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中班英语公开课教案《What can you do?》。

老师在上课前需要有教案课件,老师在写教案课件时还需要花点心思去写。做足了教案课件的前期准备,这样才能达到预期的教学目标。你对于写教案课件有哪些疑问呢?在这里,你不妨读读中班英语公开课教案《What can you do?》,请阅读,或许对你有所帮助!

幼儿园中班英语教案:What can you do?

此活动来源于生活,我们都知道,各种小动物的代表动作是幼儿比较熟悉的,而且他们已经学习过一些基本的动词,能够运用所学的动词与相应的动物匹配,如:ra it对应的动词为jump等等。教师在此基础上让幼儿学习句子What can you do?教师将通过自身表演与演示教具相结合的方式,给幼儿创造更加形象、直观的学习氛围。使幼儿在边说边动的过程中,逐步地理解句型。

二、活动内容:What can you do?


1、能听懂句子What can you do? 并能用I can 来回答。

T: Hello!Boys and girls, today some animals will come to our cla . Now, close your eyes.
Cat:Hello,I am a cat.
Butterfly: Hello, I am a butterfly.
Cat:Hello Butterfly, what can you do?
Butterfly: I can fly. fly, fly, fly, I can fly. Hello Cat, what can you do?
Cat:I can walk. wlak, walk, walk, I can walk.
2、教师分别扮演ra it, dog, fish 的角色,教师与幼儿一起对话。
T: Now, find your partner and practice this sentence: what can you do?
play game:
T: Now, lets make a circle and play a game.
When I showra it, you will say:
I am a ra it
When I ask: what can you do? You will say:
I can jump. Jump, jump, jump, I can jump.
Do you understand?
Lets play the game on the playground. Listen to the music.


幼儿园中班英语公开课教案《How Do You Do》


(1)教幼儿知道与人初次见面时要说: How Do You Do?

(2)教幼儿学会说 :How Do You Do? 并知道怎么应付。



自编一个回声的故事,多次倾听 How Do You Do这首歌的音乐。



(2)幼儿学习问侯语:How Do You Do? 并掌握其对应回答。

(3)学习歌曲 How Do You Do




大班英语公开课教案《Do you know the fireman》


2、玩具:听诊器、注射器、枪、方向盘、锅铲 玩具箱

T:Hello, boys and girls.
C:Hello, Jane.
T:Your are my good friends. but I have lots of friends.
Gue ! Who are they?
(逐一出示图片,引出新单词fireman.)T: whats her/his job?
C: she/he is a doctor /nurse/ policeman/cooker/driver.
由教师的提问:whats his job? 引发小朋友关于消防员工作的讨论,了解他们的辛苦和勇敢。
T:so, if someone ask me : Do you know the fireman?
I can say: oh, he is my best friend.
3、结合图片欣赏歌曲。Listen to the tape, and show kids the picture.
4、Teacher sings a song again.
--- Do you know the fireman?(向左边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作)
--- The fireman, the fireman?(手指图片)
--- Do you know the fireman? (向右边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作)
--- Oh, he is my best friend.(先指图片再指自己)
5、根据歌曲内容提问,幼儿将听到的词句反馈出来。教师特别讲解Do you know xxx 的用法,以及best friend的含义。
8、玩游戏:Do you know大家问一个幼儿Do you know doctor?这个幼儿就从玩具箱中摸出相应的玩具听诊器,作看病的动作。


中班英语公开课教案《I Can》

幼儿园中班英语教案:I Can


在游戏的过程中复习已学过的单词并学习新单词,在活动中反复地练习,学习说What can you do?并能用I can 回答。

1、在游戏活动中复习已学过的动词, 愿意跟随教师一起念儿歌。
2、能听懂What can you do?并能用I ca 回答。


(一)warm up[热身]
Follow Me :
Follow me, walk stop.
Follow me, jump stop.
Follow me, cry stop.
Follow me, laugh stop.
Follow me, stand up.
Follow me, sit down.
T:Look. What can I do? (做相应的动作)I can fly(walk)。 Fly, fly, fly. I can fly. Walk, walk, walk. I can walk.(边说边做动作)
T:Now, everybody stand up and follow me. Follow me, fly, fly, fly. I can fly.(walk)(幼儿跟随教师边说边做动作)
2、通过图片和动作表演让幼儿理解 what can it do的含义。
T:What can it do? It can (做动作等待幼儿回答),Fly, fly, fly, it can fly.
C:Fly, fly, fly, it can fly.
3、学习新单词:skip, swim, run
T: What can it do?
C: It can (边说边做相应的动作)
T:Who is it? (教师随意出示动物图片,幼儿说出相应的单词)
T:What cait do? (教师出示图片,幼儿做出相应动作并说出It can)
1、请幼儿选择一个小动物,并说出:Im ,I can
2、请幼儿选择旁边的一个小朋友为一组,两人互相问答:What can it do? It can

请幼儿戴好头饰,放音乐边念儿歌边走出教室:Fly, fly, fly, I can fly. Swim, swim, swim, I can swim

中班英语公开课教案《Song: What is this?》

幼儿园中班英语教案:Song、What is this?

1、学会英语对话What is this?/Its a cat/dog.。

活动准备:Song:What is this?的课件。

一、Warm up
Hello! Hello! Hello!师幼问好。
Goodmorning song.
2、发音示范:What is this?/Its a cat/dog
What is this? What is this?What is this?What?What?
Its a cat.Its a cat.Its a cat.Cat.Cat.

中班英语公开课教案《where are you》

中班where are you

Teaching plan (中班)

pattern: Where are you ;I am here

Teaching Aims: To learn : Where are you ;I am here

Teaching Aids:动物头饰

Teaching Ste :
1.Warming-up:Song: How are you my friend
Good morning, children.How are you today?Lets sing the song How are you my friend .please find your friend, face to face.

(1)Who is coming?(ra it)Yes, it is a ra it, it has two long ears and two red eyes.
Ra it come hereRa it can jump, lets jump jump (佩带小兔子头饰)
Look, who is coming?(bear) Yes, it is a bear, it has two short ears and two small eyes.
Bear come hereBear can walk, lets walk walk (佩带小熊头饰)
Listen, who is coming?发出猫叫声Where is the cat?
Cat, cat where are you? (念两遍)
Cat is not coming, lets say it together(Cat, cat where are you?)
教师佩带猫的头饰出现I am here. I am here与幼儿进行日常对话Good morning/How are you/Nice to see you/Whats your name/Are you
Listen, who is coming?发出狗叫声Where is the dog
Dog, dog where are you? (念两遍)
Dog is not coming, lets say it together(Dog, dog where are you)
教师佩带狗的头饰出现I am here. I am here与幼儿进行对话练习句型I am here.例如:Dick Dick, where are you幼儿答I am here教师可加一点please ki me/hug me/I love you
(2)There are many animals in our cla room, Look, who are they?出示图片幼儿回答动物单词
please choose it .OK, How to play the game?When I count 1 2 3, you should hide behind your chairs. Ill look for you, when I say cat cat where are you, if you are a cat, you should stand up and a wer I am here(边说边做动作用中文解释)
understand?Are you ready?123 (进行游戏中纠正幼儿发音)
Listen carefully, Cat cat where are you
Are you ha y?now, lets play the other game
Come here, you say wolf wolf where are you, you should say three times. When the wolf say I am here you must sit down at once.
Understand? Are you ready? Start开始游戏
Do you want to play again?

中班英语公开课教案:where are you

中班where are you

Teaching plan (中班)

pattern: Where are you ;I am here

Teaching Aims: To learn : Where are you ;I am here

Teaching Aids:动物头饰

Teaching Ste :
1.Warming-up:Song: How are you my friend
“Good morning, children.”“How are you today?”“Let’s sing the song < How are you my friend >.please find your friend, face to face.”

(1)“Who is coming?”(ra it)“Yes, it is a ra it, it has two long ears and two red eyes.”
“Ra it come here”“Ra it can jump, let’s jump jump ”(佩带“小兔子”头饰)
“Look, who is coming?”(bear) “Yes, it is a bear, it has two short ears and two small eyes.”
“Bear come here”“Bear can walk, let’s walk walk ”(佩带“小熊”头饰)
“Listen, who is coming?”发出猫叫声“Where is the cat?”
“Cat, cat where are you? ”(念两遍)
“Cat is not coming, let’s say it together(Cat, cat where are you?)”
教师佩带猫的头饰出现“I am here. I am here”与幼儿进行日常对话“Good morning/How are you/Nice to see you/What’s your name/Are you……”
“Listen, who is coming?”发出狗叫声“Where is the dog”
“Dog, dog where are you? ”(念两遍)
“Dog is not coming, let’s say it together(Dog, dog where are you)”
教师佩带狗的头饰出现“I am here. I am here”与幼儿进行对话练习句型I am here.例如:“Dick Dick, where are you”幼儿答“I am here”教师可加一点“please ki me/hug me/I love you”
(2)“There are many animals in our cla room, Look, who are they?”出示图片幼儿回答动物单词
“please choose it .”“OK, How to play the game?”“When I count 1 2 3, you should hide behind your chairs. I’ll look for you, when I say cat cat where are you, if you are a cat, you should stand up and a wer I am here”(边说边做动作用中文解释)
“understand?”“Are you ready?”123 (进行游戏中纠正幼儿发音)
Listen carefully, Cat cat where are you
“Are you ha y?”“now, let’s play the other game”
Come here, you say wolf wolf where are you, you should say three times. When the wolf say I am here you must sit down at once.
Understand? Are you ready? Start开始游戏
Do you want to play again?

中班英语公开课教案《What’s this ? It’s a …》

幼儿园中班英语教案:Whats this ? Its a

Middle classes English plan

Date : period :

Content :
1 robot train puzzle taxi bike ambulance
2 Whats this ? Its a
3 What do you have ? I have a
prepare : robot train puzzle taxi bike ambulance
Teach step:
Warm up
1 Greeting
2 TpR
1 Hide the pictures in the book ,and show it one by one .
2 Show the toys and ask Whats this ? Its a
3 Let the kids close their eyes ,and hide the picture or toys under their chairs .Then open their eyes and ask together What do you have ? I have a
1 Touching game
put the pictures on the whiteboard .Divide them into 2 grou one is Candy the other is Harley. And the teacher say robot . The one whom touch the picture quickly is the wi er . The wi er catch one point.
2Music game .
1 Say bye-bye to the toys .
2 Go pee pee and drink some water

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