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英语教案范例:Unit3 Topic3 Section A。

教案课件是我们老师的部分工作,准备教案课件的时刻到来了。准备好了教案课件的前期工作,这样才能让课堂的教学效果达到预期。怎么样的教案才算是好教案课件?也许下面的“英语教案范例:Unit3 Topic3 Section A”正合你意!相信你能从中找到需要的内容!

范例I. Teaching books: project English--- Unit3 Topic3 Section A.II. Teaching tools: tape recorder, word cards, powerpoint.III. Teaching methods: Teaching as a whole, visual and situational method, and team cooperation.IV. Teaching aims and demands:1. Get familiar with the food vocabulary.2. Learn the use of countable and uncountable nouns.3. Learn how to entertain guests to dinner at home and the response.4. Key sentences:eg: What would you like to have/drink? -- I’d like some …Would you like some …? -- Yes, please. / No, thanks.V. Teaching procedures:Step 1: Organization and revision:1. Task presentation.2. Get familiar with the food vocabulary.3. Learn the use of countable and uncountable nouns.4. Learn how to entertain guests to dinner at home and the response.5. Listen to the song of ABC. While listening, get students find out food words from the song.6. Check how much students have learnt about the new words:Ss show pictures to partners and ask each other to spell the words.Consolidation: Teacher review new words with the whole class (show pictures).Step 2: presentation:1. Learn countable and uncountable nouns.2. Classify the words on the blackboard into countable and uncountable groups:[C]: egg, vegetable, noodle, cake[U]: fish, meat, rice, chicken, tea, milk, water3. play a game:S1: water S2: some water, vegetable S3: some vegetables, milk S4: some milk …4. Consolidation: practice those words with sentences.eg:I like …(s) very much. J I don’t like …(s) at all.( Students work with partners, then make a report. )5. Ask and answer:1)Review some words with students. (show word cards)2) T:Suppose you invite some classmates to dinner at your home, hat should you say? First let us learn some key sentences:eg:What would you like to have/drink? -- I’d like some …Would you like some …? -- Yes, please. / No, thanks.(Ss work in pairs to practice the key sentences, then act out the dialogues.)6. Activity 1a:1)Listen and understand.2)Listen again, then read after the tape.3)point out some useful expressions:eg: What about you, ××? -- I’d like some …May I have some …? -- Here you are.Help yourselves.7. Activity 2 :1)Ss listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Check the answers.2)point out useful expressions:eg: Why not have some …? -- Good idea! Thanks!Step 3: Consolidation and practice1. Work in groups and study the conversation in activity 1a and activity2. Then work out to make a similar conversation with your group members. (Teacher is guide;Ss review the key sentences and useful expressions they just learned together before they get to make a new conversation.)3. Act it out in class.Step 4: projectSummary: Check out whether Ss finish the tasks or not. (Briefly review the words, sentences and grammar we’ve learnt today.)Step5: Homework:1. Finish your exercise sheet.2. Write down the countable nouns and uncountable nouns you learn today.3. Make a survey of students in other groups about foods they like and dislike. Then write a new conversation of “Entertaining guests to dinner”.4. Make a menu with your group members! (a daily menu, may look up dictionaries for new words, put some beautiful pictures in your menu).VI.教后反思:


初三英语教案范文:Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed

1. Knowledge Objects
(1) Key Vocabulary:stay up
(2) Target Language
2. Ability Object
Train students’ integrating skills.
3. Moral Object
Students may think parents should allow them more freedom. In fact, they are weak in telling the right from wrong. So accept parents’ advice.
1.Teaching Key points
Talk about what oneself is or isn’t allowed to do using the target language.
Ask for what someone is or isn’t allowed to do using the target language.
2. Teaching Difficult point
Train students’ integrating skills by task-based activities.
Step Ⅰ Revision
play a game to review the structure be or be not allowed to.
Divide the class into groups. Each group is asked to make a list of school rules.
The group which writes down the most rules within five minutes wins the game.
Step Ⅱ 3a
This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.
point to the picture and ask students to describe it.
Invite a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.
Call students’ attention to the chart. Say, You are to read the conversation again and write Sun Fei’s and Wu Yu’s rules in the chart. Ask a student to read the sample answers to the class.
Get students to complete the chart inpidually. Remind them to use "Don’t" and "You can".
As they are working this, move around the room answering any questions students raise about the conversation and offering language support as needed.
Check the answers.
Sun Fei: You have to be home by 10:00 p.m.
Wu Yu: You have to stay at home on school nights.
You can go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.
You can go shopping with friends on Saturday afternoon.
You can choose your own clothes.
Don’t get your ears pierced.
Step Ⅲ 3b
This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language. Focus attention on the conversation. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class, completing the last sentence.
SA: What rules do you have at home?
SB: Well, I’m not allowed to go out on school nights. How about you?
SA: I’m not allowed to go out on school nights, either. But I can study at a friend’s house.
Write the conversation on the blackboard.
Say, please cover the conversation in Activity 3a. Using the information in the chart, make new conversations in pairs.
Get students to complete the work in pairs. Move around the room checking progress and offering any help students need.
Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.
Step Ⅳ part 4
This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.
Read the instructions to the class.
Call students’ attention to the chart. Set a time limit of one minute.
Students read the headlines at the top and at the sides.
Demonstrate how to fill in the chart with a student.
T: Do you have to go home after school, Wei Ming?
W: Yes,I do.
T: Are you allowed to stay up until 11 : 00 p.m.?
W: No, I’m not.
T: …
Tell students where to write Wei Ming in the chart.
Say, You are to ask different students in the class and find three people who have to follow
each of the rules in the chart.
Ask students to complete the chart. Allow them to stand up and move around the room. Walk around the room checking progress and offering help with pronunciation and writing.
Ask several students to tell the class what they learned. For example, a student might say, Wei Ming has to go home after school. Liu Chang is allowed to stay up until 11:00 p.m. and so forth.
Review the task. Ask, who has to go home after school? Count the hands and let students keep a record. Do the same approach with the other items. Discuss the results with the class.
Optional activity
Ask students to create a chart similar to the one in Activity 4. Then make a different list of rules from the ones in the book. Get them to complete the activity by going around the class and filling in the chart.
Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework
Say, In this class, we’ve learned to talk about oneself is or isn’t allowed to do and ask for someone is or isn’t allowed to do.

初中八年级上册英语Unit4 Topic3教案

1.It's a nice day, isn't it? 译:______________________________
例如:You are a student, aren't you? She couldn't swim, could she?
祈使句后一般加上will you或won't you构成反意疑问句,用will you 多表示“请求”,用won't you 多表示提醒对方注意。例如:Look at the blackboard, will you/ won't you? Let引导的祈使句有两种情况:
(1)Let's…,后的反意疑问句用 shall we例如:Let's go home, shall we ? 回家吧,好吗?
(2)Let us/me…后的反意疑问句用will you例如:Let me have a try, will you ?
2.They are more than 500 years old. 译: ___________________________
more than 超过,相当于over. 例如:The old is more than/over 100 years old.
3. There used to be lots of old city walls in Beijing.
There used to be 某地曾经有某物,这是There be句型和used to短语合用的形式。
巩固:这儿曾经有许多工厂。 译: _________________________.
4. Most old city walls were pulled down in the 1960s, because they were falling down.
①pull down 拆毁
②1960s表示20世纪60年代,即1960到1969年这段时间,读作nineteen sixties
(3)fall down 意为“倒塌,摔倒”。
5.They government is trying to protect and repair the old city walls. 译:__________
(1) try可以做名词,也可以做动词。做名词常用词组是have a try,“试一试”。
try doing sth. 尝试做某事(过程不难,强调结果)
eg. Nobody answers the front door. Let's try knocking the back door.
try to do sth. 努力尝试做某事(强调努力尝试的过程,成功与否不知) eg. Let's try to work out this maths problem.
(2)protect 动词保护,名词形式是protection
protect … from … 保护……免受……的伤害
巩固:你需要穿暖些以免受凉。You need wear warm clothes to _____ you

小学英语教案:Unit 3 My birthday

这篇《小学英语教案:Unit 3 My birthday》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!




能用“When is your birthday?”询问对方的生日,并能用“My birthday is in ….”来表达自己的月份。












① 教师播放歌曲“Whats your favourite season?”。

② 学生跟唱,边唱边作每个季节相应的动作。



① 教师将歌曲定格在春季的图片上,而后问学生“What season is it?”。学生回答“spring”,如果没有学生能答出,教师再次播放歌曲。

② 请学生用“I like spring/autumn …..”说一说自己喜欢什么季节。




① 教师拿出事前准备的年历,逐月用英语介绍,让学生初步接触了解12个月份的英文表达方法。

② 教师翻到某一月,向学生介绍说:“My birthday is in ….”,并在当月画上一个大的生日蛋糕,让学生理解“birthday”的意思。而后询问学生:“When is your birthday?”。

③ 学生课件,教师点击12个月份的英文单词,播放其发音。学生可重点学习自己生日的月份,而后说一说:“My birthday is in ….”。

④ 教师再次播放单词录音,学生根据自己的情况或喜爱,重点学习三、四个月份。

⑤ 请若干名学生做小老师,教大家他会的月份,其他学生学习。



① 学生看课件,出示28页中的第一幅图(两个小男孩对话),教师指着黑皮肤的小男孩问:“Do you want to know when his birthday is? please ask him.”。

② 教师鼓励学生用“When is your birthday?”来进行提问,当大部分学生都能提问后,教师点击小黑孩的对话窗,让学生听后回答。

③ 请学生问自己的好朋友,或是他不知道谁的生日去进行提问。

如:A: Hello, Jack. When is your birthday?

B: My birthday is in July. And you?

A: In April.

Let’s play(趣味操练)

活动五:Let’s play


① 教师说一个月份,请学生说出它的下一个月份。

② 全班分成男生队和女生队。男生队派一名代表说月份,女生说出中文;男生说中文,女生说出相应的英文。而后互换,评出优胜队。

③ 教师出示26页第一幅图,但展示时不出示月份及其英文。请学生猜一猜每幅图是哪月,教师问:“What months are they?”。学生指着一幅图说:“It’s ….”,说对了教师则点击此图,出示月份及英文。

活动六:Let’s start


① 展示26页第一幅图,请学生把12个月份按四季划分。

② 教师把四月画在春季后,请学生说一说还有哪几个月是春季。教师点击课件spring后,显现答案:三条线分别连着3、4、5月份。

③ 教师播放对话录音,请学生两人一组进行对话。而后请学生用“My birthday is in ….”说一说自己是哪个季节生的。

Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

活动七: Group work


① 教师发给学生一个表格,让学生在组内进行调查,问问组员都是几月份的生日。

② 教师提问一个组:“How many birthdays are there in January/May …?”,学生根据小组的调查表进行回答。

③ 请若干名学生询问其他组的调查结果。教师还可以鼓励学生根据调查结果说一说全班在一月份生日的有多少人,二月份的有多少人…。





Unit 3 My birthday

January (Jan.) February (Feb.) March (Mar.)

April (Apr.) May June

July August (Aug.) September (Sept.)

October (Oct.) November (Nov.) December (Dec.)

广州版一年级上册英语教案:Unit3 Let’s Play



1.能够听、说、认读四个单词的dog, teddy bear, cat, doll。

2. 能用How many? 询问别人有多少什么?并能做出正确的回答。

3. 大部分学生能在生活中运用所学的单词和句型。


1. 能准确认读出四个单词。

2. 大部分学生能使用How many?询问别人有多少?并能做出正确的回答。


1. 积极参与英语活动,乐于用英语大胆进行交流。

2. 在真实生活中使用英语,体验使用语言的乐趣。


1. 单词dog, teddy bear, cat, doll的认读。

2. 准确、灵活地在生活中使用How many?询问别人有多少并做出正确的回答。(运用语言)。


1. 单词dog, teddy bear, cat, doll的认读与运用。

2. 使用How many?询问别人有多少并做出正确的回答。


(一)Warming-upLet’s Sing:

TEN LITTLE CATS跟着音乐唱歌,做动作。



(二)presentation and practice

Let’s guess:

Look at part of the numbers and try to guess what number. 让学生快速观察屏幕上露出数字的某小部分,抢猜是什么英文数字?通过有趣的方式复习上节课学过的数字,激起学生对旧知识的回忆,为之后的学习做铺垫


Let’s learn: (三)Learn and practise the words:

dog, teddy bear, cat, doll.

1. 小组猜屏幕上的袋子里有什么物品?

2. 学生代表到白板前拖拉开袋子,出现要学习的物品,公布答案。

3. 让已经预习的学生根据单词发音,把单词拖拉到物品下并操练记住单词的正确发音。



Let’s Move

1.Listen to teacher’s words and move as the words imply.

2.Look at the teacher’s body movements and say the implying words out loud.

3.pair work:

work in pairs and practice the words with your partners.




Let’s Match:

(四)Match the pictures with the words.

1. 小组内认读单词。

2. 盖上书本,把相应的单词与图片连接起来。巩固单词,为下一环节的句子学习做好铺垫。使用交互式电子白书写功能,进一步巩固已经学习过的单词。

Let’s Talk

Look at the pictures and try to use “ How many…?” to ask and answer.

听老师的提问,观察图片,描述图片中物品的数量。利用图片练习how many … ?对句型进一步的感知和操练利用交互式电子白板特有的聚光灯功能,吸引小朋友的注意力,提高学习效率。


Let’s Find and Say.

Look at the pictures and try to use “ How many…?” to ask and answer.

1. 小组内观察书中Amy的玩具的数量,用“ How many…?”去询问并做出回答。

2. 小组代表到白板前展示英语对话,并在白板上圈出找到的物品证实答案的正确性。

利用书上的资源, 巩固本课的内容,结合白板的书写功能展示学生讨论的结果,检测学习效果,创造互动交流,能有效在课堂上用英语交流交际的兴趣。

(六)DevelopmentLet’s play:

Make a survey to see how many stationeries do their classmates have.


通过调查记录方式对how many … ?进行拓展与检测。



小学六年级下册英语教案:Unit3 What did you do last weekend?

Unit3 What did you do last weekend?


一、教学内容:Main scene Let’s start part A Let’s learn Let’s find out
1、能够听、说、读、写短语:watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents。
2、能够听懂问句:What did you do last weekend? 并能够做出正确的回答。
3、能够运用新学语言内容完成Let’s find out 中的任务。
听、说、读、写短语“watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents”,听懂、会说句子:What did you do last weekend? 并能够在实际情景中灵活运用。
1、 Warm-up
(1)Daily oral practice.
Good morning! Glad to meet you. How are you? What’s the weather like today? 对话练习,已学知识的巩固。
(2)Hang–man game. 玩游戏,猜单词。
( watch, wash, clean, play, visit)
2、 preview
(1) Let’s chant (第六册书本page 7)
a. 听一遍录音 b、师生一起说唱
(2) Let’s start:
What do you usually do on the weekend? 说说自己的周末,复习动词短语。
3、 presentation
(1)、教师出示一个日历给大家看,圈出今天的日子是Sunday(weekend),然后问学生:What’s the date today? What day is it today? 学生回答今天的日期, Today is April the 10th. It’s Sunday.
(2)、教师说:On Sunday (weekend),I usually wash clothes, clean the room, play football, watch TV and visit grandparents.出示教师所说动作的卡片,学生跟读词组。跟着老师朗读几遍动词短语。
(3)、教师问学生:What do you usually do on Sundays? 学生回答教师的问题。
(4)、教师再次出示日历,圈出上个星期天的日子,然后问学生:What was that day? 引导学生回答:It was last Sunday? 板书并带读单词:last。教师:It was last Sunday. It was the last weekend. 板书、解释并朗读词组:last weekend。学生跟读并掌握词组:last weekend。
(5)、引出句型:What did you do last weekend?板书句型并朗读。
(6)、呈现词组:watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents.强调这些过去式的发音。/t/, /t/, /d/, /d/, /id/。
(7)、Activity one: Bingo!
(9)、Activity two: 摘苹果游戏
(10). 教师领读 Let’s learn部分。
4、 Consolidation and extension
Let’s find out.
What did Zoom do last weekend?
板书并认读:do-did, water-watered.
(2)、教师问几个学生:What did you do?
(3)、Do a survey。学生之间相互了解,并做好记录。
(6)、回家朗读课本Let’s learn部分,抄写词组。
last weekend watch-watched wash-washed clean-cleaned
play-played visit-visited do-did water-watered
What did you do last weekend? I watched TV.

一、教学内容:A Let’s try Let’s talk Let’s find out C Good to know
1、能够听说读写句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football. 并能够在实际情景中运用。
2、能够用过去式的一般疑问句形式进行简单的提问,如:Did you clean the room? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
3、能够听懂并完成Let’s try部分的联系。
4、能够运用新语言完成Let’s find out 中的任务。
5、了解Good to know当中的标志的意思。
能够听说读写句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football.
1、 Warm-up
(1)、Enjoy the song: At the zoo
(2)、Daily oral practice
Good morning. Glad to meet you. How are you? What day is today? What’s the weather like today?
(1)、Activity 1
(2)、Let’s try.
T: What did you do last weekend?
S: …
T: What about Chen Jie?
3、 presentation and practice
Let’s talk
Look, our classroom. It’s very clean and tidy. But who cleaned it. I don’t know. I want to thank him. Can you help me to find him?
J: I can help you to find him.
John跑了出去,碰到了Sarah,John就问Sarah. J: What did you do last weekend?
Sarah: Hmm! I watched TV.
John跑去问了Wu Yifan.
J: What did you do last weekend?
W:Hmm! I played football.
板书句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football. 学生朗读。
教师头带John的头饰T: Look, John come to our class. He wants to find who cleaned the classroom last weekend.
T: What did you do last weekend?
S1: I …
T: What did you do last weekend?
S2: I …
T: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom?
(2)、Activity 2
(3)、Activity 3 Make the chant.
J: What did you do last weekend?
Z: I played football at school.
J: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom?
Z: Yes, I did.
J: Oh, Zoom. You are great!
4、 Consolidation and extension
(1)、对话操练:Let’s find out. p28
(3)、Good to know
What did you do last weekend? I played football.

一、教学内容:part A Let’s read. Let’s play. part C pronunciation
1、能听、说、认读Let’s read部分的内容,并完成相应活动。
2、能够了解双元音音标/ /、/ /、/ /的音与形,能够读出例词并选择音标与单词和配图正确连线。
2)was, busy, It was …’s birthday.
2)was, busy, It was …’s birthday.
(1)Let’s sing: The days of the week.
(2)Ask and answer:
What did you do last weekend?
What did you do yesterday?
I ( did) …last weekend/ yesterday.
(1)Let’s learn.
从上面的问答中,老师总结并板书呈现:busy, … was busy last weekend.
T: What did you do last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening…?
A: I (did)…last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening…
T 根据学生A的回答,再向其他学生提问:
T: What did A do last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening…?
②完成表格后,T 再次重复:
A was busy last weekend.
③ 根据板书及表格,引导其他学生以:
××× was busy last weekend.
(2)presentation of the sentences
① T: A was busy last weekend. B was busy last weekend. And Wu Yifan was busy last weekend, too.(可用课件展示)
② Now, let’s listen to the short passage and answer some questions.( T 可根据段落内容顺序设计问题)
A:What did Wu Yifan do Saturday morning?
B: Whom did he visit? Why?
C: What did they do together?
D: What did they do in the evening?
E: What did Wu Yifan do Sunday morning? With whom?
F: What did Wu Yifan do in the afternoon?
③ 听完两遍录音,学生可以同桌讨论并回答问题。如果有不同答案,大家一起讨论,寻求答案。
④ 听音跟读,再齐读。
⑤ 要求学生独立完成课本中“Finish the sentences”. 再进行组内讨论并校对答案。
1) Let’s play
T: Look at the calendar. Today is ( date ).
Yesterday was (date).
What did you do yesterday?
A: I (did) yesterday.
2) Activity 1 :滚雪球
(1)听音模仿. 教师要以夸张的口型带学生跟读。
(2)认读双元音音标。/ / , / /, / /.说明音标与字母的区别和联系。
(3) 拼读单词。老师请学生自己拼读并读给大家听。
(4) 读单词,连线。
(5) Activity 2: play basketball
4、Consolidation and extension

初中七年级英语上册教案:Unit3 This is my sister

Unit3 This is my sister.
I. Instructional objectives
Key vocabulary: son , cousin , daughter , uncle , picture .
Target language: This is his friend. That is his sister. These are his parents. Those are his grandparents.
II. Educational objectives
Train Ss’ listening skill. Train Ss’ intuition thought ability.
Ss should help with household and respect parents.
III. Focus points
Key vocabulary. Target language.
IV. Difficult points
Ss can introduce their family members everyday situations.
IV. Teaching Methods
Guessing game
Sence Teaching Method
V. Teaching Aids
A tape recorder.
A picture of my family and friends.
VI. Teaching procedures
Step I pre-listening
Task One Review the words
Task Two Learn the new words
T: Do you like games?
S: Yes.
T: Let’s play a guessing game. please listen carefully. He is my brother. But my father is not his father. His father is not my father. His father and my father are brothers. We have the same grandfather. Who is he?
S1: It is your “表哥”.
T: No, it isn’t.
S2: It is your “堂兄” or “堂弟”.
T: Yes, it is. Let’s see how to say it in English.
T: It’s cousin. Read after me, C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.
SS: C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.
T: Spell it, please.
SS: C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.

T: This time you must say it in English. She is your sister. But your father is not her father. Her father is not your father. Her father and your father are brothers. You have the same grandmother. Who is she?
S: It’s my cousin.
T: Your father’s brother is your …?
S3: “大爷,大伯”.
S4: “叔叔”.
T: You are right. Let’s see how to say it in English.
T: Read after me, please, U-N-C-L-E, uncle.
SS: U-N-C-L-E, uncle.

T: Your uncle’s wife is your…?
S5: “伯母,婶婶”.
T: Right.
(Teach the new words son and daughter in the same way.)
T: Read the words together.
SS: …
Task Three practice the new words
T: Look at the family tree. Some words are missing. Add the words in the box, please.
T: Check your work.
Step II While-listening
Task One Listen and check the words you hear.
T: Lin Hai and Dave are talking about Dave’s family. How many family members are they talking about? please listen and check the words you hear.
(play the recording of 2a once.)
(Ask two more students to say the answers.)
Task Two Listen and check the picture.
T: I have two pictures here. Which one is Lin Hai talking about? Let’s listen and find it out, please.
(play the recording twice again.)
(Check the answer.)
Step III After-listening
Task One pairwork. Draw your own picture and talk about it.
T:We find out the picture of Lin Hai’s family. Can you draw a picture of your family?
SS: …
T: OK. When you finish drawing, tell your partner about your picture. You can use “This is …” and “ These are …” to talk about. Then report it to the class.
(Students work.)
(Check students’ work. Ask two or three students to report.)
Task Two Talk about the family tree.
T: Look at the family tree. I think it’s a big family. You can do it
in groups of four or three. You can do it in pairs or only by yourself. Then report it to the class.
(Students work. Teacher walks around in the classroom and helps the students.)
T: Stop here. Let’s check it out.
(Choose students to do it.)
S1: Look at my family tree. This is my… This is my … They have two … This is my … This is my …This is my …This is my. My parents have two children. This is…This is my …My uncle and my aunt have a son. He is my …
(Ask two more students to do it.)
Task Three Homework.
Write a passage about your family.

pep小学四年级英语下册Unit3《Is this your skirt》教案

1、能够掌握AB 部分Let’s learn/read and write 的四会词。
2、能够听说认读AB 部分Let’s talk 的单词和句型。
3、能够掌握AB部分Read and Write中的四会句型,并能灵活运用。
Tape、 pictures and cards.
Step one: Warm up
Sing “colour song “
Step two :presentation
1、 Show the object card and asking:” What colourit?”After reviseing it, the teacher point and guide: What’s this ? It’s a T-shirt, a yellow T-shirt.” Teach the words shirt, brown jacket blue dress eg in the same way.
2、Notice the sentence: I like the white sweater with the green skirt. Understand and use the word: “with”。
3、Listen to the tape and read after it twice. Compare the pronunciation “shirt” and “skirt”。
4、play a game: the students point to the card and say: ILike
the white jacket …I like the …。See who speak it fluently.
 5、practise in groups,draw and colour my favourite clothes .
Encourage the students to use the phase from the text. For
Example: I have a skirt…It’s white.
6、Listen to the tape of “Let’s do” then read after it.
7、Teacher says English , the children do actions. Have a match between the boys and the girls. See who do it better.
Step three: Consolidation and extension.
1、Do exercises in Activity Book.
2、Try to let your classmates. Family do actions as you asked.
Step one :Warm –up
1、Listen to the tape for”Let’s do”
2、Board the song “My clothes”
Step two:presentation
1、Show the card.point the clothes from the song by asking:
Is this your shirt ?Is that a skirt ?”Then guide.
2、 point to the students ’clothes asking:Is this your Tshirt? Is that your T-shirt?” Write the sentence on the board then guide.
 3、After listening to the tape and ask some quesentations .eg
(1) Where ‘s the Alice’s skirt?What colour is it?
(2) Where’s her father’s shirt?
(3) Whose is it?
4、Read and act it out.
5、 play a game draw personal clothes by himself and put it on the blackboard, pointing the students “Is this your shoes? Is this …?Answered in turn.
6、practise in pairs. Ask “Is this your …?”Answer: ”Yes ,it is/No, it’s not.”
7、Listen to the tape for Read and write. Then teach the children how to write sentences.
Step three: Consolidation and extension
1、Do exercise in Activity Book.
2、Listen to tape “Let’s talk? at home.
Step one: Warm –up
Act out “Let’s talk”
Step two: presentation
1、Teach the words “socks、shoes、pants” by asking “Where are my socks?” ”What colour ?” “White” Notice the usage of the verb “are”
 2、 After chanting to the tap, asking question: What colour is your shirt/jacket/dress/sweater? What colour are your shoes/socks/pants? Teacher tell the usage of “is”and”are”
3、Listen to the tape and read after it.
4、 play a game design the clothes you like (on the board ) suppose you’re going for trip .What do you went to wear Choose and say it…
5、play a guessing game.
6、Recite the sentence
“Is this your T-shirt?” “No,it isn’t.”
Step three: Consolidation and extension
1、Do exercise in Activity Book .
2、Write the words :red、 blue、yellow、green、brown、white.
3、Listen and chant.
Step oneWarm –up
1、Let’s chant
2、Sing English song
Step two : presentation
1、Teacher point to the shoes and say:
My shoes are brown , what about you?
Help students to describe the shoes .
 2、Teacher show a doll and make a dialogue with students like this:
T: Look,what colour are the shoes?
Ss: They are black.
T: Are they new?
Ss: No, they aren’t.
T: So, they are old.
3、Teach the word “old”
4、Teach the word “sock、 shorts、pants”in same way.
5、Game:What’s missing?
6、Good to know
7、Let’s chant
8、Learn the song: My clothes
Step three: Extension
Fish the Activity Book
Step one : Warm –up
1、Let’s sing: My clothes
2、Free talk
Step two : presentation and practice
1、presentation and practice for “these”
When having free talk with Ss, teacher points to a card and asks: Look at this . What’s this?
Ss: It’s a skirt.
Ask and answer for several times, then go on as follows:
T: Look at these, what are they?
Ss: These are pants.
2、Teach the word”those”in same way.
 3、Ss use Let’s find out on page 32,or use the cards around the classroom, ask and answer in pairs.
4、Teach the dialogue.
(1) Show a pair of baby shoes.
T: Look at these, what are they ?
Ss: They are baby shoes.
T: Who’s are these baby shoes? Can you guess?
Help students guess.
(2)Draw a picture of house to teach the words“neighbour”
(3)Get students show their baby clothes and say:”I have a baby clothes”
5、put on the wall picture, play the tape. Students listen carefully and try to catch what the dialogue is.
6、play the tape for the second time, Ss try to repeat.
7、Roal play.
Step three: Consolidation and extension
Finish the Ex.in Activity Book.
Step one:Warm –up
1、Free talk
2、Let’s chant
3、Make a new chant
Step two:presentation
1、Write the words
2、Teacher write some words on the board.(itwhite is what is colour it)Ask students rearrange the words.
 3、Teach the sentence
(1)play VCD, get students to guess: blue skirt ? yellow dress? Green jacket? When students guess blue skirt or the other phrase, teacher write the phrase on the board.
(2)Get students read the phrases and teach the sentence:
I have a new dress for my birthday.
4、Game :Circle words
(1) play VCD
(2) Read the chant:
(3)Listen and write the words.
Step three:Consolidation and extension
1、Let’s check
2、Finish the Activity Book



通过本节课的学习,学生能够认读所教的房间内的物品wardrobe, shelf, curtains, table, walls并能够对它们进行介绍和描述,运用所学的句型进行对话,达到交际目的。




2.熟练地运用句型What colour is / are the…? It’s /








Step1: Warming-up1.Sing a song(复习以前学过的颜色歌) 2.Greetings 3.Free talk :Talk about some things around with colours(接力赛)

T: I can see a red pencil case.. What can you see?

S1: I can see a book.

T: What colour?

T: It’s…(提示学生)

S1: It’s yellow.

T: Very good!

T: Anyone else? What can you see?


1.Guessing (ppT)

T: Children, This is my room. T: Can you guess what’s it?

S1: There’s a table.

T: Yes, you are right!

﹍﹍ 2.Introduction

T:Now, Look at my room. Is it pretty?

Ss: Yes!

T: Look at my room. What colour is the table?

Ss: It’s yellow.

T: How many walls are there?

Ss: There are four walls.

T: What colour are the walls? Ss: They’re pink.

Step4: practice

1.pair work: panit your room, then make a dialogue.

-----What’s in your room?

-----There’s / There’re …

-----What colour is / are the …?

-----It’s / They’re…

2. Group work: Finish the survey in the group.

name thingsnumber colourXiaoming table one Grey

paul shelf two White

Karla … … …

Anna … … …

(1) Introduce the information of survey.

Eg: S1: Xiaoming has a table. It’s grey.

S2: paul has two shelfs. It’s white. Step6: Homework

Step6: Homework

(1)Design a room, and introduce it to your parents and friends.

(2)To find more information about the room by the internet, next time share the information with us.


Unit 3 My room

I have a pretty room.. shelf

What colour is the shelf?

It’s yellow. Wall

What colour are the walls?

They’re pink.

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