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小学一年级下册英语教案:Unit 2 Room。

老师都需要为每堂课准备教案课件,需要我们认真写好每一份教案课件。做好教案课件的前期设计,才能按质按量地达到预期教学目标。如何才算是写好一份教案课件呢?小编特意收集和整理了小学一年级下册英语教案:Unit 2 Room,欢迎你阅读和收藏,并分享给身边的朋友!

Unit 2 Room
本单元以“My Room”为题,让学生用英语说出10个有关房间的单词,教材贴近学生的生活,以激发学生的英语学习兴趣为主,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发张自主学习的能力,建立了以任务型、活动课为主的教学模式,符合教学规律,全面体现了素质教育的教学思想。
能够理解并出不学习使用方位介词 behind, next to , 复习 in ,on , under.
能够听字母 H 、J、K 、 L 音,并按指法在键盘上做出反应。
Unit 2 Room
教学目标:1. 掌握下列单词和词语: bed picture armchair computerB会用简单的句子介绍自己的家:In my room I have a… .。
2. 创设多种活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生体验成功。.
3. 营造宽松,和谐的课堂气氛,让学生在快乐中学习英语。
教学重难点:1.掌握单词:bed picture armchair computer。
2.会用“In my room I have a… .”来和其他同学交流。
教学准备:1.教学录音磁带。2.教学挂图 3. 录音机
一、warming up
T: “Hello, boys and girls”
Ss: “Hello, Miss Lisa.”
T: “let’s say hello to the teachers!”
Ss: “hello, teachers.”
T: I have a new friend. Look it’s a monkey. Let’s say hello to the monkey. Spring is coming now, so we feel warmer than before. Spring is a good season. My friend Monkey has a new house. It’s very beautiful, but his room is empty. So many animals are coming to give Monkey lots of gifts. All of the gifts are in our classroom. Can you help the Monkey to find them out?
二、new word1.新授单词T: now let’s see the gifts together. 教师带领学生打开礼物,是送给小猴子的家具。 2.总体检测操练单词 教师用图片对学生进行抽测,抽测效果不好的单词一定不能放过,及时练习,巩固。练习方法:以小动物的小组进行;传话游戏;看教师口形,自己猜测单词;遮挡部分图片猜单词等。
I have a … in my room.
教师还可以引导学生说:“I have a pencil in my pencil case. I have a book in my bag. ”这个活动的设计对于英语基础较好,英语反应能力较强孩子不是很难,对于英语能力不是很强的孩子有一定难度,教师要给予帮助,不做硬性规定。
Unit 2 Room
教学目标:1. 能够对房间家具以及物品的摆设进行描述。
2. 利用图画印入,借助图画和录音学习对房间家具以及物品摆设的描述.
3. 培养学生保持环境的意识和正确的行为规范.
2. 利用图画印入,借助图画和录音学习对房间家具以及物品摆设的描述.。
教学准备:1.教学录音磁带。2.教学挂图 3. 录音机
教学过程:A .Greetings.
F.Group work。布置一个无序的场景,学生以Group work形式重新进行安排,然后加以描述。学生可以互相检查,看他们能否对应正确,并进行评价


小学一年级英语教案:unit2 numbers

这篇《小学一年级英语教案:unit2 numbers》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

lesson plan (join in )
unit 2 numbers
teaching aims:
1 进一步学习1-6 六个数字,并且能辨认小孩气球上的数字;
2 认识toby 的五个朋友,并且能准确认读名字;
3 会打着节拍唱老师编的童谣;
main points:
1 认识五个人物rita/ pat/ pit/ sandra/ lisa;
2 认,读,拼新单词 balloon ;
3 和着节拍唱童谣;
teaching aids: 录音机 卡片 课件 气球
difficult points:
1 (toby’ s) balloon is number 6;
2 balloon的发音
teaching procedures:
step 1: warming up
sing the song –numbers
step 2: ask and answer:
t: how many frogs?
ss: one frog
t: spell it. o-n-e
ss: o- n -e
step 3: new structure learning
1 introduce the title to the class –unit 2 numbers
2 study the new word –balloon
t: look at my classroom, it is beautiful. do you know what is happening? toby’s birthday today. (ppt) look! here are the balloons. do you like the balloon?
t/ss: yes! i like the balloon.
t: here you are.
t: you like the balloon, i like the balloon. (…)likes the balloon, too.
ss: you like the balloon, i like the balloon. …likes the balloon, too.
t: just remind of you. (……’s) balloon is number 2. remember, please. we are going to play a game named a memory test.
运用此方法来学习新句型 ,(…..’s )balloon is number 2 .(打节拍)
3 game—a memory test
t: can you tell me whose balloon is number 2.
s1: (….’s) balloon is number 2.
4 introduce the toby’s friend to the class.
t: are you happy?
ss: yes, i am.
t: i can tell by your face that you are happy. toby is happy too. his friends are joining in the party. let’s listen, who is coming? (ppt)
引出toby 的好朋友,并且识别和认读名字rita/ pat/ pit/ sandra/ lisa
step 4: practicing
1 toby stands here and warmly welcomes his friends; everybody has got a balloon .do you know whose balloon is number 1. let’s listen,then write down the number on children’s balloons.
2 let’s check.(ppt)
3 sing the happy birthday song to toby.(ppt)
4 let’s say the chant—balloon (ppt)
balloon, balloon, pat’s balloon is number 1 .
balloon, balloon, lisa’s balloon is number 2
balloon, balloon, sandra’s balloon is number 3
balloon, balloon, rita’s balloon is number 4
balloon, balloon, pit’s balloon is number 5
balloon, balloon, toby’s balloon is number 6
step 5 homework:
say the chant


Lesson 1教学目标:知识目标:熟练掌握单词:A hamburger, noodles, rice, vegetables, chicken能力目标:Teach some sentences about food.What do you like?I like hamburgers, what about you?I like rice.情感目标:通过唱英语歌曲、游戏、表演等形式多样的活动激发学生英语的兴趣。过程与方法:通过唱英语歌曲、游戏、表演等形式多样的活动让学生掌握本课的单词和句子。教学重点:熟练掌握并拼写单词:A hamburger, noodles, rice, vegetables, chicken教学难点:能够在日常生活中用What do you like? I like hamburgers, what about you?I like rice.等等来讨论食物。教学工具:Words cards, recorder, steaker.教学过程:Step1 Greeting :T: Class begins.p: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher.T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children.p: Good morning teacher.T: Good morning children.p: Sit down, plsaseStep 2.Warm up :Sing songs:Dinner timeChant:Chicken and rice.Chicken and rice.What a surprise! Chicken and rice.Smell the noodles.Taste the hamburger.Dinner is ready.Open your eyes.Step 3 New class presentation:1.New knowledges:hamburger, noodles, rice,I like hamburgers 噢..I like noodles. 吐鲁…I like rice 啊唔..2.Have students look at the screen. Show students 5 food pictures one by one. They are noodles, vegetables, some chickens and so on. But some part of the pictures can not be seen. Have students guess what it is. After they guessed, four kinds of spellings with each picture will appear. Only one kind of word spelling is right. Have them choose the right one. Then read after me twice.Students’ ActivityLook at the screen. Guess the food pictures. Choose the correct spelling with each picture. Read after the teacher.设计思路: 利用多媒体课件,分别出示5种食物图片,遮住每幅图的一部分让学生猜是什么物品,有助于发挥学生的想象力,并有效地复习了单词。再通过多媒体课件出示出每个食物单词的4种拼写,让学生从中选择正确的拼写,最后再通过课件声音及文字的方式出示出正确的拼写及时反馈,加深了学生的映像,培养的学生判断思维的能力,强化了学生的单词拼写能力。3.Sing a song to end the classStep4.HomeworkTo review and remember the words and the sentences.板书设计:Unit 2 FoodLesson 1A hamburgerNoodles rice,vegetables chicken

小学一年级英语教案设计:Unit 2 How are you?

1、能听懂、会说问候语how are you?及其答语,语音准确、语调自然。
2、能听懂、会运用i`m…对他人的问候作回答,并获得运用所学进行交际的能力, 要求读音正确,语调自然。
1、培养学生的学习兴趣,能听懂、会说新授的问候语how are you?等。
read words five times.
unit 2 how are you?
——how are you?
——i`m fine,thank you。
a. greeting
继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如class begins, stand up, sit down, please. hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。
b. free talk:
t:class begings.
s1: stand up.
t: hello, boys and girls.
ss: hello, miss and girls.
t: what’s your name?
s1: hello, my name is ….
t: what’s your name?
s2: hello, my name is ….
1)让学生听英语歌曲how are you ? 然后教师说hello, boys and girls. how are you today?直接引出新授问候语how are you ?
2) 学习课文,请学生集体听录音,弄清su hai在向谁问候。
d、learn to say
t: (出示卡通动物dog, cat, pig, duck) now, let`s say hello to them.
t: (示范)hello, miss dog. how are you ?
s1: hello, miss cat. how are you ?
s2: hello, miss pig. how are you ?
s3: hello, miss duck. how are you ?
ss: (引导学生回答)i’m fine, thank you .
2)请四位学生戴上面具,并排站在讲台前,其中一个用how are you ,xxx? 向班级人一同学问好,被叫到名字的同学除了对问候作出应答外,还要问是谁在向他问好。
s1:(戴面具者)how are you , xxx?
s2: i’m fine, thank you . what’s your name?
s1: my name is xx.
s2: how are you , xx?
s1: i’m fine, thank you.
3) 引导学生将所学问候语在课外尝试运用,可要求学生回家用how are you ? 向家长问好,如果家长不会英语,可让其设法教会家长。
e、assign homework

unit 2 how are you?
1、能听懂、会说问候语how are you?及其答语,语音准确、语调自然。
read words five times.
unit 2 how are you?
——how are you?
——i‘m fine/well/good,thank you。
cc dd
a. greeting
(the teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)
t: hello.
ss: hello.
继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如class begins, stand up, sit down, please. hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。
b. free talk
t:class begings.
s1: stand up.
t: hello, boys and girls.
ss: hello, miss and girls.
t: what’s your name?
s1: hello, my name is ….
t:how are you?
s1:i’m fine, thank you.
c、look and learn
t:hello, miss dog. how are you?
s: i’m fine, thank you. / i’m well, thank you. / i’m good, thank you.
3) 利用课堂实际情景,鼓励学生用本部分新出现的教学内容进行灵活地应答。
d、look and learn
1) 先复习一学过的字母bb。
4)引导学生通过朗读例词cat和dog, 进一步感受字母在单词中的发音。
e、assign homework

unit 2 how are you?
1、复习巩固问候语how are you?及其答语,要求读音正确,语调自然。
2、复习巩固句型: how are you?i‘m fine/well/good,thank you。
3、激发学生英语学习兴趣,会唱歌曲how are you?
4、完成教学ab uint2。

2、复习巩固句型: how are you?i‘m fine/well/good,thank you。
read words five times.

unit 2 how are you?
——how are you?
——i‘m fine/well/good,thank you。
a. greeting
(the teacher stands at the door and greets the students as they come in the door.)
t: hello. hi.
(the teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)
t: hello.
ss: hello.
t:class begings.
s1: stand up.
t: hello, boys and girls.
ss: hello, miss and girls.
(the teacher looks at inpidual students and prompts them to answer.)

t: what’s your name?
s1: hello, my name is ….
t:how are you?
s1:i’m fine, thank you.
when we meet someone, we should say “how are you?” now, let’s watch and listen.
c、sing a song
1) 反复播放how are you ?让学生先熟悉曲调。
4)引导学生替换歌词,如fine 可替换成well, good等。
d、play a game
1) 课前布置学生找一个或者作一个自己喜爱的卡通形象的手偶。
s1: good morning/ afternoon/ evening. what’s your name?
s2: my name is …
s1: how are you?
s2:i’m fine/ well/ good. thank you .
(1)活动1:listen and judge.
——how are you , helen?
——i’m fine , thank you.
(2)活动2:listen and respond.
(3)学习活动3:listen and colour
(4)学习活动4:look and act
——is this david?
f、assign homework

小学一年级上册英语教案:Unit 8 playtime

1、 Teaching aims: Ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions e.g. pick up the doll.
2、 Teaching aids: tape recorder

3、 Teaching period: 1


Teacher’s activity

Ss’ activity



1. Revise all the commands taught in the previous units.Say the commands and ask students to act them.

2. Say’open your book’ and ‘Close your book’.Let students follow your instructions. Then say ‘pick up your book’and do the action so that students understand the meaning of ‘pick up’.

3.Say ‘put up your book’ and ask students to follow your instruction. Then say ‘put it down’. Students have learnt this command so they should be able to perform the action.

4.Say ‘Go to the door’ and walk towards the door of the classroom. Say ‘Go to the window’ and walk towards the window. Repeat several times.

5.Give commands and invite inpidual students to perform the actions.


1.put up paper cut-outs of ‘a slide’ and ‘a swing’ on the board. point to each paper cut-out and say ‘Slide. It is a slide’.

2. put up a paper cut-put of a doll next to the slide. Say ‘Look. It is a doll. A doll’.

3. point to the slide, the swing and the doll. Ask each time ‘What is this?’prompt the students to answer ‘It is a slide’ or ‘Slide’, ‘It is a doll’ or ‘Doll’.

4.Remove the paper cut-out of the doll from the board and say ‘pick up the doll’.Repeat with students following you and miming. put it back and say ‘put it down’. Ask students to repeat and mime the action.

5.put up a paper cut-out of ‘Sam’s brother on a bicycle’.Move it closer to the slide as you say ‘Go to the slide’.Let students repeat.

6.Open the student’s Book to page 37.play the cassette tape to practice pronunciation.

7.Have inpidual students come up. Ask them to move the correct paper cut-outs according to your commands.


1.Divide the class into pairs. practise giving and doing the commands ‘pick up…’ and ‘put it down’,substituting with other classroom objects.

2.Select groups to say and act the modified commands to the class.

Students listen and act.

Ss act.

Students copy and follow.

Students repeat the word and act.

Ss listen and do the teacher’s action.[

Ss carry out the commands.

Ss repeat the commands and act.

Inpidual Ss carry out the commands.

Ss answer .

Ss repeat it and follow the teacher.

Ss act the commands to the class.

Ss repeat

Ss open the book and listen to the tape practice

Inpidual student move the correct paper paper cut-outs according to your commands

Ss work in pairs and practice.

Inpidual students act the modified commands to the class..









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