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仁爱版初中初三英语下册教案:Unit5 Topic2-4。

老师每一堂上一般都需要一份教案课件,写教案课件是每个老师每天都在从事的事情。与此同时老师写好教案课件,对自己教学情况也能有所提升。你是否在为不会写教案课件而烦恼呢?有请驻留片刻,小编为你推荐仁爱版初中初三英语下册教案:Unit5 Topic2-4,供大家借鉴和使用,希望大家分享!

The main activities are 1a and 4.

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands

1. Learn some new words and a phrase:

2. Learn a useful sentence:

3. Summarize attributive clauses.

4. Let the students understand the history of China deeply. Raise the awareness of patriotism.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids


Ⅲ. Teaching ways:Five-finger Teaching plan

Step 1 Review (时间:5分钟)

Check homework.. Ask several students to report the great men in the Long March who have influenced them most to the class.

Step 2 presentation (时间:10分钟)

1.Introduce the book named Red Star over China.Then let Ss read some sentences about the Long March and give the correct order.

2.Check the answers. Then read it together in the correct order.

3.Look at the numbers about the Long March on the blackboard. please find out the information related to the numbers from 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation (时间:8分钟)

1.Read 1a again and find key words:Red Star over China—wipe out—safety—begin the Long March—fear—succeed.Tetell the stories about the Long March according to the keywords on the blackboard.

2. Finish 1b.

Step 4 practice (时间:15分钟)
1.Find out some useful expressions in Topic 2 within 2 minutes.

2.ind out some attributive clauses in Topic 1 and Topic 2 within 3 minutes.

3.Ask Ss look at the words on the blackboard.

that, which, whose, who, whom

And tell a story to Ss, then learn some new words. And then according to the example, finish 2.

4.Have a competition. Each group writes some sentences using attributive clauses as many as possible.

Step 5 project (时间:7分钟)


Join the sentences with “that”, “which”, “whose”, “who” or “whom” to form attributive


(1)The girl is Mrs. Smith’s daughter.

She lost her way last night.

(2)I have a TV set.

It was made in Japan.

(3)I received a postcard yesterday.

The postcard was from Kangkang.

(4)I met a beautiful girl at the party yesterday.

Michael knows the girl.

(5)I know Jackie Chan.

His movies are very popular with the young.


I’m becoming more and more interested in China’s history.


仁爱版初中英语八年级上册Unit3 Topic2 SectionB教学案例

海口市桂林洋中学 黎亮
——仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit3 Topic2 SectionB
2、知识与技能目标:掌握词汇sweet、everyday、simple,理解词汇jazz、classical、folk;了解音乐的分类;学会用“It’s great! I love it! It’s not my favorite, but I don’t mind it. I hate this kind of music.”等句子表达自己的情感,提高听、说、读、写等综合运用语言的能力。
1、教学重点:了解音乐的分类;学会用“It’s great! I love it!/It’s not my favorite, but I don’t mind it./I hate this kind of music.”等句子表达自己的真实情感。
Step l Leading—in activities
用多媒体播放一首学生以前学过的英语歌,让学生共同跟随音乐演唱,营造轻松的学习氛围。问学生一些问题:Do you like music?Why?/What do you think of the music? Step 2 Role-task
(1)Task 1:呈现生词jazz、classical、folk,然后用多媒体播放相对应的音乐,让学生猜测jazz、classical、folk的意思,如有错误加以纠正。听过音乐之后,询问学生听音乐的感觉,引导学生认知sweet。
(2)Task 2:阅读2a短文内容,布置略读任务,提出简单的问题:How many kinds of music do you learn from the passage? What are they?学生回答问题后,让学生再读一遍课文,布置细读任务,提出更深层次的问题:Where do people usually enjoy classical music? What is pop music? Who is famous for folk music?请学生回答,然后纠正答案,跟着录音机读短文一遍。
(3)Task 3:前任务1:听录音,完成1b中的问题。

Step 3 While-task
(1)Task 4:两人一组进行1a对话练习,当堂表演。然后以“Does he/she like music ?
(2)Task 5:运用“It’s great! I love it!/It’s not my favorite, but I don't mind it./I hate this kind of music.”等句子,填充表格。
4)模拟采访。运用下列句型:What do you do in your free
time? Do you like
listening to music? What kind of music do you like? What about???
Step4 post-task
Task6:以“What kind of music is better for students, pop music or classical music?”
Step 5 project
Task 7:准备一次英文歌曲演唱会,课后全班同学参与筹备。
用英语歌烘托气氛,使学生很快适应课堂,进入角色,以旧带新过渡自然。且用多媒体课件呈现新内容,简单明了,学生学起来轻松、自然;多媒体的“图、色、声、像”等功能,形象生动地展现给学生优美的画面,动听的旋律,吸引了学生的注意力,激发了学生的兴奋点,使得这 堂课呈现出轻松、活泼的气氛。

仁爱版七年级上册英语教案:Unit 2

Teaching plan
Background information(背景知识):
Students: 52 Middle School students
Lesson duration: 45mins
Teaching contents(教学内容): Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose. Section A
Teaching aims(教学目标):
1. Learn some new words:
(1)Learn words about parts of the head:
nose, eye, head, face, hair, ear, mouth, neck
(2)Learn some other new words:
guess, know, wide, right, girl, boy, have, has, small, big, round, short, long,
 2. Learn some useful sentences:
(1) I/You/We/They have…
(2) She/He/It has…
(3)---Do you have…?
---Yes, I/We do. No, I/We don’t.
(4)--- I know.
--- You’re right.
 3. Learn how to describe people’s appearances.
Teaching focus(重点):words about parts of the head and adjectives of description
Teaching difficulties(难点):The usages of have and has
Teaching procedures:(教学步骤)
Step1 Warm-up 第一步 热身
sing a song : Head and shoulders.
Step2 Review 第二步 复习
(1) 通过复习,培养学生根据卡片信息进行简单交流的能力。
Name: Jane
Age: 11
From: Canada
School: Beijing International School
Class: Nine
Grade: Seven
phone number: (010)9267-6929

(1)T: What’s her name? S1: Her name is Jane.
T: How old is she?S2: She is eleven.
T: Where is she from?S3: She is from Canada.
 Step 3 presentation 第三步 呈现
T: Let’s look at this picture. What’s this? S1, please.S1:Eyes.
 T:How do you spell it, please?S1:E-Y-E-S,eyes.
T: Nice work, boys and girls. (教学boy and girl)
(3) 通过对比图片学习描写人体头部的形容词(long hair, big eyes, small eyes, a round face…)
(4) (出示2a的教学挂图,让学生观察图片中突出的外貌特征,巩固表示人体部位的名词和部分形容词。)
T: OK, now look at these pictures. Let’s talk about their different looks. Is this a big nose?
Ss:Yes. It’s big.
T: Good. He has a big nose. Are they big, too?Ss:No. T: Very good. They are not big. They are small. They have small noses and small eyes.
(5) (在熟练掌握人体部位和描述人体部位形容词的基础上,结合2a的教学图片,让学生操练形容词+人体部位的短语,然后教授have和has的用法,进而过渡到完整的句子。)
① have: S(I/We/You/They) +have …
② has: S(He/ She/ It)+has …
Step 4 Consolidation 第四步 巩固
1. (小组竞赛。限定时间要求学生书面完成2b。核对答案,并让学生复述have/has的用法,最后让学生齐读这七个句子。)
 2. (接龙游戏。教师根据自己的实际情况以第一人称说一个句子,学生模仿练习。)
 S1:I have a small nose.
 S2: I have a long face.
 S3: I have a big head.
 S4: …
Step 5 practice 第五步 练习
Sing a song
Step 6 Summary 第六步 总结
Summarize the new words.
Summarize the grammar.
Summarize the useful expression

Step 7 Homework 第七步 作业
(1) 预习Section B 的生词
 (2) 描述一位朋友的外貌。


1. 三会掌握词汇spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cold,cool,go boating, go swimming,go climbing,go skating,picnic.
2.听懂、会说、会读In …,it’s... .We ... .
1. 三会掌握词汇spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cold,cool,go boating, go swimming,go climbing,go skating,have picnics
2.听懂、会说、会读In …,it’s... .We ... .
1. 学生已有的学习经验:学生在前面的学习中,对几项运动有一定了解。
2. 学生已有的生活经验:学生在生活中对本课所学话题较感兴趣。
3. 学生学习本课时可能出现的错误:部分单词发音有误。
4. 教学策略:通过创设情境,让学生在相应的语境中学习。
5. 教学准备:图片卡,白板课件,练习纸。
1. 预习story部分单词,动词词组。
Step1. Warm up (3分钟)
S: I ...
S: You …
Step2. presentation(20分钟)
2.学生欣赏歌曲《Seasons’ song》并学习seasons。
4.play a game :看图片和线索单词说季节。
5.学生根据板书,小组练习说句型In …, it’s … . We … .
Task1:Watch and choose
Task2:Read and write
Step3 Consolidation(6分钟)
2.Act it out
a, Read fluently
集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons流利的朗读
b, Read fluently and beautifully
集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons 集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons流利、优美的朗读
c, Act it out with emotions
集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons 集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons 集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons有感情地表演
Step4 Check out (5分钟)
Step5 Homework (1分钟)
T: What do you usually do on Saturdays and Sundays?
T:I usually watch a film at weekends. But this Sunday I won’t. Can you guess what is Miss Zheng going to do this weekend?
1.Teach fly kites,have picnics,go boating, make snowmen.
 2.Enjoy a song:
导出课题《Unit5 Seasons》
3.T:Do you know, how many seasons are there in a year?利用看线索让学生猜出四季。
教学单词:spring summer autumn winter,warm, hot, cool, cold, go climbing.
4.给出活动图片和天气单词,引导学生看图或线索单词说出四季单词,并练习说句型In …, it’s … . We … . (在游戏中教授go swimming,go skating)
5.教师利用板书图片及相关句型,引导学生练习说句型In …, it’s … . We … .
6. Storytime
Task1:Watch and choose
Task2:Read and write
指导学生Read after the tape
Enjoy some pictures
I like______.
In _______, it is_______.
I _______.
I _______.
I’m very happy.

初中八年级上册英语Unit4 Topic3教案

1.It's a nice day, isn't it? 译:______________________________
例如:You are a student, aren't you? She couldn't swim, could she?
祈使句后一般加上will you或won't you构成反意疑问句,用will you 多表示“请求”,用won't you 多表示提醒对方注意。例如:Look at the blackboard, will you/ won't you? Let引导的祈使句有两种情况:
(1)Let's…,后的反意疑问句用 shall we例如:Let's go home, shall we ? 回家吧,好吗?
(2)Let us/me…后的反意疑问句用will you例如:Let me have a try, will you ?
2.They are more than 500 years old. 译: ___________________________
more than 超过,相当于over. 例如:The old is more than/over 100 years old.
3. There used to be lots of old city walls in Beijing.
There used to be 某地曾经有某物,这是There be句型和used to短语合用的形式。
巩固:这儿曾经有许多工厂。 译: _________________________.
4. Most old city walls were pulled down in the 1960s, because they were falling down.
①pull down 拆毁
②1960s表示20世纪60年代,即1960到1969年这段时间,读作nineteen sixties
(3)fall down 意为“倒塌,摔倒”。
5.They government is trying to protect and repair the old city walls. 译:__________
(1) try可以做名词,也可以做动词。做名词常用词组是have a try,“试一试”。
try doing sth. 尝试做某事(过程不难,强调结果)
eg. Nobody answers the front door. Let's try knocking the back door.
try to do sth. 努力尝试做某事(强调努力尝试的过程,成功与否不知) eg. Let's try to work out this maths problem.
(2)protect 动词保护,名词形式是protection
protect … from … 保护……免受……的伤害
巩固:你需要穿暖些以免受凉。You need wear warm clothes to _____ you



本单元是Go for it ( 下 ) Unit 5。主要围绕“What are you doing?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,并以这一主题引出现在进行时的一般疑问句,否定句以及特殊疑问句等语言功能。本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习、交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用这些知识的能力。并让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,注意观察别人的行动,能准确地用英语来表达。
SectionA 1a--1c部分是本单元的第一课时,这一课时通过常见的一些动词短语引出现在进行时的教学,学好本课对以后的SectionB部分的学习起了很好的铺垫作用。
二、 教学目标
1)短语和单词doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner, reading a book, talking on the phone, apartment
What are you doing?I'm watching TV.
What's he/she doing? He/She's reading.
What are they doing ? They're watching TV.
3)语法The structure of the present progressive Tense
The present participle
2)能掌握现在进行时态及一些表示具体动作的词组搭配,如:doing homework, watching TV, eating dinner… 等。
3、学习 策略
1)现在进行时是学生刚刚接触的一种新的语法项目,而本单元的话题源自生活,立足这一点,我充分利用学生已有的知识和生活经验,创设生活化的真实情境(或半真实情境)引导学生在 运用语言中学习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言(为用而学, 在用中学,学了就用)。

Step 1 Greeting
Step2 Revision
What do you(does he/she)do?
What do you(does he/she) want to be?Why?(通过复习一般现在时的句型结构为下面的现在进行时的学习起一个比较的作用。)
Step3 presentation
1.Listen to a song(听一首活泼愉快的歌曲,既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又能顺利地过渡到现在进行时的学习)
2.Lead out the new phrases and target languages.
( Show some pictures on the screen and ask some students to perform the actions.)
eg.T: What are you doing ?
S: I am doing homework.(Help him/her to answer)
T:What is he /she doing ?
Ss: He /she is doing homework.
Teach : watching TV,cleaning reading a book, eating dinner, talking on the phone...as the same way.( 通过多媒体课件显示和学生的亲自表演,目的是让学生在真实情景中学习短语和感受出现在进行时的结构和用法。)
Step 4 practice
1.Ask and answer in pairs: What is he/ she doing? He/She’s...
A:What are you doing ?
B: I am doing homework.
A:What is he/ she doing ?
C:He/ She's doing homework.
(我设计的任务是要求三个学生为一小组, 进行问答练习。这样的活动既可以培养学生的合作意识,又能在情景中用现在进行时交际,巩固了本节课的重点,从而突破了难点,促使学生在学习过程中学会细心观察。)
3.The structure of present progressive tense and the present participle.(让学生观察句子和现在分词形式分别总结出现在进行时的结构和怎么给动词加ing,培养学生的观察能力和归纳能力。)
Step 5 practice 1a and 1c
1.Match the words with the people in the pictures in Section A( 1a)
2.pairwork, ask and answer questions about the pictures. Ask some pairs to act out
their conversations.(1c)
Step 6 Listening 1b
1.What are the people doing?
2.Write numbers from 1a below.
3.Check the answers in pairs like this:
A: What is Jenny doing? B: He is watching TV.
A: What are Dave and Mary doing? B: They are eating dinner.
A: What is John doing?
B: He is doing homework.
Step 7 Guessing game
Step 8 Make a survey
Step9 Make a report
Hello! Everyone! I am a reporter from…(通过做调查和做报告的形式,考查学生对语言知识的运用和口头表达能力。运用奖励的机制,给表现好的同学发小礼物。)
Step 10 Make a song(利用所学的目标语编歌曲,实现跨学科之间的知识整合,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并且奖励优秀歌手。)
Step 11 Exercises (笔头及时考查学生掌握知识的情况。)
Step 12 Summary and Homework
1.Blackboard design
2. Recite and copy the new words and target languages.
3. Draw a picture of
A. your school B. a park C. a club D. a zoo
then talk about “What are they doing

Unit 5 I’m watching TV.(Section A 1a-1c)
doing homework What are you doing ?
watching TV I am watching TV .
cleaning What is he/she doing?
eating dinner He/She is reading.
talking on the phone
现在进行时结构: 主语 + am/ is / are+ 动词的现在分词
本课时学生参与面广, 不同层次的学生均有所获。 基础较差学生能运用所学句型进行简单的交际练习。英语能力较强的学生则进行了大量的游戏、做报告、编歌曲等口头练习,语言能力拓展达到一定深度和广度。
通过本节课的教学实践,我认识到教学成功与否,学生掌握程度如何,关建在于教师如何创造性地设计课堂教学。任务的设计要体现多样化和层次感;面对不同的学生群体,任务的难度系数(深度)是可以调控的;而面对同一群体里的不同程度的学生,教师可以在任务设置时注意不同角色的设定,做到有针对性,使每一层面的学生皆有所得。教师要有意识地积极引导学生以教材上的简单东西为媒介向他们熟悉的生活发散开去,大胆地用英语去了解生活中的各类简单事物,解决生活中的各种简单事情。教师要善于活化教材,对其精加工, 在给定的语言材料基础上进行适度挖掘和拓展,使其更好服务于教学目的。

六年级下册英语Unit5《part1 I love reading》教案


1. 能理解并学唱歌曲。

2. 在分享音乐带来的快乐的同时,激发学生热爱读书的情感。






CAI, words cards, models



Free talk:

T talks with pupils while playing the video: Who is he? Where is he? What can you see in the library?

(接下来问学生自己的情况)Do you love reading? Are there any books in your room? What books have you read?

Make objectives clear

T: Wow, you have read lots of books, we all love reading .Today let’s step into a song: I love reading.

Achieve the desired results:

T:Can you read?Can you sing with the tape?

I love reading,reading,reading

Yeah,I love reading books.



T leads pupils to observe the picture and asks: What can you see in the picture? Does Toby love reading? Let’s listen.

Task:Listen,understand and sing the song.

T:Does Toby love reading?


T:How does he read?He reads only page1?Let’s listen to paragraph2 and answer my questions.

Ss:I read and read....ends.

T:Now you are Toby.How do you read?Can you do the actions?

T presents “bookworm”

T lead SS to read and sing.

T:Close your books, Listen to paragraph3.4 and answer:

What are in the books?


Listen to the tape with books closed


①。 T presents the words according to pupils’ answers.

②。 T leads pupils to practice” There are\ is… and…

③。T leads pupils to read and sing the song.



Write your own song.(学生自己创编歌曲)


Read your songs.


T:Would you like to listen to my song?


T shares the text with pupils.

We can learn fun, interests, information, and knowledge…from books. Books are our best friends. Let’s sing louder(结尾升华主题)


1. Sing the song by yourself;

2. Collect more proverbs about reading.

英语教案范例:Unit3 Topic3 Section A

范例I. Teaching books: project English--- Unit3 Topic3 Section A.II. Teaching tools: tape recorder, word cards, powerpoint.III. Teaching methods: Teaching as a whole, visual and situational method, and team cooperation.IV. Teaching aims and demands:1. Get familiar with the food vocabulary.2. Learn the use of countable and uncountable nouns.3. Learn how to entertain guests to dinner at home and the response.4. Key sentences:eg: What would you like to have/drink? -- I’d like some …Would you like some …? -- Yes, please. / No, thanks.V. Teaching procedures:Step 1: Organization and revision:1. Task presentation.2. Get familiar with the food vocabulary.3. Learn the use of countable and uncountable nouns.4. Learn how to entertain guests to dinner at home and the response.5. Listen to the song of ABC. While listening, get students find out food words from the song.6. Check how much students have learnt about the new words:Ss show pictures to partners and ask each other to spell the words.Consolidation: Teacher review new words with the whole class (show pictures).Step 2: presentation:1. Learn countable and uncountable nouns.2. Classify the words on the blackboard into countable and uncountable groups:[C]: egg, vegetable, noodle, cake[U]: fish, meat, rice, chicken, tea, milk, water3. play a game:S1: water S2: some water, vegetable S3: some vegetables, milk S4: some milk …4. Consolidation: practice those words with sentences.eg:I like …(s) very much. J I don’t like …(s) at all.( Students work with partners, then make a report. )5. Ask and answer:1)Review some words with students. (show word cards)2) T:Suppose you invite some classmates to dinner at your home, hat should you say? First let us learn some key sentences:eg:What would you like to have/drink? -- I’d like some …Would you like some …? -- Yes, please. / No, thanks.(Ss work in pairs to practice the key sentences, then act out the dialogues.)6. Activity 1a:1)Listen and understand.2)Listen again, then read after the tape.3)point out some useful expressions:eg: What about you, ××? -- I’d like some …May I have some …? -- Here you are.Help yourselves.7. Activity 2 :1)Ss listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Check the answers.2)point out useful expressions:eg: Why not have some …? -- Good idea! Thanks!Step 3: Consolidation and practice1. Work in groups and study the conversation in activity 1a and activity2. Then work out to make a similar conversation with your group members. (Teacher is guide;Ss review the key sentences and useful expressions they just learned together before they get to make a new conversation.)3. Act it out in class.Step 4: projectSummary: Check out whether Ss finish the tasks or not. (Briefly review the words, sentences and grammar we’ve learnt today.)Step5: Homework:1. Finish your exercise sheet.2. Write down the countable nouns and uncountable nouns you learn today.3. Make a survey of students in other groups about foods they like and dislike. Then write a new conversation of “Entertaining guests to dinner”.4. Make a menu with your group members! (a daily menu, may look up dictionaries for new words, put some beautiful pictures in your menu).VI.教后反思:


1. I haven't what to write about.(决定)
2. The poem gives a good of the beauties of nature.(描写)
3. It's two O'clock.(刚刚)
4. You idea like a good one.(听起来)
5. This tea sweet.(闻起来)
6. I will be to lend you the book.(高兴的,愉快的)
7. Have you finished your poen ?(已经)
8. Her face great joy when she heard about her son's successin business.(表示)
9. I was about to fall asleep when I a loud noise.(听见)
10. We were all that Wang Nan lost the game.(感到惊讶的
1. He taught me to write an English letter.
A. what B. whether C. which D. how
2. THe teacher told Bill a cat on the blackboard.
A. draw B. to draw C. drew D. drawing
3. Would you like some fruit?No, thanks. I don't feel like anything now.
A. to have, to eat B. having, to eat C. having, eating D. to have, eating
4. He felt very tired, so he stopped under a big tree.
A. to rest B. resting C. to going D. going
5. Don't forget the door when you leave.
A. closing B. close C. closed D. to close
6. Did you see him out?
A. to go B. go C. went D. gone
7. You'd better . I think the plane is going to take off in a moment.
A. sitting down B. sit down C. to sit down D. sat down
8. Would you like me with you?
A. to run B. running C. run D. runs
9. He stopped with me, beacuse there was a call for him.
A.talk B. talks C. talking D. to talk
10. I'm too busy to my family often.Why not call them instead.
A. writing B. to write C. written D. write
1. The ice is as (clear, clearly ) as glass.
2. The sun (soft, slftly) kisses the earth.
3. I like to walk (slow, slowly)in the warm sunshine.
4. Use your (imagine , imagination) and have fun.
5. I sat in the garden and the (warm, warmth) of the sun made me feel sleepy.
6. The classroom is usually very (noise, noisy)after class.
7. Lucy has (gold, golden) hair.
8. That (listens , sounds) a good idea.
9. They were greatly (surprising, surprised) at the news that he didn't pass the exam.
10. The water running (swift, swiftly) uncler ice

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