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高三英语说课稿:Unit5 The British lsles。

教案课件是老师上课的重要部分,每位老师都要用心的考虑自己的教案课件。尤其是老师想要浓郁课堂氛围,高质量的教案课件是必要的。那写教案课件时有哪些方面需要注意?小编为大家呈上收集和整理的高三英语说课稿:Unit5 The British lsles,欢迎阅读,希望你能阅读并收藏。

这篇《高三英语说课稿:Unit5 The British lsles》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

Unit 5 The British lsles (warming up & speaking)
Brief Statements
The topic is about the British Isles.
. In the first period, we will deal with Warming up and Speaking. In warming up, by watching a video about the Britain and talking about English cities, food, sports, places of interest, school education, geography, famous people ,etc. the students' desire to know more about Britain can be raised. Speaking will includes three topics: Is English easy or difficult to learn? How can we learn geography well? What's your opinion about the development of a country?, and the students can express various opinions freely. Each topic can be discussed from different sides. The students can reach an agreement on the points. Meanwhile, their ability to speak English can be greatly improved. I provide two topics: Do you agree that Shangwenjie is a beautiful singer? Do you agree that Zhoujielun is a good singer? Which are their favorite topics. Then ask them to make a dialogue by using the expressions of agreements and disagreements. After that, I prepare a discussion for the students. The topic is: Imagine that you are going on a four-week trip through the UK. Make a travel plan for it. Include: Where you will go? What clothes and things you will take? At last, I will consolidate a map of UK. I will ask a student to explain the map for all the students. Then , I will show some famous attractions of UK to please the students. If there is enough time, I will prepare a video about Ireland again.
Teaching Aims:
1.Enable the students to talk about the UK and Ireland in English and express agreement and disagreement about some opinions.
2.Help the students learn how to describe a place.
3.Let Ss learn to use the structures of expressing agreement and disagreement.
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Lead-In
Show the class the maps of the United Kingdom. play the video about the Britain. Show some pictures about the United Kingdom.
Step 2. Warming Up
By asking: How to say “英国” in English? Then correct the students’ mistakes. Today we'll learn a new unit--the British Isles. In the last period, I told you to search for as much information as possible about the UK and Ireland through the Internet. I'm sure you've got a lot.
References for teachers:
Food and dishes: roasted beef, steak kidney pie, English fish chip, chicken ala king, sandwich and so on.
Sports. walking, swimming, playing football, playing tennis, bicycling, skating, hiking and so on.
Way of life: DIY. They often fix up a house, plant their gardens, and make furniture by themselves. Even they build their houses themselves.
Important cities are: London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Dublin, Cardiff, Belfast and so on. London is the biggest city and the capital of England. It lies on the River Thames. London is also a cultural and political center. In it there are many world-famous places of interest.
places of Interest: St. James park, Hyde park, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the Houses of parliament, Buckingham palace. National westminster and so on.
Geography : four parts. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. There are many kinds of natural resources, such as coal, iron, oil and natural gas.
Languages: En
glish is the official language in the UK. It is also widely used in the world.
Rreligion & beliefs : people in the UK mostly believe in Christ. Some of them believe in Islam, and Buddhism.
Schools :Two kinds. One is private school and the other is public school. Schooling is free of charge in public schools while it costs much in private ones. There are many world-famous universities in the UK, like, Cambridge University, Oxford University, London University and so on.
Famous people Shakespear / Franscis Bacon
Step 3 Speaking
presentation: So far, we have known so much about the UK and Ireland . please answer my questions: Do you agree that David Bekham is a basketball player?(Shows a picture of David Bekham )The teacher is showing the tips of agreements and disagreements. Such as:
Don’t you think that...?
I don’t think that’s right...
I don’t think so.
You must be mistaken...
No, you are wrong thinking about...
I’m afraid you’re wrong...?
Aren’t you confusing...?
I’m not so sure about that...
Surely it must be...
Yes, you are right, but...
I believe that you’ve got it right.
Yes, I agree with you.
Then show a picture of Shangwenjie and Zhoujielun, ask the students to talk about these two super stars by using the expressions above.
Make up dialogues
Ask the Ss to use these expressions to make up a dialogue in pairs
Sample dialogues:
1. A: Do you agree that Shangwenjie is a beautiful girl?
B: Very badly. I find it difficult to say. I don’t think so.
A: Why do you think so?
B: As you know, I think she looks like a boy more like a girl.
A: But I can't completely agree with you. In my opinion, she is very beautiful, I like her very much.
2. A: What are you doing?
B: I'm reading the poster of Zhoujielun..
A: Well, do you agree that Zhoujielun is a good singer?
B: Yes! I think so. I like his music style very much.
A: Yes! I agree with you, I like his perfect voice, too.
I will ask several pairs to show their dialogues. Then add their points.
Step 4 Discussion
Imagine that you are going on a four-week trip through the UK. Make a travel plan for it. Include: Where you will go? What clothes and things you will take?
Sample dialogue:
1. A: Hello, Fenlan
B: Hello, Zhuanglin, have you decided which country you will go?
A: Er, I think I will choose England.
B: Why?
A : Because I like the London Bridge, the River Thames , I would like to know some cultural about it.
B: OK! Well, what clothes and things you will take?
A: I will take my poetry shirts and skirts. And I will also take my umbrella there. Because I heard that weather is rainy often.
B: OK! It’s very late, my mother is waiting for me. Bye-bye.
2.A: Hello, This is Yangjin. Can I speak to Linjing?
B: Hi, Yang jing. This is Linjing speaking.
A: Long time to meet you. Why didn’t you go to school last week?
B: I went to England last week.
A: Really? I want to go next holiday. What do you think about England?
B: It is a beautiful country with many interesting places, if you go there you can take a camera with you.
A: Certainly! But could you lend your camera t
o me?
B: No problem! Have a nice holiday!
A: Thank yo
u! Bye-bye
B: Bye.
Step 5 Consolidate
Ask one of the students to finish the explanation of the map.
Show some pictures of famous attractions of UK to the students.
Step 6 Homework
1. preview the next lesson-reading.
2. Do TALKING. Each one will be asked:“ where you’ll go and what you’ll do.”
Step 7 Let’s know more about :”UK” play the video about the Ireland (The time permits)


仁爱版初中初三英语下册教案:Unit5 Topic2-4

The main activities are 1a and 4.

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands

1. Learn some new words and a phrase:

2. Learn a useful sentence:

3. Summarize attributive clauses.

4. Let the students understand the history of China deeply. Raise the awareness of patriotism.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids


Ⅲ. Teaching ways:Five-finger Teaching plan

Step 1 Review (时间:5分钟)

Check homework.. Ask several students to report the great men in the Long March who have influenced them most to the class.

Step 2 presentation (时间:10分钟)

1.Introduce the book named Red Star over China.Then let Ss read some sentences about the Long March and give the correct order.

2.Check the answers. Then read it together in the correct order.

3.Look at the numbers about the Long March on the blackboard. please find out the information related to the numbers from 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation (时间:8分钟)

1.Read 1a again and find key words:Red Star over China—wipe out—safety—begin the Long March—fear—succeed.Tetell the stories about the Long March according to the keywords on the blackboard.

2. Finish 1b.

Step 4 practice (时间:15分钟)
1.Find out some useful expressions in Topic 2 within 2 minutes.

2.ind out some attributive clauses in Topic 1 and Topic 2 within 3 minutes.

3.Ask Ss look at the words on the blackboard.

that, which, whose, who, whom

And tell a story to Ss, then learn some new words. And then according to the example, finish 2.

4.Have a competition. Each group writes some sentences using attributive clauses as many as possible.

Step 5 project (时间:7分钟)


Join the sentences with “that”, “which”, “whose”, “who” or “whom” to form attributive


(1)The girl is Mrs. Smith’s daughter.

She lost her way last night.

(2)I have a TV set.

It was made in Japan.

(3)I received a postcard yesterday.

The postcard was from Kangkang.

(4)I met a beautiful girl at the party yesterday.

Michael knows the girl.

(5)I know Jackie Chan.

His movies are very popular with the young.


I’m becoming more and more interested in China’s history.

初三英语说课稿:Unit 9 Section B

这篇《初三英语说课稿:Unit 9 Section B》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

一.教材分析1.教材的地位和作用本说课是人教版《go for it》九年级Unit 9 When was it invented?的第三课时部分。本单元主要为被动语态的教学和练习,通过前两年知识的累积,学生已经掌握了足够的词汇;培养了良好的语感;对语句的结构有了较明确的认识和划分,为本单元的被动语态的学习提供了扎实的基础。被动语态的学习是初中阶段的教学重点和难点,教材选取了inventions的话题,帮助学生建立了被动结构的认知平台,将英语学习生活化,课堂教学情境化,丰富了学生的阅历,也为下面几个单元的教学做好了坚实的语法铺垫。同时,通过对inventions发明的历史的探究,发明过程的学习以及利弊的探讨,激发学生的求知欲,是学生养成勤于思考,善于总结的好习惯。2.教学目标1)知识目标:在Section A的学习之中,学生已经能对被动语态有了初步的了解,能运用被动语态表述inventions的发明时间、功用等。于是,在Section B本节课的教学中,学生主要对食品的口味加以表述,学会crispy, sour, sweet, salty四个形容词,并就potato chips的起源问题加以探讨、学习,使学生掌握the history of potato chips,理解和良好运用被动语态。2)技能目标:能谈论食物的口味,表达自己的喜好。向他人介绍薯片的起源及制作过程,并就改话题展开相应的对话。通过本节课的学习,使学生学会探究事物的起源,撰写相应的短文。3)情感目标:一方面在学生通过食品口味的探讨过程中使学生认识到均衡饮食的重要性,改变喜好性的偏食习惯;另一方面,使学生懂得人类的科学发明创造了丰富的物质文明。培养学生的创造发明的能力和愿望。3.教学重点:了解、认知薯片的起源,开展相应的对话。4.教学难点:使用被动语态对食物的发明史进行问答。二.学情分析1)初三年级的孩子有良好的生活体验和语言基础,在食品口味的学习和归类总结中有较强的优势,不难达到预期的教学目标。另外,由于年龄的特点,她们有较强的求知欲,喜欢探究事物,具备思考和分析的能力,进而,教师很容易激发学生对薯片起源、历史的学习,有效地掌握本节课的教学重点和难点。2)于此同时,由于对话相对较长,学生的注意力又比较容易分散,因而,在听力材料的处理上教师要做好调动工作,用明确的任务激励、引导学生完成本堂课的学习过程。3)由于学生不善于建立良好的知识体系,不精于总结性学习,因此,教师更要注重学生学习方法的指导和学习技能的培养。4)课堂上要注意即时性评价的技巧,以不断激发、调动学生参与课堂的主动性。三. 教学思路和理念1.教学思路<< Go for it! >> 新目标英语,实行的是新课程标准,采用的是任务型语言教学模式,融会话题,交际功能和语言结构为一体。因此,教学设计和教学过程中应充分发挥学生的主体地位,教师的主导作用,创造设计切实可行的真实的语言交际情景和任务,让学生体验、实践、使用目标语进行交际和解决问题——完成任务,体验成就感,增加兴趣。通过第一部分的竞猜活动一方面使学生掌握浅显的4个口味形容词,大大地调动学生的参与性,为下面听力部分的学生打好精神基础。在2a、2b的听力教学中,给学生设置明确的学习任务,由浅入深的完成各项教学任务。最后,以2c的对话练习为依托,帮助学生掌握探究事物起源的what, who, where, when, how, shape, 以及taste,教会学生学习的方法,也为下面3a的语篇教学做好铺垫。2.设计理念根据英语课程标准规定,通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打好初步的基础。通过多媒体设计各种图片帮助学生加深对语言的理解,充分调动学生的积极性,注重过程的评价,形成一定的综合语言的应用能力。拟采用了以下的教学方法:1)Teach English in English: 即新课标倡导的“用英语教英语”,用英语教学,创造英语课堂良好的听的环境,让学生充分感知,积极体验,大胆实践,把握用英语交际的机会,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。2)突出重点,突破难点:通过竞猜活动,亲身体验、听力训练、鱼骨梳理、对话练习等多种形式强化知识的学习和被动语态的运用,反复操练重点句型,巩固所学知识,提高灵活运用能力。3)任务型教学法:倡导体验参与,培养自主学习能力。在课堂教学中,通过学生自己或是合作式的学习来完成老师布置的每一个任务。在完成任务的同不断获得完成此任务所必须的知识、能力、技能等。4) 游戏教学法:新课标倡导的“玩中学,学中玩”的理念很受学生欢迎。采用学生亲口品尝的方式学习食物口味的四个形容词,再通过猜食品盒子中的礼物的形式,归纳划分食物的口味。穿插奖品的获得大大调动学生的参与力。有效地激发了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛。5)注重学生学习方法的指导:在通过2a和2b的学习后,教师以鱼骨的形式展示事物起源的what, who, when, where, how以及taste等六大方面,帮助学生掌握探究方法,提高写作的技巧。6)借助多媒体辅助教学,形象、生动,使课堂容量相对增加,实现了课堂的即使反馈,给学生提供更多的语言实践机会,有利于综合语言运用能力的提高。四 教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. play a cartoon video about the invention process of the light bulb.2. The teacher stops the video at the proper time and asks,what was invented after that? Students answer, and the teacher continues to ask when the light bulb was invented and what it is used for. Then show another picture, guide a student to ask (who, when, be used for), another student tries to answer.At last, show a picture of a refrigerator, ask and answer as above. Then make the students to guess what are in it.Step 2 Tastes1. Open the refrigerator, and see 4 boxes, ask if they feel a kind of hungry, then take out four boxes the teacher has already prepared. Ask a student to taste a kind of food in the red box,ask the taste of the food, guide to learn the new words: sour. Stick the paper with sour on it onto the box.2. Make the students guess what else are in the red box.point out that the same box contains the same taste of food. And the students who guess the very food the box contains can get it as a present.3. Learn the other 3 new words in the same way.4. Sum up the foods, and then finish 1a (add the words: bitter, cold and hot if needed) and 1b.Step 3 potato chips1. Show the students some potato chips the teacher has cooked, and ask two or three students to taste. Talk about it--- How do they taste? ( crispy, salty)Why are they salty? (Sprinkle … on…)What shape are they? (thinly-sliced)Then guide the students to guess the cooking process of it.2. Listen to 2a. Fill in the table below.Who were the potato chips invented by?When were the potato chips invented?Where were the potato chips invented?3. Listen again, and circle T or F. Check the answers.4. Guide to understand some phrases in this part: by mistake, in the end, etc.5. Listen again, and finish 2b.Step 4 pairwork1. Ask the students questions:What are the inventions?Who were the potato chips invented by?When were the potato chips invented?Where were they invented?How were they invented?How do they taste?Draw a fishbone when the teacher asks and the students answer.2. Ask the students to work in pairs. Then ask 2 or 3 pairs to talk about. ( activity 2c)3. Show the history of ice cream and the sandwich, ask the students to make up conversations by looking at the fishbone.4. Guide to know that when you want to introduce the history of something, you have to answer all the questions above, especially when you are writing an article.Step 5 Class Closing1. Guide the students to know that inventions make our life more beautiful, the inventors’ wise make us live better. And we should do as the inventors did, never stop asking why and how.Step 6 Homework1. Surf the Internet to find out a history of an invention, make an invention card, and then ask and answer with your partner.2. Try to write down an article about it.


本节课的内容是Unit5 How old are you的Storytime学习。课前我认真分析了学情,了解了学生实际学习情况,在课堂教学中我采取以下多种教学活动设计,试图激发学生的学习兴趣,在实际的课堂操作中我有收获,也发现了诸多不足。



二、“趣” 味盎然,追求英语课堂的趣味和与有效。

对 于三年级的小学生而言,他们正式从注重英语口头操练向笔头操练转型的关键时期,这个时期学生对英语学习的积极性在很大程度上是由兴趣决定的。所以智慧的教 师会采用各种教学手段来激发学生的兴趣,从而为课堂的有效打开胜利之门。在本堂课的教学中,我根据学生的心理特点、接受能力及教学内容采用灵活多样的教学 方法,来激发学生心中兴趣。如;利用图片、贴纸和夸张的表情以及丰富的肢体语言来吸引学生的眼球。同时为学生创设学生十分宽松的语言交流环境,通过与学生 的互动交流,


This is my family 这课的内容是集功能型与交际型于一体的交际训练课。在这节课中,我采用多样化的教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。

本节课的重点就是让孩子们掌握grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin这几个家庭成员的名称。因为在第五课里面已经初步学习了father,mother,brother,sister这几个关于家庭成员的单词,所以在新授时,我通过提问“Who is he/she ?”先对已学的单词进行复习,从而引出新的知识,并对其进行学习。单词的学习比较枯燥,为了让孩子们积极有效的学好这些词汇,在教学的过程中,我采用了多种游戏的方式来进行学习巩固。如:High voice and low voice/ Quick response/Train,train,go……学完之后,我又设计了各种游戏让孩子们对这些家庭成员的单词加深记忆,如:Look and say/Who is missing?/Guess game/Let’s chant.




1. 三会掌握词汇spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cold,cool,go boating, go swimming,go climbing,go skating,picnic.
2.听懂、会说、会读In …,it’s... .We ... .
1. 三会掌握词汇spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cold,cool,go boating, go swimming,go climbing,go skating,have picnics
2.听懂、会说、会读In …,it’s... .We ... .
1. 学生已有的学习经验:学生在前面的学习中,对几项运动有一定了解。
2. 学生已有的生活经验:学生在生活中对本课所学话题较感兴趣。
3. 学生学习本课时可能出现的错误:部分单词发音有误。
4. 教学策略:通过创设情境,让学生在相应的语境中学习。
5. 教学准备:图片卡,白板课件,练习纸。
1. 预习story部分单词,动词词组。
Step1. Warm up (3分钟)
S: I ...
S: You …
Step2. presentation(20分钟)
2.学生欣赏歌曲《Seasons’ song》并学习seasons。
4.play a game :看图片和线索单词说季节。
5.学生根据板书,小组练习说句型In …, it’s … . We … .
Task1:Watch and choose
Task2:Read and write
Step3 Consolidation(6分钟)
2.Act it out
a, Read fluently
集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons流利的朗读
b, Read fluently and beautifully
集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons 集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons流利、优美的朗读
c, Act it out with emotions
集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons 集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons 集团白板教学赛课教案 四下Unit5 Seasons有感情地表演
Step4 Check out (5分钟)
Step5 Homework (1分钟)
T: What do you usually do on Saturdays and Sundays?
T:I usually watch a film at weekends. But this Sunday I won’t. Can you guess what is Miss Zheng going to do this weekend?
1.Teach fly kites,have picnics,go boating, make snowmen.
 2.Enjoy a song:
导出课题《Unit5 Seasons》
3.T:Do you know, how many seasons are there in a year?利用看线索让学生猜出四季。
教学单词:spring summer autumn winter,warm, hot, cool, cold, go climbing.
4.给出活动图片和天气单词,引导学生看图或线索单词说出四季单词,并练习说句型In …, it’s … . We … . (在游戏中教授go swimming,go skating)
5.教师利用板书图片及相关句型,引导学生练习说句型In …, it’s … . We … .
6. Storytime
Task1:Watch and choose
Task2:Read and write
指导学生Read after the tape
Enjoy some pictures
I like______.
In _______, it is_______.
I _______.
I _______.
I’m very happy.

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