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teaching aims: to learn: bookbag to review: animals \ colours numbers \ body teaching aids: colours computer…… teaching proce : 1.warming up: song: how is the weather? 2.daily talk: (1)t:good moring everyone! c:good moring teacher! (2) t:hello! c:hello! t:how are you! c:fine , thank you! t:how do you do! c:how do you do! (3) t:where are you from? c:hangzhou! (4)t:nice to see you! c:nice to see you to! t:gland to meet you! c:gland to meet you to! (5) t:what’s your name? c:saly lily…… t:who is your friend? c:saly lily…… (6) t:what colour do you like? c:i like red\blue\green…… 3.tpr.(多媒体操作) act the animals. point to your eyes\ears\mouth\…… 4.to review. (1) t:what colour? c:red\blue\green\black\white (2) t:count the numbers from1-10. c:1-10. (3)took at the screen? c: chat“clap clap clap” 5.to learn. (1) t:what’s this ? c:书包 。 t:bookbag. c:bookbag. t:what’s this in my bookbag? c: pencil\ruler\book.


教学目标:1、复习it‘s 句型

2、学习these are 句型


教学过程:1、say good morning

2、t:what day is today?

3、what’s the weather like today?

4、let’s do a worm up,ok?

you have one,i have one two little children see a big man.

you have two,i have two four little children go to school you have three,i have three

six little children plant many trees you have four,i have four eight little children stand at the door

you have five,i have five ten little children stand in a line

5、t:ok,very good,give me five yeah!


t:what‘s this?

yes,it’s a ra it.now read after me :it‘s a ra it what color is it? yes, it’s white





9、引出句型these are


11、t:now let‘s have a rest,ok?

12、教师走到黑板后将画有各种图案的图片扔出来,等幼儿帮忙拾起后,逐一问what are these?引导幼儿回答these are

13、what are these?

c:these are horses.

tet’s act horses,ok?

these are horses,these are horses,turn around;these are horses,these are horses,yu.......stop!

14: t:what are these?

c:these are ducks.

tet‘s act ducks,ok?



上海冰厂田幼儿园 皇甫敏华 中班英语活动:to market 目标: 1、通过游戏理解“to market”歌曲内容,学唱歌曲。 2、在博弈游戏中,感受英语学习的乐趣。 准备:转盘1个、纸折大小猪若干、市场情景、钱币和各种蔬菜,歌曲图片(教师用一套,幼儿操作用6套,插片袋5~6条 一、 歌曲:to market,音乐导入 t:boys and girls, today we will go to a very interesting place. look, what do you see? (show the market situation) c: market. t: yes, here is a market. we will go to the market. to market, to market. what’s in the market? c: carrot/ cabbage/ mushroom/ orange/ watermelon/ banana/pigs. t: good, there are many pigs in the market. what’s the difference?(拿起两只猪示意) c: big pigs. small pigs. t: good, to market, to market, to buy a big pig. (2 times) 二、 游戏:spinner game——转盘买猪 t: do you want the big pigs or the small pigs? let’s play a spinner game. the turnplate has two sides. one side is a big pig. the other side is small pig. i will spin this turnplate and use the plate to cover it. then you can make a choice to guess which pig will be on the upside. 第一遍在座位上集体玩,熟悉游戏规则。 (盖好后问)now big pig or small pig? the big pig? are yo


hello! my name is zhengye chengcheng.

i'm ten.

i study in e to our classroom

this is my classroom.

there is a sign on the door.

it says: ework on it.

there is a birthday chart on the back wall.

my teacher puts our names and birthdays on it.

there is a round clock above the door.

it tells us what time it is.

there are our drawings on the side wall.

this is mine.this is jenny’s.

there is a reading couch in the corner.

this is my favorite place.








e。five—一鼻子—一nose,six—一嘴—一mouth,seven—一双肩—一shoulder,eihgt—一腿—一leg,nine—一手—一hand,ten—一脚—一foot。经过反复练习,熟练以后可以让一名幼儿来数数,其余幼儿找出相应的器官,讲出英语单词,并且可以抢答。要求幼儿手口一致,教师数数时应由慢至快,并注意幼儿讲的是否正确 。






“春风”说:i’m wind.(回头,招手) ing is coming.(春姑娘上场)

“春姑娘”说:i’m ing.(春风和春姑娘开始围绕着树、草、花做小跑步)


“树”说:“i’m tree. i‘m green!”

“小草”说:“i’m gra . i‘m green,too.”


“一朵花儿”说:“i’m red flower.”

另一朵花儿说:“i’m yellow flower.”

另一朵花儿说:“i’m white flower.”


“小鸟”说:“i’m a bird.(小鸟飞来飞去看春天的景色)i like ring.”


“树”说:“let’s go to play.”

“草”、“花儿”、“鸟儿”齐说:“let’s go to play.”








幼儿园小班英语教案:a le

活动目标: 1、正确发音a le并理解其意思。 2、在歌曲的创编中,愉快地进行英语活动。

活动准备: 实物苹果、幼儿会唱歌曲what is this?

活动过程: 一、导入 歌曲what is this? 幼儿按照教师出示的小狗、小猫、小鱼,进行歌唱。

二、主题 1、教师出示苹果,请幼儿创编歌曲。(此时幼儿创编歌曲正在兴头上。) 2、幼儿处于问题情景,教师提供帮助,引导幼儿发音a le,并了解其意思。 3、师幼共同创编歌曲,把a le唱进歌曲里。

三、游戏 幼儿与教师对唱:t: whats this ?whats this ?whats this ?what?what? s:its an a le 。its an a le 。its an a le 。an a le 。an a le 。


once upon a time there , deep do, leaving a long trail of blood behind him. then the fisherman got up and an. "no," said the man. "an, "you did catch him, and then you let him sething. she doesn't e," said the flounder. "she already has it."

the man ables and fruit.

"look," said the an.then they ate something and went to bed.

everything went well for a week or two, and then the woman said, "listen, husband. this cottage is too small. the yard and the garden are too little. the flounder could have given us a larger house. i would like to live in a large stone palace. go back to the flounder and tell him to give us a palace.""oh, wife," said the man, "the cottage is good enough. why would we want to live in a palace?"



幼儿园英语教案活动设计 活动内容:1.zoofarm 2.afteryou! 班级:大三班人数:33人 时间:课时:30分钟版权所有 教师: 活动目标:1.理解词语含义,发音准确。 2.喜欢玩游戏,用英语玩角色游戏。 准备:图片、汽车方向盘、售票员。 活动过程: 一.出示图片 1.t:morningkids. c:morning 2.t:todayit’sasuyday? let’splaytogetherok? c:ok! 二.老师带领幼儿一同出去玩。走到图片a处 t:oh,what’sit? c:pandafoxdog…… t:为什么它们都到这里来了,我们应该把它们送到哪里呢? c:动物园。 t:yeszoo. c:zoo. 老师带领幼儿一起gotothezoo. t:ok,thisiszoo.gotothezoo. c:gotothezoo. 三.老师和幼儿又来到图片b处。 t:whatthis? c:pigdogsheep…… t:咱们把它们送到那里去呢? c:farm! t:yes,farm. c:farm. 老师带领幼儿gotothefarm. t:ok,thisisfarm.gotothefarm. c:gotothefarm. 四.游戏:bus! t:我们一起gotothehome! c:ok! a:afteryou! b:thankyou. c:afteryou! d:thankyou. e:……版权所有 活动结束。 课后小结:通过本次活动,我班幼儿基本掌握了: goto…..gotothe….afteryou!等简单的对话。活动过程中幼儿对送小动物回家特别感兴趣,活动积极性也很高。在最后的bus!游戏中对幼儿的礼貌用语也进行了培养。以后的活动里我会尽量用日常对话来进行,也能很好的养成幼儿的语言环境和英语的对话能力。


teaching aims(活动目标): 1.tolearn:milk 2.review:cake 3.激发宝宝参与英语活动的兴趣。 teachingaids(活动准备): 1.cake、milk的图片 2.一盒milk的实物模型 3.音乐磁带 teaching step(活动过程): 1.warmup: (1)律动歌曲:《butterfly》 (2)dailytalk: t:what’syourname? s:i’m××. t:howdoyoudo! s:howdoyoudo!. 2.topic: (1)t:lookatme!教师出示milk的实物模型问:“what’sthis?” 教授“milk”读音。 game:品尝milk


大班英语教案:where to?

活动内容: 1.单词 hospital. post office. 2.句型where to? go to

活动目标: 1.幼儿能初步掌握单词发音。 2.能正确理解句型含义。 3.踊跃地参加游戏,大胆大声练读。

活动准备: 1.挂图[park zoo hospital post office] 2.卡片[park zoo hospital post office] 3.长绳5条。

重难点: 1.post office的发音。 2.句型的理解。

活动过程: 一、开始部分 1. 操练单词:出示挂图 t: what s this? c: park. t: what s this? c: zoo. [新单词] 出示挂图 t:有一个人告诉你他生病,你应该告诉他上哪去呀? c:医院。 t: hospital c: hospital t: go to hospital. c: go to hospital. t:我想去寄信应该到哪去呢? c:邮局。 t: post office c: post office t: go to post office. c: go to post office.

二、游戏部分 1. 悄悄话 分成4组,每组第一个小朋友拿一张卡片小声读给后面一位小朋友。依次往下,最后一位大声站起来读单词。看谁读得最准确。{反复操练2次。} 评价:读得好的幼儿给予鼓励。 2. 情景表演 两位老师情景对话 where to? go to t: 刚才听到什么?看到什么? 幼儿简单回答。 {操练句型} t: where to? c: go to park. t: where to? c: go to hospital. t: where to? c: go to zoo. t: where to? c: go to post office. 3.火车嘟嘟嘟! 两位老师拉着长绳当火车。 现在我们就搭上火车,去自己想去的地方。 交代游戏规则:司机问:where to? 乘客答: go to招手上车,到站下车。{游戏最后请小朋友当司机,以对话为主,自由进行。}




