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关于小学四年级英语教案 篇1


本节课为北师大版小学英语教材第五册unit 2 i like bobby


like…和i don’t like …以及do you like …?的结构,是本节课主要理解的主要内容。



you like …?的句型,为本节课的学习,打下良好的基础。














2、在学习主题故事的过程中,理解a lot, so cute的含义并认识单词 wearing, glasses和fox。

3、能够初步运用本课的句型do you like …?来表达个人的喜好。



学习生词:too, expensive, store, skirt, clothes,trousers, shorts, size,

cheap,medium, only

学习句子:do you have any…。? yes, we do. no, we don’t. what size do you want?





教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词a pair of shorts、a pair of socks、a pair of jeans、a pair of gloves、scarf。 2. 能听懂、会所、会读和会拼写单词a pair of shoes、a sweater、a jacket 3. 能够熟练使用句型it’s/they’re too small/big/long/short. try this one/pair on. 教学重点难点: 1. 掌握服饰类单词的表达方式(单复数形式) a …/a pair of … 2. 能够熟练使用句型it’s/they’re too small/big/long/short. try this one/pair on. 教学具准备及辅助活动: 单词图片卡,多媒体课件,相关服饰实物(事先请学生带好cap、hat、tie、vest、trousers、shoes、socks、jacket等等) 作业设计、安排: 课内:熟读part b单词、词组 课外:完成part d部分填空 板书设计: unit 6 whose gloves?

what’s this/that in english? try this one/pair on. love→glove it’s too small/big/long/short. 教学过程: 一.warm up 1. greetings t: good afternoon. s: good afternoon. t: what’s your name,please? s: my name is ***. t: how are you ***? s: fine, thank you. and you? t: i’m fine,too. 2. review ① t: what’s this in english? s: it’s a pencil/pen/rubber/ruler. t: is this your pencil? s: no, it isn’t. t: this is his pencil, i think. s: no, it isn’t. it’s ***’s. ② t: may i have your cap, please? s: sure, here y


unit4 at the farm of pep english from grade 4, book 4 teaching content: part a let’s spell teaching content analysis: unit4 at the farm has 6 periods. this lesson is the period3. the main teaching content of this lesson is part a let’s spell. this part requires students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”. and students should perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”. students’ learning analysis: as the grade 4 students, they have learn the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er” in the last several units. in this lesson, i will make a connection with “or” and “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. teaching objectives: by the end of the lesson, students should be able to: l master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”: /:/, /::/. l perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”. l read and write down the words that have letter combination “or” according to the pronunc


教学是一种创造性劳动。写一份优秀教案是设计者教育思想、智慧、动机、经验、个性和教学艺术性的综合体现。小编准备了以下教案,希望对你有帮助! 1、学科名称

小学英语四年级下册unit1 our school




本单元重点学习学校课室及功能室的名称、分布和不同的功能。重点学习的句型是:this is the teacher's office、that is my classroom、is this the library? is that the tv room? a、b部分的let's talk 渗透了这几个新的句型,为本单元的教学难点。学校是学生们每天学习与生活的地方,可以带领学生参观自己的学校,在真实的情景中学习或巩固单词与句型。



(1) 能够简单介绍学校校舍的分布情况,如:this is the teacher's office、that is my classroom、

(2)能简单说出每个课室的不同功能,如:go to the library、read a story-book、

(3)能听懂并回答一些问题,如:is this the library? is that the tv room?

(4)会唱歌曲“our school”。


(1)掌握a、b部分read and write的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写。

(2)认读a、b部分let's learn、let's talk中的单词和句子。

(3)理解let's do、let's chant等部分的内容。

(4)了解story time、good to know等部分的内容。








unite 2 did you have a nice holidy? 教学目标; 知识与技能: a.key words and phrases: north, south b.sentences: beijing is the capital of china. c.task aim: 1. go on learning the position words, learn about china and america from this. 2. introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice. 过程与方法: 课文、方向、对比 情感、态度和价值观:对美国和中国两大国家进行对比 德育目标:了解中国地理和国情 重点:key words and phrases: north, south sentences: beijing is the capital of china. 难点:task aim: 1. go on learning the position words, learn about china and america from this. 2. introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice. 教学方法:讲授、对比 教学过程: (一)导入:1. singing a song together. choose your favorite country and describe it ( position capital nice city) teacher shows the picture of beijing, sanya, washington, and san francisco on tv. (二)探究新知q: do you like beijing? and look at it s: describe it (position…) q: there is a famous city in china, what is it / it’s very hot. s: sanya and describe it. and use the same way to show


module 9 unit 1 did he live in new york? 教学目标: 知识与技能: key words and phrases :country project also call speak right city cousin there sentences: san francisco is in the west. task aim: learn about the cities of america .and grasp the position words .use the simple sentences to describe the position of something. 过程与方法: 单词、课文、对比新 课 标 第 一 网 情感、态度和价值观:美国三大主要城市的地理位置 德育目标:培养学生的方向感 重点:key words and phrases :country project also call speak right city cousin there sentences: san francisco is in the west. 难点:learn about the cities of america .and grasp the position words . use the simple sentences to describe the position of something. 教学方法:讲授、对比 教学过程: (一) 导入: sing the song together.”i am the music man.”(construct funny atmosphere) show some pictures or maps about london. free talk ( have students describe the picture)(review and present the new lesson) (二)探究新知teacher’s q: which countries speak english/ s: england, american… q: what do you know about america? s: in chinese they may say something


本单元教学内容和教学目标 (一) 知识目标: 1.词汇:a station,a supermarket, a library, a theatre, a hospital, an airport, by train, by plane, by metro, by motorcycle, by minibus, on foot 2.三会句型: let's go… by… good idea. how do we go there? how do you go to … ? are you free now ? 3.四会句型: shall we go to… by… ? all right. / ok. is this … for… ? 4.语音:了解辅音字母组合sh在单词中的读音 5.歌曲:the wheels on the bus (二)功能目标: 1. 能够用所学句型let's go to…邀请别人外出。 2.能够用所学句型how do we… go… ? shall we go… by… ?与同伴商量外出的交通形式。 3.能够用所学句型how do you go to… ?了解他人上学,上班等外出交通方式。 4.通过句型excuse me, is this … for… ?询问他人是否乘该车能到达目的地。 (三)情感目标: 1.通过本课学习培养学生与人交往,合作精神。 2.通过在不同地点,情况下运用不同的交通方式,培养学生的生活能力。 3.本课的学习要和学生的生活实际相结合,在学完本课以后,学生对周围的公共场所,交通状况有更多的了解。 (四)教学重点: 1.地点,交通工具的表达。 2.句型:let's go to… how do we… ? shall we go… by… ? is this bus… ? (五)教学难点: 在实际生活情景中能运用所学句型。 (六)教时安排:4教时

第一课时 教学内容:词汇:by train,by plane,by metro,by motorcycle,by minibus,on foot 句型:let's go to… how do we go there ? shall we go… by… ? 教学目标:1、能熟练表达交通工具名称。 2、能用how do we /you go… ?询问同伴、他人以怎样的方式去某地。 3、


unit 2 he’s cool. 教学目标: 知识与技能: 1. words and phrases: cool \ little \ cute. 2. sentences: this is this is my big brother, he’s cool. 过程与方法:对比、家庭成员的特征 情感、态度和价值观:根据每个人的特征并用适当的词来修饰。 德育目标:培养对家人的关心和爱护。 重点:words and phrases: cool \ little \ cute. 难点:sentences: this is this is my big brother, he’s cool. 教学方法:讲授、对比 教具准备:点读笔、图片、教学挂图、单词卡 教学过程: (一)导入:song: row row row your boat. b: free talk: using adjectives to describe the poem. (二)探究新知step one: warmer: using the adjectives to describe your classmates. example: ① this is xiaoyong. he is a clever pupil. ② this is yuanjiaqi. she’s very clever, but she’s a bit shy. step two: listen and point. (1) point out the different meanings of the word “cool”. in this unit, “cool” means fashionable, and it is most commonly used to mean “quite cold”. the word “cool” has other meanings as well, but they are ones that the students are unlikely to come across in the future. (2) listen to the tape and underline the new words. write down these adjectives on


教学目标: 1.知识目标 能听说读及运用新单词: ship city beautiful whose close queen 能运用this is.......it’s.......简单描述一座城市 能听说及合理应用句型 london is a big city. my house is very small,but it’s beautiful. 2.能力目标 培养学生认真观察事物及发散思维的能力 3.情感态度目标 乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识 教学重难点: 1、beautiful whose queen close 的发音 2、 london is a big city. my house is very small,but it’s beautiful. 教具准备: 音频材料、卡片、图片 教学过程: 一、 warming up(热身) 1、greeting : hello boys and girls! are you happy? 2、sing a song 设计意图:师生间简单的对话拉近了距离,为新课的开展营造了良好的氛围,歌曲的应用,提高学生的学习积极性,消除紧张的心理。 二、review and lead in (复习导入) t:i am happy .are you happy? look, panda is also happy. is it .....? 设计意图:通过简短的对话,自然的过度到新课的学习,让学生有个整体的感知。 三、presentation and practice (课堂预习,呈现,练习) 1、check(检查预习结果) t:what is this ? ss: it is a book . t: yes, it is a book about london. london is a big city. last class, i asked you to find out sth about london . now, let’s check……  show some pictures about london . eg, big ben. london eye, backingham palace , queen's


教学目标: 知识目标 掌握新单词 :first , second, third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , tenth , eleventh , twelfth. 句型:liming is the first . the girl is the second . the boy in red shorts is the third . january is the first month . 能力目标 使学生掌握本课所学序数词,并能实际运用序数词。 情感态度 关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。 教学重点: first , second, third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , tenth , eleventh , twelfth. 教学难点: 序数词的英文拼写及实际运用。 教学准备: 幻灯片、单词图片、十二生肖图片、录音机、磁带、磁石、小奖品。 教学过程: step 1 warm-up t: hello ! boys and girls ! s: hello ! teacher ! t: nice to meet you ! s: nice to meet you , too ! t: good , sit down , please ! (设计目的:熟练掌握问候语,活跃课堂气氛,创造学习英语的氛围,拉近师生的距离。) step 2 preview 1. let’s play a chant . t: boys and girls , let ‘s have a chant “ one ,one------january ” , together!  a. 教师把学生分为三组,每组12个人,每组左边的学生说唱one,one ,右边的学生说唱january,以此类推。 one , one ------january two, two ------f



