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1. generally speaking:

1. make full use of the time available to study english every day. there is no unyielding english learning spirit and a lot of time english practice to guarantee, all is empty talk.

2. listen to an english article every day and take this english article as the center to study english for a day.

3, english listening, speaking, reading, pletely, do not aim high, greedy and quick. doprehension in english.

2. keep your mouth open every day and use the only school to practice spoken english every your courses on the ailed and feasible plan, which must be carried out firmly without any excuse.

believe in yourself and you can learn english well.

ii. sub-pision:

(1) hearing:

1. except for the weekend, at 10:00 pm -- 12:00 pm, listen to the essay for about five minutes. focus on the process of hearing.

2. always take the mp3 player with you, and listen to the passage again and again as soon as you have free time.

3. watch a forei










how do you make a banana milk shake?

peel three bananas.

cut up the bananas.

put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.

pour the milk into the blender.

turn on the blender.

drink the milk shake.





first , next , then , finally ,shake , milk shake , blender , turn on , cut , cut up ,peel , pour , into , pour into


a.巩固祈使句的用法 b. 描述做某件事过程的词: first , then , next , finally

5.语言功能 描述制作食物的过程.

6.跨学科学习 社会实践:制作食物


采用多媒体教学, 小组讨论法 , 实物 操作法。

四、teaching procedures

step one. lead in unit7 how do you make a banana milk shake? using “ did you ever eat dumplings? did you drink ever fruit juice?” who makes them for you? now you should learn to make them by yourself. today we are learning to make a milk s


what should i do ? teaching goals : 1. words & phrases : keep out , loud , argue , what’s wrong ? football , either , except , themselves , include ,etc . 2. the using of modals could /should 。 3. the using of why don’t you … ?。 4. how to talk about the questions and give the advices 。 5. learn how to deal with the problems and think about themselves and communicate with the others 。 important and difficult points : 1. the using of modals should /could 。 2. how to give the advice 。 teaching aids : a tape recorder 5 , cards . period 1 teaching procedures : step 1 leading in 1. greetings and free talk . 2. check the homework . step 2 pre-task t: i want to buy a new guitar but i don’t have enough money .what should i do ? ss think it over ,and try to give his/her advice . write their advice on the bb . 1. borrow one . 2. buy a second-hand guitar . 3. get a part-time job . 4. don’t buy a guitar . 5. wait until next year . practice reading the advice by the ss . in this unit we are g


unit 1 will people have robots ? teaching goals: 1. wordsthe present tense and practise future will will. important and difficult points : 1. the drills future with will。 2. the drill of there be and the using of it 。 3. the using of more , fewer , less 。 4. how to make predictions . period 1 teaching procedures: step 1 leading in 1. greetings: welcome to school . what’s the date today ? who’s on duty today ? do you enjoy your winter holiday ? do you finish your homework ? do you want to live on the moon ? can you guess what will happen in ten years ? collect the ss’ answers and say something about their predictions . step 2 pre-task sb page 2 ,1a . 1. look at the picture :how will the world be different in the future ,one hundred years from now ?we’re going to talk about sth in one hundred years . 2. read each predictions to the class .explain the new vocabulary . 3. read the instructions .make sure ss know what they should do . 4. do it by themselves . 5. talk about the ans











《背影》教案 教学目标 1、训练用普通话正确朗读的能力学习圈点批注的读书方法。 2、理解关键语句的含义。 3、体会中心与段落层次的关系。 4、通过学习课文引导学生观察父母的生活与情感,主动为父母分忧解难。 教学重点 1、理解关键语句的含义。 2、体会中心与段落层次的关系。 教学难点 课文2、3两段对于表达中心的作用是本文的难点 课时安排:2课时 第一课时 教学目标: 1、导入新课,介绍相关文学常识。 2、检查预习情况,初步感知全文。 教学内容和步骤: 一、导入 〖课前准备〗在上课前,在大屏幕里放事先用flash做好的《父亲》这首歌,营造良好的课堂氛围。 【师】(激发情感,创设氛围)在我的记忆中有这样几首歌词:"在我心中有一座山,险峰万里它最伟岸,爸爸,亲爱的爸爸,你就是我心中的山";"父亲是儿那登天的梯,父亲是那拉车的牛,想儿是一封家书,千里写叮嘱,盼儿归,一袋闷烟,满天数星斗"。这些饱含深情的话语充满了对父亲的爱戴之情,同时也是父亲最真的写照, 今天,我们就来学一篇文质兼美的纪实散文,其中也刻画了一位疼爱儿子的父亲,这篇散文就是朱自清的《背影》。〖板书课题〗 二、解题 1、《背影》是一篇的纪实性散文,也可以说是回忆性散文,本文写于1925年,至今已六七十年,一直被广大读者所传诵,多少年来也一直被选入教材,哺育了几代人。对于这样的名篇,我们应认真阅读、学习。 2、作者简介(看投影片) 朱自清,字佩弦,号秋实。江苏省扬州市人,的散文家、诗人、学者、民主战士。创作成就的是散文,细腻清丽、意境隽永、于朴素中见真情、洋溢着一股清新气息。 三、朗读训练 1、听录音朗读(选一段节奏舒缓情调感伤的音乐) 要求:将那些自己读不准的字标出记号;将自己不能理解的词语框出来 2、检查课前预习情况 给加点的字注音(出示课件) 奔丧 差使 狼藉 簌簌 妥贴 踌躇 迂 蹒跚 箸 拭 琐屑 晶莹 3、朗读 可以分为四个部分:1-3段、4-5段,6段,7段分别找不同的小组读。6段齐读。 第二课时 教学目标: 在教师指导下学生自学,圈点批注与整体阅读训练。 教学内容和步骤: 圈点批注与整体阅读训练 1、阅读全文,用规定符号进行圈点批注 【师】批注要点 1)、词语:不能理解的用横线,认为用得好的用框框 2)、关键语句(或写得好的语句)用波浪线 3)、有疑问的地方,用括号再加问号 4)、用双竖线和单竖线


period 1 section a let’s learn do a survey and report p5教师寄语:(i study english , i’m happy.)learning aims(学习目标) 绿色圃中小学教育网www.lspjy.com1.掌握四会单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。2.能认读句型:how tall are you ? i’m 1.61meters.you’re older than me..important how tall are you ? i’m 1.61meters.you’re shorter than me..的理解和运用。导学探究step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)请正确读出下列单词,并说出它们的汉语意思(展开小组比赛,看谁记的短语多)1.young______2.old______3. tall______4.short______5. long______6. thin______ 7. how many______8. how old______step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)1. 请两个孩子到讲台上t:how old are you?s1: i’m 11years old. t: you are young. (板书young)s2: i’m 12 years old. t: you are young, too.t: who is younger? s1: i’m younger(板书younger)t: who is older? s2: i’m older.(板书old_older)t: yes, s1 is younger than s2. s2 is older than s1.t: say i’m tall.(做手势) s1: i’m tall. s2: i’m tall,too (板书tall)t: who is taller? who is shorter? ss:s1 is taller , s2 is shorter.老师再拿两把长短不一的直尺教会longer, shorter,than.2. 使用准备好的单词卡片巩固新单词和学习


教学目标: 1、能够掌握ab 部分let’s learn/read and write 的四会词。 2、能够听说认读ab 部分let’s talk 的单词和句型。 3、能够掌握ab部分read and write中的四会句型,并能灵活运用。 教学难点: 四会词句的掌握和听写能力 教学准备: tape、 pictures and cards. 第一课时 step one: warm up sing “colour song “ step two :presentation 1、 show the object card and asking:” what colourit?”after reviseing it, the teacher point and guide: what’s this ? it’s a t-shirt, a yellow t-shirt.” teach the words shirt, brown jacket blue dress eg in the same way. 2、notice the sentence: i like the white sweater with the green skirt. understand and use the word: “with”。 3、listen to the tape and read after it twice. compare the pronunciation “shirt” and “skirt”。 4、play a game: the students point to the card and say: ilike the white jacket …i like the …。see who speak it fluently.  5、practise in groups,draw and colour my favourite clothes . encourage the students to use the phase from the text. for example: i have a skirt…it’s white. 6、listen to the tape of “let’s d

篇一:pep英语 小学是英语教学的初级阶段,这一阶段的教学效果,直接影响学生中学阶段的学习,所以小学英语基础教育至关重要。那么怎样才能提高小学英语的效果呢?要根据儿童的心理特点,选择适合小学生口味的教学方式方法。实践证明,注入情感、激发学生热情,培养创新精神、发挥交际能力,培养创新能力和德育、智育相互渗透,完善教学过程是行之有效的教学方法。 一、采用恰当的评价方式。 在英语教学过程中,老师如果总是盯住学生的弱点错误,而不对他们的成功作出正确的评价,就会压抑学生那些朦胧的、零碎的、不成形的思想,从而阻碍了创造性的发展。因此,教师必须正确对待“异想天开”,采用恰当的评价方式,注意客观、公正、热情、诚恳的态度,满足他们成功的需要,调动积极性。在实践中,我注意做到两点: (1)、注意评价的鼓励性 面对精彩的回答,我们要舍得“掌声”。但在对学生进行恰当的表扬的基础上,也应注意否定学生错误的方法。教师课堂上经常采用的一句“no,you are 、zip、mike、wu yifan上台自由发挥即兴表演对话,通过动作、神情及语言,生动形象地呈现教学内容、使较长的对话在轻松、活泼的气氛中学会了。又如:在教学钢笔、铅笔、橡皮擦、卷笔刀、尺子、铅笔盒的一些单词时,教师可准备相关实物放在一个“百宝箱”盒子里,然后一边神秘地出示,一边说:“look, what is this, do you know?”同学们兴致盎然,纷纷争着回答,教师趁机教学单词,使学生在玩中轻松学会了单词。智慧的创造,灵感的激发,成功的喜悦,常常给人心灵以巨大的震撼,在师生的生命长河中,留下永不消逝的痕迹。 三、发挥交际能力,培养创新能力 小学英语教材给教师以充分自由的发挥空间,它贴近生活,我们在学习中要注重实践、体验、感悟、内化、创新的过程,充分调动主观能动性,利用课余生活,设计实践活动,让学生的英语技能运用到实际生活中去,真正发挥英语的交际功能,提高语言能力,培养创新能力。在英语教学中,我注意多角度、全方位地围绕教学内容,设计各种教学形式与方法,发展学生创造力。因为具有创造力的人,对外界的感知比其他人要敏锐得多,他们的显著特点是在于其发现问题的能力,而不仅是解决问题的能力,正如曾获诺贝尔奖的奥。圣洁尔吉医生说的,他们具有“见人之所皆见,思人之 查看全文>>>

unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived ?

teaching goals (教学目标)

1.words : barber shop , well , bathroom , accident , earth , silence , playground , around , strange , kitchen , modern , follow , shirt .

2.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。





important and difficult points:(教学重难点)

1.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。 2.学习过去进行时态。

teaching aids : a tape-recorder , cards .


teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1.greetings and free-talk . 2.check the homework(家庭作业) .

3.dictate the words in unit 2 .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 18 , 1a .

1.point to the sentences .read the sentences .explain what each one means .

2.look at the picture .point out the six people .match the statements with the people in the picture .

3.check the answers .

4.practice reading .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 18 , 1b .

1.read the instructions .make sure the ss understand what they should do .

2.look at the dialogue in the picture .





