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小学六年级英语教案:教学案例《Rules round us》。

老师每一堂上一般都需要一份教案课件,每位老师都要用心的考虑自己的教案课件。只有教案课件老师写越充分,课堂氛围当然也会更好。你是否正在动笔写一篇教案课件吧?为满足你的需求,小编特地编辑了“小学六年级英语教案:教学案例《Rules round us》”,供大家借鉴和使用,希望大家分享!

这篇《小学六年级英语教案:教学案例《Rules round us》》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

《Rules round us》这一单元的重点有两个:一是用must和mustn’t表示义务和禁令,二是情态动词的用法与表示命令的祈使句之间的转化。《Rules round us》是牛津英语6AModule 2 Unit 4第一课时的内容。

本课重点围绕我们日常生活中的规则为题材开展多种教学活动,通过学习句型We must…/We mustn't…,让学生能够学会用英语表达日常生活中的规则。


1.能够听、说、认、读词组:play ball games, leave rubbish, draw on the desk, listen to our teacher, eat or drink, walk on the grass,wait for the green man, keep quiet, run across the road。能够听懂、会说、会读、会写本课时的主要句型:We must…/We mustn't…,并能在适合的情景中自由运用。

2.学生在一定的情景下,正确使用We must…/We mustn't…并能在适合的情景中自由运用。



能够灵活运用句型We must…/We mustn't…,制定不同场所的相关规则。





上课开始,我询问学生:“What are these?”。 学生们都会说是班规和交通标志。接着让学生看标志说句子,复习图标。教师接着说生活中到处都有规则和标志。解释rule-rules-traffic /class/zoo rules


首先,幻灯片出示自学提示,让学生自己先阅读课本28页,回答问题: “ Where do we have rules?”。最后头脑风暴,启发学生和说英语的欲望。鼓励学生用We have rules in / on / at…来回答。

其次,师生看关于交通的视频,并且讨论 “traffic rules”,初步引入导入情态动词must.学生先阅读含must, must not的表示和禁止的句子,然后把句子和表示地点的介词短语配对。并句型:“We must / mustn’t…in /on /at…”的操练。




Traffic rules park rules Family rules

Class rules Zoo rules Library rules



This is our school. It is beautiful. Try to make our school better, we must make it clean and tidy(整洁)。 We must follow the rules everywhere.

We must not smoke.

We must (not) …


A ) 观察身边的标志,画出并写出它们的含义。

B)Workbook 6A pages 42 and 46.




小学六年级下册英语教案:Unit 4 Then and now

Unit 4 Then and now 备课人:
课时分配:6课时 备课时间:2015/3/4
单元教材分析 单元学情分析
本单元以过去和现在为话题,重点学习表示过去的时间状语、学校设施和部分动词及动词短语。 本单元以学生的实际情况出发,通过说唱歌谣、小组合作等形式使学生处于轻松、快乐、趣味十足的学习氛围。
1、 听说认读star,easy,race,felt,trip,woke,会听说读写gym,ago,cycling,badminton.
2、 能够熟练运用There be句型描述过去的事情和现在的事情。
3、 能够掌握询问某人的变化的句型。
课题:Unit 4 A Let's learn 备课人: 上课人:
1、 听说认读单词:dining hall,gym,grass,…years ago,…months ago,last year,last month.
2、 学习句型:There was/were…We didn’t have…及其一般过去时态的具体运用。
3、 学生会根据具体年代判断与之相符的事物。
4、 学唱歌曲《Changes in me》
过去时间状语的运用。 教学难点:
句型There was/were…的具体运用。
教具学具课件准备:ppT 图片 第几课时:period 1
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Learning steps(学习步骤):
Step 1.预习温故(用时5分钟)
1. Go over the phrases of Unit 3: ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts, rode a horse, rode a bike , went camping, hurt my foot , went fishing
教师说短语的第一个单词,学生说出短语,并造一个句子。如T: took. Ss: Took pictures, I took pictures last weekend. ( 边做动作边说)
2. Free talk.
T: How was your weekend?
Ss: It was fine.
T: Where did you go? 、
Ss: I went to ...
T: How did you go there?
Ss: By ...
T: What did you do there? Ss: I went fishing. / ...
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)
1. 教学单词dining hall, grass, gym, ago.
(1) Show the picture of grass. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s grass. 板书grass并教读。Chant: Grass, grass. play football on the grass. 以同样的方法教学dining hall, gym. Chant: Dining hall, dining hall. Have lunch in the dinning. Gym, gym. play basketball in the gym.
(2) 教学单词ago及词组... years ago, ... months ago. 教师先说几个句子让学生感受。T: I went fishing three days ago. I went to Beijing two years ago. 板书并教读ago。 让学生说出... years ago, ... months ago的意思并造句。
2. 出示两张新旧学校图片介绍并板书:There was no gym in my school twenty years ago. Now there’s a new one in our school. 教读。学生学说句子,描述学校以前和现在的样子.如:There was no computer room ten years ago. Now there’s a new one in our school.
3. play the tape of Let’s learn.学生仿读。
Step 3.合作交流:(用时10分钟)
1. 小组读单词,开火车读单词。
2. 学生灵活运用所学单词句子。
3. 完成Find the mistakes.学生先自己读句子,然后小组合作找出错误的地方。
4. 学唱歌曲《Changes in me》
板书设计 作业布置
Unit4 Then and now h
dining hall, gym, grass, ago, ...years ago, ... months ago
There was gym in my school twenty years ago.
Now there’s a new one in our school.
1.抄写并背诵dining hall, gym, grass, years ago, months ago, last year, last month

课题:Unit4 Then and now 备课人: 上课人:
1. 听说认读单词:star, easy, look up, Internet.
2. 听说读写句子:There was no library in my school. Tell us about your school, please. How do you know that? There were no computers or Internet in my time.
3. 听懂Let’s try,完成Tick or cross.
2.理解对话。 教学难点:
教具学具课件准备:ppT 第几课时:period 2
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1.预习温故(用时5分钟)
1. Go over words of Let’s learn. 教师做动作,学生说单词并造句。教师出示单词卡,全班齐读并拼写单词:dining hall, grass, gym.
2. 用ago造句。 There was a dog in the park five days ago.
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)
1.教学单词star, easy, look up, Internet.
(1)画星星简笔画 T: What’s this? Ss: It’s star. 板书star并教读。T: Can you spell star? Ss: S—T—A—R. T: It is easy. (板书并教读easy.)
(2)出示一个星座图片,T: Do you know its name? Ss: I don’t know. T: We can look it up on the Internet. 板书look up, Internet讲解并教读。
2. (1)出示有图书馆和没有图书馆的学校照片,学生说句子Ss: There was no library in the school. Now there’s a new one. 齐读。
(2)出示有电脑和没有电脑的学校图片。T: There were no computers or Internet in my time. 注意are -- were. 学生反复读该句子。(3) 讲解并教读句子:Tell us about your school, please. How do you know that?
3. 学生听录音,老师教读对话。
4.学生自己读对话,回答问题:What was Grandpa’s school like?
Step 3.合作交流:(用时10分钟)
1. 教读对话,学生小组练习对话。
2. 学生灵活运用本课时单词和句型自由编对话。
3. Finish Let’s try.
4. Step4、达标检测(用时9分钟)
板书设计 作业布置
Unit 4 Then and now
There was no library in my school.
Tell us about your school, please.
How do you know that?
There were no computers or Internet in my time. 1.抄写本节课的单词和句子各一遍。
课题:Unit 4 Then and now 备课人: 上课人:
1. 听说读写单词及短语:cycling, ice- skate, badminton,go cycling
2. 能听说认读句子:I didn’t like winter before. I bought it was too cold, and I couldn’t go cycling. How about now? Now I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.
1. 听说读写单词cycling, ice- skate, badminton. 2. 记忆badminton. 教学难点:
1. 听说读写单词cycling, ice- skate, badminton. 2. 记忆badminton.
教具学具课件准备:ppT 第几课时:period 3
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1.预习温故(用时5分钟)
1. Go over the words. dining hall grass gym star easy
2. 谈论学校的今昔对比。T: Tell us about your old school, please.
S1: There were no computers in my old school.
T: How do you know that? S1: Our head teacher told us.
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)
1. 教学单词及词组:cycling, go cycling, ice- skate, play badminton.
(1).出示骑车的图片T: Which sport is it?板书cycling并教读。(2)教师边做骑车的动作边说Go cycling, I can go cycling.。(3)出示羽毛球拍图片T: Do you like badminton? Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. T: Can you play badminton? 板书并教读badminton,play badminton. I can play badminton.(4)出示滑冰的图片,教学ice-skate. 边做动作边说:Ice-skate, Ice-skate, I can ice-skate.
2. 板书句子:I didn’t like winter before. I thought it was too cold, and I couldn’t go cycling.告诉学生think—thought, can – could.
3.板书句子How about now? Now I love to ice-skate, so I like winter. 请学生说出意思,全班齐读。
4. 播放Let’s learn录音,学生跟读。
Step 3.合作交流:(用时10分钟)
1. 学生开火车读单词,词组。
2. 学生灵活运用所学单词及句子表演对话。
3. Finish Listen, match and say. (1) 听录音,把人物与做的活动连起来。(2)根据连线同桌对话:Before, Allen couldn’t ... Now ...
板书设计 作业布置
Unit4 Then and now
cycling, go cycling, ice- skate, badminton, play badminton
I didn’t like winter before.
I thought it was too cold, and I couldn’t go cycling.
think – thought can -- could
How about now? Now I love to ice-skate, so I like winter. Make and write down a new conversation 。
课题:Unit 4 Then and now 备课人: 上课人:
1. 听说读写句子:Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class.
I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day.
2.听说认读单词different, active.
3. 听懂会说本课时的对话.
1.听说读写句子Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class.
I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day.
2. different的发音较难。 教学难点:
1.听说读写句子Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class.
I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day.
2. different的发音较难。
教具学具课件准备:ppT 第几课时:period 4
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1.预习温故(用时5分钟)
1. Go over: go cycling ice-skate play badminton
教师做动作,学生一起说出短语并造句。Go cycling, I could go cycling.
Ice-skate, I could ice-skate. play badminton, I could play badminton.
2. 齐读Let’s learn对话并请学生翻译。
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)
1. 教学different.
出示自己小时候的照片,T: Who is she? Guess. T: It is me. At that time, I had short hair and I was fat. Now I am different. All of you are different now.板书different,请学生说出它的意思,并教读。
2. 教学active 和 板书句子:Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class. 请学生说意思,然后齐读。
3.板书句子:I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day.请学生说句子的意思,然后齐读句子,最后请学生模仿该句子说自己的变化。如:
I was short, so I couldn’t play basketball well. Now, I play it every day.
4.学生自己读对话,回答问题:How did Mike change?
5. 学生讲解对话,教师答疑。
Step 3.合作交流:(用时10分钟)
1.学生小组读对话。 2. 分角色朗读对话。 3. Finsh Let’s try.
4. 用p36的句子灵活运用所学单词及句子谈论家人或朋友的变化。
板书设计 作业布置
Unit4 Then and now
active different绿Before,
I was quiet. Now,
I’m very active in class.
I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day. (1)完成活动手册Listen again and write
(2) Write the new words.

课题:Unit 4 Then and now 备课人: 上课人:
1. 能听,说,认读单词race, nothing, thought ,felt, cheetah, trip, woke, dream。
2.能听懂,会说句子:There are many animals in the race. But suddenly he tripped and fell.3.能听懂,读懂小短文,并能完成相应的练习
重点:能听懂,会说句子:There are many animals in the race. 教学难点:
教具学具课件准备:ppT 第几课时:period 5
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)
1.出示单词卡片和图画教学单词:race, nothing ,thought, felt, cheetah, trip, woke, dream并板书,教读,学生跟读。
2.S: 学生独立阅读课文,边读边理解。勾出不理解的句子。
3.T:帮助学生理解句子并板书:1.There are many animals in the race.2. But suddenly he tripped and fell.
4. Listen to the passage.
5. Number the picture.
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)
1.领读Read and write 中的句子并纠正读音。2. 抽学生理解课文,并答疑。
4. Finish exercise:
1. Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)
板书设计 作业布置
Unit 4 Then and now
1.There are many animals in the race
2. But suddenly he tripped and fell. 1. 完成活动手册
2. 用所学句型编对话。
课题:Unit 4 Then and now 备课人: 上课人:
2.能够独立完成Let’s check/Let’s wrap it up部分内容。
3.理解Story time 中的故事。
2.完成相关练习并理解故事。 教学难点:
教具学具课件准备:ppT 第几课时:period 6
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
1.Review the words and phrases and sentences in U.4.(多操练)。
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)
1. 复习四会单词,四会句子,三会单词。(读课本四单元单词和句子)
2.Main scene(多操练)
(2)Listen to the tape and follow it.
3. Listen to the tape and finish Let’s check.
3)T再次播放磁带,Ss cross out the words you didn’t hear,后讲评订正。
4. Let’s wrap it up. Talk about the changes below.
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)
Story time.
1)T: Look ,Zoom and Zip are talking about changes .What are they talking about ?Let’s read.
Step 4. 达标检测(用时9分钟)
板书设计 作业布置
Unit 4 Then and now
It was raining. In summer, the tree was green. There was a building before. The cat was on the chair. 抄写并背诵本单元的四会单词及句子并写出汉语意思。
备课内容:Recycle Mike’s happy days 备课人:
课时分配:3课时 备课时间:2015/3/4
单元教材分析 单元学情分析
本单元是人教pEp版英语六年级下册复习单元。本单元通过Mike幸福的几天生活情况,讨论:1.有关农场的情况,2.Mike和新朋友的学校生活的情况以及对未来的规划等。3.Mike的学校发出了晚会邀请,学生参加送别晚会,并在小故事中感受友情的可贵。 单元的学生通过几个单元的学习,对六年级下册的英语知识点有了大致的了解,利用复习单元,加深学生的印象,提高学生的英语水平。并在情感方面有了更高层次的升华。
1. 会给单词归类;
2. 去市场之前会列好清单;
3. 会描述在农场的活动内容,会描述自己的学校生活;
4. 会规划自己的未来,有自己的理想;
5. 会写邀请函,会列举晚会需要的物品。
课题:Recycle Mike’s happy days 备课人 上课人:
4.能描述农场生活和活动。 教学难点:
教具学具课件准备:ppT 第几课时:period 1
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1 Warm-up
1. Greeting.
2. Free talk.
Step 2 presentation
Day 1: A beautiful farm
Day 2: Farmers’ market
Day 3: Life on the farm
Day 4: Mike’s day on the farm
Step 3 Extension
Step 4 Summary
Step 5 Homework
板书设计 作业布置
Recycle Mike’s happy days
1. Can you name the group of the words? 1. 完成活动手册 read and write.
课题:Recycle Mike’s happy days 备课人: 上课人:
1. 能看懂Mike学校生活的ppT,复习学科名称,理解Mike对各科的喜好。
2. 能用简单的英语向别人介绍自己的朋友。
3. 能根据文章内容判断正误,找出错误理由。
4. 通过故事的阅读提高英语阅读理解能力和阅读技巧。
1. 能掌握表示各个学科的单词及喜欢和不喜欢该学科的理由。
2. 能理解故事并能流利地朗读故事。 教学难点:
教具学具课件准备:ppT 第几课时:period 2
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1 Warm-up
1. Greeting.
2. Free talk.
复习句型I like…best.=My favorite…is…/…is my favorite.
Step 2 presentation
1. Watch the ppT of the story.
2. Read the story and find the mistakes.
3. 要求学生带着问题再次阅读。
4. Look at Bill’s poster.
Step 3 Extension
Design your own poster.
Step 4 Summary
Let the students tell the class what we learnt today.
Step 5 Homework
板书设计 作业布置
Recycle Mike’s happy days
1. Mike’s school life
2. Read and underline the mistakes
3. Read and tick or cross.
Write your own poster.
课题:Recycle Mike’s happy days 备课人: 上课人:
1. 能看邀请函,并自己设计邀请函。
2. 能恢复别人的邀请函。
3. 能自己合理安排晚会内容。
4. 能为举办晚会筹划各种所需物品。
1. 能掌握邀请函的主要内容,如:时间、地点、人物等。
2. 能自己做好晚会准备工作。
3. 能恢复邀请函。 教学难点:
复习will,be going to 构成的将来时在句中的运用。
教具学具课件准备:ppT 第几课时:period 3
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1 Warm-up
3. Greeting.
4. Free talk.
Step 2 presentation
1. Day 7:Mike’s surprise
2. Write a reply.
3. Design your own invitation.
4. Day 8: A farewell party
5. Story time
1. 读故事,领略故事大意。
2. 教师点拨难读的单词和句子。
3. 学生分角色朗读故事。
4. 有能力的学生组成小组分角色表演
5. 读课文,让学生体会文章表达的中心思想—友情的重要性。
Step 3 Extension
Step 4 Summary
Let the students tell the class what we learnt today.
Step 5 Homework
板书设计 作业布置
Recycle Mike’s happy days
1. What are they going to do at the party?
2. Group the words. 写一封回复函。

六年级英语教案:Whats his name

Lesson 13教案示例
重点:句型What’s her name? Her name is Mary.
词汇mother her
难点:发音 Who’s that over there? Is she your teacher?
理解 Is she your teacher?
A. What’s your English name?
How old are you?
Are you in Class Two?
What’s your number?
*** is my good friend. Who’s your good friend?
Who’s that/she?
B. 事先请几名学生带来自己的照片,教师根据照片提问:
Who’s he/she?
Is he/she a student?
Is he/she your friend? (此问题可找基础较好的学生来回答。只要能答出Yes或No即可。)
A: 介绍主题图
师:Look at this picture. What do you want to say? What do you want to answer about it?
师生问答:Who’s that?(指图中一个男孩)
学生回答:That’s …
教师提问:Who’s that?(指一个女孩)
教师提问:Who’s that girl over there? (指Zhou peipei)
学生可能回答:That’s Zhou peipei. (不论学生回答什么,只要与人物有关都可算对)
B: 问答 (在此步骤中,学生初步会用She’s my friend.来回答相应问题)
师:Yes. That’s Zhou peipei. She’s my friend. 重复两遍。Who’s that girl over there?
生:She’s my friend.
师生问答 (训练学生熟练运用She’s my friend.的答语的能力)
C: 理解课文 [听配套课文录音三遍]
师:What’s the girl’s name?
Is the woman her teacher?
Who’s the woman?
生:Her name is Zhou peipei.
She is her mother.
D: 模仿课文录音[听配套课文录音三遍]
Who’s that girl over there? She’s my friend.[集体重复、两人一组重复]
over there:用手指一指眼前,再指稍远一点的地方,帮助学生理解。在这里不做更多解释。
b. What’s her name? Her name is Zhou peipei.[集体重复、两人一组重复,教师解释:My name is…. Her name is…熟练掌握后,学生能利用此语言项目展开新的对话]
c. Is she her mother? 用教师自带的全家福照片做引导,教师解释:Look. This is my mother. Is she my mother.找一学生回答。在带读时,注意单词mother中的字母o发短音[ ],th组合发音时要出舌尖。另外,此句应用升调,示范要正确。
E: 理解课文
A: 词汇mother her
B: 句型教学
步骤一:教师出示四位人物的图片(课文中的第二部分Let’s practise的图片),图片的下面标有该人物的名字Mary Betty Kate Alice )。
教师针对图片一一提问:What’s her name? (板书问题)
学生回答:Her name is …(板书其中一个答案)
What’s her name?
Her name is…
教师准备好几张学生所熟悉的知名人物的照片,如刘璇、杨澜、桑兰,或其他女知名人士等。把人物图片或照片分发给几个学生。让他们按次序地举起人物图片,问一位同学What’s her name? 给与回答时,应用Her name is… 答对或答错由其他学生用Yes或No做评判。
根据录音内容,在每组a b c三个答语中选择一个正确的答案。
课文对话是围绕“询问某人的姓名及其回答的日常交际用语”展开的。学习句型What's her name? Her name is Mary.教师可以先引导学生复习What's your name? How old are you? Are you in Row One? What's your number?让学生根据提供的画面叙述看到或设想发生的事情。学生基本能做到熟练掌握答语后,听课文录音两三遍,熟悉课文。学生根据自己学到的知识,对图中的内容进行重新遍排组合,以小组的方式,组织一段与主题图有关的语言材料。

小学六年级下册英语教案:Unit 2 Last weekend

Unit 2 Last weekend
备课科目:英语 备课人:
课时分配:6课时 备课时间:2015年3月3日
单元教材分析 单元学情分析
1.本单元主要是使学生学会用过去过去式态表达所做的事情,重点句型是:What did you do last weekend/yesterday? I played football. Did you read books? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.由于涉及动词过去式的变化规则和读音规则,一般过去式有时学生的学习重难点之一。创设真实情境、组织有意义的任务或活动来展开一般过去式的教学,避免过分强调语法。本单元的内容安排体现了由浅入深、循序渐进的原则,A部分着重学习规则动词的过去式变化,而B部分的重点是不规则动词的过去式变化,如:go—went, read—read等。在教学中,要注意多创设情境,帮助学生内化,达到学以致用。
2)听懂、会唱Let’s chant和Let’s sing部分的歌谣及歌曲;
4)读懂Let's read部分的文章,并能根据课文内容进行仿写和填空。
课题:Unit 2(第一课时) 备课人: 上课人:
1. 学习单词weekend, drank, show, anything, else.
2. 全体学生能运用:What did you do? I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.
3. 掌握动词过去式的句子。
4. 能朗读课文,并能进行角色表演。
重点是掌握A-Let’s learn的四会单词和短语,并询问别人的身体状况。 教学难点:
录音机、磁带、图片 第几课时: 1
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1: greeting
T: hello boys and girls.
S: hello MS Wang.
T: good morning/good afternoon class.
S: good morning/good afternoon MS Wang.
T: nice to see you again.
S: nice to see you, too.
Step 2: warmer
Review some words we have studied in last class.
Dialogue practice.
播放Let’s try的录音
Step 3 presentation
(1)生阅读let’s talk的短文并圈出不认识的单词:was drank
am. is---was
(3)教师播放Let’s talk 的课件,并要求学生回答问题:what did mike’s grandpa do last weekend?
(4)教师再次播放Let’s talk 的课件,学生跟读并思考问题:
How was your weekend?
What did you do last weekend?
What are you going to do next weekend?
Step 4 practice
(2)make a report

板书设计 作业布置
Unit 2 Last Weekend
What did you do last weekend?
I ……
am. is---was
(2)学生背诵和抄写单词和短语4遍。/pp课题: Unit 2 (第2课时) 备课人: 上课人:
1.能听,说,读,写短语:cleaned my room, washed my clothes , stayed at home, watched TV .
2.能听懂问句:what did you do?并能做出相应的回答。
3能够运用新学的内容完成 “Do a survey and report”任务。
四个动词短语的读音和拼写 教学难点:
有关卡片,磁带等。 第几课时:2
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1: greeting
T: hello boys and girls.
S: hello MS Wang.
T: good morning/good afternoon class.
S: good morning/good afternoon MS Wang.
T: nice to see you again.
S: nice to see you, too.
Step 2: warmer
T: Good morning, boys and girls, who can tell me what do you usually do on weekends?
S1:I usually do my homework….
2. warm-up
T:OK .How was your weekend?
S3:It was fine….
Step 3 presentation
1.T: How were their weekend?
S1:MIKE cleaned his room and washed his clothes.(师注意物主代词的变换)
S2:ChenJie stayed at home and watched TV.
(1)呈现词组: cleaned my room, washed my clothes , stayed at home, watched TV 强调过去式的发音/d/,/d/,/id//t/.学生跟随教师朗读词组。
(2)呈现句型:What did you do? 师问生答。
Step 4 practice(练习)
(2)主情景图问答练习:出示MIKE 微博截图,操练句型what did +主语+do?
(3)Do a survey and report:操练句型—How was your weekend? What did you do?
(4)summary: Last weekend two students washed their clothes…

板书设计 作业布置
Unit 2 Last Weekend
clean-----cleaned my room
wash-----washed my clothes
stay-------stayed at home
watch-----watched TV (1)抄写四会动词词组并做配套练习
课题: Unit 2 (第3课时) 备课人: 上课人:
1.能够了解let’s talk的大意,并能简单复述对话。
2.能听懂并能完成part B Let’s try.
Let’s talk 动词过去式的变化规则.
w W 教学难点:
有关卡片,磁带等。 第几课时:3
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1: greeting
T: hello boys and girls.
S: hello MS Wang.
T: good morning/good afternoon class.
S: good morning/good afternoon MS Wang.
T: nice to see you again.
S: nice to see you, too.
Step 2: warmer
2.播放Let’s try录音,并完成相应的练习
Step 3:presentation
1. 教师展示自己昨天做的事情,和平时周末经常做的事情的图片,引导学生注意时态的区别.
2. 教师对学生说:john and amy正讨论想要去书店,他们要买什么呢?let’s have a look!
3. 播放let’s talk活动的动画或录音,请学生看动画或听录音,教师通过简单的提问帮助学生理解课文大意。
4. What do they want to buy?
5. 教师通过单词卡片,图片,事物,带领学生学习单词及短语,magazine, had a cold, slept, better, faster.通过教师领读,小老师领读,组长检查,熟练掌握单词。
6. 再次播放录音。
7. 思考did john see a film last weekend?/ what did he do?
8. 小组讨论,找出答案,抽生回答。
9. 再次播放录音,跟读,要求生模仿语音语调。
10. 生分角色朗读,男女生读,分组读
板书设计 作业布置
Unit 2 Last Weekend
magazine 杂志
better---good 更好
faster---fast 更快
better 听录音模仿对话
课题: Unit 2 (第4课时) 备课人: 上课人:
能听,说,读,写短语:read a book , saw a film ,had a cold, slept.
能听,说,会读时间短语:last weekend, last night, last Monday, yesterday, the day before yesterday 并能做出相应的替换.
掌握过去式的一般疑问句的形式:Did you like it?Yes,I did并知道关键词替换。
能独立完成Look and talk的练习
能听,说,读,写短语:read a book , saw a film ,had a cold, slept 教学难点:
有关卡片,磁带等。 第几课时:4
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1: greeting
T: hello boys and girls.
S: hello MS Wang.
T: good morning/good afternoon class.
S: good morning/good afternoon MS Wang.
T: nice to see you again.
S: nice to see you, too.
Step 2: warmer
Step 3: presentation(新课呈现)
(1)ppT出示John的微博截图并提出问题:T: what did John do last Saturday?(板书last Sunday)
S1:He slept.(板书slept)
S2:He read a book(板书read a book)
(3)出示Sarah看电影的图片,学生猜动词词组:see a film,引出saw a film(板书 saw a film).学生跟读
(4)T:Sarah saw a film. Did you like it?(板书Did you like it?)
S1:Yes,I did(板书)
S2:No,I didn’t(板书)
(5)出示John 感冒的图片:have a cold ,引出动词的过去式had a cold(板书had a cold).学生跟读
(6)学生打开课本练习Let’s learn 的对话,教师出示各种时间词并解释:the day before yesterday(后天)
do---did see---saw read---read
sleep---slept have ----had go---went
step4: practice(练习)
1. Look and talk :操练句型what did Sarah/John/Mike….do yesterday/last Sunday /……? Did he/she have a cold…..? Yes, he/she did ,No, he /she didn’t
2. 小结
板书设计 作业布置
Unit 2 Last Weekend
read a book
last weekend,
saw a film
last night,
had a cold
last Monday, slept yesterday,
the day before yesterday (1) (抄写动词词组及时间短语
(2) 听录音模仿对话
(3) 预习p18
课题: Unit 2 (第5课时) 备课人: 上课人:
1. 能听,说,认读单词hotel,fixed,broken,lamp,loud,enjoy,stay
2. 能够了解read and write 课文的部分大意
3. 了解意见书书写格式
4. 学生能在任务完成的过程中体会新语言的意义
read and write的对话
有关卡片,磁带等。 第几课时:5
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1: greeting
T: hello boys and girls.
S: hello MS Wang.
T: good morning/good afternoon class.
S: good morning/good afternoon MS Wang.
T: nice to see you again.
S: nice to see you, too.
Step 2: warm-up
Step 3:presentation
(1)出示ppT: Mrs Boom’s works
made the beds
cooked the food
cleaned the rooms
(2) 出示Mike的建议卡及意见书
(3) 生个别读,分段读,
(1) Read the letter again quickly. find the sentences that describe pictures 1-3.
(2) Circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table.
(3) Read and finish the letter.
板书设计 作业布置
Unit 2 Last Weekend
fixed ----修理
stay----逗留 (1)听录音朗读read and write
课题: Unit 2 (第6课时) 备课人: 上课人:
1. 能够完成Let’s check的练习
2. 能够了解story time的大意
3. 学生能在任务完成过程中体会新语言的意义
学生在了解故事的基础上,能分角色用自己的语言表演故事。 教学难点:
有关卡片,磁带等。 第几课时:6
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1: greeting
T: hello boys and girls.
S: hello MS Wang.
T: good morning/good afternoon class.
S: good morning/good afternoon MS Wang.
T: nice to see you again.
S: nice to see you, too.
Step 2: warm-up
Step 3: presentation
1.Today zip with zoom are talking about weekend. Would you like to see? Ok, let’s go and have a look.
看图,听整个故事,并且问:how was zoom’s
Weekend?通过提出简单, 有针对性的问题来帮助学生理解文章大意,培养他们带着问题阅读,并做记录的好习惯。
3. 逐步理解,解析课文,讲练结合。
(1) 再听故事,学习新单词,并作相应句练习。
(2) 自读课文,完成填空题,帮助学生对课文内容进行梳理。
(3) 小组讨论,完成填空。

板书设计 作业布置
Unit 2 Last Weekend
How was your weekend?
It was a busy one.
What did you do on Saturday morning? (1)听磁带,跟读课文。(2)尝试背课文。


圆柱的特征是小学数学教材中几何初步知识教学的重点和关键。为了让学生深化对圆柱的认识,同时也为圆柱表面积的教学做好铺垫,我们特意设计了一节 “给圆柱做新衣”实践活动课。我们是按如下步骤进行教学的。
师:上一节数学课,同学们一起认识了圆柱,掌握了圆柱的特征。这节活动课,老师想让大家自己动手来给圆柱裁剪一件 “合体的新衣”,大家有兴趣吗?
(学生自由说,教师归纳总结学生发言,并板书一般性解决思路:量 ----算----裁----“穿”。)
师:哦!先测算再剪裁 ----所谓“量体裁衣”,不愧为一种好办法!但是老师给每个小组只准备了彩纸、颜料等材料,没有准备尺子,因而不能量也不能算。(用笔画掉一般性解决思路中的“量”“算”。)
(有的学生开始将注意力集中到 “风马牛不相及”的颜料上,并以此展开激烈的研讨,课堂气氛再度活跃。)
生:我是从 “盖印章”中得到启发……(发言被全班同学赞许的掌声淹没。)
(教师只是微笑,不加评判,并在刚才画掉的 “量”“算”上面板书:印。)
生:对!还可以像用滚刷粉刷墙壁那样 ……
生: ……压路机……
师:看样子同学们一定都找到了理想的解决方法!下面大家就以小组为单位开始给圆柱 “做新衣”,比一比哪位同学“心灵手巧”!
(课的最后展示作品,评价总结,颁发雏鹰 “创新章”。)
探究性实践应用活动是实施创新教育的有效载体,也是小学数学教学的优势所在。本书实践活动课安排在教学 “圆柱的认识”之后、“圆柱的表面积”之前,可谓独具匠心。与“圆柱的认识”的教学相比,“给圆柱做新衣”的教学思路正好“反其道而行之”。由于生活性、趣味性和应用性都较强,所以教学伊始,学生参与的热情极高。但由于思维定势等因素的影响,一听到不能用“量体裁衣”的方法来解决问题后,一部分学生则“不知所措”甚至“望而却步”。在这关键时刻,教师并没有束手无策,也没有包办代替,而是抓准时机巧妙地引导学生从现有的材料入手去积极思考、主动寻求解决问题的突破口;当学生刚刚寻找到思维的支点、即将迸开创新的苞芽之时,教师也并没有去指手画脚,更没有去裁决评判,而是采取了“悬而未决”的策略,运用体态语激励和引导全体学生去自己感悟、自主发现,从而获得了“一石激起千层浪”的教学佳境。

六年级下册英语教案:Unit 2 Last weekend

Unit 2 Last weekend
period 1 Section A Let’s learn / Do a survey and report p15
教师寄语: First things first .(重要的事情先做)
Learning aims(学习目标)
1.四会单词或词组:cleaned ,washed ,watched ,stayed ,cleaned my room ,washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched TV.
2.理解句子:How was your weekend ? It was fine ,thanks .What did you do ? I stayed at home and watched TV.
3.学唱歌曲《Last weekend》.
Important difficult points(重难点)
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
1、Go over the words:
2、Free talk :
T: I’m 28. How old are you ? S: I ’m 12years old.I’m younger than you .
T: I’m 1.65meters. How tall are you ? S: I ’m 1.61 metres. I’m shorter than you .
T:I’m 48kg.How heavy are you ? S: I ’m 40kg. T:I’m heavier than you.
3. T: I often clean my room on the weekend.
T: What do you do on the weekend ?
S: I often clean my room on the weekend. (多操练)
T:Today we’ll learn U.2 Last weekend. (板书教读)
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)
Let’s learn
1.New phrases: cleaned ,washed ,watched ,stayed ,cleaned my room ,washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched TV.
(1)T 板书下列单词的原形clean ,wash ,watch,stay,并用I often clean my room /…造句。
(2)T 板书以上单词原形并且加ed后,用I cleaned my room /…last weekend 造句。
(3)学生观察两个词组的不同之处.T:eg:cleaned 是clean的过去式,当我们要表达过去发生的事情时,就要用动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式一般在原型后面加ed.cleaned的ed 发/d/. 师带读.
(4)用同样的方式教“stay/stayed at room,wash/washed my clothes,watch/watched TV.”. 注意:washed,watched的ed 发/t/.
2. T: How was your weekend ? S:It was fine ,thanks.
T:What did you do ? S:I I stayed at home and watched TV.
3. Listen to the tape of Let’s learn and follow it.
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时7分钟)
1.领读Let’s learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。
2.自编chant,边做动作边chant :What did you do ? I cleaned my room. What did you do ? I washed my clothes. What did you do ? I stayed at home. What did you do ? I watched TV. (注意:do 的过去式did ).
3.教学Do survey and report :学生利用表格,进行问卷调查。
4.学唱歌曲《Last weekend》.
Step 4. 达标检测(用时9分钟)
A.watched TV B.stayed at home C.cleaned my room
D. washed my clothes E. played football

1_____ 2.______ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
1. wash______ 2.stay_____ 3.watch______ 4.clean______ 5.do ______
( )1.你想问同学周末过得怎样,可以说:______.
A. How was your weekend ? B. How old are you ?
( ) 2.你想问同学有多高,可以说:_______.
A.How heavy are you ? B.How old are you ?
( )3.你想告诉同学:你周末过得很好,可以说:____.
A. I’m taller than you . B. It was fine.
( ) 4.你想问同学上周末做了什么?可以说_____.
A . What did you do last weekend ?B.What are you going to do next weekend ?
( )5.你想说:它比我们俩加起来还高,可以说:_______.
A.It’s taller than both of us together. B.It’s taller than the elephant.
Step 5.布置课后作业(用时1分钟)
Step 6.板书设计:
Unit 2 Last weekend
Words: clean—cleaned wash—washed watch—watched stay --stayed
Sentences:----How was your weekend ? ----I’m fine,thanks.
----What did you do? ----I stayed at home and watched TV.
period 2 Section A Let’s try/Let’s learn p14
Learning aims(学习目标)
1.复习单词或词组cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV。
2.四会句子:How was your weekend ?It was good ,thank you .What did you do ?
I stayed at home with your grandma .Did you do anything else?
3.三会单词:drank 、show .
Important difficult points(重难点)
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
1. Go over the old words and phrases :
T : clean S:cleaned /cleaned my room T: watch S: watched/watch TV
T: stay S: stayed/stayed at home T:wash S: washed/washed my clothes
2.Free talk :
T: What do you do on the weekend ? S: I often clean my room/…
T: What did you do? S: I watched TV/....
3.Chant together.
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)
1、T:How are you today ? Ss:I’m fine,thanks.
板书: T:How was your weekend ? Ss:It was good,thank you. (is 的过去式was,师生互答)
2、T:What do you often do on the weekend ? Ss:I often watch TV.
板书:T:What did you do last weekend?S: I stayed at home with your grandma.(教读)
3、(1)单词:drink –drank, drank是过去式,师带读,生跟读。引出喝茶 drink tea—drank tea . I drank tea last weekend .
(2)句子: T:出示Mike’s爷爷奶奶喝茶、看电视的图片,
What did they do ?引导学生答:They drank tea and watched TV,师板书并教读:
We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV。
4、板书呈现:show,children’s show,I watched some children’s show on TV.学生说意思,板书并教读。
5、T:What did you do last weekend ? S:I watched TV/….
T:Did you do anything else? Did you play football ?Did you do your homework ?...板书:Did you do anything else?学生说说意思并带读。
6、学生小组阅读对话并回答问题。(1)What did mike’s grandpa do lastweekend ? (2)What did mike do ?
8、Listen to the tape of Let’s talk and follow it.
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时7分钟)
Eg:I washed my colthes/….
3. Listen to the tape and finish Let’s try .
Step 4. 达标检测(用时9分钟)
( )1.How was your weekend ? A.我们喝了下午茶还看了电视。
( )2. How are you ? B.你还做了其他什么事吗?
( )3.I stayed at home with your grandma. C.你周末过得怎么样?
( )4.We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV. D. 你好吗?
( )5.Did you do anything else ? E.我和你奶奶在家里。
1.What ____(do/did)you do last weekend ?
2.I _______ (stay/stayed)at home with my mother yesterday.
3.How ____ (is/was) your weekend ?
4.Did you do ____(anything/any)else ?
5.We ______(drink/drank)tea last Sunday.

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____
A.Mike cleaned his room last Sunday. B.Yao Ming is taller and stronger the man.
C.This egg is bigger than that one. D.I drank tea in the afternoon. E.Chen Jie stayed at home yesterday .
Step 5.布置课后作业(用时1分钟)
2、熟读p14Let’s talk.
Unit 2 Last weekend
Words: drink ---drank show
Sentences: ---I stayed at home with your grandma .
---We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.
---Did you do anything else?

period 3 Section B Let’s learn /Look and talk p17
Learning aims(学习目标)
1.掌握四会单词、词组:had , slept, read, saw, last, yesterday, before, read a book, saw a film, had a cold.
2.理解认读句子:“ What did you do last weekend ? I saw a film. Did you like it ? Yes, I did .I t was great.”
Important difficult points(重难点)
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
1.Go over the words : cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV
2.Free talk:
T:How was your weekend ? S: It was good, thank you .
T: What did you do ? S: I stayed at home and drank tea.
T: Did you do anything else ? S: Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)
Let’s learn
1、教学单词have-had ,sleep- slept ,read-read ,see-saw和相关词组.
eg:出示John感冒的图片T: John had a cold yesterday .So he didn’t go to school .He slept all day .板书并教读:had a cold ,slept ,造句:I had a cold/read a book/saw a film/… last weekend.
同样方法教“read a book, saw a film”.
2、板书呈现短语:last weekend/last night/last Monday/yesterday/the day before yesterday ,并告知学生所有与last相关的时间短语都是指过去的时间。
T:What did you do last Monday ? S:What did you do last Tuesday ? (用过去时间短语造句,可用开火车方式操练,)
4、师生共同操练句子T: What did you do last weekend ? S:I saw a film.
T: Did you like it ? S:Yes ,I did .It was great.
5、Listen to the tape of Let’s learn and follow it.
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时7分钟)
1.领读Let’s learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。
3.Look and talk. T:What did John do yesterday ? S:He slept.
T:Did he sleep yesterday ? S:Yes,he did.
Step 4. 达标检测(用时9分钟)
1. sleep_____ 2. have ____ 3. do ____ 4.read.____ 5 is_____ 6.see_____
A.stayed at home B. had a cold C. slept D. saw a film E.read a book

1._____ 2._____ 3.______ 4.______ 5._____
A. had a cold B. yesterday C. saw a film D. draw some pictures E. slept all day
1.My parents ________(看电影)last night.
2.Some children ___________(感冒)last month.
3.Where did you go ________ (昨天)?
4.Tom was very tired .So he _________(睡了一整天).
5.I’m going to __________(画画)in the park.
Step 5.布置课后作业(用时1分钟)
Step 6.板书设计:
Unit 2 Last weekend
Words: before last have-had see-saw sleep-slept read-read
Sentences: ----What did you do last weekend?
---- I saw a film.
period 4 Section A Let’s try/Let’s talk p16
Learning aims(学习目标)
1.掌握四会句子:I want to buy the new film magazine .What did you do last weekend ? Did you see a film ? No, I had a cold .I stayed at home all weekend and slept.并能在实际情境中运用。
3.能够完成Let's try部分听录音选出正确答案。
Important difficult points(重难点)
1.重点:掌握四会句型, 流利朗读Let's talk 部分中对话.
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
1.Go over the old words: had ,slept, read, saw, last, yesterday, before, read a book, saw a film, had a cold. Eg:T:have S:had ,had a cold,I had a cold.
2.Free talk T: How was your weekend ?S: It was good.
T: What did you do last weekend ? S: I saw a film /…. (替换练习)
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)
Learn Let’s talk
1. 教学单词magazine. fast—faster,good—better .
T 出示杂志,What’s this ? It’s a magazine.
T:I want to go to the bookstore, I want to buy the new magazine.板书并教读。
板书句子:I’m happy you feel better now. It’s faster than walking .
板书句子:Did you see a film ?---No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.教读,帮助学生理解意思。
2.Listen to the tape of Let’s talk twice.
3.Ask Ss to read the talk for twice then answer the questions.
(1) Did John see a film last weekend ? (2)What did he do ?
6. Read the dialogue together.
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时7分钟)
1.Role play.
Eg:Let’s ….. What did you do…?
3. Listen to the tape and finish Let’s try.
Step 4. 达标检测(用时9分钟)
A.They saw a film last night. B. John had a cold. C.He slept all day .D.She stayed at home last weekend . E.She read a book

1 .____ 2._____ 3. _____ 4. ____ 5. _____
( )1.---_____you sing English songs yesterday ?
---No,I didn’t. A Do B Did C Will
( )2.They ____ a flower show last weekend . A saw B seeing C see
( )3.My father usually _____ to work by car . A go B goes C going
( )4.I played the pipa ______ . A tomorrow B every day C yesterday
( )5.We want to ____the Great Wall . A visit B visits C visited
( )6.His schoolbag is _____than mine . A cute B bigger C small
三、根据Let’s talk 判断正(A)误(B)。
( )1.Amy wants to buy the new magazine.
( )2.John saw a film last weekend .
( )3.John had a cold .
( )4.They will go to the bookstore on foot.
( )5.John stayed at home and slept all weekend.
Step 5.布置课后作业(用时1分钟)
板书设计: Unit 2 Last weekend
words:magazine fast---faster good---better
------I want to buy new film magazine .
------What did you do last weekend ? D id you see a film ?
------No ,I had a cold ,I stayed at home all weenkend and slept.
教学反思: /ppperiod 5 Read and write p18-19
Learning aims(学习目标)
1.三会单词:hotel, fixed ,broken, lamp ,loud ,enjoy, stay.
2. 能完成Read and write 的理解和练习题。
Important difficult points(重难点)
1.重点:理解Read and write。
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
1.Go over the old words:全班抽读单词或词组
had,slept,read,saw,last,yesterday,before,had a cold.
2.Make sentences :S1:I had a cold /… last weekend .
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)
1.教学单词:hotel, lamp, broken, loud, enjoy, stay ,fixed .
1)Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.
2) My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen , but they were cold and bad.
3) I’m sorry, but we didn’t enjoy our stay very much.
5. T play the tape again and Ss follow it .
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)
1. Finish the sentences that describe pictures 1—3k ( 可选上 ).
2. Circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table .
3. Read and finish the letter.
Step 4. 达标检测(用时9分钟)
( )1.旅馆 A hotel B home
( )2.更好的 A good B better
( )3.演出 A film B show
( )4.台灯 A light B lamp
( )5. 更快的 A faster B lower
( )6. 喧闹的 A loud B broken
( ) 1. How old are you ? A No ,I had a cold.
( ) 2. What did you do yesterday ? B. It was fine , thanks.
( ) 3. How was your weekend ? C. I’m 12 years old.
( ) 4. How tall are you ? D.I washed my clothes.
( ) 5.Did you see a film ? E. I’m 1.62 meters.
三.根据p18Read andwrite判断正(A)误(B).
( ) 1.Wu Yifan and his family had a happy time at the Holiday Hotel.
( ) 2.His father wanted to read a book but the lamp was small.
( ) 3.The hamburgers were cold and tasted bad.
( ) 4.Wu Yifan could watch TV at the hotel.
( ) 5. Wu Yifan didn’t sleep all night.
Step 5.布置课后作业(用时1分钟)
Step 6 板书设计
Unit 2 Last weekend
Words: hotel, lamp, broken, loud, enjoy, stay , fixed
Sentences -----Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.
-----My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen ,but they were cold and bad.
-----I’m sorry ,but we didn’t enjoy our stay very much.
教学反思: /ppperiod 6 Main sencep12-13/Let’s check /Let’s wrap it up/
Story time p20-21
Learning aims(学习目标)
2.能够独立完成Let’s check/Let’s wrap it up部分内容。
3.理解Story time 中的故事。
Important difficult points(重难点)
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)
1.Main scene(多操练)
T: Do you play Weibo ? S :Yes.
T:Let’s look at Mike’s and John’s Weibo .
T: What did Mike/John do last weekend ? S:看微博回答问题。
2.Listen to the tape of Main scene twice, repeat and translate .
4. Listen to the tape and finish Let’s check.
5. Finish Let’s wrap it up .
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时5分钟)
Story time.
1)T: Zoom was very busy last weekend ? What did you he ? Let’s see.
Zoom’s weekend
Saturday morning
Saturday afternoon
Sunday morning
Sunday afternoon
Step 4. 达标检测(用时9分钟)
( )1. Did he ____ the library on Tuesday ? A .clean B. cleaned C .cleaning
( )2.Tom visited his uncle _____.
A. now B .next week C .last weekend
( )3.My father _____dinner at six o’clock.
A .washed B .cooked C. lived
( )4.It _____good ,thank you . A .did B. are C .was
( )5.----____did you go yesterday morning ? ----- I went to the library .
A . Where B. What C .When
A .cleaned B. visited C. had D. last weekend E .saw
Mike was very busy _____. He____ breakfast at seven o’clock .He___ his bedroom at eight o’clock. Then he ____the zoo with his parents. He _____many animals there. On the way home , they had their dinner at an Italian restaurant.
1. you / anything /Did /else / do ( ? )_________________________________
2.on / clothes / She / washed / Sunday / her ( . )____________________________
3.new / wants / to / buy / He / the / dictionary ( . )_________________________
4.was /How /your/weekend ( ? )_______________________________
5.My / stayed / home / at / father / all / weekend ( . )___________________________
6.did/day/what/yesterday/do/you/the/before (? )____________________________
Step 5.布置课后作业(用时1分钟)
1. 抄写并背诵本单元的四会单词及句子并写出汉语意思。
板书设计 Unit 2 Last weekend
I cooked dinner last Monday .
I played football last weekend .
I liked the food yesterday…/...
教学反思: /pp
Unit 2 Last weekend
period 1 Section A Let’s learn / Do a survey and report p15
教师寄语: First things first .(重要的事情先做)
Learning aims(学习目标)
1.四会单词或词组:cleaned ,washed ,watched ,stayed ,cleaned my room ,washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched TV.
2.理解句子:How was your weekend ? It was fine ,thanks .What did you do ? I stayed at home and watched TV.
3.学唱歌曲《Last weekend》.
Important difficult points(重难点)
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
1、Go over the words:
2、Free talk :
T: I’m 28. How old are you ? S: I ’m 12years old.I’m younger than you .
T: I’m 1.65meters. How tall are you ? S: I ’m 1.61 metres. I’m shorter than you .
T:I’m 48kg.How heavy are you ? S: I ’m 40kg. T:I’m heavier than you.
3. T: I often clean my room on the weekend.
T: What do you do on the weekend ?
S: I often clean my room on the weekend. (多操练)
T:Today we’ll learn U.2 Last weekend. (板书教读)
Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)
Let’s learn
1.New phrases: cleaned ,washed ,watched ,stayed ,cleaned my room ,washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched TV.
(1)T 板书下列单词的原形clean ,wash ,watch,stay,并用I often clean my room /…造句。
(2)T 板书以上单词原形并且加ed后,用I cleaned my room /…last weekend 造句。
(3)学生观察两个词组的不同之处.T:eg:cleaned 是clean的过去式,当我们要表达过去发生的事情时,就要用动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式一般在原型后面加ed.cleaned的ed 发/d/. 师带读.
(4)用同样的方式教“stay/stayed at room,wash/washed my clothes,watch/watched TV.”. 注意:washed,watched的ed 发/t/.
2. T: How was your weekend ? S:It was fine ,thanks.
T:What did you do ? S:I I stayed at home and watched TV.
3. Listen to the tape of Let’s learn and follow it.
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时7分钟)
1.领读Let’s learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。
2.自编chant,边做动作边chant :What did you do ? I cleaned my room. What did you do ? I washed my clothes. What did you do ? I stayed at home. What did you do ? I watched TV. (注意:do 的过去式did ).
3.教学Do survey and report :学生利用表格,进行问卷调查。
4.学唱歌曲《Last weekend》.
Step 4. 达标检测(用时9分钟)
A.watched TV B.stayed at home C.cleaned my room
D. washed my clothes E. played football

1_____ 2.______ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
1. wash______ 2.stay_____ 3.watch______ 4.clean______ 5.do ______
( )1.你想问同学周末过得怎样,可以说:______.
A. How was your weekend ? B. How old are you ?
( ) 2.你想问同学有多高,可以说:_______.
A.How heavy are you ? B.How old are you ?
( )3.你想告诉同学:你周末过得很好,可以说:____.
A. I’m taller than you . B. It was fine.
( ) 4.你想问同学上周末做了什么?可以说_____.
A . What did you do last weekend ?B.What are you going to do next weekend ?
( )5.你想说:它比我们俩加起来还高,可以说:_______.
B.It’s taller than both of us together. B.It’s taller than the elephant.
Step 5.布置课后作业(用时1分钟)
Step 6.板书设计:
Unit 2 Last weekend
Words: clean—cleaned wash—washed watch—watched stay --stayed
Sentences:----How was your weekend ? ----I’m fine,thanks.
----What did you do? ----I stayed at home and watched TV.
教学反思: /ppperiod 2 Section A Let’s try/Let’s learn p14
Learning aims(学习目标)
1.复习单词或词组cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV。
2.四会句子:How was your weekend ?It was good ,thank you .What did you do ?
I stayed at home with your grandma .Did you do anything else?
3.三会单词:drank 、show .
Important difficult points(重难点)
Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)
1. Go over the old words and phrases :
T : clean S:cleaned /cleaned my room T: watch S: watched/watch TV
T: stay S: stayed/stayed at home T:wash S: washed/washed my clothes
2.Free talk :

小学六年级下册英语教案:Unit 3 Where did you go?

Unit 3 Where did you go? 备课人:
课时分配:6 classes for each Unit 备课时间: 3月11日
单元教材分析 单元学情分析
1.本单元主要是使学生学会用过去过去式态表达所做的事情,重点句型是:What did you do last weekend/yesterday? I played football. Did you read books? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.由于涉及动词过去式的变化规则和读音规则,一般过去式有时学生的学习重难点之一。创设真实情境、组织有意义的任务或活动来展开一般过去式的教学,避免过分强调语法。本单元的内容安排体现了由浅入深、循序渐进的原则,A部分着重学习规则动词的过去式变化,而B部分的重点是不规则动词的过去式变化,如:go—went, read—read等。在教学中,要注意多创设情境,帮助学生内化,达到学以致用。
六年级学生性情稳静,理性,逻辑思维突起,有效地调动他们的学习积极性和自我表现意识是本课成功的关键。本课首先以学生的生活实际为出发点, 激发学生的好奇心,吸引他们的注意力;唤起学生的感知,调整学生投入到一种轻松,和协,快乐,高昂的学习状态。

(1)能够对过去某人所做的事情进行问答,如:What did you do yesterday? I visited my grandparents.
(2)能够用一般过去式的一般疑问句形式询问别人过去某个时间所做的事情并作答。如:Did you go fishing last weekend? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.
(4)能够唱歌曲At the Zoo
(1)掌握A、B部分Let's learn 、中的四会单词和句子,掌握一般动词过去式的变化规则,含规则变化和不规则变化。
(2)听说、认读A、B部分Let's learn 、Let's talk中的加粗句子。
(4)能够理解并会说唱Let's chant。
(5)了解Story time 、Good to know、Task time等内容并尝试借助提示表演故事中的部分内容。
课题:Unit3 A Let’s try Let’s talk 备课人: 上课人:
掌握四会句型Where did you go over your holiday? I went to Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. 并在实际情境中灵活运用。
掌握四会句型Where did you go over your holiday? I went to Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. 并在实际情境中灵活运用。 教学难点:
1.能够听、说、读、写Where did you go over your holiday? I went to…等句型。
2. 如何在现实生活中运用所学单词、词组和句型。
录音机,磁带,单词卡,挂图。 第几课时:1
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1. Warm- up and revision
1、Enjoy the song: At the zoo
2、Daily oral practice
Good morning. Glad to meet you. How are you? What day is today? What’s the weather like today?
Step 2. presentation
Let’s talk
Look, our classroom. It’s very clean and tidy. But who cleaned it. I don’t know. I want to thank him. Can you help me to find him?
J: I can help you to find him.
John跑了出去,碰到了Sarah,John就问Sarah. J: What did you do last weekend?
Sarah: Hmm! I watched TV.
John跑去问了Wu Yifan.
J: What did you do last weekend?
W:Hmm! I played football.
板书句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football. 学生朗读。
教师头带John的头饰T: Look, John come to our class. He wants to find who cleaned the classroom last weekend.
T: What did you do last weekend?
S1: I …
T: What did you do last weekend?
S2: I …
T: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom?
Step 3. Consolidation
2、Activity 2
3、Activity 3 Make the chant.
J: What did you do last weekend?
Z: I played football at school.
J: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom?
Z: Yes, I did.
J: Oh, Zoom. You are great!

板书设计 作业布置

Unit3 Last weekend
What did you do last weekend?
Where did you go over your holiday?
What did you do?

课题:Unit3 A Let’s learn 备课人: 上课人:
1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词went, rode,hurt和词组 went camping,went fishing;能正确使用动词过去式。
2、能掌握句型Where did you go? What did you do?及其正确的用法。
3、能利用What did you do? Where did you go?询问别人过去做的事情,并能运用于日常生活之中。
教学重点:1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词went, rode,hurt和词组 went camping,went fishing;能正确使用动词过去式。
2、能掌握句型Where did you go? What did you do?及其正确的用法。
3、能利用What did you do? Where did you go?询问别人过去做的事情,并能运用于日常生活之中。 教学难点:
录音机、磁带、挂图等。 第几课时:2
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1. Warm- up and revision
1、Daily oral practice.
Good morning! Glad to meet you. How are you? What’s the weather like today?
2、Hang–man game.
( watch, wash, clean, play, visit)
3.做游戏,Guess, what’s my favourite animal?让学生描述他们喜欢的动物,引导他们这么说:It’s my favourite animal. It’s …cm tall. Its tail is …cm long. It likes to eat…..It can….Guess, what’s this?
Step 2. presentation
1、教师出示一个日历给大家看,圈出今天的日子是Sunday(weekend),然后问学生:What’s the date today? What day is it today?
2、教师说:On Sunday (weekend),I usually wash clothes, clean the room, play football, watch TV and visit grandparents.出示教师所说动作的卡片,学生跟读词组。
3、教师问学生:What do you usually do on Sundays?
4、教师再次出示日历,圈出上个星期天的日子,然后问学生:What was that day? 引导学生回答:It was last Sunday? 板书并带读单词:last。教师:It was last Sunday. It was the last weekend. 板书、解释并朗读词组:last weekend。
5、引出句型:What did you do last weekend?板书句型并朗读。
6、呈现词组:watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents.强调这些过去式的发音。/t/, /t/, /d/, /d/, /id/。
7、Activity one: Bingo!
9、Activity two: 摘苹果游戏
10. 教师领读 Let’s learn部分。
Step 3. Consolidation
Let’s find out.
What did Zoom do last weekend?
板书并认读:do-did, water-watered.
2、教师问几个学生:What did you do?
3、Do a survey。学生之间相互了解,并做好记录。
板书设计 作业布置

Unit 3 Last weekend
rode a horse
rode a bike
went camping
hurt my foot
went fishing

课题:Unit3 B Let’s try Let’s talk 备课人: 上课人:
1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词ate,took,bought,gift和短语took picture;能听说认读单词beach,basket,part,licked,laughed和短语went swimming。
2、掌握四会句型How did you go there?I went there by plane。
1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词ate,took,bought,gift和短语took picture;能听说认读单词beach,basket,part,licked,laughed和短语went swimming。
2、掌握四会句型How did you go there?I went there by plane。
教学重点:1、能听、说、读四会句型How did you go there?I went there by plane
2. 如何在现实生活中运用所学单词、词组和句型。
1 the teaching pictures
2 the figure pictures
3 some photos
4 radio and tapes
5 word cards and figure cards 第几课时:3
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1. Warm- up and revision
1. Hang-man game
( went to a park, went swimming ,went fishing, went hiking, read books)
2 游戏Bingo
3. Let’s try
Step 2. presentation
1. chant
(1) 教师用课件呈现chant
(在课件上出现几幅图片NIGHT pARK JUNE等,然后在YES的地方出现一个人)
(2) 学生二人小组说唱书本上的chant
(3) 学生用手头的卡片自编一个chant
2. Let’s talk
(1) Listen and do
(2) Look and answer
(3) Listen and read
Step 3. Consolidation
Activity 1.Let’s find out (见表格2)
Activity 2 The story of Zoom
Activity 3 Guessing
1) pair work
A: What did you do last weekend? / Did you …?
B: I (did)…/ Yes, I did.
2) 在问答过程中完成书中所示的表格.
3) 邀请几组同学到前面汇报调查结果
教学难点:1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词ate,took,bought gift和短语took picture等
2、能运用句子How was your summer holiday? What did you do there?对别人在假期里所做的事情展开问答。
1、 掌握四个动词短语过去式的读音和拼写以及句型What did you do over your holiday?的灵活运用。
Step 1. Warm- up and revision
1) Free-talk:
T: What day is today?
A: Today is…
T: What day was yesterday? (强调 yesterday)
B: Yesterday/ It was…
T: What did you do yesterday?
C: I (did)…yesterday. ( 用前几课时已经学的词组)
2) Chain-drill:
C: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?
D: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?
E, F…( ask the teacher)
T: I went to a park yesterday.
Step 2. presentation
1) Let’s learn:
继续Chain-drill,由T 引出并出示新授词组:
went hiking.
2) 学生已经了解了go 的过去式后, T 边用
I went ( 这个动词用动作表示)yesterday.表达自己昨天去做什么了,边做动作.让学生帮老师说出: went swimming, went fishing.
3)Ask and answer:
A: T ask and Ss answer.
B: S1 ask and S2 answer.
C: S3 ask and T answer.
由此,T 引出新授词组: read a book.
4) 自编chant. Chant together.见附录
5)Listen to the tape and repeat. pay attention to the pronunciation of: went, read.
6)Reading in 2 parts: T say the phrase loudly, Ss say it lowly; T say the phrase lowly, Ss say it loudly.
Step 3. Consolidation
Activity 1 找搭档
Activity 2 我是侦察兵
Activity 3 记忆大挑战
1) pair work
A: What did you do last weekend? / Did you …?
B: I (did)…/ Yes, I did.
2) 在问答过程中完成书中所示的表格.
3) 邀请几组同学到前面汇报调查结果

板书设计 作业布置

How did you go there?
I went there by plane。

课题:Unit 3 B Let’s learn 备课人: 上课人:
1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词ate,took,bought gift和短语took picture等
2、能运用句子How was your summer holiday? What did you do there?对别人在假期里所做的事情展开问答。
1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词ate,took,bought gift和短语took picture等
2、能运用句子How was your summer holiday? What did you do there?对别人在假期里所做的事情展开问答。 教学难点:
1、 掌握四个动词短语过去式的读音和拼写以及句型What did you do over your holiday?的灵活运用。
1 the teaching pictures
2 the figure pictures
3 some photos of the teachers
4 radio and tape
5 the word cards and figure cards 第几课时:6
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1. Warm- up and revision
1) Free-talk:
T: What day is today?
A: Today is…
T: What day was yesterday? (强调 yesterday)
B: Yesterday/ It was…
T: What did you do yesterday?
C: I (did)…yesterday. ( 用前几课时已经学的词组)
2) Chain-drill:
C: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?
D: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?
E, F…( ask the teacher)
T: I went to a park yesterday.
Step 2. presentation
1) Let’s learn:
继续Chain-drill,由T 引出并出示新授词组:
went hiking.
2) 学生已经了解了go 的过去式后, T 边用
I went ( 这个动词用动作表示)yesterday.表达自己昨天去做什么了,边做动作.让学生帮老师说出: went swimming, went fishing.
3)Ask and answer:
A: T ask and Ss answer.
B: S1 ask and S2 answer.
C: S3 ask and T answer.
由此,T 引出新授词组: read a book.
4) 自编chant. Chant together.见附录
5)Listen to the tape and repeat. pay attention to the pronunciation of: went, read.
6)Reading in 2 parts: T say the phrase loudly, Ss say it lowly; T say the phrase lowly, Ss say it loudly.
Step 3. Consolidation
Activity 1 找搭档
Activity 2 我是侦察兵
Activity 3 记忆大挑战
1) pair work
A: What did you do last weekend? / Did you …?
B: I (did)…/ Yes, I did.
2) 在问答过程中完成书中所示的表格.
3) 邀请几组同学到前面汇报调查结果

板书设计 作业布置

Unit 3Last weekend


课题:Unit 3 B read and write 备课人: 上课人:
1、 能读懂并理解Read and write的内容,并完成其中的任务
2、 学生能够通过看图讨论预测故事的开端和进一步发展来激活相关背景知识或储备词汇
3、 能够通过完成读后活动训练在语篇中捕捉不同信息类型和思考能力
4、 能够在阅读中获取有用的句型口头描述一下自己一天的活动
本课的教学重点是掌握四会词组,并用所学词组和句型进行调查 教学难点:本课的教学难点是灵活运用所学的内容进行交际。
1 the teaching pictures
2 the figure pictures
3 some photos
4 word cards and figure cards 第几课时:4
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
(1)看一看,说一说。教师要求学生按教材要求与同桌讨论:How did Wu Yifan meet Max? What will happen?完成后可在全班交流,教师把学生们的想法用简单的句子写在黑板上
(2)教师让学生分类,哪些是好的事情?从而引出主题:life is full of good news and bad news。
板书设计 作业布置
Unit3Last weekend
课题:unit 3 B Let’scheck Story time 备课人: 上课人:
1.能够完成Let’s check
2.能理解story time中故事
1.能够完成Let’s check
2.能理解story time中故事 教学难点:
1.能够完成Let’s check
2.能理解story time中故事
1 the teaching pictures
2 the figure pictures
3 radio and tape 第几课时:6w W w . x K b 1.c o M
探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)
Step 1 Warm-up.
2. Free Talk:
(1) What did you do yesterday?
(2) Did you /he / she …?
Step 2 pre-reading.
1.“绕口令”活动。以此介绍: twister, tongue twisters.
Step 3 In-reading.
1. General reading.(略读)
A. Did they read tongue twisters together?
B. Did Mike fly kites?
C. Did the dog jump into the river?
Check the answers.
2. Detailed reading(细读)
让学生仔细阅读课文,完成课后练习题2 Number the sentences.
3. let’s read(读写)
完成课后练习题1 Finish the sentences.
4. Listen to the tape.首先静听然后跟读。
5. Read aloud. (朗读)同时小组找出短文中不理解的句子进行讨论。
Step 4 post-reading
在此环节中,教师要帮助学生找出key words.以降低难度。同时,要教给学生如何找关键词。
2. Story time
Step 5 progress
板书设计 作业布置

Unit3Last weekend


外研版六年级下册英语教案:Review Module

课 题 Review Module

学目标 Talk about their holiday from May,1st to May,7th

Dictate the words .


Step1.Greeting between the teacher and students

Ss:Hello,Ms Zhao.

T:Hello,boys and girls.


Step2.Talk about the holiday with students.

T:Were you happy?




T:Who travelled in the holiday?


T:What did you saw ?

T:Who stayed at home all the holiday?


T:What did you do at home?

Ss: 1.I watched TV.

2.I did my homework.

3.I read a book.

4.I played basketball.

5.I played football.

6.I played table tennis.

7. I cooked dinner and helped my mother.

8.I wrote a letter to my mother.

9.I learned maths and Chinese

Step3.play a game:

Let atudents read the sentences two minutes,then clean up the sentences .Then let students say out the sentences.

Step4.1.Give students five minutes to write the words ,then dictate the words.

2.Let students check the words each other.

3.Correct the wrong words.


课 题 Revise module2

教学目标 Ss can grasp the present future tense.

Ss can express their plan with "be going to" 教 与 学 过 程 设 计

Step1.Sing the song"what do you want to eat?"

Step2.1.play the tape for students and let them follow it.

2.Let several groups read the text in groups.

3.Let them try to remember the text.


1.Let students look at the pictures on page 7,then make sialogue like this:

A:What are we going to do ?

B:We are going to go to the park.

A:When are we going to go to the park.

2.Let students discuss in groups of two,then let them show hteir dialogue.

B:We're going to go to the park at 11.

Step4.Let student turn to page 45.

1.And explain:The Smart Family are on holiday.They are going to beach for a day. Do you know what are they going to do? Let see together.

1.have breakfast

2.take a bus

3.go swimming

4.go clcying

5.go to the park

6.have a picnic lunch

7.look at the big ship

8.go to the theater

2.Then students close the books ,then listen and fill in the box with the time.

3.Then let them answer like this:

They are going to have breakfast at 8 o'clock.

Step5.T:I think they are going to take some photos.

Look. These are their photos. Can you gusee what I am saying.

1.They are seeing a film.(picture 5)

2.They are looking at the big ship.(picture 4)

3.They are having a picnic.(picture 3)

4.They are riding bikes.(picture 2)

5.They are swimming.(picture 1)

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