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【小编寄语】以下是小编为大家整理的10分钟英语演讲范文,文章仅供大家参考: in the matter of courage e to its limit.

i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this . i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do.

i'll sit down.







a puter, but doesn’t care about hoe and does his oputers to cope puter programs play a leading role in the modern times. both social progress and human evolution depend on the computer programs. in the practical application, a softplicated, time-puter programs, you will be surprised at the programs’ wander. in detail, through programming a heap of date or a computing model can be easily solved we expected, such as a number wanted, or the model’s parameters. the magical power of program appeals to all the programmers, certainly including me.


a puter, but doesnt care about hoe and does his oputers to cope puter programs play a leading role in the modern times. both social progress and human evolution depend on the computer programs. in the practical application, a softplicated, time-puter programs, you will be surprised at the programs wander. in detail, through programming a heap of date or a computing model can be easily solved we expected, such as a number wanted, or the models parameters. the magical power of program appeals to all the programmers, certainly including me. 查看全文>>>


reagan ballyporeen, county tipperary, ireland, in the 1860s, and the rest of his paternal family immigrated from ireland in the 1800s as paisley, scotland, in the 1840s and married jane blue, a canadian from queens, neination and attended a church school, eureka college.

reagan's father eureka (b.a. in economics and sociology), reagan this role he acquired the nickname the gipper, missioned as a reserve officer in the army in 1935. in november 1941, reagan 1947 until 1952, and again from 1959 to 1960. in 1952, a holly co alzheimer's disease for the past seven years, his 90th birthday e said the disease around the world, he was buried at the ronald reagan presidential library in simi valley, california. the state funeral was presided over by president george w. bush, whose father was vice-president under reagan and followed reagan to the white house.


in the matter of courage e to its limit.

i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this . i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do.

ill sit down.














in the matter of courage e to its limit.


i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this . i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do.


ill sit down.我得坐下了。

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beauty usually refers to ing doena so perfectly.

beauty is around us. if you keep an eye or pay some attention, it is never difficult to find something beautiful some the folloe. we all praised the girl.

from this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance. a person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul. only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.


good morning,dear teacher and my friends.

it’s a very intresting topic today.

i think my dad past till no rented from my father's factory. the room .and he take our family so much happiness, richer and richer.

my daddy. i learnt to never take things to seriously and to alputer. so ter life. and i will say,i really love you dad,cause you are the hero in my mind.

thank you so much!


ent to think, e meditation. i hadnt really thought that it could be sort of preventative in nature, until i e people e people hit the bottle, start taking medication. my o that time. ent. by that i mean not being lost in thought, not being distracted, not being overent that its anything but ordinary. there ething it. and thats es a little bit too intense, and life starts to feel a bit like this. its a very uncomfortable e and go s say this is an anxious thought. so everythings going fine, and then to experience a greater sense of focus, calm and clarity in your life.

thank you very much. (applause)

译文:我们生活在一个异常纷杂的世界。 生活的步调时常快得疯狂,我们的头脑(心灵)一直忙碌运转着, 而我们每时每刻都在做着事情。

记住这点的同时,我希望你们能拿出一小会儿时间, 来想想,上一次自己什么都不做是什么时候? 仅仅10分钟,毫无干扰地? 当我说什么都不做,就是什么都不做。 没有电子邮件、短信,没有互联网, 没有电视、聊天、食物、阅读, 甚至不包括坐着回想过去 或者思考将来。 只是什么都不做。 我看到你们中很多茫然的脸。(笑声) 我的想法是,你们很可能要往后退很大一步。

而这是一件很离奇的事情,对吧? 我们说的是我们的大脑(心灵)。 大脑(心灵),对我们来说最珍贵的东西, 我们通过它来体验生活中的每一个时刻, 全靠它(心灵) 我们作为一个个体,能感到幸福、满足、情感稳定, 同时在我们与他人的关系中 变得善良与体贴。 靠着这个大脑(心灵) 我们能够专注、有创意、自觉,



