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版 本 外研版 学 科 英语
册 数 一年级(下册) 单 元 Module5Unit2
课 题 It’s thin .
课 时
教学目标 Grasp the following sentences: It’s fat. It’s thin. They’re big. They’er black and white. They’re little. They’re pink.
教学重点 Use adj. and describe animals feature.
教学难点 The same as the importance .
教学准备 Tape—recorder word cards Teaching picture
教学板块 教与学预设
(师生活动) 教学重构
利用句型It’s …
ⅠWarming up and Revision
T: Say “Hello” to the pupils. How are you?
I’m fine, too.
T: Let’s sing an English song. Heads, shoulders.
Game: I do, you guess.

T: What feature are these pigs?
Do you know how to say these sentences? Now let’s lesrn the text the first, OK?

Ⅲ Listening and reading Activity
Write and teach the title: It’s thin.
Show the teaching picture and introduce the text.
please listen to the tape recorder.
Listen and repeat. Teach the new words: fat thin
Read and text
Act the text
Teach English song:
① Listen and say.
② Then sing.
Ⅳ Further Development.
Show some pictures with some fat pigs on the blackboard.
Then turn back.
Finish the Student’s Activity Books.
Ⅴ Homework
Listen to the tape recorder and review next module.
Describe your room’s thing with “big” and “small”.


外研版一年级下册英语说课稿:Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head


1. 知识目标:

词汇:会听,会读,会认this, his, her, head, arm, hand, leg, foot

句型:This is his/her…。以及句型:point to your/his/her…。(组内能力较强的同学可以运用这些句子和单词进行流利的表达,组内能力较弱的同学可以简单效仿可以读书课本上的句子。)

2. 能力目标:

能够熟练运用句型:This is my/your/his/her…以及句型point to my/your/his/her进行表达。(组内能力较强的同学可以流利介绍自己的朋友或者玩具,能力较弱的同学可以仿效较强的同学进行简单的介绍。)






2、单词: his、hand、head、 arm、leg、foot

3、句子:This is his head/arm/hand/leg/foot.



2、句型"This is his.."的运用。




Step 5 操练

.1.just now we have learnd from daming how to introduce friends' body parts.Now, can you introduce your friends like Daming?

师做示范:I can introduce my friend like this.:hello, this is my friend---dog. It’s a boy. This is his head. This is his arm. This is his hand. This is his leg. This is his foot. I like it. Do you like it?

Now work in groups. Introduce your own friend to others.

师,check group work.

2. Oh, you can introduce your friends so well. Ok, I say and you do then we see who is fast? OK? .If your friend is a boy,please stand up.point to his head/arm/hand/leg/foot.(随时表扬最快的同学, 宫宇洋, you are fast. One body part for you .)师同时板书point to

If your friend is a girl, please stand up!point to her head and arm. point to her leg and foot…。 (随时表扬最快的同学, 宫宇洋, you are fast. One body part for you .)

who can give me an order? Now you say I do. SS: point to his head...

Work in groups say and do.

3.listen and imitate.

4.read in groups. later I will check your work. One picture one student.

5. listen and do.(这部分是听力标号题目)

check the answers .Then say the pictures one by one.


Module 10 Unit1 This is his head.

my head

This is his arm

point to her hand



小学一年级上册语文教案:b p m f

 一、 教学目标:
 (一) 知识与技能:
1. 看图《福满门》,认识“播、泼、门、福”四个字。
2. 学会b p m f4个声母,读准音,认清形,正确书写。学会b p m f与单韵母拼读音节及带调拼读音节。
 (二) 过程与方法:
1. 巩固运用已有的识字方法,鼓励学生在自主学习的基础上,小组交流认识生字,培养学生在生活识字的意识和习惯。
2. 观察图片,运用已有的学拼音方法,体会声母读音。同学交流,老师指导,掌握声母的读音并能正确书写。
3. 采取小组合作,同桌合作的学习方式,适当引入竞争机制,培养学生的合作精神和主动意识。
 (三) 情感、态度与价值观

二、 学生看图认识汉字
三、学习声母b p m f
(4)用顺口溜来帮助学生记忆:“右下半圆b b b”。
(1) 每人准备一张薄纸,放在靠近口的正前方,先双唇闭合,把气憋住,再突然放开,向外送气,送气过程由轻转短,气流较强。这时,纸会被气流推出,这就是声母“p”的发音过程,现在我们来学习字母p。
(2) 图上画着什么?
(3) 指导学生用“泼水”练习说话,在说中感知“p”的发音。
(4) 字母“b”和图中的什么相像,相像在什么地方?(p的右半圆好像盆子,一竖好像泼出去的水。)
(5) 用顺口溜帮助学生记忆:右上半圆p p p
(1) 讲《西游记》中关于如来佛的一段有趣的故事,板书“f”,告诉学生,像如来这样受人膜拜的就叫“佛”。
(2) 看14页插图(拐杖)你能发现什么?(拐杖的形状很像字母f)
(3) 带读fo fo fo
 5、找出词语中带由声母b p m f 的音节,读一读。
 6、正确书写"b p m f "
 2、学生运用刚学到的拼音方法,看准单韵母上的调号,看图尝试拼m—a—ma ,p—a—pa,b—i-bi ,f—a—fa,p—a—pa 。

外研版小学四年级英语下册教案:Unit 1 I helped Mum

Module 7Unit 1 I helped Mum.教学目标:知识与技能:1. I helped Mum.2. Did you cook meat yesterday?Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.1. Talk about the action or event in the past.2. Understand the sentence “Did you cook meat yesterday?” and answer correctly.3. Use the past tense to explain the actions in oral.过程与方法:讲授、过去时 新课 标 第 一 网情感、态度和价值观:有空帮妈妈德育目标:Have the students understand the differences between Chinese languages and foreign languages.重点:1.words: phone, yesterday, day.2.the past form of the verbs: help—helped, cook—cooked, walk—walked, talk—talked, watch—watched, listen—listened.3. Grammer: the past tense难点:the usage of the past tense教学方法:讲授、过去时教学过程:(一)导入:Warm upT: Hello, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn Module 9 Unit1 I helped Mum. First, let’s sing a song, OK?Ss: OK.(Ss sing the song “OH, we love holidays.”)T: Now who can compare yourself now and past?Several students compare themselves. According to this practice to review the past tense.(二)探究新知LeadingT: Today, we will go on learning the past tense in Module 9 Unit1.Amy phoned her grandma in England. They talked about their last weekend. Do you know how to describe the things in the past? Let’s look together, and then please talk about you what you did last weekend.New ConceptsTeacher do the actions and say: “I played basketball yesterday.” for several times. Then write played on the board.Teacher asks one student: “Did you played basketball yesterday?” and help them answer “Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.” Write these sentences on the board.play the tape and have them underline “did” “didn’t” and the words that add –ed. Teacher explains how to change the past tense of verbs.play the tape again and have them read.(三)巩固新知practiceX K b1. C omT: Search your friends what did they do yesterday .please make a table just like the table in the book.(Students make a table and use the past tense to inquire their friends what did they do yesterday.)T: Now let’s play a game “Find friends”Teacher takes out some cards, there are some verbs and their past tense forms on it. One student should find its correct past tense form and say: “We are friends.”In this way, they can review the past tense form of the verbs.T: OK. Good boy. You do very well.(四)作业布置Homework(五)小结:板书设计Design of the blackboardModule 7Unit1 I helped Mum.Did you play basketball yesterday?Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.


1. 能够听、说、认读单词monkey, monster, kite.句子Is it a …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
2. 能理解课文内容,对所学内容能主动地练习和实践。
3. 让学生养成良好的提问意识,并乐于运用所学知识彤他人交流。
1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词monkey, monster, kite,并能够在实际情境中运用。
2. 能听、说、认读句子Is it a dog? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.并要求学生模仿正确,语调自然,并能仿说替换。
四、教 学 过 程:
Step 1 warm-up
Let’s chant.
Step 2 Revision
ppT show some animals. Review some words.
Step 3 presentation
1. ppT show a new word “monkey”. Read one by one.
2. ppT 快速闪烁, teacher asks, “Is it a monkey?” 引导学生回答,”No, it isn’t.”板书
3. 引导学生发问并板书”Is it a …?”得出答案”Yes, it is.”板书,进而引出新单词monster.教读。
4. I’ll tell you a story about a monster. Do you want to know?将学生带进课文。Watch VCD 2 times. 讲解课文内容,让学生理解课文,体会课文中人物的感情。
5. Listen and circle.
6. Listen and repeat. Try to imitate.
7. Here’s a chant for you.
Step 4 practise
Game. Guessing game. Is it a …?
Step 5 sum up.
作业设计1. Listen and read the dialog.
2. Try to tell the story to your parents in English.
3. play the guessing game with your parents.

小学一年级下册英语教案:Unit 1 Classroom

Unit 1 Classroom
教学目标:1、 Follow teacher’s orders , point to the things in the classroom
2. Students can say read &learn the words”window light board picture door classroom” & the sentense “what’s in the classroom?”
3.Students can do &say “let’s so ” .understand the meaning of eevery action.
4. Improve the cooperation between Ss during the class
教学重难点:1、Follow teacher’s orders , point to the things in the classroom
2. Students can say read &learn the words”window light board picture door classroom” & the sentense “what’s in the classroom?”
3. Students can do &say “let’s so ” .understand the meaning of eevery action.
4. Students Improve the cooperation between Ss during the class.
教学准备:1. The pictures about the things in the classroom. 2.Tape
一、warm up
T: Hello,boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher. You can call me Miss Xu .I’m very glad to see you all. What about you ?Are you happy to see me ?
Ss: Yes.
T: ok ,class begins.good afternoon children.
Ss: good afternoon, Miss xu.
2.Listen to a song
T: ok,today I bring a song as a present for you . would you like to listen to it?
Ss: Yes.
T: Ok ,Let’s go!
(在欣赏歌曲in the classroom 时,教师边拿图片边轻轻亨唱,当唱到“classroom”这个词时,教师高举图片)
l New words
1. T: do you like this song ?”in the classroom”(出示图片)
Ss: Yes.
T :oh, I’m so happy to hear that! Ok ,read after me .
practise “classroom”(全班齐跟读---单人小火车---开小组火车---全班)
2. T: You all do very good job!
Look,look,look,look around! What can you see in our classroom?
S1 : door
T: wow, You are so clever!(出示图片)
practise “door”
T: S1 ,can you help me open the door
S1 do
T : Thank you very much!
practise “open the door”(边做边说)
以chant的形式来说”door door open the door”
3. 其他单词的学习基本上同“door”的学习
4. play a game
5. T: ok, look,what’s in the classroom?
T: now , who can ask me “what’s in the classroom?”
S1: what’s in the classroom?
T: A board ….(多问几个学生)
Work in pairs
6. play a game “I say you point&say
l let’s do together
T: Let’s do together, all the student, stand up
Follow the music.

小学一年级英语下册教案范文:Unit1 Hello



2.帮助学生学会用英语介绍自己,常用句子:hello , hi , i am …

3.学习单词 cat 、monkey

4、歌曲 “ hello”



to enable students to speak loudly.






step 1 greeting

say hello or hi to students

choose some students to greet with teacher.( 可加上姓名)

make students say hello with their partners.

say together

step 2 introduction

1. t: hello, i am miss …

你们跟我打个招呼好吗,hello/hi, miss…

2. read: i am

3. 老师很想知道你们的名字,可以大声的告诉老师吗?

示范: i am …

4. choose some students to say.(鼓掌)

5. 老师打着节拍,学生和着快慢介绍自己。

6. 小组内互相介绍,打招呼

step 3 words

show pictures , learn to say . (可作动作)

play a game: (击鼓传花)


i am …

step 4 sing the song

1 3 5 3 5 5 5 1 3 5 3 2 3 2

hello cat do oh do hello monkey do oh do

1 3 5 3 5 5 5 6 6 5 3 1 1.

hello hello do oh do hello hello hello

step 5. reading


