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活动目的: 1.通过复习使幼儿对五官类的英文名称熟练掌握。 2.通过活动培养幼儿的反应能力、观察能力以及审美能力。 3.通过活动促使幼儿在不经意中了解小兔和小猫的头部外形特征。 4.能听懂简单的日常用语,并会用简单的日常用语和老师交流。

活动准备: 1. english cards: head ear eye nose mouth 各一张。 2.挂图两幅: 缺鼻子少眼睛的动物头像(小猫、小兔)各一幅。(ear、eye、nose、mouth是活动的) 3.没有ear、eye、nose、mouth的熊猫图片若干(跟幼儿人数相等)

活动过程: 1.组织教学t: good morning , boys and girls . c: good morning , teacher . 2. let' s sing a song.  sing in chorus to the piano .老师弹歌曲《hello!》.让幼儿跟着唱,如果唱得的不好,还可以sing the song again,可以适当鼓励(great). 3.老师让幼儿close your eyes ,然后把cards: head、ear、eye、nose、mouth的图片贴到黑板上,让幼儿open your eyes ,look at the blackboard , i'll point to the picture and you should tell me what it is. (what's this in chinese? what's this in english?) 4.老师再让幼儿close your eyes,然后把words: head、ear、eye、nose、mouth的顺序打乱,再让幼儿open your eyes,look at the blackboard, i'll point to the word and you should tell me what it is , 老师可边指边问nursery: what's the english for it ? what' s this in chinese? 5. let's play a game. t: look at me ,this is my head .那么


【活动目标】 1、培养幼儿对于英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动。 2、在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解几种水果的英文名称。 3、鼓励幼儿能模仿教师说英语。   【活动准备】 盒子和不透明小袋子一个,苹果、梨、橘子、香蕉的实物及图片各若干,一幅画有一棵大树的画,刀、碟子、餐纸,多媒体课件。 【活动过程】 1、热身运动。 first let us review the song 《eyes ears mouth and nose》 eyes ears mouth and nose, mouth and nose, mouth and nose, eyes ears mouth and nose, it’s my body. 教师与幼儿边唱边做动作,以达到课前的热身准备。 2、学习水果单词。 (1)apple。 教师把已装有苹果的盒子神秘的拿到幼儿面前,激发幼儿探索的欲望. t: look! what’s this? c:盒子 t: yes. a box t: what’s in the box? do you know? t: ok, do you want to know? (引导幼儿说出yes或no) ding ding dong (敲盒子) t: who want to try?(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出let me try) 当幼儿拿出苹果之后,教师:oh(惊喜的),what’s this? c:苹果 t:yes,apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复读).read after me, apple.(幼儿跟读) (2)pear 教师用已切好的雪梨给幼儿尝,并让他们猜出是什么东西。 教师:hum!(作吃的动作)it’s wonderful! 然后分给幼儿吃:eat it! 接着问幼儿:what’s this?(梨) 教师:yes,pear ! read after me, pear. (幼儿跟读) (3)orange 教师用餐巾纸把橘子包起来,然后示范闻一闻,再拿到幼儿面前给他们也闻一闻,并让他们猜猜是什么东西。 t:hmm!(作闻的动作)the smell is good. 然后拿到幼儿面




2.在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解动物cat 和dog 的英语名称3.通过活动促进幼儿交往能力与初步的合作能力。

二、活动内容听懂、会说单词cat 和dog。




师:ok, i’m jojo,’s say “music”(做朝向录音机的动作)师生共做表演 “follow me”




单词呈现:chant “dog dog 汪汪汪”;卡片


5.结束活动今天我们认识了cat 和dog,在音乐声中和cat,dog说再见。


以下内容为小编收集整理《幼儿英语教案:rain on》,供大家学习参考。

rain on … 目标:1、在小花园情境中,体验雨点,落在身上、花草上的乐趣,愿意用rain on …进行大胆表达。 2、喜欢和教师和同伴一起游戏,在多种方式中感受下雨的情境。 准备:花园场景(花、树、草、小熊、小鸟等)、晴天的标志、雨天的标志 过程: 一、 熟悉环境 1、问好:say hello to the teachers./welcome./give you a kiss. 2、let’s ride in our cars.here we go.( 开到花园前部) 3、here’s a garden..is it nice?—very nice/very beautiful. 4、let me show you around it. follow me.what’s this?/what do you see? (渗透what colour is it? 和环境中的flower\bear等打招呼) 5、now let’s have a rest.sit down,please. 二、 复习各种天气 1、the spring is coming,and the weather is very changeable. who can tell me what’s the weather like?(出示教具,幼儿说说天气。集体—个别) 2、today i bring you a piece of music.while enjoying it,let’s guess what’s the weather like. listen. 音乐(round round the garden.) 第一遍:猜天气(集体—个别)what’s the weather like? 第二、三遍:唱歌 (渗透和环境打招呼/fly. jump. run) stop.listen. 音乐(下雨的声音)what’s the weather like? do you like rainy ?(集体—个别) some of you say “yeah.i like it.”some of you say“no .i don’t like it.” but i think little johnny doesn’t


认识五官teaching aims

1、正确识别面部器官:眼、耳、鼻、嘴。 2、能够区分单复数的器官名称。 3、单词:eye(s)、ear(s)、nose、mouth

短语:touch my 句型:this is a/an these are

teaching aids:五官图片 teaching ste

一、warming up chant: two little blackbirds 二、daily talk 1、a: hi, good morning. b: morning. a: how are you? b: fine, thank you. (and you?) a: thank you. 2、a: how do you do? b: how do you do? a: what day is it today? b: its friday. 3、a: whats your name? b: my name is a . a: im john. nice to see you, a . b: nice to see you, too. 4、a: how many people are there in your family? b: therere five. a: who are they? b: they are my father 5、a: how old are you? b: six. a: whos your friend? b: jim. 6、a: whats your telephone number? b: 65896246. 7、a: what color is it? b: its red. a: what color do you like? b: i like pink and blue. 三、to review 1、t: look! whats this? its a face. c: face. t: what is on the face? (point to the parts of the face.) c: this is an eye/ear/nose/mouth. 2、t: look at the face! how many



活动目的: 1、学会部分动物的英文名称ra it turtle cat dog。 2、培养保护动物的意识。

活动准备: 1、本课教学大卡一套。 2、4个动物头饰;人手一张动物车票。

活动过程: 1、热身:律动《working runing》。 2、单词教学: (1)以猜谜的形式引出动物:有只可爱的小动物,它有长长的耳朵,红红的眼睛,短短的尾巴。它是谁?(小白兔) ra it ra it 蹦蹦跳。 游戏:教师说单词,幼儿做动作。 (2)师表演,幼儿猜,引出乌龟turtle。 游戏:幼儿随卡片位置的高低用大小声说英语单词。 (3)用叫声的形式引出小猫cat。 注意纠正幼儿的发音。 幼儿边说cat cat 是小猫边作动作。 (4)猜谜的形式引出小狗dog。 边说边拍卡片,拍到了奖励dog一根肉骨头。 3、通过游戏,复习英语单词: (1)捉迷藏:师藏起一张卡片,请幼儿看看是谁不见了,并念出它的英文单词。 (2)动物火车:师带上动物头饰,幼儿手持动物车票上车,并说英语口诀。 4、叮咛: 回家后观看vcd,并当个小老师把所学本领教给爸爸妈妈。


以下内容为小编收集整理《幼儿英语教案:pass the bunny》,供大家学习参考。

pass the bunny 学科:英语小班第二学期 活动目标: 1. 学习单词:“bunny”和句型“pass the bunny”。并理解其含义。 2. 能基本听懂并按规则游戏。 3. 愿意在集体面前表演。 活动准备: 1. 教师身穿一个大口袋的上衣(内装各种水果模型:苹果,橘子,葡萄,梨子,香蕉,桃子菠萝,西瓜和各类汽车模型:小汽车,卡车。公共汽车,出租车) 2. 鼓一个,击棒一根。 3. 小兔毛绒玩具一个 4. 兔子舞音乐 活动过程: 一. 师生问好,以舞蹈的形式引起幼儿的兴趣 1. t:good morning boys and girls . c:good morning teacher . t:do you want to dance ? c:yes . t:ok, let’s dance, please listen . (兔子舞音乐起,师生共同随音乐做动作) 2.t:(教师做很累的动作)oh, i’m tired. are you tied ? c:yes. t:ok. please find a chair and sit down . 二. 学习单词“bunny” 1. t:today, here comes a new friend.(出示绒毛玩具小兔)look,what is this ? c:小兔 t:yes bunny. t c::bunny,bunny(幼儿学说单词) t:(教师模仿小兔与幼儿打招呼)hello/hi/children c:hello/hi/ bunny 2.听指令做动作 t:now, let’s play the game “i say you do “, ok? c:yes. t:kiss bunny(教师边说边示范动作,引导幼儿按照指令动作) who can try ?touch /shake hands /embrace /kiss the bunny (very good /you are smart /how cleve)


活动目标: 1.通过活动复习英语单词cock、chicken、hen 2.培养托儿学习英语的兴趣 活动准备: 1.chicken头饰、鸡蛋(均人手一份) 2.cock(由教师扮演)hen (由大班幼儿扮演) 3.音乐《mother hen》 4.草丛、篮筐(2个) 活动过程: 一.唱歌念儿歌,组织教学. 1.t: come on babies! let's sing some songs, are you ready? 2.复习单词cock、chicken、hen t: look! (教师带上cock头饰) who am i? (cock) t: yes, i am cock.. t: 谁想做我的宝宝chicken? (帮每位托儿带上chicken头饰) t: (亲亲抱抱cock) who are you?(chicken) 3.rhyme:《a family of chicken》发现hen 不在 chicken chicken, ji ji ji cock cock, wo wo wo hen hen, guoguoda guoguoda 二.寻找hen, 学习新单词egg 1.t: where is hen? 2.播放音乐《mother hen》hen 入场 3.hen下蛋,托儿人手一个egg, 学念egg (1) 念给cock听 (2) 念给客人听 三.结束活动 1.t: 宝宝们小心把egg敲碎了,快把egg交给爸爸 (请托儿把egg放入事先准备好的篮筐里) 2.t: 我们把这一篮的egg交给hen,让它在孵出很多的chicken,好不好? (将一篮筐的egg交与hen) 3.安静活动,活动结束



teaching aims(活动目标): 1、to learn:milk 2、review:cake 3、激发宝宝参与英语活动的兴趣。

teaching aids(活动准备): 1、cake、milk的图片 2、一盒milk的实物模型 3、音乐磁带

teaching ste (活动过程): 1、warm up: (1)律动歌曲:《butterfly》 (2)daily talk: t:whats your name? s:im . t:how do you do! s:how do you do!. 2、topic: (1)t:look at me!教师出示milk的实物模型问:whats this? 教授milk读音。 game:品尝milk 玩法:教师请幼儿上来品尝milk,然后说出品尝的东西的名称。同时纠正幼儿的错误发音。 (2)game:run and touch 玩法:教师手上分别拿cake、milk的图片,请两名幼儿上来比赛,教师说到哪个单词,幼儿就去拍哪张卡片,反应快且拍对的幼儿可以得到奖励。


颜色篇 (一小时)


二、课堂指令的学习 ⑴ 当老师说 ok? 时要求学生回答 ok! 并加手势 反复大声练习几次 ⑵ who wants to try? ----- let me try! 反复大声练习几次 ⑶ up ,down stand up ! sit down! 反复操练几次后学习儿歌left, left, right, right, up and dowleft, left, right, right, turning around;left, left, right, right, jump, jump, jumleft, left, right, right, we are strong.

三、问候: hello, hi , how are you 手偶模仿表演 :hello, hello, how are you? fine, fine, fine, thank youhello,hello, how are you ? oh, oh, just so so. hello,hello, how are you ? no, no, i'm terrible.

四、认颜色: red yellow blue green拿出颜色卡片逐次认识,让学生跟读. 小游戏: 将卡片放在地上,让两个学生根据老师说出的单词,以最快速度拍击相应的颜色卡片,并大声读出来. 胜者发小奖品. 玩两到三组. 不能决出胜负者用 rock paper sci ors老师提问:what color is it? 学生回答:it's (回答时击打卡片.one by one)歌: let's learn a tongue twister. red, red, touch your head;blue, blue, tie your shoesyellow, yellow, draw a circle;green, green, stamp your foot. 复习一遍单词game: cow boy.

五、are you sleeping? are you sleeping? brother john? brother john? morning bells are ringing, morning bells are rin



