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认识五官teaching aims

1、正确识别面部器官:眼、耳、鼻、嘴。 2、能够区分单复数的器官名称。 3、单词:eye(s)、ear(s)、nose、mouth

短语:touch my 句型:this is a/an these are

teaching aids:五官图片 teaching ste

一、warming up chant: two little blackbirds 二、daily talk 1、a: hi, good morning. b: morning. a: how are you? b: fine, thank you. (and you?) a: thank you. 2、a: how do you do? b: how do you do? a: what day is it today? b: its friday. 3、a: whats your name? b: my name is a . a: im john. nice to see you, a . b: nice to see you, too. 4、a: how many people are there in your family? b: therere five. a: who are they? b: they are my father 5、a: how old are you? b: six. a: whos your friend? b: jim. 6、a: whats your telephone number? b: 65896246. 7、a: what color is it? b: its red. a: what color do you like? b: i like pink and blue. 三、to review 1、t: look! whats this? its a face. c: face. t: what is on the face? (point to the parts of the face.) c: this is an eye/ear/nose/mouth. 2、t: look at the face! how many


【活动目标】 1、培养幼儿对于英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动。 2、在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解几种水果的英文名称。 3、鼓励幼儿能模仿教师说英语。   【活动准备】 盒子和不透明小袋子一个,苹果、梨、橘子、香蕉的实物及图片各若干,一幅画有一棵大树的画,刀、碟子、餐纸,多媒体课件。 【活动过程】 1、热身运动。 first let us review the song 《eyes ears mouth and nose》 eyes ears mouth and nose, mouth and nose, mouth and nose, eyes ears mouth and nose, it’s my body. 教师与幼儿边唱边做动作,以达到课前的热身准备。 2、学习水果单词。 (1)apple。 教师把已装有苹果的盒子神秘的拿到幼儿面前,激发幼儿探索的欲望. t: look! what’s this? c:盒子 t: yes. a box t: what’s in the box? do you know? t: ok, do you want to know? (引导幼儿说出yes或no) ding ding dong (敲盒子) t: who want to try?(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出let me try) 当幼儿拿出苹果之后,教师:oh(惊喜的),what’s this? c:苹果 t:yes,apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复读).read after me, apple.(幼儿跟读) (2)pear 教师用已切好的雪梨给幼儿尝,并让他们猜出是什么东西。 教师:hum!(作吃的动作)it’s wonderful! 然后分给幼儿吃:eat it! 接着问幼儿:what’s this?(梨) 教师:yes,pear ! read after me, pear. (幼儿跟读) (3)orange 教师用餐巾纸把橘子包起来,然后示范闻一闻,再拿到幼儿面前给他们也闻一闻,并让他们猜猜是什么东西。 t:hmm!(作闻的动作)the smell is good. 然后拿到幼儿面



学会that is ····的发音和组成



1、 上机准备工作:字卡、vcd

2、 游戏所需的物品:字卡



环节转变过度语:今天我们要学习“that is ····”


? 出示汉字:(1、汉字卡;2、电子版汉字。)

? 教师引导幼儿认读:(1、集体认读几遍。2、分组、个别)(以游戏形式作巩固)

环节转变过度语:小朋友真棒,我们学会了汉字“盘子 锅等”,接着我们来学习单词“that is ····”


看图说出单词“that is ····”组成,或这单词是由哪些字母组成?(老师们要求幼儿做动作)

环节转变过度语:我们一起听听单词“ that is ····”的故事


? 教师引导幼儿回忆故事。

? 引导幼儿说组成(要求做动作)*加入巩固组成游戏

? 听发音加强发音练习:选择发音软件“单词发音”幼儿跟读。

? 游戏加以巩固组成及发音。






teaching aims




短语:touch my……

句型:this is a/an…… these are……

teaching aids:五官图片

teaching ste

一、 warming up

chant: two little blackbirds

二、 daily talk

1、 a: hi, good morning. b: morning. a: how are you?

b: fine, thank you. (and you?) a: thank you.

2、a: how do you do? b: how do you do? a: what day is it today? b: it’s


3、a: what’s your name? b: my name is a .

a: i’m john. nice to see you, a . b: nice to see you, too.

4、a: how many people are there in your family? b: there’re five.

a: who are they? b: they are my father……

5、a: how old are you? b: six. a: who’s your friend? b: jim.

6、a: what’s your telephone number? b: 65896246.

7、a: what color is it? b: it’s red. a: what color do you like? b: i like pink

and blue.

三、to review

1、t: look! what’s this? it’s a face. c: face.

t: what is on the face? (point to the parts of the face.)

c: this is an eye/ear/nose/mouth.

2、t: look at the face! how many eyes are there on the face?



活动目标: 1、学习四种昆虫的说法。 2、学习说出所在位置的英文用语。

活动准备: 1、key words:butterfly, ant, caterpillar, bee. 2、main sentences:ant ,ant is on the grass. bee, bee is on the flower. caterpillar, caterpillar is on the leaf. butterfly, butterfly is in the sky. 3、multiple intelligence: song:《insects》 4、material:flash cards自制的放大镜butterfly bee ant和caterpillar图片洞洞夹 昆虫手环 海报纸 ant butterfly caterpillar bee 头套 cd textbook workbook

活动指导: 一、presentation:(教学) 1、teacher先问kids在公园或是户外玩耍的时候有没有见过昆虫?让kids自由自主的表达一下。之后teacher拿出自制的放大镜(见图),开心的告诉kdis这一节课要介绍四种可爱的昆虫给kids认识。 2、先将butterfly的图片贴在放大镜上,然后教kids说a butterfly .yeah!再用what do you see?问kids,引导kids说出butterfly. 3、以同样的方法教ant, bee, 和caterpillar. 4、teacher随意说出昆虫的名称要kids做出动作和复诵三次。 二、presentation: 1、teacher先将flower ,grass ,leaf和sky的图片贴放在白/黑板上,带着kids复习一次。再拿ant的图片由白/黑板的边缘向中央爬行,爬到garss上并问 what do you see?并作出找寻的动作,最后看到ant并开心的说oh! on thegrass.。 2、teacher指着草上的蚂蚁教ant, ant is on the grass.让kids练习说几次。 3、以同样的方式将bee放在花上,将毛毛虫放在叶子上,将蝴蝶放在空中,教kids说be


小编为网友整理的《中班英语教案范文:this is a ……》,希望对大家有所帮助!










2、认知和交通工具相关的单词(在进行这个环节的时候,老师可以引入一个小故事,告诉幼儿,你们将会看到许许多多的动物,可是,没有交通工具我们怎么能去看呀,所以你们一定要记住这些交通工具的名称,然后我们才能去看动物。当老师拿出一种交通工具的卡片时,老师先读一遍,然后让幼儿跟读,最后让幼儿练习句型“this is a ……”.

3、认知和动物相关的单词(幼儿认知完交通工具后,老师可以告诉幼儿,你们可以坐着不同的交通工具去看动物了,你们看到了什么动物呢?这时,老师便可以给每位幼儿发一个动物的头饰,然后问幼儿,例如:“老虎在哪儿?”,戴老虎头饰的幼儿便可以到台上来,自我介绍说“this is a tiger.” 其余的幼儿便说,:“oh,this is a tiger!”依此类推。


5、幼儿起立,一起唱“the wheels on the bus”(汽车上的轮子),并和老师一起做相关的动作,形成互动。(结束)


这篇《中班英语教案:to market》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

中班英语活动:to market目标:1、通过游戏理解“to market”歌曲内容,学唱歌曲。2、在博弈游戏中,感受英语学习的乐趣。准备:转盘1个、纸折大小猪若干、市场情景、钱币和各种蔬菜,歌曲图片(教师用一套,幼儿操作用6套,插片袋5~6条一、 歌曲:to market,音乐导入t:boys and girls, today we will go to a very interesting place. look, what do you see? (show the market situation)c: market.t: yes, here is a market. we will go to the market. to market, to market. what’s in the market?c: carrot/ cabbage/ mushroom/ orange/ watermelon/ banana/pigs.t: good, there are many pigs in the market. what’s the difference?(拿起两只猪示意)c: big pigs. small pigs.t: good, to market, to market, to buy a big pig. (2 times)二、 游戏:spinner game——转盘买猪t: do you want the big pigs or the small pigs? let’s play a spinner game. the turnplate has two sides. one side is a big pig. the other side is small pig. i will spin this turnplate and use the plate to cover it. then you can make a choice to guess which pig will be on the upside.第一遍在座位上集体玩,熟悉游戏规则。(盖好后问)now big pig or small pig? the big pig?



animals 教学目标:让幼儿学会动物英语名称

课程游戏及活动: 日常用语:what’s the weather like today? it’s a su y day how are you feeling today ? i am ha y / sad /angry 1、单词教学: bird turtle pig dog ① 出示闪卡,让小朋友熟悉单词 ② 以猜词游戏让小朋友再次熟悉单词,带入句型 is it a bird ?/ is it a turtle ? yes or no 2、sentences: i like bird/turtle/pig/dog bird bird very cute 游戏:who is crying? 把小朋友分成 turtle、bird两组,通过比赛,把little turtles and little birds 送到妈妈家 3、律动: bad wolf bad wolf knock on the door don’t open ,don’t open the door 游戏:who is coming ? the bad wolf ,小朋友随音乐一起做律动,当音乐停,小朋友以最快的速度跑坐位,抓住了就要被bad wolf吃掉。



活动目标: 1、学习单词cakegiftcard,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解for you.的含义。 2、愿意演唱歌曲,体会与同伴共同庆祝的快乐。

活动准备: 排练情景表演、歌曲磁带、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件

活动过程: 一、greeting 1、teacher and children say hello! good morning!each other. 2、teacher and children sing《nice to see you》together. 二、review t and c read the rhyme《horse》. 三、learn. 1、t and c watch tv of birthday party.where is it?yes,it's dog's house.t come in the house, oh,this is a tv.let's watch tv,ok? 2、t and one child show together. t: hello,i'm cat.today is dog's birthday,i'll go to this party. t: ding-dong! c: what is it? t: i'm cat. c: come in, please. t: happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you. t1: thank you. 3、c learn cake gift card. (1)t shows and reads cake gift card one by one,c say with t.what's this?[keik][gift][ca:d] (2)c reads alone. what's this? yes, here you are. (3) t shows pictures,c practice together. (4)game, who is the first? 4、t shows a picture and reads a cake



活动目的: 1、学会部分动物的英文名称ra it turtle cat dog。 2、培养保护动物的意识。

活动准备: 1、本课教学大卡一套。 2、4个动物头饰;人手一张动物车票。

活动过程: 1、热身:律动《working runing》。 2、单词教学: (1)以猜谜的形式引出动物:有只可爱的小动物,它有长长的耳朵,红红的眼睛,短短的尾巴。它是谁?(小白兔) ra it ra it 蹦蹦跳。 游戏:教师说单词,幼儿做动作。 (2)师表演,幼儿猜,引出乌龟turtle。 游戏:幼儿随卡片位置的高低用大小声说英语单词。 (3)用叫声的形式引出小猫cat。 注意纠正幼儿的发音。 幼儿边说cat cat 是小猫边作动作。 (4)猜谜的形式引出小狗dog。 边说边拍卡片,拍到了奖励dog一根肉骨头。 3、通过游戏,复习英语单词: (1)捉迷藏:师藏起一张卡片,请幼儿看看是谁不见了,并念出它的英文单词。 (2)动物火车:师带上动物头饰,幼儿手持动物车票上车,并说英语口诀。 4、叮咛: 回家后观看vcd,并当个小老师把所学本领教给爸爸妈妈。



