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2.在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解动物cat 和dog 的英语名称3.通过活动促进幼儿交往能力与初步的合作能力。

二、活动内容听懂、会说单词cat 和dog。




师:ok, i’m jojo,’s say “music”(做朝向录音机的动作)师生共做表演 “follow me”




单词呈现:chant “dog dog 汪汪汪”;卡片


5.结束活动今天我们认识了cat 和dog,在音乐声中和cat,dog说再见。



 1、单词 dog 狗 cat 猫 chicken 小鸡 duck 鸭子 tiger 老虎 rabbit 兔子 elephant 大象 monkey 猴子 butterfly 蝴蝶 bird 鸟 bee 蜜蜂 fish 鱼 frog青蛙 2、句型 cat,cat,miao,miao. 小猫叫起来,喵喵。 dog,dog,wow,wow. 小狗叫起来,汪汪。 duck,duck,clip-clip. 小鸭叫起来,嘎,嘎。 chicken,chicken,chip,chip. 小鸡叫起来,叽,叽。 jump,jump,monkey. 猴子跳啊跳。 run,run,rabbit. 免子跑啊跑。 big,big,tiger. 大大的老虎。 heavy,heavy,elephant. 笨笨的大象。 what's your name? 你叫什么名字? i'm mary. 我叫玛丽。


活动目的: 1.通过复习使幼儿对五官类的英文名称熟练掌握。 2.通过活动培养幼儿的反应能力、观察能力以及审美能力。 3.通过活动促使幼儿在不经意中了解小兔和小猫的头部外形特征。 4.能听懂简单的日常用语,并会用简单的日常用语和老师交流。

活动准备: 1. english cards: head ear eye nose mouth 各一张。 2.挂图两幅: 缺鼻子少眼睛的动物头像(小猫、小兔)各一幅。(ear、eye、nose、mouth是活动的) 3.没有ear、eye、nose、mouth的熊猫图片若干(跟幼儿人数相等)

活动过程: 1.组织教学t: good morning , boys and girls . c: good morning , teacher . 2. let' s sing a song.  sing in chorus to the piano .老师弹歌曲《hello!》.让幼儿跟着唱,如果唱得的不好,还可以sing the song again,可以适当鼓励(great). 3.老师让幼儿close your eyes ,然后把cards: head、ear、eye、nose、mouth的图片贴到黑板上,让幼儿open your eyes ,look at the blackboard , i'll point to the picture and you should tell me what it is. (what's this in chinese? what's this in english?) 4.老师再让幼儿close your eyes,然后把words: head、ear、eye、nose、mouth的顺序打乱,再让幼儿open your eyes,look at the blackboard, i'll point to the word and you should tell me what it is , 老师可边指边问nursery: what's the english for it ? what' s this in chinese? 5. let's play a game. t: look at me ,this is my head .那么



class: 5-6 year olds instructor:崔明霞 time: february 3, 2009 place: the second kindergarten in pujiang objectives: 1.to review the words “ hamburger, cola, ice cream, chicken” that we have learned. 2. to introduce the new word “french fries”, the sentences “may i help you? i want…”and try to use the words and sentences. 3.be pleased to communicate with partners. teaching aids: 1.cards and models (hamburger french fries…) 2.tape and radio 3.vcd 4.an imitative situation of kfc teaching steps: 1.warming-up: ①t: let us go to kfc today, ok? k: ok! ②to follow the music and review the song . ③to act the song by yourself. 2.say about kfc foods ①(show pictures)t: now, we are in the kfc. what can you see from the picture? ②k: (i can see the) hamburger/ice cream/chicken/cola… ③to introduce french fries to kids. ④touch game: stick the cards everywhere in the classroom. for instance, teacher orders: “jump to the f



teaching style: new le o

teaching time: one

teaching aims:

1.to learn some new words about farm: mouse, pig, fox.

2.to learn a poem: these are grandma's gla es.

language points: the new word and po e ive's.

difficult points:

1.the po e ive's.

2.the poem: these are grandma's gla es.

teaching aids: computer, tape and some word cards.

teaching methods: communicative a roach

blackboard design: these are grandma's gla es.

teaching ste :

step1 warm up:

1.sing the song together head ,shoulders ,knees and toes.

sing and do the actio 2 times.

2.listen and do the actio :

touch your nose/ head/ legs/ feet/...

ask some to come to the front to act.

step2 review

t points to self and introduces:

this is my body. this is my head. these are my eyes...

let's point to themselve and repeat.

then ask some to introduce themselves in grou .

step3 look, listen and repeat.

look at the screen: a car.

let's look at the screen and gue what we'll learn this le on.

1.teach the words pig. read and repeat.

then r



lesson 1 food

活动目标:1、学习单词 chocolate ,vegetable , bread, hot-dog, noodles.

2、初步理解“do you like……”的含义,会做出肯定或否定回答。


活动准备: 食物图片 。 录音机一台,磁带一盒。




(1) 教师讲解句型,示范读音,幼儿跟读。

(2) 播放录音磁带,幼儿模仿跟读。


4、游戏:yes or no.

把学生分成三组,根据教师出示的食物图片,一组幼儿问:do you like…… 喜欢吃的幼儿站到yes 的那一边,大声说:yes , i do.

不喜欢吃的幼儿站到 no 的那一组,并大声说:no , i don’t.

lesson 1 food (两个课时)

活动目标:1、学习单词 chocolate , ice cream, eggs ,pizza , milk , vegetable , bread,dumpling , shrimp , peanut butter , potato chip. (选择性)


活动准备: 食物图片(由学生现场画)。 录音机一台,磁带一盒。



(1) 出示学生画的食物的图片,教师示范读音,幼儿跟读。

(2) 教师出示图片,幼儿认读。教师纠音。

(3) 教师读出单词,幼儿找出图片。





这篇《大班英语教案:how much》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

大班英语教案《how much》 活动目的和要求:1、复习句型:i put on my …i have …及儿歌“traffic lights”。重点练习句型:show me a … how much 2、培养幼儿对英语活动的兴趣。 活动准备:1、红绿灯头饰。录音机、磁带。 2、情景布置:商店(各种货物) 活动与指导:1、师生互相问好:“good morning boys and girls.” “how are you?” “fine, thank you。” “nice to see you 。” 2、师生互动,复习儿歌《very good》《ha y》《give me five》 3、组织幼儿做睡觉、梳洗、吃饭等动作,复习句型:let’s go to bed. it’s one o’clock…it’s seven o’clock. get up. i put on my shirt …i brush my teeth .i wash my face…i have breakfast… 4、师出示红绿灯,提问:“what’s this?”it’s a red light.(yellow light\green light ) 5、幼儿游戏:乘车。师扮司机,幼儿当乘客。乘客逐一买票,询问司机:“how much ?”司机回答后方可上车。放音乐,带领幼儿做开汽车状,练习儿歌:“traffic lights” 6、师带领幼儿回座位坐好。出示货架、货物等,进行情景表演。师扮售货员,幼儿扮顾客。售货员:“卖东西啦,快来买好东西啦!”顾客:“please show me a ball(pencil\pear\book…) ”售货员:“here you are.”顾客:“how much ?”售货员:“one yuan…”幼儿依次进行练习对话。巩固句型:show me a…how much? 7、放录音,带领幼儿做动作结束活动。


幼儿园大班英语教案:red light

教学内容:red light

教学目的: 1.培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣。 2.培养幼儿对英语词语的理解能力及反应能力。 3.知道几种常见的交通规则。


教学过程: 1.师生相互问好。a:good morning evrybody!b:good morning miss zheng . 2.tpr.long lizard long ,lying on a log ,look at the lizard ,lying on a log. 3.教师声情并茂的讲红绿灯的故事,幼儿初步复习red、yellow、green、go等颜色的词并初步感知stop 、wait (1)小猴第一次经过十字路口时,他发现了什么? (2)当它很认真看时,什么灯亮了?它听到谁在叫?小熊说了什么? (3)小猴第二次经过十字路口时,什么灯亮了?他是怎么做的?小熊又是怎么说的? 4.幼儿学习动词stop 、wait (1)幼儿与师边念歌谣边作动作。停一停stopstopstop。等一等wait wait wait (2)你能用英语说说我做了什么动作吗? 5.师朗诵童谣。 你听到了什么?你会说吗? 6.幼儿与师朗诵并表演童谣。 7.师小结,新课结束good evry one,see you agian.


活动目标: 1、通过游戏,鼓励幼儿大胆地学说英语cookie,candy,并在教师的引导下,让幼儿了解这两种点心的英文名称。 2、激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,使幼儿乐意参与游戏活动。 3、培养小朋友的动手能力和表达能力 。

活动准备: 1.candy,cookie,pie, jello,yogurt, chicken卡片 2.准备糖果,饼干,等实物 3.黑板,磁铁

活动过程: step1:greeting打招呼,

step2:warm up热身,逐渐引入氛围。 热身歌曲:walking

step3:,引出单词candy,cookie并复习pie, jello,yogurt, chicken 重点操练candy,cookie

step4:引入目标短语: smell句型,eat句型 用实物,操练smell句型,eat句型 如:smell the candy/cookie/pie/ jello/chicken eat the candy/cookie/pie/ jello/chicken

step5:练习i say you do 我说你做 请幼儿根据指令作出相应的表演,让幼儿充分理解目标句型

step6:game 游戏 炸弹游戏:把卡片分别贴在黑板上,设定一个单词为炸弹,学生跟着老师读单词,不是炸弹的单词,大声读出来,遇到炸弹单词,则不读。把学生分成2对,并相应在黑板上画2个代表各队的头像,被炸的那队,要相应擦掉头像上的五官。

step7:say goodbye 请小朋友一起分享糖果和饼干。


幼儿园大班英语教案:zoo farm

活动内容: 1. zoo farm 2. after you!

活动目标: 1.理解词语含义,发音准确。 2.喜欢玩游戏,用英语玩角色游戏。


活动过程: 一、出示图片 1. t: morning kids. c: morning 2. t: today its a sunny day? lets play together ok? c: ok!

二、老师带领幼儿一同出去玩。走到图片a处 t: oh, whats it? c: panda fox dog t: 为什么它们都到这里来了,我们应该把它们送到哪里呢? c: 动物园。 t: yes zoo. c: zoo. 老师带领幼儿一起go to the zoo. t: ok, this is zoo. go to the zoo. c: go to the zoo.

三、老师和幼儿又来到图片b处。 t: what this? c: pig dog sheep t: 咱们把它们送到那里去呢? c: farm! t: yes, farm. c: farm. 老师带领幼儿go to the farm. t: ok, this is farm. go to the farm. c: go to the farm.

四、游戏: bus! t: 我们一起go to the home! c: ok! a: after you! b: thank you. c: after you! d: thank you. e: 活动结束。



