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unit 2 what should i do ?i. teaching aims and teaching demands:in this unit students learn to talk about problems and give advice.ii. teaching key and difficult points:a. vocabularyargue, loud, original ,out of style, tutor, upset, adult,recycling: problem, sorry, part-time, important, friend, money, home, new, easy, letter, ticket, ball game, surprise, colorful, borrow, write, call someone up, go to someone’s house, every nightb. target languagemy brother plays his cd too loud.what should i do ?why don’t you talk to him about it?c. structuresmodals could, shouldwhy don’t you …?(formulaic)iii. teaching methods: audio-lingual methodsiv. teaching aids: a tape recorderv. this unit is pided into seven periods.

lesson 1 speak and listensection a 1a---1ci. teaching aims and demands:students learn to talk about problems and give advice.ii. teaching key and difficult points:a. vocabularykeep out , play, loud, argue, wrong, what’s wrong ? out of style , could, should,b. target languagemy brothe



be able to listen say and read : can you write/ sing in english….?

yes, i can./no, i can’t.

master the new words: write/letter/busy/climb/read/swim/…


be able to listen say and read : can you write/ sing in english….?

yes, i can./no, i can’t.

master the new words: write/letter/busy/climb/read/swim/…


录音机 单词卡片 幻灯片


step 1 revision

warm-up : 1. let’s do . 2 guess some cards.

3 greetings : good morning/afternoon/evening/night/bye.

how are you ? i’m fine thanks/thank you.

nice /glad to meet you .

nice /glad to meet you, too .

step 2 let’s listen and say

play the tape for children to repeat

step 3 act it out

ask ss to read the dialogue in pairs and act it out .have a small competition.

step 4 listen read and write

1 learn the new words: blouse/ blow/blanket

2 practice the pronunciation method

3 write the new words

step5 have fun

1. learn the rhyme and act

step6 sing a song “come and see my family”

sing it together

step 7 consolidation

1 copy and read

2 preview and re


unit 2 what should i do ? teaching goals (教学目标) 1.words & phrases : keep out , loud , argue , what’s wrong ? football , either , except , themselves , include ,etc . 2.情态动词could /should 的用法。 3.why don’t you … ?结构表建议的运用。 4.如何谈论问题及提出建议。 5.在处理问题中学会自省与人际交往。 important and difficult points (教学重难点) 1.should /could 情态动词的用法。 2.如何提出建议。 教具: a tape recorder5 , cards . 第一课时 课前准备: 教师:录音机,所学物品的图片、教学挂图。 学生:英语点金教练及相关的学习用具 teaching procedures(教学步骤) (教学过程) step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识) 1. greetings and free talk . 2. check the homework(家庭作业) . step 2 pre-task(任务前活动) t: i want to buy a new guitar but i don’t have enough money .what should i do ? ss think it over ,and try to give his/her advice . write their advice on the bb . 1. borrow one . 2. buy a second-hand guitar . 3. get a part-time job . 4. don’t buy a guitar . 5. wait until next year . practice reading the advice by the ss . 导入: in this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn how to give these people advice –to tell peopl






﹝说课内容﹞:英语八年级下,江苏译林出版社p106至107 unit 8 welcome to the unit.

﹝教材分析﹞: 学生在本学期已学习了a good read、 good manners等单元,这些单元都有助于提高学生个人的文化修养,而这一单元则是以环境保护为话题(a green world),要求引导学生利用身边的事例及生活习惯的养成,让学生也意识到保护环境的重要性,因为我们只有一个地球。






2. 培养学生保护环境的意识。



二、说教法与学法特色:抓住hobby与 eddie卡通人物的对话这个主题,创设情境,以情导航。引导全班学生积极参与这个对话,从面引出how to protect environment.




一、情景导入,激发情趣 二、 合作探究,提高能力 三、课堂总结,课后延伸。




unit 2 what’s the matter?

teaching aims and demands

what’s the matter?

i have a headache.

you should drink some tea.

that sounds a like a good idea.

i have a sore back.

iii. teaching importance and diffculty:

talk about your health.

make suggestions.

iv. teaching ways:

revision, learning, practice and reading.

v. teaching tools:

tape-recorder and lattern.

v. teaching time:

six periods

vi. teaching procedure:

period 1

i. teaching aims and demands

1. knowledge objects.

body names.


what’s the matter?

i have a cold.

2. ability objects.

listening skill.

recognizing skill.

3. moral objects.

exercise every day and keep healthy and strong.

ii. teaching importance and difficulty

what’s the matter?

i have a cold.

iii. teaching methods

recognizing method.

listening method.

discover method.


iv. teaching aids

a tape recorder.

a doll for teaching the names of the body.

a projector.

v. teaching procedures

step i greet the class and check the homework.

step ii section a 1a

bring out


【学习目标】 1.知识目标:学习反义疑问句的用法 2.技能目标:提高学生的听说以及闲聊在英语表达中的定义和操练。 3.情感目标:了解聊天的文化知识。 【重点、难点】 掌握反义疑问句的运用。 【导学指导】 温故知新 复习短语 go swimming 去游泳 wait in line 排队 hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事 so am / do i 我也是。 it looks like rain 看上去要下雨了。 wait for the bus/ train 等车 be late for/to 迟到 i hope so/not. 我希望如此/我不希望这样。 自主互助学习 1、学生观察1a中的图片相互提问:a:what can you see in picture 1? b: i can see……. a:what are they doing? b: they are …….(学生通过相互提问熟悉图画内容,为听力做准备。) 2、教师让学生归纳1a-2c中所出现的反意疑问句,让学生观察、总结反意疑问句的构成。知识剖析: 反意疑问句要点简述 反意疑问句又叫附加疑问句,是在陈述句后,对陈述句所叙述的事实提出的疑问。 其基本结构有两种:一是“肯定陈述句+简略否定问句”; 二是“否定陈述句+简略肯定问句”。 反意疑问句的前后两部分在时态、人称和数上都要保持一致。 如:it looks like rain, doesn’t it? he doesn’t need to work so late, does he? 几种特殊情况: 1. 陈述部分是there be 句型,疑问部分也用 there be 句型。 there is a book on the desk, isn’t there? 2. 陈述部分如有 nothing, nobody, never, few, little, hardly 等否定词时(不包括加否定前缀变来的,如:dislike, unhappy等),疑问部分用肯定形式。 they have never been to the farm, have they? there is little water in the glass, is there? he dislikes history, doesn’t he? 3.


unit 2 plant a plant! lesson 7:planting trees 一 、teaching content:(教学内容) 1.new words and phrases:hole,large,root,seedling,cover,fill,dirt,pack,dust,storm,dirty, northern,bottom, fill……with,by the way,dust storm,turn into,for sure,in the bottom of… 2.understand the meaning of text. 3.talking about how to plant a tree. 二、teaching goals:(教学目标) 1.master the new words and phrases,understand the meaning of text. 2.learn about how to plant a tree. 3.why we should plant trees?how to protect the environment in our daily life? 三、key points:(重点) new words and phrases,the text. 四、difficult points:(难点) how to plant a tree?what are the basic steps for planting a tree? 五、teaching aids:(教学辅助) recorder, pictures or cards. 六、type of the lesson:(课程类型) new lesson. 七、teaching procedure:(教学过程) step 1.analysis of the student.(学生分析) 1.greet the students in english and make sure they can response correctly. do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say. 2.review:in last unit,we tal


一、教材分析 (一)教材的地位及作用 1、新目标英语教材概述 《新目标英语》教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践能力”,发展“学习策略”。 它采用任务型语言教学(task-based language teaching)模式。教材中每单元都设计一个或几个与该单元话题有关的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,使用英语获取信息,用英语进行交流,培养运用英语解决实际问题的能力。《新目标英语》有以下几个特色: (一)图文并茂。翻开课本,你都能够在每一页上看到一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。 (二)实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活,与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验密切联系。 (三)注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。 (四)词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。 2、单元分析及教材处理 本课是新目标英语八年级上册第8单元,教材以 how was your school trip ? 为中心话题,围绕着描述“过去发生的事情”展开,学习和运用一般过去时态的一般疑问句did you go/see /buy…? were there any…?询问过去的事件,让学生学会谈论和分享过去发生的事件。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。在学习活动中,学生通过交换对过去发生的事情的描述及看法,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。section a的主要学习内容是:复习一般过去时态和动词的规则与不规则变化,学习一般过去时态的两种一般疑问句: did you…? were there any …?教材安排了许多听,说,读,写的任务活动,我将灵活运用这些活动,将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合,如:1c,2c和3c的pairwork活动内容相似,我将把2c和3c整合成一个interview(采访)的任务活动。 (二)教学目标 根据《英语课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合第八单元的教材内容,我按语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识五个方面将本单元的教学目标细化: 1、知识目标:单词:



一. 分析教学内容,确定教学目标 本课是unit11的第一课时。其主目标是能用 “could you please do things?” “could i please do things?”谈论如何委婉地提出请求或征求别人的许可, 及回答语“sure / certainly / i’m glad to .”能礼貌地拒绝,“sorry, i / you can’t,. i / you have to do…”并表达自己的理由, 陈述自己的好恶。以do housework 和调查做力能所及的事为话题,学会运用“could you please do things?”“could i please do things?”是本课的语言目标。 本课的学习内容(target language)有:学习名词trash, clothes, floor, cleaning, , living room, washing. 情态动词can could.. 动词fold, cook, need to, sweep, take out, use, wash, give并且复习运用情态动词have to. 区别make与do在短语中的用法. 通过本课的学习,教师适时对学生进行爱的教育,使他们能理解父母,帮助分担家务,学会与他人沟通,这亦是素质教育的“以人为本”的目标体现。 【重要词组】 do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash. fold your clothes, clean the living room, do chores, have to do sth, like to do (doing) sth, make dinner, make your bed 重要句型及语法如下: could you please clean your room? yes, sure. could you please do the dishes? sorry, i can’t. i have to do my homework. could i please go to the movies? yes, you can. could i please use the computer? no, you can’t. y


一、教材分析 (一)教材的地位及作用 1、新目标英语教材概述 《新目标英语》教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践能力”,发展“学习策略”。 它采用任务型语言教学(task-based language teaching)模式。教材中每单元都设计一个或几个与该单元话题有关的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,使用英语获取信息,用英语进行交流,培养运用英语解决实际问题的能力。《新目标英语》有以下几个特色: (一)图文并茂。翻开课本,你都能够在每一页上看到一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。 (二)实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活,与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验密切联系。 (三)注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。 (四)词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。 2、单元分析及教材处理 本课是新目标英语八年级上册第8单元,教材以 how was your school trip ? 为中心话题,围绕着描述“过去发生的事情”展开,学习和运用一般过去时态的一般疑问句did you go/see /buy…? were there any…?询问过去的事件,让学生学会谈论和分享过去发生的事件。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。在学习活动中,学生通过交换对过去发生的事情的描述及看法,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。section a的主要学习内容是:复习一般过去时态和动词的规则与不规则变化,学习一般过去时态的两种一般疑问句: did you…? were there any …?教材安排了许多听,说,读,写的任务活动,我将灵活运用这些活动,将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合,如:1c,2c和3c的pairwork活动内容相似,我将把2c和3c整合成一个interview(采访)的任务活动。 (二)教学目标 根据《英语课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合第八单元的教材内容,我按语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识五个方面将本单元的教学目标细化: 1、知识目标:单词:



