ,look at the blackboard , i'll point to the picture and you should tell me what it is. (what's this in chinese? what's this in english?) 4.老师再让幼儿close your eyes,然后把words: head、ear、eye、nose、mouth的顺序打乱,再让幼儿open your eyes,look at the blackboard, i'll point to the word and you should tell me what it is , 老师可边指边问nursery: what's the english for it ? what' s this in chinese? 5. let's play a game. t: look at me ,this is my head .那么



学会that is ····的发音和组成



1、 上机准备工作:字卡、vcd

2、 游戏所需的物品:字卡



环节转变过度语:今天我们要学习“that is ····”


? 出示汉字:(1、汉字卡;2、电子版汉字。)

? 教师引导幼儿认读:(1、集体认读几遍。2、分组、个别)(以游戏形式作巩固)

环节转变过度语:小朋友真棒,我们学会了汉字“盘子 锅等”,接着我们来学习单词“that is ····”


看图说出单词“that is ····”组成,或这单词是由哪些字母组成?(老师们要求幼儿做动作)

环节转变过度语:我们一起听听单词“ that is ····”的故事


? 教师引导幼儿回忆故事。

? 引导幼儿说组成(要求做动作)*加入巩固组成游戏

? 听发音加强发音练习:选择发音软件“单词发音”幼儿跟读。

? 游戏加以巩固组成及发音。







 活动目标: 1、理解单词含义,学说新单词。 2、感受英语游戏的快乐,愿意学英语。 活动准备: 1、木偶一个。 2、红苹果、绿橘子、黄香蕉、蓝气球各一个。 3、红、绿、黄、蓝颜色颜料、可乐瓶子两个 活动过程: 一、复习颜色单词,引出活动。 以木偶和幼儿打招呼,复习上次活动单词,并引出新单词。 师:1、“hello hello”是谁在和小朋友打招呼啊?(mary) 2、出示红苹果what’s this?(这是什么?)苹果是什么颜色的呢?用英语怎么说? 3、出示绿橘子what’s this?那这个又是什么颜色的呢?用英语说。 4、小朋友真棒,表扬表扬自己。(very very good) 二、学习新单词。 1、yellow mary拿出黄香蕉,what’s this? 它是什么颜色的?黄色的英语叫“yellow”,全体幼儿看着香蕉跟着老师说“yellow”,走一圈请幼儿边摸香蕉边说“yellow”并采用变换高低请幼儿用不同音量读单词。 2、blue mary出示蓝气球,what’s this? 它的颜色是什么?蓝色叫“blue”,全体幼儿看着气球跟着老师说“blue”,教师利用吹气球的方式请幼儿根据气球大小用不同音量来读单词,然后再放气慢慢变小来读,可请配班老师帮着吹气球,老师带着幼儿读,注意停顿,并读清楚。 3、分组读单词..................... @@@@ 一、活动内容:字母y,短语good night 二、活动目标: 1、通过多种游戏形式学习字母y,知道y,y,拉链y; y for yellow,学习短语:good night.复习good morning. 2、引导幼儿读准字母单词的发音,培养对英语活动的热情和兴趣。 三、活动准备: 字母y卡片、带有拉链的衣服、饮料瓶三个(瓶盖涂上黄色颜料)、小扇子(正反面各有太阳和月亮) 四、活动过程: 1、问好: (1) 师生问好。 (2) 引导幼儿向家长老师们问好。 2、热身:hands up , hands down. 3、正课: (1) 学习字母y: 让幼儿close y


teaching aims




短语:touch my……

句型:this is a/an…… these are……

teaching aids:五官图片

teaching ste

一、 warming up

chant: two little blackbirds

二、 daily talk

1、 a: hi, good morning. b: morning. a: how are you?

b: fine, thank you. (and you?) a: thank you.

2、a: how do you do? b: how do you do? a: what day is it today? b: it’s


3、a: what’s your name? b: my name is a .

a: i’m john. nice to see you, a . b: nice to see you, too.

4、a: how many people are there in your family? b: there’re five.

a: who are they? b: they are my father……

5、a: how old are you? b: six. a: who’s your friend? b: jim.

6、a: what’s your telephone number? b: 65896246.

7、a: what color is it? b: it’s red. a: what color do you like? b: i like pink

and blue.

三、to review

1、t: look! what’s this? it’s a face. c: face.

t: what is on the face? (point to the parts of the face.)

c: this is an eye/ear/nose/mouth.

2、t: look at the face! how many eyes are there on the face?



第一步:subject 写课题 例如:unit1 how tall are you?

第二步:teaching content 教学内容

第三步 :teaching aims教学目标

1. progress and methods 过程与方法

2.knowledge and skills 知识与技能

3.emotions,attitude and values 情感,态度与价值观

第四步:important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点

第五步:teaching aids 教具准备

第六步:teaching procures 教学过程

1.warm-up 热身

2.preview 预习

3.presentation 新课呈现

4.consolidation 巩固

5.summary 总结

6.homework 作业

第七步:blakboard design 板书设计

第八步:reflection 课后反思



