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1. I haven't what to write about.(决定)
2. The poem gives a good of the beauties of nature.(描写)
3. It's two O'clock.(刚刚)
4. You idea like a good one.(听起来)
5. This tea sweet.(闻起来)
6. I will be to lend you the book.(高兴的,愉快的)
7. Have you finished your poen ?(已经)
8. Her face great joy when she heard about her son's successin business.(表示)
9. I was about to fall asleep when I a loud noise.(听见)
10. We were all that Wang Nan lost the game.(感到惊讶的
1. He taught me to write an English letter.
A. what B. whether C. which D. how
2. THe teacher told Bill a cat on the blackboard.
A. draw B. to draw C. drew D. drawing
3. Would you like some fruit?No, thanks. I don't feel like anything now.
A. to have, to eat B. having, to eat C. having, eating D. to have, eating
4. He felt very tired, so he stopped under a big tree.
A. to rest B. resting C. to going D. going
5. Don't forget the door when you leave.
A. closing B. close C. closed D. to close
6. Did you see him out?
A. to go B. go C. went D. gone
7. You'd better . I think the plane is going to take off in a moment.
A. sitting down B. sit down C. to sit down D. sat down
8. Would you like me with you?
A. to run B. running C. run D. runs
9. He stopped with me, beacuse there was a call for him.
A.talk B. talks C. talking D. to talk
10. I'm too busy to my family often.Why not call them instead.
A. writing B. to write C. written D. write
1. The ice is as (clear, clearly ) as glass.
2. The sun (soft, slftly) kisses the earth.
3. I like to walk (slow, slowly)in the warm sunshine.
4. Use your (imagine , imagination) and have fun.
5. I sat in the garden and the (warm, warmth) of the sun made me feel sleepy.
6. The classroom is usually very (noise, noisy)after class.
7. Lucy has (gold, golden) hair.
8. That (listens , sounds) a good idea.
9. They were greatly (surprising, surprised) at the news that he didn't pass the exam.
10. The water running (swift, swiftly) uncler ice


冀教版八年级下册英语教案:Unit 2 Plant a Plant

Unit 2 plant a plant!
Lesson 7:planting Trees
一 、Teaching content:(教学内容)
1.New words and phrases:hole,large,root,seedling,cover,fill,dirt,pack,dust,storm,dirty,
northern,bottom, fill……with,by the way,dust storm,turn into,for sure,in the bottom of…
2.Understand the meaning of text.
3.Talking about how to plant a tree.
二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)
1.Master the new words and phrases,understand the meaning of text.
2.Learn about how to plant a tree.
3.Why we should plant trees?How to protect the environment in our daily life?
三、Key points:(重点)
New words and phrases,the text.
四、Difficult points:(难点)
How to plant a tree?What are the basic steps for planting a tree?
五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.
六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) New lesson.
七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)
Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)
1.Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.
Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.
2.Review:In last unit,we talked about the weather and spring,and we talked about some activities in spring,and we knew that,when we think of spring,we think of a season of fresh air,we think of new life,green plants all around us.
3.Review the grammar:Word building.
Step 2. Lead in.(引入)
Homework check.
Come to “Think About It”
When is Tree planting Day in China?
What are the basic steps for planting a tree?
Step 3. New lesson.(新课)
No. 1 prepare lessons before class.
Teach the new words and phrases.make sure the Ss can read it correctly.
No. 2Text:Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.
At last,the teacher explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.
No. 3Important sentences:
It's also a great way to learn about nature.
It's fun and important to plant plants.
No. 4Word building:
north →northern dirt →dirty
No. 5 Finish “Let's Do It!”
Step 4. play the tape for the Ss to follow.
Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.
Step 5.Summary. (小结)
Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.
Sum up the grammar.
Step 6. Homework.(作业)
Finish the activity book and the practice.
Copy the new words and phrases twice.
Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)
The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.
The grammar and practice.
八。Teaching reflection:(教后反思)


Lesson 1: Hello!
A. 知识目标:
a. 认识三个人物:Li Ming 、Jenny Smith 、Danny
b. 掌握新句型:Hello/Hi. My name is ________. What ’s your name ?
B. 能力目标:
C. 情感目标:
hello / hi 你好
What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
My name is ______. 我的名字是______。
I live in ______. 我住在______。
三、教学难点:What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
My name is ______. 我的名字是______。
Class opening
a.用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好
T: Hello. My name is ______. 指着自己,说出名字。重复几次让学生明白是什么意思。
New Concepts
在此引出My name is ______.并告诉学生在My name is ______.后加自己的名字。然后鼓励学生试着练习一下。
T: Hi. My name is ________.What’s your name ?
D: Hello. My name is Danny .
T: What’s your name ?
D: My name is Danny.
T: Oh. Danny. Hi. Danny.
此时,要向学生强调What’s your name ?的用法。
3、介绍书中的人物由于学生是刚接触到这几个小朋友,而且他们要和我们一起学习、一起成长,所以教师很有必要让学生认识这几个人。利用图片分别介绍Danny、Jenny Smith和Liming同时告诉学生Jenny 住在 Canada (加拿大),Li Ming 住在China (中国)。然后领读Canada China I live in ___.(因为这几个单词也要作为重点的知识,同时还为学习教科书奠定基础。)
4、Student Book
5、play game
(1)play “go—stop”
(2)play “Find friend”
Class Closing
Lesson 1: Hello!
Hello Hi!
What’s your name ?
My name is ________.
Lesson2:Boy,girl and teacher
一、教学目标 第一课时
使学生能听、说、认识、口头运用单词:teacher, boy, girl
能理解并口头运用:What’s his/her name?
1. 认识新单词三会(会说、会听、会读):
teacher 教师 boy 男孩 girl 女孩
his 他的 her 她的
This is a______. 这是______。
What’s his name? 他叫什么名字?
His name is ______. 他的名字是______。
What’s her name? 她叫什么名字?
Her name is ______. 她的名字是______。
Class opening
1. Greeting:Hello!/Hi!
2. Review: What’s your name?
New Concepts
1、利用班里的男孩引出boy,并对其进行介绍:This is a boy.领读boy,接着介绍His name is _____ .(说出这位学生的名字),教师可以重复这句话,使学生理解它,如果学生不能明白,教师就多举几个例子,例如:
T: What’s his name? His name is __A___.
What’s his name? His name is ___B__.
What does this word ‘his’means?
在学生理解his的含义后教师指着某个男生问学生:What’s his name?
试着让学生回答:His name is _____ .反复进行几组后就要放手让学生自己来练习了。
教授单词girl, teacher和句子What’s her name?同上述方法.
2.Listen to the tape,and read after it.
3.play a game。
Memory name。游戏规则:让几名自告奋勇的学生面对全班站在教室的前面,教师站在这一排学生得一端。
第一个人说:My name is Hong.
第二个人说:My name is Bing.和Her name is Hong.(指着第一个人说)
第三个人说:My name is Ming.和 Her name is Hong.( 指着第一个人说) His name is Ming.(指着第二个人说)这个游戏一直进行到这一排的最后一个人,要求教师必须记住所有学生的名字。
4.Make a dialogue in groups.
Class Closing
Lesson 2: Boy,Girl and Teacher
  teacher boy  girl
What’s his name? His name is .
What’s her name? Her name is .

Lesson 3:How are you?
A. 知识目标:
1. 掌握三会词汇:book chair desk
2. 学会问候语“How are you? I’m fine, thanks. ”。
B. 能力目标:
1. 能熟练演唱歌曲“How are you?”,演唱流利,发音准确。
2. 会使用句子“What’s this?”来问自己不知道的东西,并能够用“It’s a…”回答。
C. 情感目标:
1. 新单词:三会(会听、会说、会认):book chair desk
2. 新句型:(会听、会说):
What’s this? It’s a ________. 这是什么? 这是________。
How are you? I’m fine. 你好吗? 我很好。
三、教学难点:What’s this? It’s a ________. 这是什么?这是________。
Class opening
1)教师用“Hello / Hi!”问候全班,要求学生回答“Hello/Hi!”
2)教师同学生做手偶游戏,进行“What’s your / her / his name?”的对话。
New Concepts
1、Listen a song:
A:What’s your name ?
B:My name is ________.
A:Oh, how are you?
B: I’m fine.
教师播放歌曲“How are you?”。再利用歌曲中的课件展示一遍这组对话,让学生充分的加以理解。之后让学生两人一组,鼓励他们之间进行对话模仿练习。
B、利用实物教授book chair desk 在学生理解这几个单词的意思后引出对话:What’s this? It’s a ________.
2. practice:
1)I ask , you answer
教师在教室里来回走动,随意指着一本书、一张桌子或一把椅子询问“What’s this?”,学生来回答。教师可以快速指出物品或出示图片,由于小学生竞争好胜的意识比较强,这样就可以锻炼学生的反应能力,调动他们参与活动的积极性。
2)play a game“Stop,go”
把学生分为几组,先由一个小组来进行。此小组的几名学生低头来回走动,教师喊“Stop!”,示意学生停下来,同眼前的学生进行问候,练习对话“How are you?”。
3)Sing a song
两个环节的游戏过后,让学生放松一下,师生同唱这节课学的歌曲“How are you?”从而调动每一个学生参与的积极性。
3、 Make dialogue:
Class Closing
Lesson 3: How Are You?
book chair desk
How are you? I’m fine, thanks.

冀教版高一下册英语教案:School Life

I. 难点剖析


part A

A1 词语剖析


exciting : adj. 令人兴奋的, 使人激动的

excited: adj. 兴奋的:处于激动状态的;兴奋的;激昂的

excite: v. 刺激, 使兴奋, 使激动

1. It's so ____ to skate in pairs. Everyone skates so fast and shouts at the top of his voice


2.she has many new ways to make her students ___________.


3. A successful speaker knows how to _________ the crowd.


Key: exciting; excited; excite

2. experience

experience: [C] 经历,阅历

[U] 经验

v. .经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历

1. Experience teaches; experience does it.


2. Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. 昨天下午,弗兰克.霍金斯给我讲述他年轻时的经历。

3. Some of the students had experienced what hardships meant before they entered the university.有些大学生在进入大学之前体验过艰苦的生活。


1. Jumping out of _______ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ________ exciting experience. (NMET 2002, 26)

A. /; the B. /; an C. an ;an D. the ;the

2. Some of the passengers told the reporters about their _____ in the burning train.

A. details B. trips C. events D. experiences

Key: C; D

3. earn

earn v. 挣得,博得 earnings: n. 所得收入

earn one's living 自行谋生

1. The workers earned less money because they had to pay medical insurance.


2. The old man earned his living as a fisherman.


3. As we know, it's his honesty that earned the admiration of his friends.


4. It's said that a person's intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on his or her earnings.


注意: earn , gain , win

earn 指为钱(或任何其他报酬)而工作,含有报酬是应得的含义。

win 指在竞争、战争、比赛中获胜, 并可能由此得到奖赏。


1. He has________ a lot of money by working part-time job.


2. He wants to ___a trip to Europe in that competition, but he will be happy if he gets a new bicycle.


3. She ______ enough experience while working for the newspaper.


Key: earned; win;gained

4. respect

n.(与of,for 连用)尊敬, 敬重;方面  respectful adj. 恭敬的, 尊敬的, 尊重人的, 有礼貌的

(pl.)敬意;问候 respectfully adv. 尊敬地, 谦恭地

in some/all/few/respects在一些/所有/极少方面

vt. 尊敬, 尊重, 不防碍

1. We should show respect to those who are older. 我们应该尊敬长者。

2. The students have great respect for their history teacher. 学生们非常尊敬他们的历史教师。

3. please give me respects to your wife. 请代我向你太太问好。

4. Respect yourself, or no one else will. 人必自敬,然后人敬之。

5. The words such as " Respectfully,yours" can often be seen at the end of the letter. 信的末尾经常写上类似"Respectfully,yours"的字眼以表尊敬。

6. In what respect do you think he is worth praising? 在哪些方面你觉得他值得表扬?


I'm sure she will do as she promised; I've got great _________ her.

A. respect for B. respects of C. honor of D. faith in

Key: A

5. achieve

v. 完成, 达到 achievement: [U] 完成,达到;[C]成就, 功绩

make achievements 获得成绩,取得成就

1. We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English。当我们可以说点儿简单的英语交谈时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感。

2. The success of the experiment proves that we have made great achievements in the study of rocket. 那个实验的成功证明我们在火箭方面的研究取得很大成就。

3.The university has achieved all its goals this year. 这个大学今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。


Jack London worked very hard and finally he _______ his goal.

A. made B. found C. developed D. achieved

Key: D

6.used to do

used to do 过去常常做某事

be used to do 被用来做。。。

be/get used to doing sth./ sth. 习惯于/开始习惯于做。。。

there used to be 某地过去有某物


1.There _________ a swimming pool in our town. 我们镇上过去有一个游泳池。

2.In our school, candles ____ give light when electricity is cut off. 在我们学校,停电时,就用蜡烛来照亮。

3.I _________ traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.


Key: used to be; are used to;am used to

7. challenge

challenge n./v. 挑战 challenging adj. 引起挑战性兴趣的

1. He challenged me to play another tennis game. 他向我挑战要我跟他再打一场网球。

2. The present world is full of challenges as well as opportunities. 当今社会充满了机遇与挑战。

8. free

adj. 免费的;空闲的

a free meal. 免费的一餐 for free 免费的 free time 空闲时间

1.The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress once a week! 这个姑娘每周`给'她妈妈一件免费的衣服。

2.All the books were given away free. 所有的书都免费赠送。


prepare: v准备, 预备, 有能力而且愿意 preparation: n. 准备, 预备

prepare for.../prepare...for... make preparations for

be prepared for

1. Working on a part-time job can prepare them for a future career.


2. Will you help me prepare for the get-together of the old classmates?


3. preparations for the top government officers' visit are almost complete.



1. He was _________ to do anything to save the local people.他已经做好一切准备来抢救当地群众。

2. The team __________ themselves for defeat. 这个队心理上已经做好了接受失败的准备。

Key: prepared; has prepared


[U]愉快;开心 adj. funny 有趣的,可笑的

for fun寻找乐趣;当作玩笑;不是认真的 make fun of 捉弄

1.There's no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards. 整个晚上打朴克牌没有意思。

2.I felt unhappy whenever I was made fun of. 无论何时被人嘲笑,总让我不好受。

3..Fifty years ago , wealthy people would rather hunt wild animals for fun than go sightseeing .五十年前,人们宁愿捕杀野生动物来寻开心也不愿意外出观光。


1."Mr Alexander doesn't just write____; in fact, writing is his bread and butter."


2. Mary realized she ________.

A. was playing a joke about B. was making fun

C. was being make fun of D. was made fun

Key: for fun; C

11. drop

v. 1放弃;断绝(往来);滴下, 落下 n. 滴;点

drop sb. a line 写封短信 drop in on sb. 造访某人 drop in at some place 造访某地

1. He seems to have dropped most of his friends. 他好像与大多数的朋友不再来往了。

2. He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。

3. A drop of ink may make a million think.(George G Byron)一滴墨水写成的文字可让千万人思索。(拜伦)

4.Don't forget to drop me a line when you are free! 有空时写封信给我!

5.Sorry, we are late-we drop in at a pub on the way! 不好意思迟到了,我们中途去了一趟酒吧。


1.The headmaster asked me to _________ him at his office. 校长让我去他办公室。

2. __________ when you have time.有空时写封信给我。

3. I want to _______ out of math class, which is too hard for me. 我不想上数学课,它对我来说太难了。

Key: drop in on; Drop me a line; drop12. miss

v. 错过;失去; 想念;思念

miss doing sth. 想念/错过做某事

1. He threw the ball to me, but I missed it and it landed on the ground. 他把球扔给我,但我没接住,球落在了地上。

2. Being too tired, he narrowly missed crashing into the tree. 太累了,他差一点撞到树上。

3.I'm sure that everybody will miss him very much. 我相信每个人都会怀念他。


My mind wasn't on what he was saying so I'm afraid I ______ half of it.(NMET 2004, 30)

A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed

13.the way to do 做。。。的方式

the way to do sth.

=the way of doing sth.

=the way (that)

1. Unluckily, we had no way to prove he was stealing money. 不幸地,我们无法证明他在偷钱。

2. There is no way of getting in touch with her. 无法与她取得联系。

3. We feel shame of the way you talked with the old man. 我们为你与那位老人说话的方式感到羞耻。


1. What is the way George thought of ______ enough money to buy the house?

A. to get B. getting C. having got D. being got

Key: A

14. someday=some day

15 regret

regret n.遗憾, 悔恨, 抱歉, 歉意 without regret. 毫无遗憾地

vt. 为...感到遗憾, 后悔, 惋惜, 哀悼, 懊悔

vi. 感到抱歉

Much to my regret, I am not able to accept your invitation. 令我遗憾的是

Her regret was that she never had the chance of seeing him. 遗憾的事


regret to do 很遗憾地要做。。。

regret doing: 为已经做的事后悔


1. I _________(tell)you that you're not fit for the job. 很遗憾地告诉你

2. To this day I do not _____________(make)the remark. 后悔做了某事

Key: regret to tell; regret having made

16. develop

develop v. 发展, 发达;洗印, 显影 developing: adj. 发展中的

development: n. 发展 developed: adj. 发达的

1.How can you believe that he developed that small scale shop into a worldwide business!


2.At university he developed a good habit of reading loudly in the morning.


3. Can you develop the film yourself?



Whether it's a ______ or ______ country depends on the living standard of the common people。

Key:developing; developed

17. donate

donate: v. 捐赠, 赠予 donation n. 捐赠品, 捐款, 贡献

donate ...to... 把。。。捐赠给。。。

The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.


18. close

v. 关, 关闭, 结束, 停止, 使靠近, 靠拢, 会合, 包围

n. 结束

adj. 近的, 紧密的, 精密的, 齐根的, 封闭的, 亲密的, 闷气的

adv. 接近, 紧密地

1. I live close to the shops. 我住得离商店很近。

2. How close parents are to their children has a strong effect on the character of the children.父母与孩子有多亲近对孩子的性格有很大影响。

3. As everyone knows, Karl Marx and Engels were close friends. 众所周知,马克思和恩格斯是一对密友。

注意:close , closely的区别



1. Come ______ . I want to tell you something secret. .

2. The police is watching the bank _____.

Key: close closely


(1 )形容短语:

be happy with 因。。。感到开心 be challenging for 对。。。有挑战

get interested in 对。。。感兴趣

(2 )动词短语

sit next to 坐在。。。旁边 sound like 听起来像 graduate from 从。。。毕业

donate... to ...把。。。捐赠给。。。 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 achieve high grades 获得高分

make a speech 做演讲 develop an interest 养成一种兴趣

(3 )介词短语

than usual 比通常 for free 免费 at lunchtime 在午餐时 at first 起初

on the school field 在操场上

[即学即用] 请你做课本第86页A2试试吧!

Key: 1. with; 2. to, at ; 3. like; 4. to, at; 5. On; 6. for; 7. about; 8. at; 9. On, on

20. 词形变化

1. enjoy v. 欣赏,喜爱 enjoyable: adj. 令人愉快的, 可享受的

2. achieve v. 获得 achievement n. 成就,功绩

3. prepare. v. 准备 preparation n. 准备,预备

4. experience v. 体验 experience. [C] 经历 [U]经验

experienced. adj. 富有经验的

5.help v 帮助 help n. 帮助 helpful adj. 有帮助的

6. introduce v. 介绍 introduction n. 介绍

7. develop v. 发展 development n. 发展 developed adj. 发达的 developing adj. 发展中的

8. donate v . 捐赠,赠予 donation n.捐赠品,捐款

9. display v . 陈列,展览 display n. 陈列,展览

10. please v 使。。。喜欢 pleasure n. 愉快;乐事

pleased adj. 高兴的,满足的 pleasing adj. 令人高兴的,合意的

[即学即用] 请你做课本第86页A1试试吧!

Key: 1. enjoyable 2. experience 3. challenging 4. e-mails 5. funny 6. drop 7. exciting 8. helpful

II. 难句导学

part A

1.... It was difficult to remember all the faces and names.(page 2, Line 18)


It 做形式主语。在这种名词性从句中为了保持句子的平衡,往往用先行词it作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放到后面,尤其是that引导的主语从句往往用先行词it作形式主语.此句也可以改写为:To remember all the faces and names was difficult.


1. _______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There B. This C. That D. It

2. ________ worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray.

A. That B. It C. What D. There

3. I like ______ is the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. (NMET2004, 27)

A. this B. that C. it D. one

Key: 1. D 2. B 3. C

2.I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school...(page 2 , Line 20)


1) 在以前学过的表示比较的句子中,as 或than 后接的多数是名词或代词来担任比较状语。


The elephant is much heavier than the horse. 象比马重。

本句是 what I use to get in my old school 是由从句担任比较状语。


You are as sweet as sugar. The situation is not so bad as you suggest.



The important thing is what you do, but not what you say. 重要的是你做什么,而不是说什么。

What make school proud was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. (2003上海春季,33)使学校引以为豪的是90%以上的学生被重点大学录取。


1. A computer can only do _________ you have instructed it to do.

A. how B. after C. what D. when

2. perseverance(坚定) is a kind of quality ---- and that's _________it takes to do anything well.

A. what  B. that C. which D. why

3.After Yang Li Wei succeeded in circling the earth, _______ our astronauts desire to do is to walk in space.(上海 2004,37)

A. where B. what C. that D. how

4.No one can be sure _____ in a million years.

A. what man will look like B. what will man look like

C. man will look like what  D. what look will man lik

Key: 1) C 2) A 3) B 4)A

part B

3. Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.


注意on / upon doing sth. = as soon as 引导的从句。作此意讲时on / upon后也可以接名词。如on his arrival...。

On hearing the news, he burst into tears. 一听到这个消息,他放声大哭起来。


1. ______________(一看到这则消息), I immediately rang to see if I could help.

Key: On reading the news

III. 语法讲练







1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中所起作用如下:

Is he the man who/that wants to see you?


He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.


2) Whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换), 例如:

They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.  那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。

please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书。

3)which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,例如:

A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语)

The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语)


代替人 代替物 代替人或物

主语 Who which that

主语 Whom which that

宾语 Whose(=of whom) whose(=of which)

1. 语法专练

1. 请完成书上p11 练习!

Key: 1)which 2)whose 3)who 4)whom/who 5) who 6) which 7) who 8) which/that 9) who

2. 单选:

1. The house _________ the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery.

A. that  B. where  C. what  D. when

2 .The book ______ cover is broken, is not mine.

A. which B that C whose D of which

3. I met a foreigner in the park yesterday afternoon _____ could speak Chinese very well.

A. who B. which C. when D. he

4.This is Mr Smith, ____ I think has something interesting to tell you.

A . who B whom C. that D. x

5. The radio set ___ last week has gone wrong.

A.I bought it B. which I bought it C.I bought D. what I bought

6. In the police station I saw the man from ___ room the thief had stolen the TV set.

A. whom B. which C. that D. whose

7. .His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone ____ family was poor.

A. that B. whom C. of whose D. whose

8. A football fan(球迷) is _____ has a strong interest in football.

A. a thing that B. something that C. a person who D. what

9. A child _____ parents are dead is called an orphan.

A. who B. who's C. whose D. which

10. He made another wonderful discovery ____ of great importance to science.

A. which is B. which it is C. who is  D. it is

11. Those ___ _____ break the rule will be punished.

A that B who C they D whom

12. Do you still remember the days ______ we spent together then?

A when B during which C / D on which

13. 1) Do you know the girl _________ is talking with the director?

2) Do you know the girl _________ the director is talking with?

3) I like the flowers __________ you bought for me very much.

Key: 1-5 ACAAC 6-10 DDCCA 11-12. BC 13. that/who ; whom/who ; which/that

初三英语教案范文:Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed

1. Knowledge Objects
(1) Key Vocabulary:stay up
(2) Target Language
2. Ability Object
Train students’ integrating skills.
3. Moral Object
Students may think parents should allow them more freedom. In fact, they are weak in telling the right from wrong. So accept parents’ advice.
1.Teaching Key points
Talk about what oneself is or isn’t allowed to do using the target language.
Ask for what someone is or isn’t allowed to do using the target language.
2. Teaching Difficult point
Train students’ integrating skills by task-based activities.
Step Ⅰ Revision
play a game to review the structure be or be not allowed to.
Divide the class into groups. Each group is asked to make a list of school rules.
The group which writes down the most rules within five minutes wins the game.
Step Ⅱ 3a
This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.
point to the picture and ask students to describe it.
Invite a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.
Call students’ attention to the chart. Say, You are to read the conversation again and write Sun Fei’s and Wu Yu’s rules in the chart. Ask a student to read the sample answers to the class.
Get students to complete the chart inpidually. Remind them to use "Don’t" and "You can".
As they are working this, move around the room answering any questions students raise about the conversation and offering language support as needed.
Check the answers.
Sun Fei: You have to be home by 10:00 p.m.
Wu Yu: You have to stay at home on school nights.
You can go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.
You can go shopping with friends on Saturday afternoon.
You can choose your own clothes.
Don’t get your ears pierced.
Step Ⅲ 3b
This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language. Focus attention on the conversation. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class, completing the last sentence.
SA: What rules do you have at home?
SB: Well, I’m not allowed to go out on school nights. How about you?
SA: I’m not allowed to go out on school nights, either. But I can study at a friend’s house.
Write the conversation on the blackboard.
Say, please cover the conversation in Activity 3a. Using the information in the chart, make new conversations in pairs.
Get students to complete the work in pairs. Move around the room checking progress and offering any help students need.
Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.
Step Ⅳ part 4
This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.
Read the instructions to the class.
Call students’ attention to the chart. Set a time limit of one minute.
Students read the headlines at the top and at the sides.
Demonstrate how to fill in the chart with a student.
T: Do you have to go home after school, Wei Ming?
W: Yes,I do.
T: Are you allowed to stay up until 11 : 00 p.m.?
W: No, I’m not.
T: …
Tell students where to write Wei Ming in the chart.
Say, You are to ask different students in the class and find three people who have to follow
each of the rules in the chart.
Ask students to complete the chart. Allow them to stand up and move around the room. Walk around the room checking progress and offering help with pronunciation and writing.
Ask several students to tell the class what they learned. For example, a student might say, Wei Ming has to go home after school. Liu Chang is allowed to stay up until 11:00 p.m. and so forth.
Review the task. Ask, who has to go home after school? Count the hands and let students keep a record. Do the same approach with the other items. Discuss the results with the class.
Optional activity
Ask students to create a chart similar to the one in Activity 4. Then make a different list of rules from the ones in the book. Get them to complete the activity by going around the class and filling in the chart.
Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework
Say, In this class, we’ve learned to talk about oneself is or isn’t allowed to do and ask for someone is or isn’t allowed to do.

小学英语教案:Unit1 My new teachers

Unit1 My new teachers第一课时
本课时的教学重点是Let’s learn部分的单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。要求学生能听懂句型,并结合这些句子表达的情境,学会恰当地替换句中的单词。逐步学会听、说、读、写单词:old,short,thin,tall,strong。
本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。Let’s start部分在学生用书当中首次出现,教师应正确理解此部分的辅垫作用,可根据实际教学需要进行使用,并帮助学生熟悉教材内容的变化。
(l) 教师播放Let’s start下面歌谣的录音,让学生听歌谣猜单元话题,激发学生对新学期第一单元英语学习的兴趣。还可以使用四年级上册第三单元学过的句型:“I have a new friend. He’s tall. He’s strong, too.”并结合相关人物的图片,引导学生复习 strong, tall, short,thin等词,为本课时听、说、读、写这些单词做好准备。
T:Hello, everyone! Welcome back to school! Nice to see you!
Ss: Nice to meet you!
(3) 问学生几个问题,引出本课重点内容。具体会话可参考如下:
T:Hi,everyone!Nice to see you again.What grade are you in now?
Ss:We’re in Grade 5.
T:Do you like your new English books(new classroom, new teacher)?
T: What are we going to talk about in Unit 1?Guess!What’s the topic of Unit 1?
2. presentation(新课呈现)
(l)教师出示Let’s start部分图片,介绍说: Rabbit has many new teachers in her school. Do you have new teachers? 引导学生根据情景图的提示描述新教师。然后教师说:“今天我们将学习怎样描述新教师。Sarah将为大家介绍几位新教师,大家在先看一看有哪些是新教师?
(2)出示Let’s learn部分的图片,向学生介绍说: They are Sarah’s teachers. Describe these teachers.引导学生结合预习部分回答出 strong, tall, short, thin等旧词,然后结合图卡向学生呈现新词:youny,kind old,funny。教师可利用简笔画、单词卡片或实物图片等—一教授新词,使学生正确理解、认读。
(4)教师根据以下信息请学生判断会话中描述的教师是 Let’s learn配图中的哪一位: Mr Hu is the art teacher. What’s he like?He’s short and thin.完成前面铺垫的学习任务,让学 生猜出哪位是Sarah的新教师。教师再引导学生利用 Let’s learn部分所提供的替换句型,描述Sarah的其他两位新教师,练习巩固所学新词。
教师范写四会单词,让学生跟写或在单词卡片背面仿写,达到听、说、读、写 四会掌握新词的目的。
3.Let’s play (趣味操练)
(1)Let’s find out (找一找)
教师指导学生用所学新词和句型描述Let’s find out部分几位教师的体貌特征,然后找出正确的图片。完成这项活动后,教师引导学生充分利用八张新词卡片继续进行结对或小组活动,如: My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong. Who is he? 让其他学生选出正确的图片。
(2)Let’s sing (唱一唱)
教师放歌曲“My new teacher”的录音,学生跟唱,进一步在音乐节奏中感知新词。
4.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)
(l)让学生做本单元 A Let’s learn部分的活动手册配套练习。
(2)让学生模仿Let’s find out部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。展示不同教师的图片,让学生猜出是教哪个科目的教师,然后用所学新词描述这些教师的外貌特征。
(3)让学生参照 Let’s find out部分设计一些谜语让大家清一猜。可以参考以下语言: She is tall. She’s beautiful. She’s very young. We all like her. Who’s she?
5. 小结
单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind
提供第一课时教案示例。本课时Let’s learn部分主要是通过情景会话,谈论美术教师的样子,来让学生学习单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。教学设计适合与学生身边的人物相联系,尤其是新老师。可引导学生复习已学过的tall, short, thin, strong等词汇,再进一步学习本课新生词。达到描述不同图片人物的要求。利用一些活动来巩固知识。教师引导学生充分利用事先准备好的人物图片,进行结对或小组活动,如: My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong. Who is he? 让其他学生选出正确的图片。

Unit1 My new teachers第二课时
本课时的重点掌握句型是: Who’s your math teacher? Mr Zhao. What’s he like? He’s thin and short. He’s very kind要求学生能在相似的情景中完成替换练习。能灵活运用这些句子进行交际。
Let’s try这一形式在学生用书中第一次出现,但难度不大。学生即使不能够听懂句子的含义,只要明白关键词语的意思也能找到正确答案。教师要帮助学生听录音熟悉新词和新句型,感知连读、失去爆破和弱读等语音现象。初步培养学生的听力技能。
(1)教师放歌曲“My New Teacher”,让学生感知并复习歌曲中语言。
A: Good morning/afternoon. Look! Our math teacher is very young. He’s tall and thin.
B: This is our music teacher. She’s young. She’s very funny.
A: Who’s your art teacher?
B: Mr Hu.
A: What’s he like?
B: He’s short and thin!
2. Let’s try and talk (操练)
Let’s try
反复播放Let’s try部分录音,指导学生根据声音选出图中相应的人物。在学生根据录音内容圈出所描述教师之后,可让学生看一看他们熟悉老师的图片,用英语说出他们是谁,用句型:“Who’s he/ she? What’s he / she like? ”提问学生。此后再转入 Let’s talk部分对话的详细学习。教师能放一句,停一句,并重复录音中的话语,帮助学生掌握正确的语音、语调。
Let’s try部分录音内容如下:
① Boy:Who’s your English teacher?②Girl:Who’s your math teacher?
Girl: Mr Black. Boy: Mr Li.
Boy: What’s he like? Girl: What’s he like?
Girl: He’s tall and strong.Boy: He’s old.He’s very thin.
Who are the two men they are talking about?
Let’s talk
(1)教师播放Let’s learn A中的四句话(声音见媒体素材的A learn sentences.wav)。教师说:“这位胡老师又瘦又矮,我们找一找图中的哪位老师又瘦又矮呢?”出示Let’s talk部分的人物图片,让学生快速找出Mr Zhao。 然后教师分别说出教师姓氏: Mr Ma/ Miss Liu….这时先不要求学生描述这些教师,可把该项任务放到对话教学之后。
(2)听录音,跟读Let’s talk部分的对话。引导学生指现图中的人物Mr Zhao是English teacher, 而录音中的人物说的是math teacher。
(3)教师再次出示人物图片,让学生分别并对人物进行描述,可利用句型:“Who’s this man / woman? What’s he/she like?”进行操练,先由教师示范,再结对或分小组进行。
Good to know
此部分为选学内容,要求学生了解中西方国家在人名称呼习惯上的不同。汉语中习惯把姓放首位,名字放在后面。英语国家的人却习惯把名放在首位,家族的姓氏放在后面,而且有的在两者之间还有中间名(middle name)。这些不同需要让学生了解。
3.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)
(l)让学生做A部分Let’s talk的活动手册配套练习。
(2)让学生默记Let’s talk部分的录音,将内容说给家长或朋友听。
4. 小结
Who’s your math teacher?
Mr Zhao.
What’s he like?
He’s thin and short. He’s very kind.
提供第二课时教案示例。课文通过听声音找图片人物、复述对话、操练句型等方式来学习句型是 Who’s your math teacher?Mr Zhao. What’s he like?He’s thin and short. He’s very kind. 这些句子在第一课时已接触过,本课重点是让学生进行句型操练。先学会听懂句型,再进行复述句型,最后灵活运用这几句话进行交谈。教师主要参与学生一开始的听说部分,引导学生掌握听英语的技巧,和说英语的语音。在学生最后的活动中,教师只起辅助作用,进行评分和最后的总结。
Unit1 My new teachers第三课时
描述教师:在多张教师的图片中,让某学生任意抽取一张,对该教师进行描述,其他同学补充。结合所学句型:“He’s tall and thin.He’s our English teacher.” 结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,可让学生进行口头拼读比赛。
2. presentation(新课呈现)
Read and write
(l)用图片展示的方法导入。教师介绍说: Zhang peng has three new teachers this term. He talks about them with his classmate Tim. Let’s go and have a look!Who are the teachers?
3.Let’s play (趣味操练)
pair work
要求学生看pair work部分的图片,理解对话内容。两人一组,根据图片出示的句子,制作两组单词卡片,要求每组单词不少于五个。一组为各科目教师,如 math teacher, music teacher等,另一组为描述人物外形的词组,如 thin and tall, strong and short等。制作完成后,一人抽取两张卡片并提出问题,另一人根据卡片的内容进行回答。答对时,由此人抽取图片,问另一人。
4.pronunciation (语音操练)
(1)教师出示一些含有相同字母组合,如 ee,ea等的单词卡片,要求学生根据图片或实物读出这些单词。在教学过程中要注意引导学生发现字母组合ea和ee在这些单词里发长音的规律,同时还要特别注意示范bl,br的滑音变化并强调这两个字母组合发音的区别。
ea tea meat treat peach seat Jeans leaf meal
ee beef sheep see queen meet jeep street canteen feed green teeth bee bsleep
bl blue blow black block blow blonde
br bread break brown breed brain brick
5.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)
(l)让学生做 Read and write部分的活动手册配套练习。
(2)让学生听 Read and write、 pronunciation部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。针对语音部分,教师可以找出更多相关单词让学生练习四个字母组合的发音,也可以要求学生自己去找。对于找到较多单词的学生要及时鼓励。
(3)让学生参照pair work说一说,做一做,设计一些有关教师或亲友的词组卡片,让大家来做句子整合游戏。
6. 小结
Who’s your English teacher?
Mr Carter.
What’s he like?
He’s tall and strong.
提供第三课时教案示例。本课时“Read and write”部分主要是在学生能够在读懂对话的基础上,正确写出所学句子Who’s your English teacher?Mr Carter. What’s he like?He’s tall and strong.pair work部分要求学生动手动脑动口,根据图片出示的句子,制作两组单词卡片。并进行对话练习。
学新知导入时,可让学生描述教师,或进行一些口头拼读练习。学生在操练时,要注意让他们使用所学的新知识。语音的学习虽然在教材是设计在C 部分,但我们应尽量选用此部分。本册教材第一次将字母组合的单词发音与句子结合起来,学生可不注重理解句义,只试着快速读出句子就可以了。
探究内容: 组织学生进行小型的演讲。
探究目的: 锻炼学生写和说的语言运用能力。
探究形式: 全班。
1. 每位学生准备100字左右的演讲稿,介绍自己的一位老师。要说出这位老师与众不同的特点。如果能借助其他素材来说明更好,如图片、音乐等。
2. 全班同学和诸位老师面前,进行演讲。
3. 由老师们谈一谈感受,或对学生的演讲进行评价。
4. 选出表现较好的同学,予以奖励。

