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高二英语说课稿:unit4 sharing。

教案课件是老师需要精心准备的东西,不过教案课件里知识点要设计好。只有教学教案写的越优秀,所呈现出来教学情况也会更好。那写教案课件要具备哪些步骤?小编花时间专门编辑了高二英语说课稿:unit4 sharing,欢迎阅读,希望对你有帮助。

part 1. The analysis of the teaching mateiral
part 2. The teaching aims
part 3. Something about the students
part 4. The teaching important and difficult points
part 5. The teaching methods and aids
part 6. The teaching procedures and the purposes as well
part 1. The analysis of the teaching mateiral
本课源于高二英语选修7第4单元 sharing(分享)。根据《教学大纲》本单元的重点话题是帮助弱者、志愿服务、合作共享等,通过听、说、读、写等活动不仅学习有关的语言知识,还要培养学生的社会责任感。
本节阅读课文的标题就是“A Letter Home”<一封家书>,它是一封航空邮件。年轻的澳大利亚女教师Jo以志愿者身份在异国——巴布亚·新几内亚(papua New Guinea)的一个贫困的山村学校支教。她给国内好友(Rosemary)的回件中,用9个自然段800多字的篇幅告诉了好友该山村学校的校舍、教学以及她到一学生家做客的所见所闻。根据教学内容及学生实际情况,本次泛读安排1.5个课时。
part 2. The teaching aims
Knowledge objects(语言知识目标:语音、词汇、话题)
1) To feel the language
在真实的语境中去感知、去体会本篇阅读所涉及到的重、难点词汇,比如:be dying to do sth, muddy, concept, relevant, remote 等等。
2) To understand the letter
Ability objects(语言技能目标:听、说、读、写)
To develop and improve the students’ reading
3. Emotional and moral objects( 情感态度目标:兴趣、自信、合作、有爱心、社会责任感、国际视野的意识)
1) To let sts learn about respect, understanding,kindness and sharing.
2) 通过多样的阅读题型,丰富的网络资源,调动学生的积极性
part 3. Something about the students
通过Warming up 的学习,学生不仅已经了解到本单元的话题是“分享”,而且也了解到在我们国家,有一些志愿者同胞和外籍支教教师将他们的知识与爱分享且传递给祖国大山深处的孩子们。
part 4. The teaching important and difficult points
重点:1)在真实的语境中,感知、体会、发现语言的音、形、 意;
2. 难点:如何让学生在紧张、活泼、向上的学习氛围中全面深入的理解这篇文章。从而更有效地完成教学目标。
part 5. The teaching methods and aids
Situational Teaching 情景教学法
Task-based Language Teaching (任务型教学法)
CAI (电脑辅助教学)
part 6. The teaching procedures and the purposes as well
I pre-reading(导课) 用 3 个问题、图片及其相关资料导入阅读课
设计意图:1)必要的背景知识介绍; 2)激起学生学习本篇课文的兴趣。引出阅读课文“A Letter Home”
II Reading(任务型阅读)
Task1 (inpidua work) Scan and try to pide the passage into several parts and summarize the main idea of each part.
part2: _____________________________
part3: _____________________________
part4: _____________________________
Task2.Task3 Task4
Task5 summarize the passage (Fill in the blanks below)
High school
Jo’s school is a _____ school whose classrooms are made of _______ and roofs of _____. There is no _________ or ______, even no__________. Without __________, the students have no ______ of doing experiment. Most of the students will be going back to their villages after ________.

Local Village
Tombe comes from a ______village where people speak special language. people live in the hut which has no _________ and thedoorway was _______. The main food they eat are ________, ______ and _______. Villagers believe that ________attract evil spirit in the night.
Task 6Discussion (小组讨论)
III .Homework(作业)





本单元的中心话题是“自由战士”(freedom fighters),听、说、读、写始终围绕这一主题展开。语言知识和语言技能部分主要是围绕“freedom fighters)这一中心话题进行设计的。课文讲述了美国黑人争取自由的历史,从而说明自由、平等的重要性。同时也表达了对那些为自由和平等权利而献身的勇士们的敬仰。

“热身”(Warming up)部分设计了三个讨论题,使人们对马丁·路德·金和曼德拉这两位为黑人自由和平等权利而斗争的人物的人生经历有所了解,通过讨论,增强对他们国家目前现状的了解。

“听力”(Listening)部分是在“热身”活动的基础上,以听力训练形式进一步帮助学生了解马丁·路德·金,听力中节选了的“I HAVE A DREAM”的部分句子。练习包括四个项目,设计多样,生动有趣。第四题有利于培养学生用英语进行总结概括自己思想的能力。

“口语”(Speaking)部分设计了两个问题,第一题以三人小组的活动形式,组织学生谈论约翰·布朗(John Brown)和哈丽特·塔布曼(Harriet Tubman)的人生经历,引人深思,使学生能用英语阐述自己的意见。第二题以诗歌形式出现,有利于寓教于乐,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。




“语言学习”(Language study)部分分词汇和语法两部分,词汇部分第一题要求学生用课文中的词填空。第二题要求学生区分各种词类的具体用法。语法部分是复习被动语态的用法,练习紧密联系课文,能加深学生对教材的理解。

“综合技能”(Integrating skills)的阅读文不仅谈论人类为自由、平等而斗争,还谈到了动植物、海洋、地球,甚至机器和机器人的权利。在阅读和讨论的基础上,要求学生写出自己的看法。这是一个任务型的学习活动,练习生动有趣,能够引起学生的兴趣。同时让学生在实践中体验“自由”的内涵,有助于提高他们的语言概括能力。(摘自教参)








重点词和词组:freedom, civil, revolution, slavery, abolish, put…into prison, racial, discrimination, join hands, set an example to , regardless of , at first sight, etc.

句型:What happened first was that …

What happened as a result of …

You could expect …because…

That led to …

One of the reasons why … is …

… is often followed by …






在认知策略培养方面,引导学生进一步了解史实和具体事件,加深对种族及种族歧视、不同国家、不同历史年代人物与事件等的认识和理解。另外,课前、课后鼓励学生利用网络和图书馆搜集相关资料,善于获得学习资源,充分利用学习资源,如:进入美国歌曲Glory, Glory, Hallelujah; Blowing In The Wind; We Shall Overcome及文化背景网页、斯坦福大学网页www.stanford.edu/等获得有关马丁-路德演说录音和部分黑人运动歌曲。在另一方面,着重培养情感策略,激励学生热爱民主、平等、和平、自由、守法,积极上进、奋斗创新。


period 1:Warming-up and Listening

period 2:Speaking

period 3-period 4:pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading

period 5:Word study and Grammar

period 6:Integrating skills.

period 1 Warming-up in the 1840s; in the 1850s ; in 1855

Harriet Tubman: worked as a slave; escaped; joined; saved; fought; opened

Step 4 post-speaking

1. Talking

If time permits, get students to finish the task of talking ------

What’s your opinion to slavery?

What do you think of John Brown / Harriet Tubman?

(or: is his struggle important to the situation/ improvent? ; notes: their fighting is quite different from King’s or Mandela’s, while they . They fought to create a safe area for black people. )

How did John Brown die? ----- He was killed by the slave owners/ farmers who wanted to keep slavery.

Information from the Internet:

John Brown was a man of action -- a man who would not be deterred from his mission of abolishing slavery. On October 16, 1859, he led 21 men on a raid of the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. His plan to arm slaves with the weapons he and his men seized from the arsenal was thwarted, however, by local farmers, militiamen, and Marines led by Robert E. Lee. Within 36 hours of the attack, most of Brown’s men had been killed or captured.

During his first fifty years, Brown moved about the country, settling in Ohio, pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New York, and taking along his ever-growing family. (He would father twenty children.) Working at various times as a farmer, wool merchant, tanner, and land speculator, he never was finacially successful -- he even filed for bankruptcy when in his forties. His lack of funds, however, did not keep him from supporting causes he believed in. He helped finance the publication of David Walker’s Appeal and Henry Highland’s "Call to Rebellion" speech. He gave land to fugitive slaves. He and his wife agreed to raise a black youth as one of their own. He also participated in the Underground Railroad and, in 1851, helped establish the League of Gileadites, an organization that worked to protect escaped slaves from slave catchers.

Brown, knowing that many of the families were finding life in this isolated area difficult, offered to establish his own farm there as well, in order to lead the blacks by his example and to act as a "kind father to them."

Brown was wounded and quickly captured, and moved to Charlestown, Virginia, where he was tried and convicted of treason, Before hearing his sentence, Brown was allowed make an address to the court.

“I believe to have interfered as I have done, . . . in behalf of His despised poor, was not wrong, but right. Now, if it be deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of my children, and with the blood of millions in this slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, I submit: so let it be done."

Henry David said in an address to the citizens of Concord, Massachusetts. "No man in America has ever stood up so persistently and effectively for the dignity of human nature. . . ."

John Brown was hanged on December 2, 1859.

2. Listen and learn the song.

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! (form the book Famous American songs and their cultural background) Remember:Each kid keeps a piece.

Raise questions:

What is the name of the song? What does it mean?

What is the meaning of the sentence “he’s gone to be a soldier in the army of the Lord” ?

Step 5 Singing

Will you sing other songs like this one?

Examples: Blowing in the wind; We shall overcome…

Step Homework:

prepare the task of talking in the workbook.

Get information about M. L King, especially about his stories.

Talk about famous freedom fighters in China, such as Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.. .; Mao Zedong……


小学四年级上册英语说课稿:《Unit4 My home PartA》


我说课的内容是pEp教材四年级上册第四单元的课题是My home的第一课时,包括A部分Let's Learn、 Let's do。第四单元主要话题之一是room。所以首先应让学生掌握各个房间的名称,这是十分重要的,也是必要的,是接下来的话题学习的基础。A部分的Let's Learn主要是让学生学习和掌握五个单词study、living room、 bedroom、bathroom、kitchen。再通过Let's do等TpR活动进行巩固操练。另外,把C部分Let’s sing也提到本节课,让学生提前熟悉歌曲。






能听、说、认读study、living room、 bedroom、bathroom、kitchen五个单词;能听懂Let's do部分的指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。


能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home.……”




听说认读单词study、living room、 bedroom、bathroom、kitchen,能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home. ……”


正确掌握单词bedroom、 kitchen、 bathroom的发音。




2、 教学方法的确立

英语中有一句谚语:“Education must be fun (教育必须是有趣的)。” 小学阶段的英语教学,应从儿童的各种兴趣入手,以各种活动为手段,运用多种感官学英语,实施“兴趣教育”。





I 、Revision ,Warm-up(复习热身):

1、师生闲谈:What’s this in English? It’s a ……

Where are they?They are in the zoo.

2、Sing:《 They are in the zoo》

《 Books and pencils》

3、Revision:What’s this in English?It;s a pencil/book/……

Where’s the ……?(预计可能会出现的回答:It’s in/on/under…… )

设计意图 :


唱一唱学过的歌曲,活跃了气氛,能使学生尽快地融入英语课堂学习的氛围。同时还利用唱英语复习 “ Where are they? They are in the zoo.”的特殊疑问句型。就势再让学生唱一唱歌曲《 Books and pencils》,复习文具,为新课的导入作铺垫。

II 、presentetion(新课呈现):

这一环节主要是初步完成Let’s learn的教学。

1、导入:用“Where’s are they ?they’re in the study”引出新单词 “study”。


(1)读音教学:视听——跟读 ---- 小老师教读 ---- 小组朗读。

(2)判断:Is this a study?(课件依次出现图片和问题,进行判断,。)

3、课件出现其他图片,引出:bedroom 、living room、kitchen 、bathroom等单词,相同方法进行教学。




用 “Is this a study?”进行判断,有两个意图,一是渗透一般疑问句的用法,第二是从否定回答中引出下一个新单词的教学。一般疑问句是本单元教学的主要功能,在此结合语境进行渗透教学,体现知识系统的衔接和整合。

预计“Is this a ……?”一般疑问句,虽是新知的渗透,但学生结合语境能充分理解,并能在老师的引导下用“Yes,it is/No,it isn’t.”进行回答。

III 、practise(巩固操练):



(1) 听单词,说序号。

(2) 指单词(男女生)竞赛:Go to the living……

(3) 找Mickey:Where’s Mickey?

(4) 分组竞赛:看谁说得快(边欣赏图片边抢答;看单词卡片抢答)。



在本节课中我设计了“听单词,说序号”,“指单词”,“找Mickey”, “分组竞赛:看谁说得快”、 “看动作猜单词”等形式的活动。该活动有明确的目的:从听为主的训练过渡到以说为主,让学生复习巩固刚学的五个新单词,实现图像信息和语言信息的相互转换。


2、Let’s do(课本p46)


师拿图片给一个学生看一看。该生上前做动作,其余学生猜单词。总结出较合理的统一动作:Watch Tv, read a book, have a snack,take a shower, have a sleep.

(2)跟老师边说边做:Watch Tv/ read a book/have a sleep/…….

(3)根据音乐节奏边说边做课本p46的Let’s do。



3、语言训练:Welcome to my home:

(1) Learn to say: Welcome to my home. (板书,揭题)

Look!This is my home.

You can see a bedroom,a livingroom


I like my home.

(2) Group work: Intrduce my home.




在汇报交流这一环节中,教师要注重引导学生尽量用学过的语句进行交流:This is my home,It’s big. It’s nice, I like my home.

IV、 Extension(扩展练习):


(2)听歌曲:My bedroom.








3、对本节课表现采用 进行自评和小组互评。



高二英语说课稿:Making the news

The first period Warming up --- to find out news and tell people about it in newspaper or on TV∕radio.editor---to make sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; check facts.photographer---to take photographs of important people or events.designer---to lay out the article and photographs.最后叫学生通过图片的提示说出制造新闻的过程。此部分的目前是为了让学生了解报社的各个工作类别以及他们的责任,并能够掌握相关的词汇,然后通过看图片填空的方式让学生掌握制作新闻的基本程序。3.pre-reading(读前)此部分我采取讨论的方式,通过让学生回答一个优秀的记者应该具有那些优秀的品质,由于学生英语基础比较差,我提示他们可以用一些形容词来描绘这些优秀的品质,例如:hard-working, friendly, patient, imaginative, professional, truethful, thorough。然后我就把书本上的问卷展示在幻灯片上,在学生做好问卷之后,我设置了下列问题叫学生开展拓展性讨论:1)What level of education should a good news reporterhave?2) Does work experience play an important role in making the news?3) What do you think are good communication skills?4) Enthusiasm for the job is the key to success, do you agree? Why or why not?通过pre-reading,我要求学生掌握一个优秀的记者的应该具备那些优秀的品质,并且能够说出这些品质为什么这么重要,让他们懂得做好每一项工作都是不容易的,并能够掌握关于这些品质的相关词汇。4.Group work(分组活动) 在这部分我叫两个学生为一组,一个学生扮演采访者,另一个扮演被采访者,进行关于选择未来职业的采访。考虑到学生的英语水平,我给他们展示了一个模版:Interviewpatient, imaginative, well-organized, polite, curious, technically good, concise thorough, creative, careful, gifted, professional.Interviewer: Which occupation will you choose in future?Interviewee: I want to be a teacherInterviewer: Why?Interviewee: A teacher needs to be patient.I think I would become a good teacher.Because I am very patient.此部分的设计是为了提高学生的口语而设计的,内容简单,绝大多数学生都能够参与其中,在锻炼口语的同时,又使他们熟悉了pre-reading部分提过的描述优秀品质的相关单词,并且学习了本课时一个重要的句型“Which occupation will you choose in future?”5.Homework(家庭作业)Everyone has unforgettable moments in his / her life. Think about your first day at school, being far away from home, your first day abroad...... Discuss after class what the first day would be like, and how you would feel if you were to work for China Daily.此部分的目的是通过“一个假设”为下一节课的阅读部分做好铺垫。


1) 语言知识:
单词:理解、内化、运用以下生词:seismograph; iceberg; King Tut; // roar; fright; crack; // bookworm; couch potato; workaholic;// Buddha; agent等,扫除听读障碍,重点掌握一些传神动词:advance; seize; sweep; swallow; drag; pull; flow; shake; strike; struggle等。
词组:get on one’s feet; tree after tree
2) 语言技能:
读:Scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练。
写: 能运用First, Next, Then, Finally简要且富有逻辑地描写自己的一次难忘经历。
3) 学习策略:学生一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。
4) 情感态度:学生能在多种英语学习情景中分享自己的幸与不幸,体验用英语交流的成功与喜悦,以及培养合作精神、互助精神。
重点:1. 课文中出现的重要动词,如:advance, seize, sweep, swallow, strike, struggle, drag, flow, shake, 及词组 get on one’s feet, pull oneself, tree after tree etc.
2. 用关系代词who, that, whom, whose等引导的定语从句 .
3. 用副词 first, next, then, finally 来描述一场难忘的经历.
难点: 能用得体的英语表达自己,描述过去的难忘经历。
三. 教学方法
四. 教学安排
period I warming up and listening
本课处于本单元的第一课时,主要训练和提高学生‘听’的技能,它的掌握有利于以下几课的‘说’、‘读’和‘写’的技能训练,并作了一个很好的铺垫.本课的听力材料由两部分组成,主要讲述Hank Stram在地震前所做、地震中所见、所闻和所感的令人难忘的经历。通过完成练习,学生能抓住所听语段中的关键词、理解话语之间的逻辑关系、听懂故事、理解其中主要人物和事件以及他们之间的关系等。而且学生能掌握较好的听力方法,如积极预测、注意抓关键词、善于跳跃难点、学会做笔记等等。通过本课学习学生能复习定语从句以及学会正确使用指人或物的关系代词.
A. Warming up :
Task 1 Matching competition (group work)
Column A Column B
1、 Fu Jian province a、a cartoon maker
2、 San Francisco b、the electric lamp
3、 Alexander Bell c、the first telephone
4、 Thomas Edison d、earthquake
5、 Albert Einstein e、typhoon
6、 Walt Disney f、the Theory of Relativity
Question: Why do you think so ?
Task2: Looking at the following pictures, find out the answers to the questions:
1) Do you know who or what they are ?
2) What made them unforgettable?
3) Can you describe each picture using one sentence( with the help of the words under the picture)
Task 3: Let the students describe each picture with Attributive Clause.
eg: Zhang Heng is the man who made the earliest seismograph in 132.
B. pre-listening
Task1: Before listening , let the Ss guess the possible answers to the following questions according to the situation: (group work)
1) When did the earthquake happen?
2) Where was the man driving when it happen?
3) What was he going to do?
Listening(part 1):
Task 2: Listening to the tape to get the correct answers to the above questions.(for the first time)
Task 3: Listening to the tape to put the following into the right order.
( ) 1. I stopped the car and at the same time the road fell onto the cars in front of me.
( ) 2. I was hungry so I started to eat one.
( ) 3. I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side.
( ) 4. I had finished work and then gone to the post Office.
( ) 5. I slowed down ,then my car started to shake.
( ) 6. I stopped off at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit.
( ) 7. I drove even slower, then the road above started to fall down.
Task 4: Letting the Ss listen to the tape again, then try to retell the story simply, using their own words.
Task 5 : Discussion (Group work)
What would happen to Hank Stram finally?
Listening (part 2)
Task1: Listening to the second part to choose the best choices(for the first time)
1. Which part of his body hurt badly?( C )
A. The bottom parts of his legs
B. The bottom parts of his hands.
C. The bottom parts of his legs and feet.
2. What could he hear below him?( B )
A. Nothing B. Shouts and noise C. The noise of cars
3. How long had he been in the car?( A)
A.14 hours B. 40 hours C.4 hours
Task 2: Listening to the tape again to write the words in the spaces.
1. I ________ myself in the dark.
2. Then I remembered what______.
3. It was clear to me now that I ______ in an earthquake.
4. Then I ________ people________ towards me.
5. A team of people______ to see if anyone _____ under the broken road.
C. post-listening:
Task 3: Discussion
What made him survive in such a terrible accident?
period 2 Speaking

高二英语说课稿范文:Mainly Revision

这篇《高二英语说课稿范文:Mainly Revision》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

pART 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material(I)STATUS AND FUNCTION1.This unit is a revison unit, so it covers all communicative language knowledge learned from Unit 7 to Unit 11.2.This lesson is the first one of Unit 12. So if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit.3.This lesson is a dialogue about keeping fish. Such topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.(II)TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDSKnowledge objects1. To make the Ss know how to keep fish, birds or any other animal by learning the dialogue of this lesson.2. To give a reinforced practice in the use of the Modal Verbs and some useful expressions for making suggestions.Ability objects3. To improve students’ listening and speaking ability by reading and practising the dialogue.4. To develop students’ communicative ability by learning the useful expressions for making suggestions and replying.Moral objects5. To enable the students to love life and animals, protect the nature and environment.(III)TEACHING KEY pOINTS:1.To make the Ss grasp and understand the way of making suggestions and reply in daily life.2.To enable the students to use useful expressions for making suggestion and replying in their own dialogues related to the daily life.(IV)TEACHING DIFFICULTIES:1. The usage of the Modal Verbs ,especially usage for making suggestions.2. Using the learned phrases and sentence patterns to make suggestions and replying.(V)TEACHING AIDS:Multi-media computer; OHp(overhead projector); tape recorder; software: powerpoint or AuthorwarepART 2 Teaching Methods1>Five Steps Approach.2>Communicative Approach.pART 3 Studying Ways1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners.2. Teach the students how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.pART 4 Teaching procedureStep 1 RevisionGet the students to give some animals’ names they know by asking the students the following question: Can you give us some names of different animals you know? This step is employed to revise the words related the animals. At the same time draw the students’ attention to the topic about animals.Step 2 Lead-inSign to the students to be quiet and close their books. Then start a free talk with the students. Use computer to show some pictures of different pets, such as dogs, cats etc. Ask the students several questions about raising pets. These questions are employed to warm up the students and raise the interests of the students to speak English in class on the topics they like and familiar with.1.Do you like animals?2. Do you keep any animals at home? What is it or What are they?3. Can you explain how you care for them?4. How do you feed them?…Step 3 Dialogue presentation1. The first listeningAfter the teacher's brief introduction to the dialogue about keeping fish. Then ask the students to listen to the tape of the dialogue with their books closed. After listening to the dialogue,ask the students to answer two simplequestions focusing on the general idea of the dialogue. This step is employed to make the student get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let the students have a chance to practise their listening ability.Questions :1.Where will such dialogue happen in your opinion?2.What are they mainly talking about?2.Second listeningThis time ask the students to listen to the tape carefully with their books open. After listening, ask the students some questions focusing on the details of the dialogue. In the meanwhile, deal with some language points raised by the students or appearing in the questions.Questions: (Show the questions and answers on the screen using computer)1. What does Kate want to do ?2. Where would Kate keep them at first?3. What does LiQun advise her to do?4. What size tank should she get?5. What should Kate put in the tank?6. Why should Kate put a few large rocks in the tanks?7. Why should Kate put some underwater plans in the tank?Language points: (Show them on the screen using computer)a. the other day = a few days agob They don't get enough air:With a bowl, only a small surface area of the water is in contact with the air. So thewater does not receive enough oxygen.c 30 cm by 30 cm by 50 cm.We describe two-dimensional and three-dimensional measurements using the word by. So the length of the tank is 50 cm, and the width and height both 30 cm.e underwater plants:These plants oxygenate the water and keep it clean.d For one thing = one reason (for putting plants in the tank)Step 4 . Dialogue Drill1.In this step the students are required to practise the dialogue in pairs by reading the dialogue aloud. This step is employed to make the students grasp the useful phrases and sentences pattern for making suggestions and replying on the base of reading the dialogue fluently.2.Let the students find out the expressions and sentence patterns for making suggestions and replying in this dialogue , in the meanwhile show these expressions and sentence patterns on the screen by computer one by one. This step is employed to give the students a deep understanding of those expressions.Step 5 . practice (part 2)In fact, this step is intend to deal with the second part of the lesson(part 2). First show the words and phrases given on the screen, using a multi-media computer, then ask the students to make short dialogues with their partners to practise making suggestions and replying, using the phrases given in the table of part2 .Give the students 5 minutes to prepare it. Ask the students to pay particular attention to sentence stress and intonation. At last ask some pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the whole class. This step is employed to make the students get a further understanding of these expressions.Step 6. Consolidation( Dialogue production)This step gives the students 5-8minutes to make a similar dialogue using the phrases and sentences patterns learned in this dialogue and everyday life experience according to the given situation (show it on the screen using a multi-media computer). After 5-8minutes,ask several pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the other students. At last the teacher give some advice on making such dialogues, in the meanwhile deal with the moral lessons which the students should learn from the dialogue (mainly toldthe students to love life and animals, protect the nature and environment) . This step is employed to create a language environment for students’ communication in the class; and to give the students a chance to practise their spoken English under a quasi-communicative situation. If the students can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.Situation:(show it on the screen using computer)One of your classmates wants to keep birds, he/she wants to buy some birds and builds a bird cage as big as 4m by 2m by 2m. he/she would like to ask for your advice. Now you’d like to advise him/her what to do?Step 7. WorkbookFinish Exx 1 and 3 orally, left Ex 2 as written work.Ex. 1 revises the Object Clause. When transforming the structures, the students are required to pay attention to the change of t he verb tenses, personal pronouns and word order. After doing the exercises orally in class.Ex. 2 is a revision of the Modal Verbs and some useful expressions. Let the Ss work in pairs and then check the answers with the whole class. Write down the sentences on the Bb for the Ss to see.Ex. 3 lists pairs of words with somewhat similar pronunciation but different meaning. Get the Ss to read aloud the words and say what each of them means.Step 8 Homework!.Do Ex 2 in the exercise books. This is used to make the students have a further understand of the modal verbs.2.Write a short passage about the dialogue learned. This is used to practise writing ability of the students.pART 5 Blackboard DesignUnit 12Lesson 451.the other day = a few days ago2. 30 cm by 30 cm by 50 cm.the length 50 cmthe width 30 cmthe height 30 cm.3.For one thing = one reason… Making suggestions:I suggest (that)You should...You ought to...You need to...You'd better...

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