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ⅰ. teaching contents:

chant johnny hammers

ⅱ. teaching objective:

after leaning the lesson, the kids should be able to:

to know well the chantto feel the rhythmsto inspire kids to enjoy the gameⅲ.teaching preparations:

diy harmer、vcd、headwear、some hammer picturesⅳ. teaching procedures:

1. warming-upgreetingt:good morning ,kids!how are you?

t:can you tell me what's the weather like today?

reviewwalking walking、teddy bear

2. presentation1) enjoy the diy hammer and let kid understand.(教师拿出锤子带领幼儿一起来认识锤子的外形)t:today, i bring a present to you ,but it's in my bag .do you want to know what it is? you can touch it, and take a guess.

t:ok, let's have a look! this is a hammer. (用手工锤子碰碰幼儿的身体与幼儿嬉戏)here is a big hammer. ding, ding, dong.

t:i have many hammers. show me your hands, let's count them. one hammer, two hammers, three hammers, four hammers, and five hammers. there are five hammers here. (教师拿出五把锤子,请幼儿一起数出总数)2) teacher perform the chant by the johnny's headweart:look, i'm a carpenter. my nam


活动目标: 1、通过活动复习五种水果单词:apple orange pear banana pomelo. 2、进一步学习句型:i like 3、巩固幼儿对秋天几种水果的认识,培养幼儿对英语活动的兴趣,鼓励幼儿大胆开口表达。


环境创设: ☆ 结合室外墙面秋天的主题,在树上贴上各种水果图片☆ 在活动室地面上画五个大水果☆ 将实物水果洗净,在活动室一角布置成水果店活动重难点:注意纠正幼儿单词的发音;引导幼儿用 i like 表达自己喜欢的水果。

活动过程: 一、出示手偶,引入活动。 good morning,boys and girls.look!who's coming?(幼:小猴)小猴:我有一片很大的果园,现在果子都成熟了。我想请小朋友们帮忙摘水果。can you help me?

二、摘水果(带幼儿到果园) 1、小朋友摘水果look,there are many fruits.please pluck them. 2、收水果(one by one)now,please give me your fruit. 老师边收水果边问:what's it?(幼儿必须说出水果名字老师纠正幼儿发音) 3、小结:有这么多水果,我们来看看都有些什么?apple

三、games :i likelook! there are many fruits on the floor.what do you like ?引导幼儿用i like句型说出自己喜欢的水果单词。 玩法:幼儿找自己喜欢的水果,说出水果的名称,并说i like 例:apple apple ,i like apples .说完幼儿跳进水果图形。

四、取水果。 oh ,i'm weary.please have a rest.与幼儿休息。 水果店主:who wants it ? who wants it ? 老师走过去:(示范)i like apple.买得一个苹果。 玩法:幼儿必须说出i like,否则买不到水果。

五、吃水果。 教师个别描述,鼓励幼儿用i like句型进行交流;活动自然结束!


【活动目标】 1、通过观察和自身的动作体验,初步感受slowly、fast的不同含义,在游戏中鼓励幼儿跟说slowly、fast。 2、引导幼儿积极参与游戏活动。

【活动准备】 1、布袋一只内装玩具狗、兔、鸭子,磁带、录音机。 2、胸饰狗、兔、鸭子若干。 3、幼儿已学过动词run、jump、swim

【活动过程】 一、sing a song clap your hands 二、通过身体动作初步感知slowly、fast 1、t:great!sit down please.look at me(教师先慢后快拍手)look again (边拍边说)slowly slowly slowly , fast fast fast stop!follow me. 2、t:now,look at my hands. touch shoulders(边说边做)slowly slowly slowly , fast fast fast stop!follow me.(师生共同做) 3、t:look at my hands(绕手臂)can you?lets do it together. xx, very good.come here, please.please do it for us.(在孩子做的同时教师在旁说) slowly slowly slowly,wonderful! look at me, fast fast fast(快速绕手臂)follow me. fast fast fast slowly slowly slowly,very good! 三、通过模仿各种动物动作,进一步感知slowly、fast,鼓励幼儿跟说slowly、fast。 1、学习run slowly 、run fast t:now,close your eyes slowly(拿出布袋)open your eyes fast. look , i have a bag.guess, whats in it?(让幼儿充分猜)let me touch it,(把手伸入布袋中)touch touch (拿出dog )whats this? c:dog. t:its a dog.dog dog run run run .stand up,please


活动目标: 1、通过英语游戏及配对练习,理解学习儿歌。 2、体验儿歌的趣味性,通过情境游戏大胆地进行表达表演。


活动流程: 一、引出儿歌 1、warm up: 歌曲 to market 2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)t: i bring a picture today. what do you see? (鼓励幼儿大胆说说图片上的内容。) c:i see a happy pig./ i see a market./ i see a house and a sleepy pig.

二、理解学习儿歌 1、t:what happened to these little pigs? lets listen to the rhyme together! (播放cd)欣赏儿歌第一遍 t:what did you get from the rhyme? 2、t: lets enjoy it again! this time, listen carefully. how many pigs are there in the market? what did they do? 欣赏儿歌第二遍( 教师边念边表演) t:what did you get from the story? (鼓励幼儿大胆说说自己听到的儿歌内容) 幼儿说到的内容,教师完整朗读句子2遍,幼儿跟读。 t: which pig went to the market? 然后请一名幼儿送小猪回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我会请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,why you choose this little pig? 孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说which little pig had roast beef? 先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?) 3、t: lets listen it again. please help me put the number on the right pig. which is the first/the second (把字母贴在小猪身上排序,理清儿歌的顺序。) 贴好以后玩两个游戏 (1) 教师说图


设计意图: 让幼儿掌握英语单词book,bag,cup,hankie。日常生活中学习运用英语进行对话show me your (book).here it is.

活动目标: 1、通过游戏活动,引导幼儿在理解含义的基础上学习单词book,bag,cup,hankie,发音基本准确. 2、鼓励幼儿大胆学说句子show me your (book).here it is. 3、培养幼儿对英语活动的兴趣。

活动准备: book,bag,cup,hankie的实物。

活动过程: 一、warm up 热身复习《point at your eyes 》 教师带着唱唱跳跳学过的歌曲,激发幼儿参与英语活动的愿望。 二、基本部分 1、教师逐一出示book,bag,cup,hankie的实物,引导幼儿大胆学说,注意纠正幼儿的发音。 师:what is it? 生:its a (cup). (幼儿答不出来,老师就带读几遍) 2、教师设计情境,帮助幼儿理解show me your (book).here it is的含义。 请某幼儿拿着一本书,老师伸出双手同时说show me your (book)。另一名老师在旁边引导幼儿把书递给她同时说here it is。请其他幼儿练习对话,注意纠正幼儿的发音。表扬大胆学说的幼儿。 3、引导幼儿类推,理解并学说show me your (book,bag,cup,hankie).here it is。 4、a game游戏 : 瞎子摸象 请一名幼儿并蒙上眼睛到台前来,老师准备book,bag,cup,hankie的实物放在地上,老师说:show me your (book),幼儿就摸取该物并说here it is。 摸不对的就换另一名幼儿玩。 三、结束部分 song: 《show me》幼儿跟唱歌曲。

活动评价: 1、整个活动在内容和形式上符合幼儿认识能力和心理特点,具有活泼、轻松、有趣的特点。 2、教学方式灵活,整个活动过程能够激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,幼儿能在轻松活泼的气氛中愉快的学习和使用英语。



head shoulders knees toes

teaching aims: 1. kids enjoy to join the english activity 2. kids can know the meaning of the song and sing with teacher. 3. to lean: head ,shoulders,knees, toes.

teaching aids: pictures, flashcards, hammer.

teaching ste a. warm up : 1. greeting . 2.t .p.r: touch your b. present : 1. show the pictures : head /houlders/knees /toes ,let the kids point to their head ,shoulders,knees,toes. 2. read after teacher c. drill: 1. follow teacher to sing the song head ,shoulders,knees,toes.. 2. game touching game a. listen to teacher carefully and touch the flashcards.with a hammer. b. t : touch your head,shoulders s : use their fingers point to their head / shoulders/ knees/ toes. sing the song together. d.review: show the flashcards and review: head ,shoulders,knees,toes.


内容:where are you ?

目的: 1.词in on under beside behind 2.通过英语游戏提高幼儿对英语学习的兴趣。

准备: 1.圆桌,方桌(各一张)椅子(两把) 2.banana apple cake biscuit cake fish box 3.bag book pencil-box pencil 4.cat (头饰)

过程: 一.出示小猫头饰,引起兴趣。 1.good morning boys and girls.(good morning.) 2.who am i ? (cat) 3.yes, i am a cat !and i am a hungry cat! 4.i want to eat some fish .

二.寻找小鱼,激发幼儿的积极性。 1.where is it ? is it on the table ? (no, it isnt.) what is it ?(it is an apple.) 2. is it under the table?(no, it isnt.) what is it ? (it is a banana.) 3. is it beside chair?(no, it isnt.) what is it ? (it is a cake.) 4. is it behind chair? (no, it isnt.) what is it ? (it is a biscuit.) 5. where is it ? is it on the paino? oh, heres a box on the paino. let me take a look. 6. who can find it ? please. anyone? 7. oh,it is in this box. 8.oh,its time to go to school.

三.转换场景 1.where is my bag? 2.who wants to help me? (it is behind the chair.) 3. wher is my book?(it is under the chair.)



授课目标: 1、认识march、june、october这三个单词 2、通过学习这三个单词去联想这三个月份里的一些事物

授课难点: 1、完成游戏 2、幼儿画出与月份相关的图画并能说出来

课前准备: 1、ppt课件 2、与march、june、october相关的图片 3、白纸数张 4、魔法棒一个 5、小红花数朵 warming up(2分钟) 1、播放《hello》歌,邀请小朋友一起唱 2、打招呼 part1 猜一猜(5分钟) 1、老师:小朋友们,今天老师带来三张图片,你们想看吗 幼儿:.......... 老师:但是在变之前我要先请出一样东西(噔噔噔、、魔法棒) 2、(1)用魔法棒变出图片 (2)猜一猜图片中的事物,并猜出是什么节日,从而引出该节日所在的月份 (3)老师教授单词 (4)另外的两个如上述进行 part 2读一读(3分钟) 1、老师出示图片,考小朋友的反应能力 2、老师大声读出图上的时候,要求小朋友小声的读出单词;相反当老师小声读 出,小朋友则要大声读出来 part3 游戏(5分钟) 1、邀请两个小朋友做示范 2、邀请四到六个小朋友到台上玩游戏 (游戏规则:小朋友围好圆圈,小朋友手上各拿着一张图片,当老师念到一个单词时,拿着相对应图片的小朋友交换位置,交换位置后谁先举高图片并念出来的小朋友为赢) part 4画一画(5分钟) 1、让小朋友想想想在这三个月里的其中一个月想干什么,然后用纸画下来 2、小朋友把自己的图画展示,并说出图画内容,请其他的小朋友猜一猜是哪个 月份,如果猜对了,就把这个单词读三次 end 把学过的三个单词再复习一次。


活动目标: 学习正确读准、认识单词daddy、mommy、grandpa、grandma,并了解其含义。

活动准备: flash card:daddy、mommy。

活动过程: 1. say hello(打招呼): 师:今天我们班上来了好多客人,小朋友们应该和客人说什么呀?(教师做hello动作提醒幼儿) 师:我们一起唱一首好听的英文歌送给大家好吗? 师幼共唱《hello song》。 2. warm up(热身运动): 肢体动作:stand up, sit down, run, jump, turn around 3. teaching(教学): ①师:do you want to know what's behind me?你想知道谁在我后面吗?(想)可是啊,它要求小朋友数到3才肯出来呢!我们一起来好吗?show me your hands. one, two, three. 咦,它还是不肯出来,we try to again.我们再来一次。(师互动幼儿举出手指数one, two, three) ②(出示flash card:daddy)who is he?他是谁呢?(幼儿说说)he is my daddy!他是我的爸爸。(幼儿学念:daddy)(出示flash card:mommy)who is she?她是谁呢?(幼儿说说)she is my mommy.她是我的妈妈。(幼儿学念:mommy)我们来和daddy, mommy打个招呼吧。say: hello, daddy! hello mommy! ③ ki ing game:依次请幼儿说:hello daddy/mommy. 4. jumping game: ①以唱歌《where's my daddy/mommy?》的形式请两位幼儿分别扮作daddy 和mommy。 ②教师说明游戏规则。 ③教师指挥游戏:教师随机喊daddy或mommy,两名幼儿尝试游戏。 ④教师互动其他幼儿喊daddy或mommy,参与游戏幼儿进行jumping game. 5. say good bye(说再见)。


一、教学目标 1、能听、说、读、写字母cc dd 2、掌握新的礼貌用语

二、教学重点与难点 1、如何听、说、读、写字母 cc dd 2、如何记住新的礼貌用语

三、课前准备: vcd机、碟片、字母单词卡片

四、教学过程 1、 greeting :review the greetings of lesson come,go,i,you,hello 2、 (出示字母卡片) cc dd t whats this in english? ss its c 3、t: (板书) big letter c , small letter c ss: (书空) cc 4、同理学习 dd 5、practice t: take out your copy book. ss: copy the letters. 6、assign homework 抄写字母cc dd各两行。



