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unit 2 plant a plant! lesson 7:planting trees 一 、teaching content:(教学内容) 1.new words and phrases:hole,large,root,seedling,cover,fill,dirt,pack,dust,storm,dirty, northern,bottom, fill……with,by the way,dust storm,turn into,for sure,in the bottom of… 2.understand the meaning of text. 3.talking about how to plant a tree. 二、teaching goals:(教学目标) 1.master the new words and phrases,understand the meaning of text. 2.learn about how to plant a tree. 3.why we should plant trees?how to protect the environment in our daily life? 三、key points:(重点) new words and phrases,the text. 四、difficult points:(难点) how to plant a tree?what are the basic steps for planting a tree? 五、teaching aids:(教学辅助) recorder, pictures or cards. 六、type of the lesson:(课程类型) new lesson. 七、teaching procedure:(教学过程) step 1.analysis of the student.(学生分析) 1.greet the students in english and make sure they can response correctly. do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say. 2.review:in last unit,we tal


unit 1 spring is coming! lesson 1:how's the weather? 一 、teaching content:(教学内容) 1. new words and phrases:shower,thunderstorm,thunder,sunrise,sunset,rise,set,exact, weather report,be scared of. 2. understand the meaning oh text. 3.grammar:word building. 二、teaching goals:(教学目标) 1. master the new words and phrases,understand the meaning of text. 2.how to talk about the weather in spring in english? 3.learn to use the grammar to remember the words. 三、key points:(重点) talking about the weather in spring. 四、difficult points:(难点) use the grammar—word building to remember the words. 五、teaching aids:(教学辅助) recorder, pictures or cards. 六、type of the lesson:(课程类型) new lesson. 七、teaching procedure:(教学过程) step 1.analysis of the student.(学生分析) greet the students in english and make sure they can response correctly. do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say. review:now we are at the beginning of the school,new term is coming and spring is coming.last term,we learned ho


unit 1 playing sports topic 1 are you going to play basketball? section a the main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 ⅰ.teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2. learn some useful sentences: (1)i saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)would you like to come and cheer us on? 3. learn the future tense with be going to: (1)we are going to have a basketball game against class three on sunday. (2)are you going to join the school rowing club? 4. talk about preferences: —which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —i prefer rowing. 5. talk about sports and games. ⅱ. teaching aids 教具 图片/海报/教学挂图/录音机/小黑板 ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案 step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟) 复习学过的运动项目名称,引出生词。 1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。) t: welcome back to school, boys and girls. the new term begins. thi


lesson 1: hello! 共一课时一、教学目标: a. 知识目标: a. 认识三个人物:li ming 、jenny smith 、danny b. 掌握新句型:hello/hi. my name is ________. what ’s your name ? b. 能力目标: 让学生学会怎样有礼貌地和别人打招呼,怎样来介绍自己,并能应用自己所学到的知识。 c. 情感目标: 通过本课的学习,让学生知道怎样有礼貌地打招呼,做个有礼貌的好孩子。 二、教学重点: 1、认识新单词三会(会说、会听、会读): hello / hi 你好 2、掌握新句子:两会(会听、会说): what’s your name? 你叫什么名字? my name is ______. 我的名字是______。 i live in ______. 我住在______。 三、教学难点:what’s your name? 你叫什么名字? my name is ______. 我的名字是______。 四、教具、学具:录音机,图片 五、教学过程: class opening greeting a.用hello /hi 向学生打招呼问好 b.再用英语向同学们做简单的自我介绍 t: hello. my name is ______. 指着自己,说出名字。重复几次让学生明白是什么意思。 (设计意图:引起学生对英语的好奇心,激发学生的兴趣) new concepts 1、教师利用自己的“优势”使学生明白教师的意思,并鼓励他们试着自己说。 在此引出my name is ______.并告诉学生在my name is ______.后加自己的名字。然后鼓励学生试着练习一下。 在让学生作自我介绍之前告诉学生hello/hi是英语中最基本的招呼用语,意思相同,只是hello比hi正式。教师和自告奋勇的学生扮演初次见面作自我介绍的情况。 (设计意图:创设真实及近似真实的环境,让学生自我介绍,为学生提供了一个极佳的语言实践机会) 2、用英语询问别人的名字,这一环节是把简单的英文句子放入具体的语言环境里,加深学生的印象。 首先,教师可以利用手偶自问自答。例如: t: hi. my name is ________.what’s your name ? d: hello. my name is d



unit 10 ifyou go to the party, you’ll have a great time! reading 说课稿 ⅰ. the analysis of the teaching material this lesson is a reading passage which focused on the topic of sharing your problems with others when you have worries.the students will learn that it’s normal to have trouble. talking to someonecan help a lot. such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy toarouse the students’ learning interest. teaching objectives: a.knowledge objective: a. students can master the usage of the keywords and phrases: teenager, normal, unless, mistake, angry, careful, careless,in half, keep…to oneself, etc. b. students can understand the main idea ofthe article. b. abilityobjective: a. students can use the proper reading skillssuch as anticipating, skimming, scanning to achieve the reading tasks. b.studentscan use the new words and phrase to finish the exercise. c. emotionalobjec


unit 1 playing sports topic 1 are you going to play basketball? section a the main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 ⅰ.teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2. learn some useful sentences: (1)i saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)would you like to come and cheer us on? 3. learn the future tense with be going to: (1)we are going to have a basketball game against class three on sunday. (2)are you going to join the school rowing club? 4. talk about preferences: —which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —i prefer rowing. 5. talk about sports and games. ⅱ. teaching aids 教具 图片/海报/教学挂图/录音机/小黑板 ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案 step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟) 复习学过的运动项目名称,引出生词。 1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。) t: welcome back to school, boys and girls. the new term begins. thi


unit 1 playing sports topic 1 are you going to play basketball? section a the main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 ⅰ.teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2. learn some useful sentences: (1)i saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)would you like to come and cheer us on? 3. learn the future tense with be going to: (1)we are going to have a basketball game against class three on sunday. (2)are you going to join the school rowing club? 4. talk about preferences: —which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —i prefer rowing. 5. talk about sports and games. ⅱ. teaching aids 教具 图片/海报/教学挂图/录音机/小黑板 ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案 step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟) 复习学过的运动项目名称,引出生词。 1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。) t: welcome back to school, boys and girls. the new term begins. thi


unit 1 playing sports topic 1 are you going to play basketball? section a the main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 ⅰ.teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2. learn some useful sentences: (1)i saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)would you like to come and cheer us on? 3. learn the future tense with be going to: (1)we are going to have a basketball game against class three on sunday. (2)are you going to join the school rowing club? 4. talk about preferences: —which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —i prefer rowing. 5. talk about sports and games. ⅱ. teaching aids 教具 图片/海报/教学挂图/录音机/小黑板 ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案 step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟) 复习学过的运动项目名称,引出生词。 1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。) t: welcome back to school, boys and girls. the new term begins. thi


【教学目标】 1 知识和能力: 积累文言实词,掌握常见文言句式,培养文言语感。 2 过程和方法: 反复朗读,理解课文内容,把握文章脉络。结合《三国演义》第37和第38回,引导学生了解史家笔法和小说家笔法的异同。 3 情感态度和价值观: 发现文中人物的闪光点,教育学生做热爱祖国、志向远大、有理想有抱负有智慧有胆识的人;做尊重知识,重视人 才,虚怀若谷,不耻下问 的人。 【教学重点】 让学生分析理清诸葛亮一番话的核心 方针 依据。 【教学难点】 教材中涉及的历史事件及背景。 【课时安排】 两课时 【教学方法】 朗读法 提问法 讨论分析法 多媒体演示等 【教材及学情分析】 本文中的故事在《出师表》和《三国演义》中都有不同角度的描写,九年级的学生对文言文的阅读已经有一定水平,因此对教材的横向联系和纵向拓展可适当加宽加深。 【教学过程】 (一) 导入新课 用课件播放《三国演义》片尾曲《历史的天空》,教师提问:“眼前飞扬着一个个鲜活的面容”,请问,你的脑海里都装着三国中的哪些英雄?你最喜欢谁?为什么?通过提问调动学生的积极性,使他们的思维迅速活跃起来。 然后出示课件:杜甫《蜀相》中的诗句:三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。提问,诗中写的人是谁?――诸葛亮。我们学过他的哪篇文章?――《出师表》。试试能不能背诵一下其中的第六段:“臣本布衣……尔来二十有一年矣。” 提示学生背诵之后,提问:这一段中“三顾臣于草庐之中”讲的是哪一件事?学生很容易回答:三顾茅庐。教师接着明确:对,这是诸葛亮自己深情回顾的,三顾茅庐的故事,相信同学们在小说和电视剧中也都有所了解。那么,历史书上又是怎样记载的呢?今天我们来学习《隆中对》这篇文章,它节选自史书《三国志》。 【评价】我认为,导语不仅仅是只起导入作用,它起温故而知新的复习作用;起承前启后的过渡作用;起知识的横向拓展和纵向延深的作用。所以,如果有必要,导语的设计可以稍长一些。 (二) 简介背景及题目: 东汉末年,群雄割据,北魏曹操在统一北方后,准备南下消灭东吴孙权和西蜀刘备等,而刘备此时兵微将寡,正是求贤若渴之时,公元207年,经徐庶推荐,刘备三顾茅庐到隆中拜访诸葛亮,诸葛亮根据当时的政治形势,胸有成竹的为刘备提出了战略决策,



