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中班英语优秀教案《Where Is Thumbin》。

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(2)教师出示thumbkin、thumb和pointer、tall man、ring finger、little finger的卡片,提问个别幼儿。
2、观看VCD③第一遍教师出示thumbkin、thumb和pointer、tall man、ring finger、little finger的卡片提问,并请幼儿与教师互动。
3、观看VCD③第二遍集体表演歌曲后,再次出示thumbkin、thumb和pointer、tall man、ring finger、little finger的卡片提问幼儿。


中班英语公开课教案《where are you》

中班where are you

Teaching plan (中班)

pattern: Where are you ;I am here

Teaching Aims: To learn : Where are you ;I am here

Teaching Aids:动物头饰

Teaching Ste :
1.Warming-up:Song: How are you my friend
Good morning, children.How are you today?Lets sing the song How are you my friend .please find your friend, face to face.

(1)Who is coming?(ra it)Yes, it is a ra it, it has two long ears and two red eyes.
Ra it come hereRa it can jump, lets jump jump (佩带小兔子头饰)
Look, who is coming?(bear) Yes, it is a bear, it has two short ears and two small eyes.
Bear come hereBear can walk, lets walk walk (佩带小熊头饰)
Listen, who is coming?发出猫叫声Where is the cat?
Cat, cat where are you? (念两遍)
Cat is not coming, lets say it together(Cat, cat where are you?)
教师佩带猫的头饰出现I am here. I am here与幼儿进行日常对话Good morning/How are you/Nice to see you/Whats your name/Are you
Listen, who is coming?发出狗叫声Where is the dog
Dog, dog where are you? (念两遍)
Dog is not coming, lets say it together(Dog, dog where are you)
教师佩带狗的头饰出现I am here. I am here与幼儿进行对话练习句型I am here.例如:Dick Dick, where are you幼儿答I am here教师可加一点please ki me/hug me/I love you
(2)There are many animals in our cla room, Look, who are they?出示图片幼儿回答动物单词
please choose it .OK, How to play the game?When I count 1 2 3, you should hide behind your chairs. Ill look for you, when I say cat cat where are you, if you are a cat, you should stand up and a wer I am here(边说边做动作用中文解释)
understand?Are you ready?123 (进行游戏中纠正幼儿发音)
Listen carefully, Cat cat where are you
Are you ha y?now, lets play the other game
Come here, you say wolf wolf where are you, you should say three times. When the wolf say I am here you must sit down at once.
Understand? Are you ready? Start开始游戏
Do you want to play again?

中班英语公开课教案:where are you

中班where are you

Teaching plan (中班)

pattern: Where are you ;I am here

Teaching Aims: To learn : Where are you ;I am here

Teaching Aids:动物头饰

Teaching Ste :
1.Warming-up:Song: How are you my friend
“Good morning, children.”“How are you today?”“Let’s sing the song < How are you my friend >.please find your friend, face to face.”

(1)“Who is coming?”(ra it)“Yes, it is a ra it, it has two long ears and two red eyes.”
“Ra it come here”“Ra it can jump, let’s jump jump ”(佩带“小兔子”头饰)
“Look, who is coming?”(bear) “Yes, it is a bear, it has two short ears and two small eyes.”
“Bear come here”“Bear can walk, let’s walk walk ”(佩带“小熊”头饰)
“Listen, who is coming?”发出猫叫声“Where is the cat?”
“Cat, cat where are you? ”(念两遍)
“Cat is not coming, let’s say it together(Cat, cat where are you?)”
教师佩带猫的头饰出现“I am here. I am here”与幼儿进行日常对话“Good morning/How are you/Nice to see you/What’s your name/Are you……”
“Listen, who is coming?”发出狗叫声“Where is the dog”
“Dog, dog where are you? ”(念两遍)
“Dog is not coming, let’s say it together(Dog, dog where are you)”
教师佩带狗的头饰出现“I am here. I am here”与幼儿进行对话练习句型I am here.例如:“Dick Dick, where are you”幼儿答“I am here”教师可加一点“please ki me/hug me/I love you”
(2)“There are many animals in our cla room, Look, who are they?”出示图片幼儿回答动物单词
“please choose it .”“OK, How to play the game?”“When I count 1 2 3, you should hide behind your chairs. I’ll look for you, when I say cat cat where are you, if you are a cat, you should stand up and a wer I am here”(边说边做动作用中文解释)
“understand?”“Are you ready?”123 (进行游戏中纠正幼儿发音)
Listen carefully, Cat cat where are you
“Are you ha y?”“now, let’s play the other game”
Come here, you say wolf wolf where are you, you should say three times. When the wolf say I am here you must sit down at once.
Understand? Are you ready? Start开始游戏
Do you want to play again?

幼儿园中班英语教案《where is santa?》

幼儿园中班英语教案:where is santa?

活动名称:英语游戏Where Is Santa?


1、积极参加各种英语游戏活动,学习单词roof, ground, river, cave.




一、Warm Up(热身活动)

1、英语歌曲律动:Happy Song

Are you happy today? Lets sing and dance.


1、房顶roof:Lets color the roof.

2、地ground:Lets jump/walk/run on the ground.

3、小河river:Lets swim in the river.

4、山洞cave:Lets go through the cave.


1、Whats Missing.(谁不见了)

2、Hammer Game.(锤子游戏)

3、Happy Squat.(蹲蹲乐)

4、Bomb Game.(炸弹游戏)

四、Lets Sing.(理解歌曲内容,参加歌曲表演)




1、 幼儿扮演Santa Claus ,表演歌曲。

2、 圣诞老人送礼物给每个幼儿,体验帮助别人的快乐。

幼儿园中班英语教案《Where are you》

幼儿园中班英语教案:Where are you

内容:《Where are you?》
1.词in on under beside behind

2.Banana apple cake biscuit cake fish box
3.bag book pencil-box pencil
4.cat (头饰)

1.Good morning boys and girls.(Good morning.)
2.Who am I ?(cat)
3.Yes, I am a cat !And I am a hungry cat!
4.I want to eat some fish .
1.Where is it ?
Is it on the table ? (No, it isnt.)
What is it ?(It is an apple.)
2.Is it under the table?(No, it isnt.)
What is it ? (It is a banana.)
3.Is it beside chair?(No, it isnt.)
What is it ? (It is a cake.)
4.Is it behind chair? (No, it isnt.)
What is it ? (It is a biscuit.)
5.Where is it ?
Is it on the paino?
Oh, heres a box on the paino.
Let me take a look.
6.Who can find it ?please.Anyone?
7.Oh,it is in this box.
8.Oh,its time to go to school.
1.Where is my bag?
2.Who wants to help me?
(It is behind the chair.)
3. Wher is my book?(It is under the chair.)
4.Where is my pencil-box?(It is on the table.)
5.Where is my pencil?(It is in the pencil-box.)
6.What a silly cat!!
7.Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you very much!
1.Now ,lets play a game.
2.Who wants to try ?
3.Listen, we are have fuor tables.And a pencil for each of table.
4.Are you ready?(Yes ,sir.)
5.Ok.follow the instraaction.
put it on the chairYou last(the game)You are winner(the game)
6.Who wants to be a teacher?please.
7.Once again.
Game《go go go》
1. Last ,lets play a game with your father and mother.
2. stand up (找自己的爸爸和妈妈)
3. Are you ready?(Yes,sir.)
4. Ok, game begain.
(1)go go go ,go go go ,stop.
(2)Stand beside the window.
(3)Stand behind the chair.
(4)Stanf on the chair
1.Last,Lets say a rhyme
2.Are you ready?(Yes ,sir.)
3.Listen to the music.
4.Left left right right ,go ,turn a round ,go go go.
On on on the head
In in in the hand
Behind behind behind the back
Under under under the chair
5.Ok ,so much for today.Bye bye.

大班英语优秀教案《where’s my daddy/mommy》



flash card:daddy、mommy。

1. say hello(打招呼):
师幼共唱《hello song》。
2. warm up(热身运动):
肢体动作:stand up, sit down, run, jump, turn around
3. teaching(教学):
①师:do you want to know whats behind me?你想知道谁在我后面吗?(想)可是啊,它要求小朋友数到3才肯出来呢!我们一起来好吗?show me your hands. one, two, three. 咦,它还是不肯出来,we try to again.我们再来一次。(师互动幼儿举出手指数one, two, three)
②(出示flash card:daddy)who is he?他是谁呢?(幼儿说说)he is my daddy!他是我的爸爸。(幼儿学念:daddy)
(出示flash card:mommy)who is she?她是谁呢?(幼儿说说)she is my mommy.她是我的妈妈。(幼儿学念:mommy)
我们来和daddy, mommy打个招呼吧。say: hello, daddy! hello mommy!
③ ki ing game:依次请幼儿说:hello daddy/mommy.
4. jumping game:
①以唱歌《wheres my daddy/mommy?》的形式请两位幼儿分别扮作daddy 和mommy。
④教师互动其他幼儿喊daddy或mommy,参与游戏幼儿进行jumping game.
5. say good bye(说再见)。

大班英语优秀教案:where’s my daddy/mommy



flash card:daddy、mommy。

1. say hello(打招呼):
师幼共唱《hello song》。
2. warm up(热身运动):
肢体动作:stand up, sit down, run, jump, turn around……
3. teaching(教学):
①师:do you want to know what’s behind me?你想知道谁在我后面吗?(想)可是啊,它要求小朋友数到3才肯出来呢!我们一起来好吗?show me your hands. one, two, three. 咦,它还是不肯出来,we try to again.我们再来一次。(师互动幼儿举出手指数one, two, three)
②(出示flash card:daddy)who is he?他是谁呢?(幼儿说说)he is my daddy!他是我的爸爸。(幼儿学念:daddy)
(出示flash card:mommy)who is she?她是谁呢?(幼儿说说)she is my mommy.她是我的妈妈。(幼儿学念:mommy)
我们来和daddy, mommy打个招呼吧。say: hello, daddy! hello mommy!
③ ki ing game:依次请幼儿说:hello daddy/mommy.
4. jumping game:
①以唱歌《where’s my daddy/mommy?》的形式请两位幼儿分别扮作daddy 和mommy。
④教师互动其他幼儿喊daddy或mommy,参与游戏幼儿进行jumping game.
5. say good bye(说再见)。

幼儿园中班英语公开课教案《where is santa?》

where is santa?

活动名称:英语游戏Where Is Santa?



1、积极参加各种英语游戏活动,学习单词roof, ground, river, cave.





一、Warm Up(热身活动)

1、英语歌曲律动:Happy Song

Are you happy today? Lets sing and dance.


1、房顶roof:Lets color the roof.

2、地ground:Lets jump/walk/run on the ground.

3、小河river:Lets swim in the river.

4、山洞cave:Lets go through the cave.(from:)


1、Whats Missing.(谁不见了)

2、Hammer Game.(锤子游戏)

3、Happy Squat.(蹲蹲乐)

4、Bomb Game.(炸弹游戏)

四、Lets Sing.(理解歌曲内容,参加歌曲表演)




1、 幼儿扮演Santa Claus ,表演歌曲。

2、 圣诞老人送礼物给每个幼儿,体验帮助别人的快乐。

大班幼儿英语教案《Where are you》

内容:《Where are you ?》

1.词in on under beside behind

2.Banana apple cake biscuit cake fish box
3.bag book pencil-box pencil
4.cat (头饰)

1.Good morning boys and girls.(Good morning.)
2.Who am I ? (cat)
3.Yes, I am a cat !And I am a hungry cat!
4.I want to eat some fish .
1.Where is it ?
Is it on the table ? (No, it isnt.)
What is it ?(It is an apple.)
2.Is it under the table?(No, it isnt.)
What is it ? (It is a banana.)
3.Is it beside chair?(No, it isnt.)
What is it ? (It is a cake.)
4.Is it behind chair? (No, it isnt.)
What is it ? (It is a biscuit.)
5.Where is it ?
Is it on the paino?
Oh, heres a box on the paino.
Let me take a look.
6.Who can find it ? please. Anyone?
7.Oh,it is in this box.
8.Oh,its time to go to school.
1.Where is my bag?
2.Who wants to help me?
(It is behind the chair.)
3. Wher is my book?(It is under the chair.)
4.Where is my pencil-box?(It is on the table.)
5.Where is my pencil?(It is in the pencil-box.)
6.What a silly cat!!
7.Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you very much!
1.Now ,lets play a game.
2.Who wants to try ?
3.Listen, we are have fuor tables.And a pencil for each of table.
4.Are you ready?(Yes ,sir.)
5.Ok.follow the instraaction.
put it on the chairYou last(the game)You are winner(the game)
6.Who wants to be a teacher?please.
7.Once again.
Game《go go go》
1.Last ,lets play a game with your father and mother.
2.stand up (找自己的爸爸和妈妈)
3.Are you ready?(Yes,sir.)
4.Ok, game begain.
(1)go go go ,go go go ,stop.
(2)Stand beside the window.
(3)Stand behind the chair.
(4)Stanf on the chair..
1.Last,Lets say a rhyme..
2.Are you ready?(Yes ,sir.)
3.Listen to the music.
4.Left left right right ,go ,turn a round ,go go go.
On on on the head
In in in the hand
Behind behind behind the back
Under under under the chair
5.Ok ,so much for today.Bye bye.

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