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unit 4 then and now 备课人: 课时分配:6课时 备课时间:2015/3/4 单元教材分析 单元学情分析 本单元以过去和现在为话题,重点学习表示过去的时间状语、学校设施和部分动词及动词短语。 本单元以学生的实际情况出发,通过说唱歌谣、小组合作等形式使学生处于轻松、快乐、趣味十足的学习氛围。 单元教学目标: 1、 听说认读star,easy,race,felt,trip,woke,会听说读写gym,ago,cycling,badminton. 2、 能够熟练运用there be句型描述过去的事情和现在的事情。 3、 能够掌握询问某人的变化的句型。 课时教学设计 课题:unit 4 a let's learn 备课人: 上课人: 教学目标: 1、 听说认读单词:dining hall,gym,grass,…years ago,…months ago,last year,last month. 2、 学习句型:there was/were…we didn’t have…及其一般过去时态的具体运用。 3、 学生会根据具体年代判断与之相符的事物。 4、 学唱歌曲《changes in me》 教学重点: 过去时间状语的运用。 教学难点: 句型there was/were…的具体运用。 教具学具课件准备:ppt 图片 第几课时:period 1 探索流程 个性添加(教学反思) learning steps(学习步骤): step 1.预习温故(用时5分钟) 1. go over the phrases of unit 3: ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts, rode a horse, rode a bike , went camping, hurt my foot , went fishing 教师说短语的第一个单词,学生说出短语,并造一个句子。如t: took. ss: took pictures, i took pictures last weekend. ( 边做动作边说) 2. free talk. t: how was your weekend? ss: it was fine. t: where did you go? 、 ss: i went to .


unit4 at the farm of pep english from grade 4, book 4 teaching content: part a let’s spell teaching content analysis: unit4 at the farm has 6 periods. this lesson is the period3. the main teaching content of this lesson is part a let’s spell. this part requires students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”. and students should perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”. students’ learning analysis: as the grade 4 students, they have learn the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er” in the last several units. in this lesson, i will make a connection with “or” and “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. teaching objectives: by the end of the lesson, students should be able to: l master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”: /:/, /::/. l perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”. l read and write down the words that have letter combination “or” according to the pronunc


unit 11 could you please tell me where the restrooms are? the first period ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 1. knowledge objects(1) key vocabulary: restroom, shampoo, stamp (2) target language: excuse me. can you please tell me where i can get a dictionary? sure. there’s a bookstore on river road. 2. ability objects: 1)train students’ listening ability. (2)train students’ communicative competence. teaching step 1: revision t: you’re new to this school. you need to know where the main office is.how can you ask where the main office is? s1: where’s the main office? t: that’s one way to ask. but there is a more polite way you can ask. you can say, "can you tell me where the main office is?" class repeat. can you tell me where the main office is? ss: can you tell me where the main office is? t: that’s correct. now let’s say you want to know where classroom 1 is. how can you ask? s2: can you tell me where classroom 1 is? t: good! there’s another polite way you can


unit 11 could you please tell me where the restrooms are? the first period ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 1. knowledge objects(1) key vocabulary: restroom, shampoo, stamp (2) target language: excuse me. can you please tell me where i can get a dictionary? sure. there’s a bookstore on river road. 2. ability objects: 1)train students’ listening ability. (2)train students’ communicative competence. teaching step 1: revision t: you’re new to this school. you need to know where the main office is.how can you ask where the main office is? s1: where’s the main office? t: that’s one way to ask. but there is a more polite way you can ask. you can say, "can you tell me where the main office is?" class repeat. can you tell me where the main office is? ss: can you tell me where the main office is? t: that’s correct. now let’s say you want to know where classroom 1 is. how can you ask? s2: can you tell me where classroom 1 is? t: good! there’s another polite way you can


教学目标: 1、能听说认读let’s learn 、let’s talk部分的单词和句型 2、能听说读写read and write 部分的单词和句型 教学难点: 四会单词和四会句型的正确拼写 教学准备: pictures recorder tape 第一课时 step one:warm up 1﹑free ttalk 2﹑do actions step two: presentation 1 、let’s learn (1)、t: are you tired? oh, yes. i’m tired. and i’m very thirsty. can i drink some water, please? s: yes. t: oh, my dear, the water is too hot! please touch it. is it hot? ss touch it and repeat: yes, it’s hot. (2)、ss pass it one by one and say ”cold”。 2、teach the word “cold、warm、cool in same way. 3、teach the word “weather” look, it’s cold, it’s cool, it’s warm and it’s hot. oh, what’s the weather like today? is it cold? is it…? do you know “weather”? what is weather? read the word together. 修改意见 在教学中利用实际来练习对话,这样能更好的掌握知识。 step three: extension and consolidation  1、guessing game 2、find friends 3、chanting race 第二课时 step one: warm up 1﹑sing “my clothes 2﹑free talk . step two : presentation 1﹑let’s talk (1)、play vcd for


一 教学目标 (一)语言运用能力: 听:听懂课文,听准单词发音。 说: 1.用“”谈论将来可能发生的事情。 2.运用情态动词“can”描述能力。 3.谈论将来的天气状况。 读:读准单词, 熟练朗读课文。 写:写会6个单词,1个短语。 (二)情感培养:培养学生用英语交流沟通的能力,增强之间的友谊和感情。 二 教学方法:教师讲授+小组合作学习 三 教学重难点:1.用“”谈论将来可能发生的事情。 2.运用情态动词“can”描述能力。 四 现代化教学手段:录音机.卡片 五 教学过程设计 第一课时 课题:unit 1 robots will do everything. 课型:新授 一 (1)热身复习 1.师生问好。 2.教是带领全班一起做游戏。教师下指令, 学生根据教师的指令做出相应的动作。 t:do as i say: run, jump, play football,play basketball,play the flute,row a boat,make a cake, wash clothes, do homework… 也可请学生发出指令做动作。 (2) 任务呈现与课文导入 1.教师假装很累,擦擦汗,对学生说:i’m very tired.who can help us? can the robot help us?引出课文内容。 2.导入新课。 (3)课文教学。 1.教师对机器人进行简单描述。 2.放录音。同时用笔勾出生词和词组。 3.再放录音。学生认真听。并找出问题的答案。 what can daming’s robot do? will robots do the houswork? will robots help children learn? will robots do homework for children? 3. 讲解学生疑问和问题的答案。 4.学生自读课文。之后同桌交流读课文。 (4)任务完成 讲解课堂活动用书。 二 小结 1.听懂课文,听准单词发音。 2.写会6个单词,1个短语。 三 课后作业 1.读准单词。 2.熟读并背诵课文。 四 板书设计 五 自我评价 学生能听懂课文,听准单词发音。用“”谈论将来可能发生的事情。运用情态动词“can”描述能力。并能谈论将来的天气状况。


教学目标: 1.知识目标 能听说读及运用新单词: ship city beautiful whose close queen 能运用this is.......it’s.......简单描述一座城市 能听说及合理应用句型 london is a big city. my house is very small,but it’s beautiful. 2.能力目标 培养学生认真观察事物及发散思维的能力 3.情感态度目标 乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识 教学重难点: 1、beautiful whose queen close 的发音 2、 london is a big city. my house is very small,but it’s beautiful. 教具准备: 音频材料、卡片、图片 教学过程: 一、 warming up(热身) 1、greeting : hello boys and girls! are you happy? 2、sing a song 设计意图:师生间简单的对话拉近了距离,为新课的开展营造了良好的氛围,歌曲的应用,提高学生的学习积极性,消除紧张的心理。 二、review and lead in (复习导入) t:i am happy .are you happy? look, panda is also happy. is it .....? 设计意图:通过简短的对话,自然的过度到新课的学习,让学生有个整体的感知。 三、presentation and practice (课堂预习,呈现,练习) 1、check(检查预习结果) t:what is this ? ss: it is a book . t: yes, it is a book about london. london is a big city. last class, i asked you to find out sth about london . now, let’s check……  show some pictures about london . eg, big ben. london eye, backingham palace , queen's


教学目标: 知识目标 掌握新单词 :first , second, third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , tenth , eleventh , twelfth. 句型:liming is the first . the girl is the second . the boy in red shorts is the third . january is the first month . 能力目标 使学生掌握本课所学序数词,并能实际运用序数词。 情感态度 关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。 教学重点: first , second, third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , tenth , eleventh , twelfth. 教学难点: 序数词的英文拼写及实际运用。 教学准备: 幻灯片、单词图片、十二生肖图片、录音机、磁带、磁石、小奖品。 教学过程: step 1 warm-up t: hello ! boys and girls ! s: hello ! teacher ! t: nice to meet you ! s: nice to meet you , too ! t: good , sit down , please ! (设计目的:熟练掌握问候语,活跃课堂气氛,创造学习英语的氛围,拉近师生的距离。) step 2 preview 1. let’s play a chant . t: boys and girls , let ‘s have a chant “ one ,one------january ” , together!  a. 教师把学生分为三组,每组12个人,每组左边的学生说唱one,one ,右边的学生说唱january,以此类推。 one , one ------january two, two ------f



1.掌握词汇:subject,chinese, english, science, math, p.e., art, music;

2.句型"what's your favourite subject? ----my favourite subject is ____."

能力目标:能够应用句型"what's your favourite subject? ----my favourite subject is ____."进行交流。



掌握四会单词chinese, english, science, math, p.e., art, music;

用句型"----what's your favourite subject? ----my favourite subject is ____."进行交流。

难点:用句型"----what's your favourite subject? ----my favourite subject is ____."进行交流。




step 1: greetings

t: hello! boys and girls !

s: hello! teacher !

step2: review


answer the following questions:

1.what's your favourite food?

2.what's your favourite colour?

3.what are your favourite clothes?



step 3: presentation

t: today we are going to discuss favourite subject. but, what's a subject? (展示关于科目的单词)。

t:english is a subject; math is a subject....... these are subjects.


一、指导思想: 经由过程有筹划、体系的复习,对常识归纳与整顿,根据学生的实际情况,有针对性的设计主题,把复习内容有机地整合起来,让每个层面的学生经由过程复习后有所得、有进步,赞助学生进行常识的归纳与整顿,构建新的常识体系。 第一轮第二轮第三轮词汇词汇专题练习一、重要内容1、名词2、形容词3、介词4、人称代词5、动词二、达到目标1、学会精确闇练拼、背在教材中出现的词汇2、学会精确应用在教材中出现的词汇三、练习办法1、应用主题进修办法进行复习2、进行基本性拼、背与演习中应用进行练习一、重要内容1、名词2、形容词3、介词4、人称代词5、动词二、达到目标1、学会闇练应用教材中出现的各类词汇2、学会能精确断定应用教材中出现的各类词汇三、练习办法1、主题练习2、演习练习一、重要内容1、词汇2、语法3、浏览4、写作5、听力二、达到目标1、学会闇练进行演习,精确率达到85%上2、进修中下学生能根本控制三、练习办法1、主题练习2、专题3、专题点考语法语法综合练习一、 重要内容1、to be 句型2、to have句型3、there be句型4、祈使句5、情态动词can句型6、一般如今进行时7、一般以前时二、达到目标1、学会精确应用to be的指导代词,人称代词句型2、学会精确应用to have句型肯定句、否定句,一般疑问句,以及特别疑问句问答。3、学会精确应用there be句型肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句,特别疑问句问答。4、学会精确应用祈使句,can句型,肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句,特别疑问句问答。5、学会精确应用如今进行时句型肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句,特别疑问句问答。6、学会精确应用一般如今进行时句型肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句,特别疑问句问答。7、学会精确应用一般以前时句型肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句,特别疑问句问答。三、练习办法1、应用主题练习2、语法比较练习3、语法综合练习二、 重要内容1、to be 句型2、to have句型3、there be句型4、祈使句5、情态动词can句型6、一般如今进行时7、一般以前时二、达到目标1、学生能精确断定出现的句型是什么句型2、学生会精确应用所学语法常识进行演习3、学生对所做的演习有自我断定、分析是否精确的才能三、练习办法1、应用主题演习2、语法比较、分析3、综合分析练习一、 查看全文>>>


