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小学四年级英语下册教案:Unit 1 They sang beautiful。

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Module 8
Unit 1 They sang beautiful.
Words and phrases: better worse voice think first agree quiet
Sentences: I think this girl is better than the first girl.
grammar: adj. comparison
过程与方法: 单词、课文和造句
重点:better worse voice think first agree quiet
难点:新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网
Sentences: I think this girl is better than the first girl.
grammar: adj. comparison
songs: polly’s hair-
Free talk: talk about the things on the map.
(二)探究新知new concepts:
(Step 1).Let a girl sings an English song, and writes “the girl is good.” on the blackboard.
Then write “better bad-worse I think I agree voice first” on the blackboard. And learn how to pronounce and how to use.
Make sentences with every word.
(Free talk): Let another girl sing a song, and say “the girl is better than the first girl.” please talk about them, and then answer the questions:
1. “Who is better?”
2. What do you think?
3. Do you agree?
Listen to the tape and practise reading this lesson.
(Step 2)Look at the Activity Book and complete it. (practise using better and worse)
(Step 3).A game: Draw and talk. (Let two Ss draw pictures on the blackboard and we talk about them like step 1.
(五)小结: 用形容词比较级不规则形式进行对比
板书设计X k B 1 . c o m
Module 8
Unit 1 They sang beautiful.
good—better I think_____________.
bad---worse I agree. voice
Be quiet.
I think this girl is better than the first girl.


小学四年级英语下册Module 4 unit 1教案外研版

一 教学目标
说: 1.用“”谈论将来可能发生的事情。
读:读准单词, 熟练朗读课文。
二 教学方法:教师讲授+小组合作学习
三 教学重难点:1.用“”谈论将来可能发生的事情。
四 现代化教学手段:录音机.卡片
五 教学过程设计
课题:Unit 1 Robots will do everything. 课型:新授
一 (1)热身复习
2.教是带领全班一起做游戏。教师下指令, 学生根据教师的指令做出相应的动作。
T:Do as I say:
Run, jump, play football,play basketball,play the flute,row a boat,make a cake, wash clothes, do homework… 也可请学生发出指令做动作。
(2) 任务呈现与课文导入
1.教师假装很累,擦擦汗,对学生说:I’m very tired.Who can help us? Can the robot help us?引出课文内容。
What can Daming’s Robot do?
Will robots do the houswork?
Will robots help children learn?
Will robots do homework for children?
3. 讲解学生疑问和问题的答案。
二 小结
三 课后作业
四 板书设计
五 自我评价

外研版小学四年级英语下册教案:Unit 1 I helped Mum

Module 7Unit 1 I helped Mum.教学目标:知识与技能:1. I helped Mum.2. Did you cook meat yesterday?Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.1. Talk about the action or event in the past.2. Understand the sentence “Did you cook meat yesterday?” and answer correctly.3. Use the past tense to explain the actions in oral.过程与方法:讲授、过去时 新课 标 第 一 网情感、态度和价值观:有空帮妈妈德育目标:Have the students understand the differences between Chinese languages and foreign languages.重点:1.words: phone, yesterday, day.2.the past form of the verbs: help—helped, cook—cooked, walk—walked, talk—talked, watch—watched, listen—listened.3. Grammer: the past tense难点:the usage of the past tense教学方法:讲授、过去时教学过程:(一)导入:Warm upT: Hello, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn Module 9 Unit1 I helped Mum. First, let’s sing a song, OK?Ss: OK.(Ss sing the song “OH, we love holidays.”)T: Now who can compare yourself now and past?Several students compare themselves. According to this practice to review the past tense.(二)探究新知LeadingT: Today, we will go on learning the past tense in Module 9 Unit1.Amy phoned her grandma in England. They talked about their last weekend. Do you know how to describe the things in the past? Let’s look together, and then please talk about you what you did last weekend.New ConceptsTeacher do the actions and say: “I played basketball yesterday.” for several times. Then write played on the board.Teacher asks one student: “Did you played basketball yesterday?” and help them answer “Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.” Write these sentences on the board.play the tape and have them underline “did” “didn’t” and the words that add –ed. Teacher explains how to change the past tense of verbs.play the tape again and have them read.(三)巩固新知practiceX K b1. C omT: Search your friends what did they do yesterday .please make a table just like the table in the book.(Students make a table and use the past tense to inquire their friends what did they do yesterday.)T: Now let’s play a game “Find friends”Teacher takes out some cards, there are some verbs and their past tense forms on it. One student should find its correct past tense form and say: “We are friends.”In this way, they can review the past tense form of the verbs.T: OK. Good boy. You do very well.(四)作业布置Homework(五)小结:板书设计Design of the blackboardModule 7Unit1 I helped Mum.Did you play basketball yesterday?Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

小学四年级下册unit4 At the farm英语教案

Unit4 At the Farm of pEp English from Grade 4, Book 4

Teaching content: part A Let’s spell

Teaching content analysis:
Unit4 At the Farm has 6 periods. This lesson is the period3. The main teaching content of this lesson is part A Let’s Spell. This part requires students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”. And students should perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

Students’ learning analysis:
As the grade 4 students, they have learn the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er” in the last several units. In this lesson, I will make a connection with “or” and “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”.

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
l Master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”: /:/, /::/.
l perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.
l Read and write down the words that have letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.
l By the learning of pronunciation can make the students notice the fixed pronunciation of some letter combinations, which can improve students speech recognition ability and reading ability.

Important and difficult points of teaching:
Make the students to master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”. And make them to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

Teaching process:
I Warm-up
1. Free talk.
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang.
T: Today we’ll learn Unit 4 At the Farm partA Let’s spell.
2. T: Before our class, let’s enjoy two chants.
(Teacher plays the chants about the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur” and “al”, which they have learned before.)
3. Teacher shows the words which contain “ir”, “ur” and “al” to recall the knowledge they have learnt.
4. Teacher asks students whether they remember the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. And then teacher can naturally introduce “or” to students.
[Design idea:Recall the knowledge they have learned. Use “ir” and “ur”, which pronounce /:/, and “al”, which pronounces /::/, to make connection with “or”.]
II presentation
1 . presentation “or”: /:/
⑴Teacher shows 3 words, which are work, homework, world map, and asks students to read it.
⑵Teacher asks students to discuss the pronunciation rule of “or”.
[Design idea:Let students perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”. ]
⑶Teacher presents the pronunciation rule 1 of “or”: or在w后通常发/:/,与ir,ur同音.
⑷Teacher shows the words: word, worth, worm, worse. And then requires students to spell them according to the pronunciation rule 1.
[Design idea:make students be able to read the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule 1.]
2 . presentation “or”: /::/
⑴Teacher shows students the word “horse” and ask them a question that whether this word pronounce /h:s/.
⑵Teacher asks students to find out the pronunciation of the word “horse” and pay attention to the other words that has “or” in a chant.
Chant: The story about a horse
I like to read the story.
The story about the horse.
The horse likes to work.
He works hard of course.
⑶After listening to the chant, teacher asks students to read the words: horse, story.
⑷Teacher shows 4 words, which are horse, fork, story, morning, and asks students to read it.
⑸Teacher asks students to conclude the pronunciation rule of “or”.
⑹Teacher presents the pronunciation rule 2 of “or”: or在单词中一般发/::/,与al 同音.
⑺Teacher asks students to make brainstorm about the words that contain “or” that pronounce /::/.

3. Summary
Teacher asks students to summary the pronunciation of “or”:
发音规则2:or在单词中一般发/::/,与al 同音
III practice
1. Listen and number
[Design idea:First of all teacher will help students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”: / :/, /::/ by listening.]
2. Read and sort
[Design idea:Secondly, through speaking, teacher helps students to be able to read the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.]
3. Look. Listen and write
Teacher asks students to write down the important words.
[Design idea:Thirdly, though writing, teacher helps students to be able to write down the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.]
IV production
Teacher make a summary with students that the pronunciation of “or”,
“ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. And then teacher will guide students to be aware that the fixed pronunciation of some letter combinations.
V Homework
把查找到的相关单词根据/:/ 和/::/来归类并记录。


1. 三会掌握词汇spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cold,cool,go boating, go swimming,go climbing,go skating,picnic.
2.听懂、会说、会读In …,it’s... .We ... .
1. 三会掌握词汇spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cold,cool,go boating, go swimming,go climbing,go skating,have picnics
2.听懂、会说、会读In …,it’s... .We ... .
1. 学生已有的学习经验:学生在前面的学习中,对几项运动有一定了解。
2. 学生已有的生活经验:学生在生活中对本课所学话题较感兴趣。
3. 学生学习本课时可能出现的错误:部分单词发音有误。
4. 教学策略:通过创设情境,让学生在相应的语境中学习。
5. 教学准备:图片卡,白板课件,练习纸。
1. 预习story部分单词,动词词组。
Step1. Warm up (3分钟)
S: I ...
S: You …
Step2. presentation(20分钟)
2.学生欣赏歌曲《Seasons’ song》并学习seasons。
4.play a game :看图片和线索单词说季节。
5.学生根据板书,小组练习说句型In …, it’s … . We … .
Task1:Watch and choose
Task2:Read and write
Step3 Consolidation(6分钟)
2.Act it out
a, Read fluently
集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons流利的朗读
b, Read fluently and beautifully
集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons 集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons流利、优美的朗读
c, Act it out with emotions
集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons 集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons 集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons有感情地表演
Step4 Check out (5分钟)
Step5 Homework (1分钟)
T: What do you usually do on Saturdays and Sundays?
T:I usually watch a film at weekends. But this Sunday I won’t. Can you guess what is Miss Zheng going to do this weekend?
1.Teach fly kites,have picnics,go boating, make snowmen.
 2.Enjoy a song:
导出课题《Unit5 Seasons》
3.T:Do you know, how many seasons are there in a year?利用看线索让学生猜出四季。
教学单词:spring summer autumn winter,warm, hot, cool, cold, go climbing.
4.给出活动图片和天气单词,引导学生看图或线索单词说出四季单词,并练习说句型In …, it’s … . We … . (在游戏中教授go swimming,go skating)
5.教师利用板书图片及相关句型,引导学生练习说句型In …, it’s … . We … .
6. Storytime
Task1:Watch and choose
Task2:Read and write
指导学生Read after the tape
Enjoy some pictures
I like______.
In _______, it is_______.
I _______.
I _______.
I’m very happy.

小学四年级的英语教案:Unit1 Our School


小学英语四年级下册Unit1 Our School




本单元重点学习学校课室及功能室的名称、分布和不同的功能。重点学习的句型是:This is the teacher's office、That is my classroom、Is this the library? Is that the TV room? A、B部分的Let's talk 渗透了这几个新的句型,为本单元的教学难点。学校是学生们每天学习与生活的地方,可以带领学生参观自己的学校,在真实的情景中学习或巩固单词与句型。



(1) 能够简单介绍学校校舍的分布情况,如:This is the teacher's office、That is my classroom、

(2)能简单说出每个课室的不同功能,如:Go to the library、Read a story-book、

(3)能听懂并回答一些问题,如:Is this the library? Is that the TV room?

(4)会唱歌曲“Our School”。


(1)掌握A、B部分Read and write的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写。

(2)认读A、B部分Let's learn、Let's talk中的单词和句子。

(3)理解Let's do、Let's chant等部分的内容。

(4)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。








3.让学生熟练掌握“This is .... / That is ....”的用法。this和that的发音以及在楼层的表达中序数词first, second的用法是教学中的难点。能正确运用指示代词this,that询问信息并作出相应回答。






1、教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,并做简单的Free talk。

Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

This is our school.

That is the playground.

Where is our classroom/ canteen/library/garden?…


2、播放本单元的英语歌曲“Our School”。


3、请两组学生就A部分Let’s talk的对话进行角色表演。


1、 同学在学校度过的每一天都是多姿多彩的,学校生活丰富而有趣,让我们听听课文中的这个童谣是如何描述这充实而快乐的学校生活的吧!


2、教师播放“Let’s chant”录音。

School days, school days.

What a lot of fun!

Read in the library.

Draw in the art room.

Eat in the canteen.

学生拍手跟唱。之后,引导学生将学校场馆library, art room, canteen, gym和动词read, draw, eat, play对应起来认读。

(设计思路:让学生听音并跟读,整体感知Let’s chant的内容,并对主要的词汇留下印象,积累词汇。)


Where do you read?

Where do you draw?

Where do you play computer?

学生会比较容易地答出:in the computer room. 这时教师可出示图片说:This is a computer room.

(设计思路:通过教师提问,学生作答,检查学生对歌谣内容的理解。通过Where do you play computer?学生作答,自然过渡到这节课的重点。)

4、教师播放“Read and write”部分的教学视频或录音,学生带着问题看或听,整体感知。

How many computers are there in the computer room?

How many boards?

How many fans?

(设计思路:Read and write的内容大部分是学生曾经接触过的内容,通过教学媒体资源或录音的播放,学生边听边看边读边思考,调动学生多种感观,教容易把握这些知识内容。)










(2)和同桌一起玩“画画、想想”的游戏。一名学生在纸上画一本书或一个碗,另一名学生说出library, canteen等相关生词。



2、回家把今天学到的英语chant 教给自己的爸爸妈妈。

(设计思路:作业是课堂教学的延伸,也是学习的扩展活动。通过抄写四会单词和句子,让学生复习并巩固新知。通过回家把今天学到的英语chant 教给自己的爸爸妈妈,加强亲子间的联系,增强学生的自信心。)

10、 附录(教学资料及资源)


11、 自我问答



Unit 1 Blouses and Jeans


1. Work with language, sing along and fun with English.

2. Vocabulary: hundred, jacket, socks, coat, sport shoes, sweater…..

3. Sentence structure: NUM and MUM is NUM.\ How much is \are……?






tape, pictures



To greet each other and then sing an English song: Good morning/ Good afternoon.


1. Review the picture of clothes in oral:

What’s it? It’s a ……

What’re they? They’re ……

2. Review the Dialogue A.

Look at the picture and say:

3. point out the project of this lesson.

presentation and exercises

1. New words: hundred, jacket, socks, coat, sport shoes, sweater……

2.Work with language:

1) practice orally, and than complete the dialogue.

2) Make new dialogues in pairs, and ask some pairs act out in class.

3) Listen to the tape and write down the prices.


I like birds, I like shirts. I like the skirt but it’s hers.

4.Fun with language:

1) Listen and learn the song in p4.

2) Listen and color the clothes. (This can be done after school as homework if time is limited)



小学四年级英语下册教案:Unit 2 I took some pictures

Unit 2 I took some pictures.
Words and phrases: zither guitar drums pop music
Sentences: the new song
过程与方法: 不规则形容词比较级讲授
重点:Words and phrases: zither guitar drums pop music
难点:Sentences: the new song
Songs: London Bridge is falling down.
Free talk: let 2 students sing songs, and talk about them.
(二)探究新知new concepts:
(Step 1) Ask students: “Do you like music?” Today we will learn about music.
Write the title “Unit 2 Lingling is better than Daming.”on the blackboard.
Write“ Chinese music and pop music” on the blackboard.
Talk about“ what is Chinese music and what is pop music.” X|k | B | 1 . c|O |m
Write them on the blackboard. (erhu zither and piano guitar drums violin)
Let Ss make sentences and act. For example: I can play the erhu. (The student do the actions and say.) (Must write “the”before the instrument)
Then ask Ss: “What music do you like?”“What can you play?”
“Can you play the zither?”
Choose two Ss whom can play the same instrument, Let them play or act and then we talk about “who is better? and who is worse?”
Listen to the tape and practise reading this lesson.
(Step 2) Listen to the tape and learn to sing the new song.
Listen to music more times, and then try to sing the song together.
(Step 3) Free talk. Let Ss sing the song in groups, and we talk which group is better.
Let Ss do the actions for the song, and we talk which group is better or worse.
Unit 2 I took some pictures.
Chinese music pop music
erhu guitar
zither drums

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