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Teaching aims and demands:





Teaching contents:


Hello! Hi! Kitty Baby Doggie morning

noon afternoon evening teacher slide

sun moon stars


Hello,Ming Ming.

What‘s that?It’s the letter A.

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

A is the slide.

Slide on the A.


Good morning to you!

Teaching focus:



Teaching difficulties:



Teaching tools:

CAI pictures tape-recorder

Teaching targets:






小学一年级上册英语教案:Unit 8 playtime

1、 Teaching aims: Ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions e.g. pick up the doll.
2、 Teaching aids: tape recorder

3、 Teaching period: 1


Teacher’s activity

Ss’ activity



1. Revise all the commands taught in the previous units.Say the commands and ask students to act them.

2. Say’open your book’ and ‘Close your book’.Let students follow your instructions. Then say ‘pick up your book’and do the action so that students understand the meaning of ‘pick up’.

3.Say ‘put up your book’ and ask students to follow your instruction. Then say ‘put it down’. Students have learnt this command so they should be able to perform the action.

4.Say ‘Go to the door’ and walk towards the door of the classroom. Say ‘Go to the window’ and walk towards the window. Repeat several times.

5.Give commands and invite inpidual students to perform the actions.


1.put up paper cut-outs of ‘a slide’ and ‘a swing’ on the board. point to each paper cut-out and say ‘Slide. It is a slide’.

2. put up a paper cut-put of a doll next to the slide. Say ‘Look. It is a doll. A doll’.

3. point to the slide, the swing and the doll. Ask each time ‘What is this?’prompt the students to answer ‘It is a slide’ or ‘Slide’, ‘It is a doll’ or ‘Doll’.

4.Remove the paper cut-out of the doll from the board and say ‘pick up the doll’.Repeat with students following you and miming. put it back and say ‘put it down’. Ask students to repeat and mime the action.

5.put up a paper cut-out of ‘Sam’s brother on a bicycle’.Move it closer to the slide as you say ‘Go to the slide’.Let students repeat.

6.Open the student’s Book to page 37.play the cassette tape to practice pronunciation.

7.Have inpidual students come up. Ask them to move the correct paper cut-outs according to your commands.


1.Divide the class into pairs. practise giving and doing the commands ‘pick up…’ and ‘put it down’,substituting with other classroom objects.

2.Select groups to say and act the modified commands to the class.

Students listen and act.

Ss act.

Students copy and follow.

Students repeat the word and act.

Ss listen and do the teacher’s action.[

Ss carry out the commands.

Ss repeat the commands and act.

Inpidual Ss carry out the commands.

Ss answer .

Ss repeat it and follow the teacher.

Ss act the commands to the class.

Ss repeat

Ss open the book and listen to the tape practice

Inpidual student move the correct paper paper cut-outs according to your commands

Ss work in pairs and practice.

Inpidual students act the modified commands to the class..









小学一年级上册英语教案:《Unit 5 Fruits》


一、 知识目标:

1、 使学生掌握单词的认知,发音以及运用。有melon,lemon,apple, pear, banana, peach, orange。

2、 除了课文中的水果,我还增加了一些常见水果。有strawberry, pineapple。

二、 能力目标:

1、 能运用新单词进行简单交际。

2、 能听说读画所学水果。

三、 情感态度目标:










“TpR”教学法贯彻全课程以增加学生的学习兴趣,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。首先通过表演唱歌曲Good morning!创造英语课堂氛围,然后用实物认单词apple, melon展示单词物品,指出单词,然后认单词。这一系列活动既激发学生的学习兴趣又培养了他们英语的运用能力。


Step1 Revision 热身互动,自然导入。

在教学活动开始我设计了唱Good morning!活跃课堂气氛,学生在手舞足蹈的过程中复习了上一课,并在不知不觉中走入新课。布置任务。

Step2 presentation 引入新知,层层突破。

我将单词的学习与句子有机的结合起来。运用实物教授apple, melon, lemon等并进行一系列与单词教学有关的活动。再由单词逐步扩展到句子。在由句子扩展到其他的单词,培养学生的思考能力和运用英语的能力。

Step3 practice 趣味操练,巩固新知


Step4 Assessment 合理评价,培养兴趣。


Step5 Additional activities 培养兴趣,发展个性。

What’s this?表演对话。画出本课单词的水果并涂上颜色。这样不但培养了学生学习英语的兴趣而且也培养了他们动手动脑的能力

小学一年级上册英语教案:Unit 5 Fruit

1、 Teaching aims: ss can pronounce words properly, master words of some common fruits. ss can use the sentence pattern : “What’s this/that?” freely.
2、 Teaching aids: tape recorder

3、 Teaching methods: visual method

4、 language focus: use modeled phrases to communicate

5、 Teaching period: 6

Teacher’s activity

Ss’ activity



1. Free talk: ask students some easy daily questions, and ask them to ask some questions too.

2. play the cassette tape for the four pictures and do the actions. Ask the class to look and listen.

3.play the cassette tape again and ask the class to follow your actions


1. play the tape Ask some Ss to act it and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong.

2. take out some fruits, and ask students to guess what is it through: smell/ touch/taste

3. Open the Ss’ book to page 24 and read the commands for the class to follow, or play the cassette tape. Ask the Ss’ to point to the relevant pictures with their fingers.

4. give commands and ask inpidual Ss to repeat and act them.


1. Give commands “smell the …../ touch your….”

2. Repeat the commands and ask Ss to act them.

3. Divide the Ss into pairs. One student give commands and the other student act them. Then let them change roles.

4. Divide the whole class into two teams, ask inpidual Ss to give commands and to see which team is better. Vary the game by letting Ss to give commands to their own team or the opposite.

Students communicate with the teacher

Ss listen and look

Ss follow the tape

Inpidual Ss carry out the commands

The whole class judge right or wrong

Ss guess

Ss follow the tape and point to the relevant picture.

Inpidual Ss repeat and act

Ss carry out the commands

Ss repeat

Ss do pair work

Ss change their roles

Ss compete between the two teams.





blackboard design:

smell [pictures]

touch [pictures]

taste [pictures]

小学一年级英语教案:《meeting friends》

一、 说课

我开课的主题是meeting friends

交朋友是学生生活中的重要的一部分,学生喜欢朋友,更喜欢自己能成为他人的朋友。所以本课的目标是通过句型、游戏、歌曲等多种不同的方式让学生在不知不觉中掌握怎样与他人成为朋友。在整堂课中,以交朋友为主线。先用动物引发小朋友交朋友的兴趣,新授句型“I want to be your friend.”接着老师把动物朋友介绍给大家,激起小朋友想交朋友的兴趣。由老师做示范后,让想交朋友的学生上台进行自由的交朋友。然后让这些学生再把自己的动物的朋友介绍给自己的好朋友。这样就给学生使用英语自然流入的机会。


最后在歌曲one two three—we are friends中结束本课,让学生感到意犹未尽,为下一课作好准备。


一、 free talk

T: Hello, what’s your name?

S1: my name is XX.

T: who is she?

S1: she is YY.

T: what’s his name?

S2: His name is KK.

Can you ask me some questions like this? (choose someone to ask me)

二、 sing a song

I like animals. Do you like? If you like and you want to be their friend, you should say: I want to be your friend.(show this sentence on the blackboard, then Ss read after T)

Show a toy animal (example)

T: hello, I want to be your friend.

CAT: me, too.

T: Nice to meet you.

CAT: Nice to meet you.

Who want to be cat’s friend?(a team )

The animals are our friends. We all like animals. Today many animals come to our school. Now please close your eyes. Then show a basket. At the same time, choose five Ss to come to the front. And the six Ss hide behind the teacher’s desk. Let Ss open their eyes.(they will see so many animals in the basket)

And the animals also bring us a song. Let’s sing this song. (play the cassette)During this song, the six hidden Ss will appear one by one. Then they dance in front of the classroom.

三、 Make animal friends

There ‘re many animals in our classroom. Do you want to know them? Let’s ask them to self-introduce.

Fish: Hello, I’m fish.

They are so lovely. I like them very much. I want to be their friend.(example)

T: Hello, fish! I’ m Miss Zhu. I want to be your friend.

Fish: me, too.

T: Nice to meet you.

Fish: Nice to meet you.

Who want to be rabbit’s friend?

Who want to be dog’s friend?

Now Miss fish is my friend. And I have another friend----- XX.

T: XX, this is my friend Miss fish. Miss fish, this is my friend, XX.

XX: Nice to meet you.

FISH: Nice to meet you.

You must have many friends. Now please introduce your animal friend to your friend, OK?

四、 Make foreign friends

Today, many animals come to our school. And some foreigners come to our school. Who want to perform these foreigners? (choose four Ss to perform)

1、foreign friends appear one by one. And they self-introduce.

2、(example) Miss zhu wants to be their friend

T:hello, coco. I’m Miss Zhu. Nice to meet you.

Coco:Nice to meet you.

T: I want to be your friend.

Coco: Me,too

T: We’re friends.

Then Miss Zhu has a foreign friend. Do you want to have a foreign friend? OK, please come to the front and say to them.

3、Now we all have foreign friends. However our guest teachers don’t know them. Can you introduce your foreign friends to our guest teachers?

五、 Artistic creation

1、 Show a photo and introduce it. Now this is my home. Who want to be my father? Who want to my mother? Who want to be my friend?

(example) T: Who’s there?

S: It’s me! May I coming?

T: Hello,KK! Coming,please! This is my father. This is my mother. This is my friend—KK.

K: Hello!

F&M: Hello!!

2、practice in four( one is your father,one is your mother,and the other one is your friend.

3、choose some groups of them to perform

六、 Sing a song

Today we meet many friends------animal friends、foreign friends. Are you happy? OK, let’s sing a song.( one two three we are friends)



外研社(一起)小学一年级上册英语教案:How old are you?

2.知识目标: ①复习相关单词 . ②学用英语谈论年龄,学会使用How old are you ? I’m . ③学唱歌曲“How old are you,Sam?”
学用英语谈论年龄,学会使用How old are you ? I’m .
学唱歌曲“How old are you,Sam?”
2.复习数字: 师生用手数数,要求顺数、倒数各两遍。 用卡片、手来询问 How many dogs?How many rabbits?How many fingers?生答:Two dogs. Three rabbits. Ten fingers. 提问导入新课:学了英文数字,除了问物品的多少,我们还可以用英文数字来谈论年龄。问“你几岁?”,答“我九岁了”,该怎么用英语说呢?这就是我们今天要学习的新课。板书课题
Danny: AhaI’m coming. Hello, boys and girls.
Students: Hello!
D: How are you?
S: I’m fine, thank you. And How are you?
D: I’m fine, too. Hello! Ms Wu.
Ms Wu: Hi, Danny. Nice to see you again!This is Danny, our new friend.
跟Danny打声招呼吧。提醒学生注意以下对话,猜一猜老师和Danny说了什么。 M: How old are you?
D: I’m nine.对话多重复几遍
2.检查听的情况:How old is Danny?Danny几岁了?Nine,所以Danny可以说:I’m nine. 让学生重复I’m nine. 并用英语说说自己几岁?
板书I’m nine.
3.学习问答: How old are you? I’m nine.
4.学生操练:How old are you? I’m . 齐读、个别、分组读等
5.做猜数游戏 介绍游戏规则:请一个同学背对着大家,老师或同学在他的背上写一个数字,然后全班同学一起问:How old are you? 他答:I’m nine. 答对,老师就奖励一张贴片。
三、Text —— 课文阅读与理解
今天Daming他们有一节手工课,老师让他们做年龄牌,Daming却闹了个笑话。怎么回事呢?我们打开课本,边看图,边听录音,想一想 ,发生了什么事?Let’s turn to page 28, look and listen. Then tell me what’s happened?
2.检查听的情况: 发生了什么事?What’s happened? How old is Sam? How old is Daming?
Sam: Hello! Look, I’m nine. How old are you, Daming?学习look,做“看”的动作, Daming: I’m nine, too.too,“也”的意思,在“I’m fine, too.”这个句子中见过。它的同音词是“two” Class: Nine? You are six. Daming: Oh! I’m nine.
5.做年龄牌,表演对话 学生用小纸片和剪刀做自己的年龄牌,做好贴在胸前。然后与同桌操练句型“How old are you? I’m nine. ”
四、Listen and say,then sing. ——听一听,说一说,唱一唱
五、Homework ——布置家庭作业

小学一年级下册英语教案:Unit 2 Room

Unit 2 Room
本单元以“My Room”为题,让学生用英语说出10个有关房间的单词,教材贴近学生的生活,以激发学生的英语学习兴趣为主,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发张自主学习的能力,建立了以任务型、活动课为主的教学模式,符合教学规律,全面体现了素质教育的教学思想。
能够理解并出不学习使用方位介词 behind, next to , 复习 in ,on , under.
能够听字母 H 、J、K 、 L 音,并按指法在键盘上做出反应。
Unit 2 Room
教学目标:1. 掌握下列单词和词语: bed picture armchair computerB会用简单的句子介绍自己的家:In my room I have a… .。
2. 创设多种活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生体验成功。.
3. 营造宽松,和谐的课堂气氛,让学生在快乐中学习英语。
教学重难点:1.掌握单词:bed picture armchair computer。
2.会用“In my room I have a… .”来和其他同学交流。
教学准备:1.教学录音磁带。2.教学挂图 3. 录音机
一、warming up
T: “Hello, boys and girls”
Ss: “Hello, Miss Lisa.”
T: “let’s say hello to the teachers!”
Ss: “hello, teachers.”
T: I have a new friend. Look it’s a monkey. Let’s say hello to the monkey. Spring is coming now, so we feel warmer than before. Spring is a good season. My friend Monkey has a new house. It’s very beautiful, but his room is empty. So many animals are coming to give Monkey lots of gifts. All of the gifts are in our classroom. Can you help the Monkey to find them out?
二、new word1.新授单词T: now let’s see the gifts together. 教师带领学生打开礼物,是送给小猴子的家具。 2.总体检测操练单词 教师用图片对学生进行抽测,抽测效果不好的单词一定不能放过,及时练习,巩固。练习方法:以小动物的小组进行;传话游戏;看教师口形,自己猜测单词;遮挡部分图片猜单词等。
I have a … in my room.
教师还可以引导学生说:“I have a pencil in my pencil case. I have a book in my bag. ”这个活动的设计对于英语基础较好,英语反应能力较强孩子不是很难,对于英语能力不是很强的孩子有一定难度,教师要给予帮助,不做硬性规定。
Unit 2 Room
教学目标:1. 能够对房间家具以及物品的摆设进行描述。
2. 利用图画印入,借助图画和录音学习对房间家具以及物品摆设的描述.
3. 培养学生保持环境的意识和正确的行为规范.
2. 利用图画印入,借助图画和录音学习对房间家具以及物品摆设的描述.。
教学准备:1.教学录音磁带。2.教学挂图 3. 录音机
教学过程:A .Greetings.
F.Group work。布置一个无序的场景,学生以Group work形式重新进行安排,然后加以描述。学生可以互相检查,看他们能否对应正确,并进行评价

小学一年级下册英语教案:Unit 1 Classroom

Unit 1 Classroom
教学目标:1、 Follow teacher’s orders , point to the things in the classroom
2. Students can say read &learn the words”window light board picture door classroom” & the sentense “what’s in the classroom?”
3.Students can do &say “let’s so ” .understand the meaning of eevery action.
4. Improve the cooperation between Ss during the class
教学重难点:1、Follow teacher’s orders , point to the things in the classroom
2. Students can say read &learn the words”window light board picture door classroom” & the sentense “what’s in the classroom?”
3. Students can do &say “let’s so ” .understand the meaning of eevery action.
4. Students Improve the cooperation between Ss during the class.
教学准备:1. The pictures about the things in the classroom. 2.Tape
一、warm up
T: Hello,boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher. You can call me Miss Xu .I’m very glad to see you all. What about you ?Are you happy to see me ?
Ss: Yes.
T: ok ,class begins.good afternoon children.
Ss: good afternoon, Miss xu.
2.Listen to a song
T: ok,today I bring a song as a present for you . would you like to listen to it?
Ss: Yes.
T: Ok ,Let’s go!
(在欣赏歌曲in the classroom 时,教师边拿图片边轻轻亨唱,当唱到“classroom”这个词时,教师高举图片)
l New words
1. T: do you like this song ?”in the classroom”(出示图片)
Ss: Yes.
T :oh, I’m so happy to hear that! Ok ,read after me .
practise “classroom”(全班齐跟读---单人小火车---开小组火车---全班)
2. T: You all do very good job!
Look,look,look,look around! What can you see in our classroom?
S1 : door
T: wow, You are so clever!(出示图片)
practise “door”
T: S1 ,can you help me open the door
S1 do
T : Thank you very much!
practise “open the door”(边做边说)
以chant的形式来说”door door open the door”
3. 其他单词的学习基本上同“door”的学习
4. play a game
5. T: ok, look,what’s in the classroom?
T: now , who can ask me “what’s in the classroom?”
S1: what’s in the classroom?
T: A board ….(多问几个学生)
Work in pairs
6. play a game “I say you point&say
l let’s do together
T: Let’s do together, all the student, stand up
Follow the music.

小学一年级英语教案:unit2 numbers

这篇《小学一年级英语教案:unit2 numbers》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

lesson plan (join in )
unit 2 numbers
teaching aims:
1 进一步学习1-6 六个数字,并且能辨认小孩气球上的数字;
2 认识toby 的五个朋友,并且能准确认读名字;
3 会打着节拍唱老师编的童谣;
main points:
1 认识五个人物rita/ pat/ pit/ sandra/ lisa;
2 认,读,拼新单词 balloon ;
3 和着节拍唱童谣;
teaching aids: 录音机 卡片 课件 气球
difficult points:
1 (toby’ s) balloon is number 6;
2 balloon的发音
teaching procedures:
step 1: warming up
sing the song –numbers
step 2: ask and answer:
t: how many frogs?
ss: one frog
t: spell it. o-n-e
ss: o- n -e
step 3: new structure learning
1 introduce the title to the class –unit 2 numbers
2 study the new word –balloon
t: look at my classroom, it is beautiful. do you know what is happening? toby’s birthday today. (ppt) look! here are the balloons. do you like the balloon?
t/ss: yes! i like the balloon.
t: here you are.
t: you like the balloon, i like the balloon. (…)likes the balloon, too.
ss: you like the balloon, i like the balloon. …likes the balloon, too.
t: just remind of you. (……’s) balloon is number 2. remember, please. we are going to play a game named a memory test.
运用此方法来学习新句型 ,(…..’s )balloon is number 2 .(打节拍)
3 game—a memory test
t: can you tell me whose balloon is number 2.
s1: (….’s) balloon is number 2.
4 introduce the toby’s friend to the class.
t: are you happy?
ss: yes, i am.
t: i can tell by your face that you are happy. toby is happy too. his friends are joining in the party. let’s listen, who is coming? (ppt)
引出toby 的好朋友,并且识别和认读名字rita/ pat/ pit/ sandra/ lisa
step 4: practicing
1 toby stands here and warmly welcomes his friends; everybody has got a balloon .do you know whose balloon is number 1. let’s listen,then write down the number on children’s balloons.
2 let’s check.(ppt)
3 sing the happy birthday song to toby.(ppt)
4 let’s say the chant—balloon (ppt)
balloon, balloon, pat’s balloon is number 1 .
balloon, balloon, lisa’s balloon is number 2
balloon, balloon, sandra’s balloon is number 3
balloon, balloon, rita’s balloon is number 4
balloon, balloon, pit’s balloon is number 5
balloon, balloon, toby’s balloon is number 6
step 5 homework:
say the chant

