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幼儿园中班英语教案:go to the zoo

teaching plan of at the zoo ⅰ、teaching objectives 1.language functions: talking about animals and their favorite food. 2.language structures: i like 3.new vocabulary: monkey, elephant, rabbit, panda, goat 4.skills: listening: 能听懂各种动物的名称及其习性的内容。 speaking: 能运用所学的单词句型谈论各种动物的习性 5. teaching activities: (1)role play: elephant 生日请客,分食物给他的朋友们并说i like t-elephant ss-monkey, rabbit, panda, goat (2)a game: looking for good friends 让学生自取道具找朋友,如当t说1,2,3后拿carrot的要与拿rabbit的站到一块并说we are good friends.

ⅱ、teaching key points and difficult points 1.the sounds of the new words. 2.freely using the sentences.

ⅲ、teaching aids 课件,a big picture (animals' party), 10 small pictures (monkey, elephant,rabbit, panda, goat, bananas, grass, carrots,bamboo, leaves)

ⅳ、teaching procedure 1. greeting 2. sing a song: one two three song 3. say goodbye to the 1, 2, 3 and go to the zoo t: we are going to the zoo today. there're many animals at the zoo. t introduces


幼儿园中班英语教案:a family of chicken

活动内容:a family of chicken 活动目标: 1、通过活动复习英语单词cock、chicken、hen 2、培养托儿学习英语的兴趣

活动准备: 1、chicken头饰、鸡蛋(均人手一份) 2、cock(由教师扮演)hen (由大班幼儿扮演) 3、音乐《mother hen》 4、草丛、篮筐(2个)

活动过程: 一、唱歌念儿歌,组织教学。 1、t: come on babies! let's sing some songs, are you ready? 2、复习单词cock、chicken、hen t: look! (教师带上cock头饰) who am i? (cock) t: yes, i am cock t: 谁想做我的宝宝chicken? (帮每位托儿带上chicken头饰) t:(亲亲抱抱cock) who are you?(chicken) 3、rhyme:《a family of chicken》发现hen 不在 chicken chicken, ji ji ji cock cock, wo wo wo hen hen, guoguoda guoguoda

二、寻找hen,学习新单词egg 1、t: where is hen? 2、播放音乐《mother hen》hen 入场 3、hen下蛋,托儿人手一个egg, 学念egg (1) 念给cock听 (2) 念给客人听

三、结束活动 1、t: 宝宝们小心把egg敲碎了,快把egg交给爸爸(请托儿把egg放入事先准备好的篮筐里) 2、t: 我们把这一篮的egg交给hen,让它在孵出很多的chicken,好不好?(将一篮筐的egg交与hen) 3、安静活动,活动结束。


幼儿园中班英语教案:rain rain go away

活动内容:rain rain go away

活动要求: (1)复习猫,兔,狗,鸟的英语发音及动作名称 (2)学习太阳,雨的发音 (3)懂得rain go away 的含义 (4)学唱歌曲


活动过程: 1)复习 出示背景为草地的图片引出四个小动物,让幼儿依次与它们打招呼。以复习cat bunny dog bird walk skip run fly 的发音 2)引导幼儿观察太阳图片,和雨的图片引导幼儿学习太阳和雨的发音 3)引出歌曲内容,小朋友,你们看下雨了,小动物要离开了,你们听我给你们唱一首歌(教师范唱,幼儿学唱) 4)结束部分 做游戏 do as i tell you 即教师念小动物的名称幼儿做它们的动作。


幼儿园中班英语教案:eye nose mouth

活动目标: 1.教幼儿能听懂并说出眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴的英文名称(eye. mouse. mouth) 2.通过各种游戏活动,培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣。 3.通过各种游戏练习,使幼儿了解各器官的作用和功能。

活动准备 1.字卡:eye[ai]眼睛 nose(nauz)鼻子 mouth[mau]嘴巴 2.粘贴小红花若干 3.磁带

活动过程: 1.听录音,和老师一起做五官操,以及激发幼儿的学习热情,并让幼儿接触eye, mose, mouth的发音。 儿歌: eye、eye、eye. 眨呀眨 nose、nose、nose 闻一闻 mouth、mouth、mouth 波波波 ears、ears、ears 听声音 2.学习单词:eye、mouse、mouth. (师):我们每个人都有一张face,在我们的face上长有器官,谁能告诉我这些器官的名称,小朋友边说老师边在黑板上画五官,并用英语说:eye two eyes nose mouth。最后添上头发,耳朵画成一个调度小男孩。幼儿练习eye mouse mouth时按五官的上下顺序,同时注意幼儿发音是否规范。 3.游戏: 摸鼻眼(摸对者奖励小红花) 方法: 师:touch your eyes, one 、two、three, 幼:(手指眼睛)here 、here 、here, 师:touch your nose, one 、two 、three, 幼(手指鼻子)here 、here、 here, 师:touth your mouth, one、 two、three. 幼:(手指嘴边)here、 here 、here。 4.活动延伸: 方法:小朋友每三人一组,给缺少五官的脸谱添画eye nose mouth在添画时告诉大家你画的是什么。 5.结束: 和老师一起做五官操,然后逐步下课.


幼儿园中班英语教案:left and right


活动设计:left and right


活动过程: 一、greeting hello! everyone! 二、reviewing 1、复习歌曲,《walking hop and running》 2、复习方位词up、down 三、learning 1、学习方位词left and right 2、看箭头说方位词 up down left right 3、听指令做动作 4、个别练习 left right ○ 5、游戏蚂蚁吃豆豆 t:let`s play the game feeding beans, please show the way to the ant。 四、ending t:you are great ! now , have a rest!



english plan date : september 4 period : 2 content : hour 1

item : uncle mother father grandmother grandfather prepare : photos picture cd teach step: warm up 1 greeting t: hello !good morning ,boys and girls ! k: good morning ,teacher bell. t : how are you? k :i am fine ,thank you! and you ? t: i am also fine ,thank you! how is the weather? k: it is su y day . t : yes , it is su y day .do you like su y day? k : yes ,we are . 2 tpr t: clap ,clap ,clap your hands. k: clap ,clap ,clap my hands. t: clap your hands as quickly as you can . clap your hands as slowly as you can . 3 song lets sing the song how is the weather like today? present 1 show jimmys family photo to the kids. put it on the whiteboard ,and ask jimmy to introduce the members to the other kids. jimmy point his father , teacher say:father and the kids read after teacher. the same to the other members. 2 put the pictures of fa



活动目标: 1、学习四种昆虫的说法。 2、学习说出所在位置的英文用语。

活动准备: 1、key words:butterfly, ant, caterpillar, bee. 2、main sentences:ant ,ant is on the grass. bee, bee is on the flower. caterpillar, caterpillar is on the leaf. butterfly, butterfly is in the sky. 3、multiple intelligence: song:《insects》 4、material:flash cards自制的放大镜butterfly bee ant和caterpillar图片洞洞夹 昆虫手环 海报纸 ant butterfly caterpillar bee 头套 cd textbook workbook

活动指导: 一、presentation:(教学) 1、teacher先问kids在公园或是户外玩耍的时候有没有见过昆虫?让kids自由自主的表达一下。之后teacher拿出自制的放大镜(见图),开心的告诉kdis这一节课要介绍四种可爱的昆虫给kids认识。 2、先将butterfly的图片贴在放大镜上,然后教kids说a butterfly .yeah!再用what do you see?问kids,引导kids说出butterfly. 3、以同样的方法教ant, bee, 和caterpillar. 4、teacher随意说出昆虫的名称要kids做出动作和复诵三次。 二、presentation: 1、teacher先将flower ,grass ,leaf和sky的图片贴放在白/黑板上,带着kids复习一次。再拿ant的图片由白/黑板的边缘向中央爬行,爬到garss上并问 what do you see?并作出找寻的动作,最后看到ant并开心的说oh! on thegrass.。 2、teacher指着草上的蚂蚁教ant, ant is on the grass.让kids练习说几次。 3、以同样的方式将bee放在花上,将毛毛虫放在叶子上,将蝴蝶放在空中,教kids说be


短语sleeping so tight

活动目的: 1、通过看图,初步理解sleeping so tight的含义。 2、学习单词lion和zoo,复习hive,pond和nest。

活动准备:教学挂图everything is sleeping,动物卡片若干。

预设活动过程: 1、出示挂图,复习hive,nest和pond。 t:what is this? t:what is the bee in the hive doing? t:the bee in the hive is sleeping。 (nest和pond的练习方法同上)

2、指挂图中的狮子和动物园大门,引出lion和zoo。 t:what is this? t:yes,lion,this is lion。 t:what is that? t:yes,zoo,zoo,this is zoo。the lion is in the zoo。 t:what is the lion doing in the zoo? c:the lion is sleeping in the zoo。

3、出示各种动物活动时与睡眠时的图片,出示星星、月亮、宝宝图片,复习go to sleep,学习sleeping so tight。 t:what does he do?the moon goes to sleep。the star goes to sleep。now,let is read the rhymego to sleep。 c:the moon goes to sleep,the t:what is the moon doing?the moon is sleeping so tight。

4、指挂图,让幼儿学念儿歌。 t:the bee in the hive is sleeping so tight。the bird in the nest sleeping so tight。



活动目标: 1、学习单词cakegiftcard,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解for you.的含义。 2、愿意演唱歌曲,体会与同伴共同庆祝的快乐。

活动准备: 排练情景表演、歌曲磁带、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件

活动过程: 一、greeting 1、teacher and children say hello! good morning!each other. 2、teacher and children sing《nice to see you》together. 二、review t and c read the rhyme《horse》. 三、learn. 1、t and c watch tv of birthday party.where is it?yes,it's dog's house.t come in the house, oh,this is a tv.let's watch tv,ok? 2、t and one child show together. t: hello,i'm cat.today is dog's birthday,i'll go to this party. t: ding-dong! c: what is it? t: i'm cat. c: come in, please. t: happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you. t1: thank you. 3、c learn cake gift card. (1)t shows and reads cake gift card one by one,c say with t.what's this?[keik][gift][ca:d] (2)c reads alone. what's this? yes, here you are. (3) t shows pictures,c practice together. (4)game, who is the first? 4、t shows a picture and reads a cake


一、教学内容:lets talk lets play

二、教学目标: 1、要求学生能听懂、会说 cat, duck, dog, monkey, panda, rabbit, zoo,并能结合句子i have a在实际情景中运用。 2、要求学生能听懂、会说几个表示赞美的感叹语cool! super! great! wow!并能够在实际情景中恰当地使用。

三、课前准备: 1、教师准备本课时所学的动物玩具及图片等。 2、学生准备有关文具的实物。

四、教学过程: ㈠热身 1、演唱歌曲:how are you? 2、师生问候。 3、师生、生生间的日常会话练习,eg. a: good morning.,mike. this is john. b:(to c)hello, john. nice to meet you. c:(to b)nice to meet you, too!

㈡复习 1.播放unit 1 lets chant的录音,学生拿出文具跟读并表演。 2.请学生用look,i have a 复习所学的文具。

㈢新课展示 1、通过听动物声音和看动作,呈现有关动物的新单词:rabbit, panda, monkey, dog, cat, duck,并教学。 最后,教师将教过的小动物放在一起并对学生说,look, i have a zoo. 2、感叹语great! cool! wow! super!采取自然引入的方法,在呈现动物公仔时,因势利导地教学几个感叹语,并告诉学生时下中文最时髦的说法好酷啊!中的酷即是英文的cool一词的译音。而super可以翻译成棒极了!好极了!等等。super一词有超级的意思,如:superman(超人),supermarket(超级市场)等。 3、听录音,展示lets talk部分的教学内容,学生跟读、模仿。教师要求学生注意语音、语调。

㈣趣味操练 1、单词的操练:教师读单词,学生扮演,模仿动作,然后教师模仿动作由学生说出单词,最后全班推送几组同学到讲台上来表演。 2、教师将橡皮泥做成的动物藏在动物图片卡后贴在黑板上,请一同学上讲台,教师说:a cat,学生就从黑板上取下画有猫的图片,然后说:this is a cat. 接着再从动物卡后找出橡皮泥动物,说:loo



