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大班英语优秀教案《where’s my daddy/mommy》。

每位老师不可或缺的课件是教案课件,按要求每个老师都应该在准备教案课件。只有将教案课件写好,才能让学生快速地理解各知识点。那好的教案课件怎么写?小编经过搜集和处理,为你提供大班英语优秀教案《where’s my daddy/mommy》,如果对这个话题感兴趣的话,请关注本站。



flash card:daddy、mommy。

1. say hello(打招呼):
师幼共唱《hello song》。
2. warm up(热身运动):
肢体动作:stand up, sit down, run, jump, turn around
3. teaching(教学):
①师:do you want to know whats behind me?你想知道谁在我后面吗?(想)可是啊,它要求小朋友数到3才肯出来呢!我们一起来好吗?show me your hands. one, two, three. 咦,它还是不肯出来,we try to again.我们再来一次。(师互动幼儿举出手指数one, two, three)
②(出示flash card:daddy)who is he?他是谁呢?(幼儿说说)he is my daddy!他是我的爸爸。(幼儿学念:daddy)
(出示flash card:mommy)who is she?她是谁呢?(幼儿说说)she is my mommy.她是我的妈妈。(幼儿学念:mommy)
我们来和daddy, mommy打个招呼吧。say: hello, daddy! hello mommy!
③ ki ing game:依次请幼儿说:hello daddy/mommy.
4. jumping game:
①以唱歌《wheres my daddy/mommy?》的形式请两位幼儿分别扮作daddy 和mommy。
④教师互动其他幼儿喊daddy或mommy,参与游戏幼儿进行jumping game.
5. say good bye(说再见)。




flash card:daddy、mommy。

1. say hello(打招呼):
师幼共唱《hello song》。
2. warm up(热身运动):
肢体动作:stand up, sit down, run, jump, turn around
3. teaching(教学):
①师:do you want to know what's behind me?你想知道谁在我后面吗?(想)可是啊,它要求小朋友数到3才肯出来呢!我们一起来好吗?show me your hands. one, two, three. 咦,它还是不肯出来,we try to again.我们再来一次。(师互动幼儿举出手指数one, two, three)
②(出示flash card:daddy)who is he?他是谁呢?(幼儿说说)he is my daddy!他是我的爸爸。(幼儿学念:daddy)(出示flash card:mommy)who is she?她是谁呢?(幼儿说说)she is my mommy.她是我的妈妈。(幼儿学念:mommy)我们来和daddy, mommy打个招呼吧。say: hello, daddy! hello mommy!
③ ki ing game:依次请幼儿说:hello daddy/mommy.
4. jumping game:
①以唱歌《where's my daddy/mommy?》的形式请两位幼儿分别扮作daddy 和mommy。
④教师互动其他幼儿喊daddy或mommy,参与游戏幼儿进行jumping game.
5. say good bye(说再见)。

初一英语上册教案:Unit 4 Where’s my backpack

Unit 4 Where’s my backpack ?


本单元主要内容是谈论物品的所在位置,通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些物品的单词,及方位介词 on , in , under ,behind 等的用法;学习并掌握where句型的运用,使学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。


1、 知识目标:


B、方位介词,如:in , on , under , behind的用法;


2、 能力目标:




3、 情感目标:



重点:A、方位介词in , on , under , behind的用法。

B、Where的特殊疑问句和Is this a/an . . . ?一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答。

C、学习名词bed , dresser , bookcase ,backpack . . .




第一课时Section A 1a-1c

第二课时Section A 2a-4

第三课时Section B 1-2b

第四课时Section B 3a-4 Self-check

period One教师:准备一个带有家具的房间的多媒体课件或挂图,搜集图片、卡片、一些学习用品的实物,以及闹钟、光盘、数学书和其他日常用品。




Step One: present the New words.

①Warming up.

(prepare some school things for the students as presents .)

T:What’s this ?(There is a pencil in the teacher’s hand .)

S1: Yes you a right . Here you are .

(give it to the student as a present .)

T: Is this a ruler ?(hold up a ruler .)

S2: Yes it is.

T: How to spell ruler ?

S2: R-U-L-E-R , ruler .

T: Good , here you are.

(Hold up a pen , an eraser , a notebook and so on . Ask the questions in the same way . And give the presents to the students .)

T:What’s this ?

S3: It’s a backpack .

T:I have a backpack for you as a present ,(Looking for it in the desk , under the chair . . . ) but I can’t find it . Where’s it ? Do you know ?

S3: I don’t know .

S4: I think it’s in your desk..

T:(Look into the desk.) No ,it isn’t .Now , let’s look for the backpack together , OK ?(Write down the title on the blackboard .)

②Learn the New words.

T:Look at the big picture on the screen .This is a big nice room .I want to own such a room . Because there is some nice furniture in it . Do you know the names of the furniture ?

(Show a picture of a bed and a dresser .)

T:What’s this ? It’s a bed . “BED” . Read after me .B-E-D , bed.

Ss:B-E-D , bed.

T:What’s this ? It’s a dresser . D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser.

Ss:D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser.

(Teach the other words bookcase /sofa/chair/drawer/plant/ . . . in the same way .)



T:Read the words aloud .

③present the words in , on , under , behind using the objects .

T:Where is my book ? It’s on the desk .(put a book on the desk .)

T:Where is my bag ?(put a bag on the desk and ask this question .)

S1:It’s on the desk .

T:Where is my bag ?(To all the students)

Ss:It’s on the desk .

T:Where is my pen ? It’s in the pencil case .(put a pen in the pencil case and ask .)

T:Where is my ruler ?(put a ruler in the pencil case , too .)

S1:It’s in the pencil case , too .

T:Where is the ruler ?

Ss:It’s in the pencil case .

(Then learn the other two prepositions “under”, “behind” in the same way . )

④present the words .

T:Now , please look at the screen , where is the ball in picture 1 ?

S1:I think it’s in the box .

T:Where is the ball in picture 2 ?

S2:It’s on the box .

T:Where is the ball in picture 3 ?

S3:It’s behind the box .

T:Where is the ball in picture 4 ?

S4:It’s under the box .

T:There are some pictures on the screen , please match the sentences and the pictures .

1: The cat is under the chair .

2: The cat is on the bed .

3: The cat is behind the door .

4: The cat is in the box .

5: The cat is next to the plant .




6: The cat is on the chair .

T:please open your books and do 1a quickly as you can.

(After doing 1a,check the answer.)

Step Two :drills .

①practice the drills .

T:This time , use the school things around you to practice the conversation .

T:Where’s the watch? (Hold up a watch in the hand.)

S1:It’s in your hand.

T: Where’s the bag? (put a bag on the chair.)

S2:It’s on the chair.

(Ask the students to practice the dialogue like this. Then get some pairs to act it out.)

②Introduce a room and listen to the tape.

T: This is Tommy’s room, but he can’t find his books, his pencil case, his baseball, his computer game and his keys, please help him find the things. Listen and number [1-5] the things in the picture.

(play the recording and then check the answer.)

Step Three: play a game.

T: Now, we will play a game , I have a new ruler, all the students close your eyes, and I hide it in our classroom. please guess, Where is it ? If your answer is right, it is yours. please ask like this Is it on the desk? Is it on the floor? Are you ready?

S1: Is it in the ...?

T: No,it isn’t.

S2: Is it under the…?

T:No, it isn’t.

S3: Is it behind the…?

T: Yes, it is. please find it out .Here you are.(Give the ruler to him.)

(Ask three or four students to come to the front to hide three or four new school things, others look for them.)

T:Who can come here to hide my new pen?

Ss: I can.

(After playing the game, some students who can find the school things will have them.)

Step Four: Task.

T: Look at the picture on the screen. This is Mary’s room. In groups of four , describe where the things are in the room.(prepare




For five minutes.)

S1: Is the book on the desk?

S2:Yes, it is. Is the backpack under the chair?

S3: No, it isn’t. It’s… Where are the keys?

S4:They are…

Homework: Make a play.

There is a man. His name is “forgetful”. He always forgets somethings, and he always asks Where is / are my …?

please make a short play and next class we will act it out.

period Two





Step One: Check the homework.(运用所学句型表演短剧。)

(The students practice the short play “forgetful” for three minutes so that they can act it out well.)

T:Which group can act the play out?

Ss:We can.(Come to the front.)

S1:My name is “forgetful”, I want to work , but ,but … Where are my …?

S2: (Come to him ) Are they on the…?

S1: No, it isn’t.

S3: Are they in your…?

S1: Oh, yes, it is. But where is my ID card?...

(Some groups act it out.)

Step Two: Review the words.(利用多媒体教学课件复习学过的单词,为下面的听力训练做铺垫。)

1. Ask the students to spell the words in the picture in 2a.

T: First, look at the pictures on the screen. What are these ?

S1: They are books.

T:What’s this?

S2: It’s a baseball.

T:What’s this?

S3: It’s a computer game.

T:Is this a backpack?

S4:Yes,it is.

T: Can you spell it?

S4: Yes, B-A-C-K-p-A-C-K,backpack.

(Review the other words in the same way.)

T:Now, listen to the recording and look at 2a. Number the things from 1-6.

T:Check the answer.(Students give the answer.)

T:Now, listen again. Let’s do 2b. Find out Where are the things from 2a? Number the things in the pictures [1-6].(通过听力训练检测学生对所学知识掌握的情况,培养学生听的能力。)

(play the tape again and check the answer.)

T:Who can answer?

S1:The computer game is on the backpack.

S2:The books are …

S3:The pencil case is …

S4: The backpack is…

S5: The baseball is…

S6: The keys are …

Step Three: practice the drills.(根据听力材料中的句型,利用图片再次进行巩固练习。)

T: Look at the picture. Is the baseball on the chair?

Ss:No, it isn’t. It’s under the chair.

T: Are the books under the table.

S:No,they aren’t. They’re on the chair.

(write the four sentences on the blackboard. Let the students ask and answer using their own thigns.)

S1: Is your ruler on your pencil case?

S2: No, it isn’t. It’s in my…

S3: Are your keys in your pocket?

S4:No, they aren’t. They are in my…

(Let them ask and answer in pairs as many as they can to improve their oral ability.)

Step Four: present the grammar and practice.(利用实物呈现语法。)

1. Grammar focus.

(The teacher collects some school things on her desk, them hides them to ask some questions.)

T:Where is the baseball? (put a baseball in the desk)

S: It’s in …

T: Where is the dictionary?

Ss: It’s on/ under/ behind…

T: Where’re the books/ your keys?

S:They’re on the chair./ in your pocket…

(Then the teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard.)

T: please pay attention to the sentences. We use “It’s” to talk about single objects and “They’re” to talk about two or more objects.

“Where’s, It’s and They’re” are contractions.

Make a survey.(运用调查表来巩固句型。)

T: Make a survey about your classmates’ things using Where is/are…? And then fill in the chart.

Name Things


pencil case







2. Make a conversation.(看图操练句型。)

T: Who can put these sentences in order to make a conversation in 3a.

S1:We can.Where’s the bag?

S2: I don’t know.Is it on the dresser?

S1: No, it isn’t.

T:prepare a new dialogue for three minutes just like this. You can use your own things.

(Later, ask more pairs to practice their conversations as quickly as they can.)Step Five: practice the drill “Where is / are…?”

(Make a conversation with a student.)

T:Look at the picture in 3c. Where are the books?

S1: I don’t know.

T: Where are the keys?

S2: They are on the dresser.

T: Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation like this.

S1:Where is the baseball?

S2: It’s…

S3:Where is the…?

S4: I don’t know.

S5: Where are the…?

S6: …

S7: Where is the pencil case?

S8: It’s…

(Let the students ask and answer according to the picture in 3c or using their own things.)

Step Six: Task.(设置任务,通过对比的方式让学生理解方位介词。)

T:Student A looks at picture 1 (Textbook p21,4) student B looks at picture2 (Textbook p19,1a)Ask and answer in pairs.


1. Sa: Where is the backpack? Is it under the table?

Sb: No, it isn’t. It’s on the table.

2. Sa: Where are the books? Are they on the sofa?

Sb: No, they aren’t. They are on the bed.


T: Let’s find out the differences between the pictures.Where is the backpack? Is it on the table? (Look at picture 1)

Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s under the table. (Look at picture 2)

T: Where are the books?Are they behind the sofa? (Look at picture1)

Ss: No, they are on the sofa. (Look at picture 2)

(Ask some pairs to make the dialogue and find out some differences.)

T:Fill in the chart according to the pictures.(利用表格直观体现出两幅图的不同点。)




pencil case

in the backpack

on the table



T:Who wants to report it?

S1: I want to . In picture 1, the pencil case is… In picture2, the pencil case is…

S2: In picture 1, the books are… In picture2, the books are…

(Ask other students to report it.)


T: Make a survey after class. Ask some of your classmates “Where is…? Where are…?” Fill in the chart.

Name Things



Computer game




period Three





Step One:present the new words.

T: I have some things on my desk, I think you can tell me how to say them.

T: What’s this? (Hold up a book in the hand)

Ss: It’s a book.

T: Yes, it’s a math book. Read after me. M-A-T-H-B-O-O-K, math book.

Ss: M-A-T-H-B-O-O-K, math book.

T: Do you have a watch?

Ss: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

T: Is it a watch?

Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a clock.

T: Good. It’s an alarm clock. Read after me. A-L-A-R-M-C-L-O-C-K,alarm clock.

(Then hold up CD, video tape, hat, notebook, teach them in the same way. Check the words using the cards.)

T: Let’s do 1a in Section B. Match the words with the things in the picture in 1a.(Then check the answers.)

Step Two: present the drills.

1. Review the words.

T: Now do 1b in Section B, look at Tommy’s room for three minutes. please try your best to remember all the things in the room. Begin!

(Three minutes later,ask them to close their books. Give them another three minutes to write down the things they remembered.)

T:Who can write them down on the blackboard?

S1:I can.(After writing them,students open the books to check the answer.)

T:How many words did you write?

Ss:Fifteen/Twenty/Twenty-two …

T:What are in the picture?

S:A backpack, a quilt, a computer game, some books…

2. present the drill.

T: Look at the picture 1a in Section B and answer my questions Where is the math book?

S1: It is…

T: Where are the pictures?

S2: They are…

T: Where are the books?

S3: They are…

T: Ask and answer according to the picture then fill in the chart.




ID card




Step Three: Listen and practice the drill.

1. Listen to the tape.

T: Tommy wants his mother to bring some school things to school for him. But his room isn’t tidy. So his mother can’t find the things. Let’s listen to the recording of 2a and help his mother find the things.

(play the tape for the first time. The students circle the word they hear. Then check the answer.)

T:Now listen again, and fill in the chart.




Math book



2. practice the dialogue.

T: Where’s the ruler?

S1: It’s…

T: Where’s the notebook?

S2: It’s…

T: Where’re CDs?

S3: They’re…

T: Work in pairs according to the chart.

Step Four: Task.

T: please look at Tommy’s room. Do you think it’s tidy?

Ss: No, I don’t think so.

T: Four students in a group. Draw a picture about Tommy’s room, help him clean the room to put the things in the correct places.

(Choose some groups to show the room.)


1. Draw a picture about your room.

2. Describe your new room.

period Four





Step One: Learn the new words.

1. present the new words.

(Show some pictures and words on the screen to teach the students the new words.)

T: What’s this?

S1: It’s a room.

T: Do you have a room like this?

S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

T: Read after me. R-O-O-M, room.

Ss: R-O-O-M, room.

(Teach the other words “TV, desk, picture” in the same way.)

T: There are some words here. Read the words after me and spell them.

(Learn the other words without pictures on the cards.)

T: This is a word. Can you spell this word?

(point to a word in the card.)

S1: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

(Let them know the meaning of “can”.)

T: I can spell your name. Can you spell my name?

S1: Yes, I can.

T: Can you write your name?

S: Sorry, I can’t. I have no pen.

T: You need a pen.( Give him a pen.)

( Let the students understand the word “need”.)

T: I bring a football to school every day. Now it is on the floor. After class I take it to my home.

(Teach “bring” and “take”. put a football on the floor and point to the floor to teach the word “floor”.)

2. practice the words.

(Give the cxamples to the students and get the students to understand the new words.)

Step Two: Listen and practice.

T: Books closed. Here is a note. please listen carefully and then answer the questions How many things are there in the note?

Ss: There are five things in the note.

T: What are these?

Ss: They are notebook…

T: Open your books, who can read it for us?

Ss: I can.

(One student reads it , others listen carefully.)

T: This is a note from Mom to Sally. please look at the picture, draw the missing things in the picture.

T: Who can tell me where the missing things are?

S1: The baseball is…

S2: The CDs are…

The other students will answer other questions.

Step Three: play a game.

T: I pide the class into two groups, one group chooses several students to come to the front to draw some big pictures on the blackboard. The other group chooses someone to draw something on the big things.

(after drawing them.)

T: Who can say the sentences according to the pictures?

S1: I can. The dog is under the chair.

S2: The cups are…

S3: The quilt are…

S4: The books are …

Step Four: practice and fill in the blanks.

1. Fill in the blank.

(First, let the students describe the picture.)

T: Look at the picture in 3b Where is the hat?

S1: It’s…

T: Where is the clock?

S2: It is…

T: Where is the ID card?

S3: It is …

T: Where is the notebook?

S4: It is…

(Ask the same questions in the same way.)

T: Who can fill in the blank?

S1: I can.

(Then ask one or two students to read it aloud. Check the answer according to the picture.)

2. practice.

T: You want four things in your room now. But you have no time to go home to get them. Write a note to a friend, let him go to your home to get them. Tell him where the things are.

(Students write a note.)

Step Five: Task.

T: Now draw your ideal rooms in groups of six, please use your color pencils to draw them, everyone can join this task, and then show the room to us.

(Ten minutes later, ask the students hand up their drawing, every group chooses one to describe the room. Choose the best one and give them some candies or school things encourage them.)

Step Six: Do Self-check.

1. Review the words.

T: Look at self Check, let’s do exercise 1. Look at the cards in my hand , and spell the words as quickly as you can.

(Hold up some cards with Chinese words on them such as“ 桌子”.)

T: Who can spell this word?

S: I can. “TABLE”.

(Hold up the other cards to let the students spell them quickly in order to master the key words in this unit.)

2. Write some new words about this unit.

T: Now, please think it over. Do you know the other words about school things and furniture? Who can write them down on the blackboard?

S: We can.

(Some students will come to the front to write them down on the blackboard and others write them down in the notebook.)

T: Look at the blackboard. They are: ball, pen, ink, cupboard, living room, bedroom, kitchen, fridge, and washing machine…

T:please remember them.

Step Seven: Homework.

T: Look at 3, read the note, and draw a room according to it on a picece of paper after class.

大班英语优秀教案《Let`s Do It .》

教学活动:Let`s Do It.

1、学会说 reading、 singing、 drawing、 dancing,并知道其意思;复习单词ru ing、 walking 、hop;

教学准备:reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing的图片各一幅

一、Warm up :
1、 Greeting《Hello》song ;
2、 Reviewsing the《Ru ing》song;
二、Gue ,what am I dong ? reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing;
3、Game : 《I say , you do》
If I say reading, you are reading; If I say singing, you are singing
三、Look at the pictures ,and follow me say the words;and tell me what`s the words ` meaning .
1、practice :Game《I do ,you say》
If I am reading, you say the word reading; If I am singing, you say the word singing
2、Game《Traffic lights》
Teacher: If I point to green light , you should follow me say the word (reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing), If I point to red light , you should be no voice .
四、Game : 《Wood man》
All the children make a big circle , sing a song ,when I say stop , you should be a wood man , do nothing .
五、Cla is over: sing《 Say Good bye》

中班英语优秀教案《where is santa?》


1、积极参加各种英语游戏活动,学习单词roof, ground, river, cave.





一、Warm Up(热身活动)

1、英语歌曲律动:Happy Song

Are you happy today? Lets sing and dance.


1、房顶roof:Lets color the roof.

2、地ground:Lets jump/walk/run on the ground.

3、小河river:Lets swim in the river.(from:)

4、山洞cave:Lets go through the cave.


1、Whats Missing.(谁不见了)

2、Hammer Game.(锤子游戏)

3、Happy Squat.(蹲蹲乐)

4、Bomb Game.(炸弹游戏)

四、Lets Sing.(理解歌曲内容,参加歌曲表演)




1、 幼儿扮演Santa Claus ,表演歌曲。

2、 圣诞老人送礼物给每个幼儿,体验帮助别人的快乐。

中班英语优秀教案《Where Is Thumbin》



(2)教师出示thumbkin、thumb和pointer、tall man、ring finger、little finger的卡片,提问个别幼儿。
2、观看VCD③第一遍教师出示thumbkin、thumb和pointer、tall man、ring finger、little finger的卡片提问,并请幼儿与教师互动。
3、观看VCD③第二遍集体表演歌曲后,再次出示thumbkin、thumb和pointer、tall man、ring finger、little finger的卡片提问幼儿。

七年级上册英语教案与教学反思:Where’s my schoolbag?

西咸新区沣东新城高桥中学 魏美薇

人教版英语七年级上册Unit4 Where’s my schoolbag? period 1
掌握本课生词,学习谈论物品的位置Where is/are…?It’s/They’re…。
1. 培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。
2. 通过谈论物品的位置,培养学生养成良好的生活习惯。
period 1是Unit4的第一课,让学生提通过活动,学习如何表达物品的位置,并能就物品位置进行提问。
Step 1.Organization Greetings
Step 2.Revision
1. Use a pen to ask and answer between the teacher and the students, and review the key sentences in Unit3.
2. Use a picture of a bag to ask students to write a lost notice and a found notice, and review the lost and found notices, then lead to the new words with the picture(1a:p19).Hold up the picture and point to the objects : table, bed , bookcase, sofa, chair, schoolbag , book, key.
T: What’s this in English?
S: It’s a table/bed/...
Encourage or help students to read the words correctly .Write them down on the blackboard.
3. Quick reaction .Let the students look at the teaching picture in 1a, finish 1a, then check students’ answers.
Step3. Lead in
Show my English book and my two pens, then put them on my desk. Ask students to answer the questions: “Where is my English book?” and “Where are my pens?”.
Try to ask more students similar questions:Where is your pencil?...
Ask the students to look at some pictures and things in the classroom and practice talking about where things are.
For example:-where is my clock?
-It’s on the table.
Ask students to work in pairs and make conversations.
Step 4.Talking about the picture(1a:p19)
1. Ask the students to practice 1c in pairs.
2. Let the students work in pairs and talk about where the things in the picture are on page19 .
Step 5 Listening
Have students to listen to the conversations and number the things.
Check the answers . Then ask students to read the conversations after the recording.
Step 6 practice
Ask students to describe their bedrooms.
For example: My cat is on the chair. My English book is on the sofa .…
Step7 Summary
1.--- Where is + 单数主语?
… … 在哪?
--- It’s under/ on/ in…
2. --- Where are + 复数主语?
… …在哪?
---They’re under/ on/ in…
它们在… …下面/上面/里面。

Step 8.Homework
1.Remember the new words in the period (on page 90 ) by heat.
2.practice the conversation in the picture on page 19 with your partner.
3.Talk about where things are in your room.
评价Unit 4 ,period 1的教学效果,可以通过以下几点:

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