范文 > 教案 > 认识牛奶面包的英文教案 > 导航 >



teaching aims: 1、sew word :bread sausage milk coffee(面包、香肠、咖啡、牛奶) 2、revisio :little car,milk 3、what day is today ? how are you ? how old are you ?

teaching aids: sicture sag reorder musicteaching ste :

1、greetingst:cla egin,stand up! s:stand up !stand up !im stand up ! t:good morning boy and girl ! s:good morning mis jiang ! t:sit down lease ! s:sit down!sit down !im sit down !

2、t:what day is today ? s:today is monday. t:how are you ? s:fine ,thank you, and you ? t:im good !and how old are you ? s:im five\six .(每个问提都分别叫幼儿回答或齐答)

3、revision全班小朋友一起读歌谣little car,milk

4、lear sew wordst:im very hungry.do you have anything give me to eat ? s:no !no ! no ! t:rellay ?what that ?(旁边有一个小袋子装了些东西,突然发现,叫一名幼儿拿来看看,里面是否有吃的)t:haa !what this ? we call it read. s:bread ! t:good !(带读,也可叫幼儿起来自己读,每个单词读5遍以上,而且要使幼儿都会认读。然后把图片贴在黑板上,这样一一引出其它3个新的单词:milk coffee sausage .最后一起复习)

5、lay game预备的一张画贴在黑板上,一个叫borbor的人推着早餐车,让小朋友们帮忙,但是要知道它们的英语怎样说才可以卖完,一个人大喊bread,bread,who want to uy a re


活动目标: 1.学会新单词: orts shoes, sli ers, just right, tight 2.运用新单词简单的组成句型,并适当的进行对话。


活动过程: 一、greeting hello ,how are you ? what s the weather like today ? what the day is today ? 二、warming 《the sun》、《the moon》 三、 新授 1、 gue whats in the bag ? its they are 2、one by one 3. 示范 (1)老师示范:let me try them on. 1. they are tight. they are not my size. 2. they are just right. they are my size. (2) 幼儿示范: t:how do you feel? s:they are tight . they are not my size they are just right. they are my size. 4. game 幼儿围成圈,把自己的鞋子脱下来放在面前,听音乐,听老师指令。 do you want to try? ok ,take off your shoes stand up. 听音乐,幼儿围圈走,音乐停,拿起面前的鞋子穿上。 how do you feel? 多遍游戏,开始可由老师问,幼儿熟练以后可让幼儿问。 5、结尾 sing a song the more we get together 边唱边继续转圈,演唱结束 find your shoes, put them on.


rain on

rain on


1、在小花园情境中,体验雨点,落在身上、花草上的乐趣,愿意用rain on 进行大胆表达。





1、问好:say hello to the teachers./welcome./give you a kiss.

2、lets ride in our cars.here we go.( 开到花园前部)

3、heres a garden..is it nice?very nice/very beautiful.

4、let me show you around it. follow me.whats this?/what do you see?

(渗透what colour is it? 和环境中的flower\bear等打招呼) 5、now lets have a rest.sit


二、 复习各种天气

1、the spring is coming,and the weather is very

changeable. who can tell me whats the weather like?(出示教具,幼儿说说天气。集体个别)

2、today i bring you a piece of music.while enjoying it,lets guess whats the weather like. listen. 音乐(round round the garden.)

第一遍:猜天气(集体个别)whats the weather like? 第二、三遍:唱歌 (渗透和环境打招呼/fly. jump. run) stop.listen.(from:)

音乐(下雨的声音)whats the weather like? do you like rainy ?(集体个别) some of you say

yeah.i like it.some of you sayno .i dont like it. but i think little johnny doesnt like rainy day.because he sayrain rain go a


一、教学设计 (一)设计意图 幼儿阶段的英语学习目标,主要定位在兴趣、基础能力以及表达、表现力方面的培养。我从幼儿的兴趣出发,选择了这个篇幅短小,生动有趣,内容富有戏剧性变化的英语小故事,作为语言素材,设计思路基本展示常态教学环境中幼儿双语活动的几个步骤,多媒体教学手段的运用是为了增加英语学习的视听效果,帮助幼儿理解故事内容,更积极主动地参与英语学习活动。

(二)目标 1、喜欢参与英语活动,在活动中愉悦、开心、敢于表现。 2、学习运用疑问句:is this a ? 复习小动物的英语名称及短句: what's this? what's that? 3、培养幼儿理解倾听简单的英语小故事的能力与兴趣。


(四)过程: 1、创设环境,复习练习 (1)在儿歌《sunny day》中,进活动室,渗透故事当中的一些动词及短句如: let's go.. walk and walk touch and touch.. (2)在创设的森林场景中,引导幼儿用疑问短句:what's this? what's that? 复习一些小动物的英语名称。 (3)幼儿两人一组自由交流,练习日常用语:hello! nice to meet you. what's this? it's a . here you are! thank you.等。 2、运用课件,展示材料 (1)放光盘,在视听环境中展示故事。(讲述中特别注意故事结尾时赋有戏剧性变化的部分。) (2)让幼儿讲讲都听到了什么?根据幼儿的回答把单词及短句补充完整。 (3)看着光盘讲述故事第二遍,对话部分鼓励幼儿一起讲。 重点对话:daddy! look. what's that? that's a cat! what's this? is this a cat? it's a tiger! 3、游戏活动、巩固操练 游戏(1)《is this a cat》,练习疑问句:is this .? (运用滑稽的眼镜面具,增加游戏的趣味性。) 游戏(2)《touch the》,熟悉本班幼儿及动物名称,在游戏中训练幼儿的倾听、辩音能力。 4、模仿表演,大胆表现 让幼儿根据自己的意愿选择喜欢的角色,daddy. tom


一、教学设计 (一)设计意图 幼儿阶段的英语学习目标,主要定位在兴趣、基础能力以及表达、表现力方面的培养。我从幼儿的兴趣出发,选择了这个篇幅短小,生动有趣,内容富有戏剧性变化的英语小故事,作为语言素材,设计思路基本展示常态教学环境中幼儿双语活动的几个步骤,多媒体教学手段的运用是为了增加英语学习的视听效果,帮助幼儿理解故事内容,更积极主动地参与英语学习活动。

(二)目标 1、喜欢参与英语活动,在活动中愉悦、开心、敢于表现。 2、学习运用疑问句:is this a …? 复习小动物的英语名称及短句: what's this? what's that? 3、培养幼儿理解倾听简单的英语小故事的能力与兴趣。


(四)过程: 1、创设环境,复习练习 (1)在儿歌《sunny day》中,进活动室,渗透故事当中的一些动词及短句如: let's go.. walk and walk …touch and touch.. (2)在创设的森林场景中,引导幼儿用疑问短句:what's this? what's that? 复习一些小动物的英语名称。 (3)幼儿两人一组自由交流,练习日常用语:hello! nice to meet you. what's this? it's a …. here you are! thank you.等。 2、运用课件,展示材料 (1)放光盘,在视听环境中展示故事。(讲述中特别注意故事结尾时赋有戏剧性变化的部分。) (2)让幼儿讲讲都听到了什么?根据幼儿的回答把单词及短句补充完整。 (3)看着光盘讲述故事第二遍,对话部分鼓励幼儿一起讲。 重点对话:daddy! look. what's that? that's a cat! what's this? is this a cat? it's a tiger! 3、游戏活动、巩固操练 游戏(1)《is this a cat》,练习疑问句:is this ….? (运用滑稽的眼镜面具,增加游戏的趣味性。) 游戏(2)《touch the…》,熟悉本班幼儿及动物名称,在游戏中训练幼儿的倾听、辩音能力。 4、模仿表演,大胆表现 让幼儿根据自己的意愿选择喜欢的角色,daddy



活动目标: 1、了解一些常见蔬菜的名称和特征。(西红柿tomato、黄瓜cucumber、玉米maize, 胡萝卜carrot) 2、引导幼儿运用多种感官感知蔬菜的特征。

活动过程: 一、复习水果fruit t:yesterday,we have gone to fruits home. we has known the apple , banana , orange and pear, do you also remember them? s:yes! t:ok!now let me test you !(教师出示图片,问) please take a picture. what is this? is this a fruit? let the vegetables gone here to line up. all these are fruit, all these are vegetables. 二、认识蔬菜 1、认识蔬菜、了解特征 t:this is . 1)what color is it?(在黑板上画出颜色) 2)what sample is it?(在黑板上画出样子) t:this is a tomato / cucumber / maize / carrot. it is red / green / yellow / orange. it is round / long、curved弯 / small、one for one一粒一粒 / long、thick粗. color: sample: t:now let us know these vegetables again. please read after me. 2、游戏:摸摸是谁 today, well go to vegetabless home. look, its a pocket. many vegetables in it. what vegetables inside this pocket? if you want to know ,please touch one. who can try? 幼儿上前摸,提醒他们摸一个touch one, ple


活动名称:my friend

活动目标: 1、抓住情景的利用,提高幼儿对英语的兴趣 2、幼儿掌握新学形状单词:square、rectangle、triangle 、oval 3、幼儿掌握新学色彩单词:red、yellow、pink 4、在幼儿体验游戏乐趣的同时,培养幼儿帮助他人的高尚情操

活动准备: 1、正方形、长方形、椭圆形、三角形的大色卡纸若干 2、玩具小狗一只、录音机和有小狗叫声的磁带各一

活动过程: 1、导入 教师与每名幼儿clap hands,sayhello突然听见小狗的叫声(谁来了?oh! a dog. hello dog. whats wrong with you?) 2、渐进 我们能为小狗做点什么呢?(教师出示各种图形,提议为小狗搭一个漂亮的房子) 你知道这些图形的英语名字叫什么吗?(square、rectangle、triangle 、oval ) 它们是什么颜色的?(red、yellow、pink) 现在我们到外面找个地方为小狗搭房子吧(要求:正确掌握今天新学的单词)玩个小游戏(教师出示图形看谁又快又准的说出它的形状和颜色)... 3、结束 房子搭好了,请小狗住进去休息一会儿(小狗睡着了,我们悄悄的回教室了,bye-bye little dog,嘘...)为表现突出的幼儿发自制小礼物..























活动目标: 1、在生日会这一情境中感受过生日的快乐,并愿意为小朋友庆祝生日。 2、初步学习跟唱歌曲,理解happy birthday to you的含义。 3、复习巩固儿歌this is my family,会做相应动作。

活动重点、难点:初步学习跟唱歌曲,理解happy birthday to you 的含义。

活动准备: 1、歌曲磁带。 2、爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、宝贝图片、头饰各一张。 3、生日蛋糕一盒,娃娃家场景。

活动过程: 开始部分:音乐手指游戏my family进入教室。

基本部分: 1、复习儿歌this is my family。 出示图片引导幼儿复习手指游戏,巩固单词baby、mummy、grandfath、grandmoth 及 baby、go to sleep、 get up。 2、观看情境表演过生日,帮助幼儿理解happy birthday to you的含义。 请配班老师手捧点燃蜡烛的蛋糕为教师或一幼儿过生日,主班老师引导幼儿感受生日会的快乐,并理解生日歌的含义。 3、幼儿跟唱歌曲。 4、分吃蛋糕。 请家长与幼儿一起为过生日幼儿或老师唱生日快乐歌鼓励幼儿学说happy birthday to you才可得到蛋糕。 (分吃蛋糕,结束活动。)


活动背景: 在学习了很多陆地动物的基础上,在嬉水游戏这一主题中引领孩子们学习认识海底世界的奇妙。设置海底探险的情景,激发孩子们的兴趣,使他们能够主动模仿发音并大胆进行动作表演,加强学习的效果。

活动目标: 1. help the kids to learn new words about sea creatures: shark and octopus 2. let the children learn to use the sentence: what can you see? i can see..... 3. by using pictures, music and games to help children take part in the lesson and speak out actively and enhance their learning motivation in english.

活动准备: 1. pictures of underwater world 2. music 3. flash cards

活动过程: 1. lead in (1) greeting: good morning, children. how are you? what day is it today? (2) review: show kids background picture: what can you see?----boat,sea,sailor,fish let's sing a sailor went to sea 2. presentation (1) teacher tells kids today the sailor are going to explore the bottom of the sea, to find the treasure.during his way deep into the sea,what will he come across? (2) move the sailor and show kids shark. ask the kids to read one by one follow the teacher. word game: all kids pide to two group, the fir



