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教学目标: 让小朋友学会字母a\b 及代表单词(a a le.b bear),并能在早上用good morning.good morning, teacher.向家人、朋友及老师打招呼。

教学准备: 单词卡人手一份,教师范画,幼儿用书, vcd,磁带。

教学过程: 1、让幼儿先听音乐做一个热身运动(good morning). 2、教师向幼儿问好:good morning everyboday 教师向幼儿介绍我是美乐迪老师 (i am melody) 教幼儿齐声向老师问好 (good morning melody) 小朋友们也可以用good morning向爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶、叔叔、阿姨问好,做个有礼貌的好孩子。老师相信你们是最棒的。ok 3、今天老师教小朋友们认识以a 和b 开头的单词。先听磁带 请看,这是字母a,请跟我读。以字母a开头的单词----(出示卡片a le), le on to me.请跟我读a le.出示字母b,以字母b开头的单词-----(出示卡片bear)。le on to me. 请跟我读bear.小朋友们都认识这两个单词了,下面老师和小朋友们做个游戏, when i say a le you say a le when i say bear you say bear ok (当我说苹果的时候,你就跟着说苹果。) (当我说熊的时候 ,你就跟着说熊)。 游戏做得很好,让小朋友们自己表扬一下自己。 very very good. 游戏继续进行: when i say a le, you say a le. when i say bear, you stop. ok (当我说苹果的时候,你们就跟着说苹果。) (当我说熊的时候,你们就闭上嘴。) 游戏做得很好,小朋友们自己表扬一下自己, very very good, very very wonderful, very very cool. 4、活动延伸: 今天小朋友们表现得都很好,下面我们看着碟子、听着音乐,一起来做运动。 律动《good morning》.


活动目标: 1、幼儿大胆的介绍自己的名字。 2、学习英语单词: 3、幼儿对英语活动有兴趣。

活动准备: 小猫木偶、彩色树叶若干,彩色鱼若干,鱼杆人手一把

活动过程: 一、介绍自己 1、hello boy and girls 2、can you introuduce youself? 3、now , i'll throw thi boll the perso who catch the boll stand u and tell u your english name .

二、学习颜色 1、today we'll lear the colour. 呼 呼 呼,北风爷爷来了,他带来了许多树叶,我们来找找都有什么颜色的树叶啊/看这是什么颜色的树叶啊?(红色)用英语怎么说呢?再看看xx小朋友手里的树叶是什么颜色?用英语怎么说?谁手里有不同颜色的树叶,用英语说呢? 2、在我们把所有树叶都放到mi sun的箩筐里来,每个树叶拿上来的时候我们一起把他的颜色来说3遍。ok one by one !我们请有树叶的小朋友一个接一个的上来吧。come on! 3、mi sun 还请来了一个小客人。看看谁来了。 小朋友你们看,我还带来一条彩色鱼,你们想要吗?那我带你们去,就在前面的小河里。不过你们得说出它们的颜色,是red yellow blue ,才可以带走。记住每人只能钓一条。 4、钓鱼后集中说出鱼的颜色

三、放松活动 小朋友都钓到了鱼,我们和小猫说再见goodbye唱歌《goodbye my friend》


双语活动:interesting shapes

活动目标: 1、复习巩固各种图形,乐意用图形大胆想象组合马路边的各种事物,感受图形组合的美感。 2、感受并用英语表达各种不同的图形并大胆介绍自己的作品。


活动流程: 一、摸摸猜猜图形 围裙游戏 t: i have a apron, therere many shapes in it. what is it? c: maybe its a square. t: therere many different shapes. there is a big square, a small circle and a green triangle.

二、找找拼拼图形 1、图形找一找 t: this is road. what do you see? what are the shapes? 2、图形拼一拼 t: youre so clever. cici also find some shapes, but my shapes can change, change, change into what? t: this is my picture made of many shapes. what do you see ? c: i see. 幼儿用图形拼画,教师巡回指导t: what is it? what are the shapes?

三、分享欣赏图形 t: who want to introduce your picture? c: this is my picture, i like the tree. triangles make the tree. t: so many beautiful pictures with so many shapes. i like them very much. because your pictures are made of many shapes and many colors. 延伸: t: how many triang



活动目标: 1、在生活和游戏情景中初步体验集体圣诞节的欢乐气氛。 2、大胆开口说英文单词(christmas cap \lamp等)和简单的句型(i want ***)。 3、能积极想象与大胆表达自己的意见。

活动准备: 1、物质预备:圣诞树、大红布袋、抽奖单、小礼品若干,音乐《we wish you a merry christmas》、《hello》和《silent night》; 2、经验预备:幼儿已初步了解和熟悉与圣诞有关的物品和相关西方文化。

活动过程: 1、greeting and warming up 《hello》(问候与热身运动) 师:good morning, boys and girls. how are you today? let%26#8217;s say hello t o each other 2、review some words (bell, ball, santa claus) and learn the new words : christmas cap and lamp.(复习与圣诞有关的单词并且学习新单词-圣诞帽和灯。) (1)game 1:feel the magic bag (游戏1:神奇的口袋) 师:look, what is this? who want's to try? feel it! 营造圣诞的欢乐气氛,重点进行christmas和p的发音练习。 (2)game 2:pass around (游戏2:传话游戏) 师:now let's say it one by one. ready? go! game 3: lower and higher (游戏3:高低游戏) 师:well done. now lower please, and then higher. understand? start! 重点注重引导幼儿的倾听能力的培养和要害音节pkr的发音练习。 3、reviw the sentences : i want ***, we need *** (1)game 4


活动名称:interesting finger

活动目的: 1、复习单词:大拇指thumb、食指pointer finger指 middle finger。 2、学习新单词:无名指ring finger、小拇指pinkie。 3、在游戏活动中培养幼儿积极参与和主动学习的习惯。


活动过程: 一、教师与幼儿打招呼:good morning everyone? how are you!

二、律动:one two one two song。

三、复习并学习新单词 1、 表演手影:兔子、小鸟、孔雀、小鹿。 2、出示魔术手指盒,复习旧单词thumb、pointer finger、 middle finger,并学习新单词ring finger、pinkie,以one by one 的形式进行练习,并注意纠正幼儿的发音。

四、通过游戏,对单词进行复习巩固 1、hungry tiger:教师扮做饥饿的老虎,请幼儿出示正确的手指,如果错误将被老虎捉住。 2、出示大手掌图片进行手指拼图:将幼儿分组,请幼儿选择手指拼放在正确的位置上。 3、影子游戏: 幼儿在幕布后表演手指律动,培养幼儿的手指灵活性。


he has a car

活动目标:i has


活动过程: 一、开始部分 1.greeting:good morning /good afternoon 2.律动:show your finger ,follow me ----hands up ,hands down,hands left ,hands right,hands back 3.lets's count:one to ten

二、活动开始 1.出示图片:鸭,鸡,狮子等以前学过内容,提问what's this 瘵未学过的car的图片夹在其中,幼儿不会的时候适时的读出单词car 2.请幼儿上来玩游戏,教师念单词,幼儿瘵对应的图片拿下来给老师. 老师将图片送给幼儿. 3.问幼儿你有什么呀,what do you have .幼儿用汉语说时,教师用英语说i have反复几次, 4.情境表演:给幼儿带上小动物的头饰,拿着图片.一问一答.what do you have .i have


clap how

1.clap your hands,one,two,three

open your eyes,one,two,three

close your moush,one,two.three

2.t: good afternoon,everyone.c:good afternoon teacher

t:how are you today ? c:i am fine ,thank you

t:nice to meet you ! c:nice to meet you too!

t:look at me ,are you ha y? c:yes,ha y!

t:ok,let's singsing and danting !(歌舞展示)

3.t lease count out !cne,two,three-------

t;look at me ,the children is very good,let'play a game,who want to play ??

c:yes,i want to play

t:let's pide into two grou ,(from:)three are red team and green team ,which team first arrived

is the wi er. let me see ,who's no .1?

c:i'm no.1.

(教师在黑板上画好山分两路爬山,用红绿磁铁代表两队,然后拿出卡片问,what is it?学生回答,老师根据学生回答的情况移动磁铁)

t:let's play a second game ,

(拿出卡片,问how many ---- are there ??)

t:ok ,the children is very good !lastly ,let's singing and danting 。


活动目标: 1、乐于参与英语活动,对故事内容感兴趣,有积极的参与态度。 2、在听听、看看、说说、玩玩的活动中,理解故事内容,初步学习对话。

can you help us?yes,im glad to help you .

活动准备: 背景图片一幅,萝卜、老爷爷、老奶奶、小姑娘、小狗、小猫、小老鼠图片

活动过程: 1、出示萝卜,引起幼儿兴趣 today many friends come here , guess ,who are they? now lets have a look. an old man \an old women \a little girl\ a dog\a cat and a little mouse,look, whats this?(萝卜turnip a big turnip)

2、结合图片教师讲述故事 a:today ,i will tell you a story about the big turnip and  these friends.now,please look at the picture and listen to me carefully. 《pulling the big turnip》 b:now,let me tell the story again. please listen to me carefully. 《pulling the big turnip》

3、师幼练习故事中的对话 a:now, lets tell the story together. b:ok.do you understand?now, lets tell the story again.

4、故事表演 a: now,we will play the story. i am the old man who want to be an old man \an old women \a little girl\ a dog\a cat and a little mouse ? you should do as they do.are you ready?now,lets begin. b:who want try?lets play together.

5、结束、延伸 the big t


she is my mother. total: 3lesson: 2 teaching purpose:use pronouns to identify people. ask a who question use adj to describe people. teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughty who is this? it is me. who is he? he is my father. he is handsome. i love my father. teaching procedures: a: revision 1. singing: hello, how are you? i like coffee teddy bear 2. a chant: grandfather, grandfather, old, grandmother, grandmother, healthy, father, father, handsome, mother, mother, pretty, uncle, uncle, fat, auntie, auntie, slim, sister, sister, smart, brother, brother, naughty, i am lovely. 3.tonys family picture: who is he? he is my father. a. the teacher asks and the students answer. b. boys ask and girls answer. c. girls ask and boys answer. 4.singing: who is he? b: presentation a. 1.a picture of myself: t: who is she?ss: she is miss zhang. t: yes, it is me. 2.teach the new structure:who is this? it is me. 3.a pictu


活动目标: 1、体验学习英语的乐趣 2、认读第一课短句 color the balloon

今天啊罗老师受邀来给我们育苗幼儿园大班的小朋友们来上一节英语课 小朋友们开不开心啊? 开心那就要坐好啦

hello hello everybody

1、讲故事 春天到了 天空蓝蓝(blue)的 小草也变成了绿绿(green)的 小花儿都开啦 咦!还有橘黄色(orange)的漂亮极啦! 熊先生对大家说我们去春游吧! piggy cubby puppy 和bunny kitty都开心得跳了起来! 来到草地上 熊先生说 春天的颜色太美啦我们把他们涂到纸上吧! 大家都开心地回答好!可是画什么好呢? bunny说我最喜欢玩 气球(balloon) 啦我们画气球吧!大家都说我也喜欢我也喜欢! 熊先生拿出了一大张纸 ,不一会儿 气球就画好了 。piggy问熊先生:春天有些什么颜色呢? 熊先生指了指天空 大家看 !大家开心的说:春天是蓝色的(blue) 大家很快涂了一个蓝色的气球。涂完了bunny指着路边的花 大家看!春天的花是橘黄色的 我们再涂个橘黄色的气球吧!大家很快就涂完了。最后还剩一个气球cubby看了看脚下 草到了春天都变绿了 春天是绿色的 我们再涂个绿色的吧! 气球涂完了 大家抢着把自己画好的图给熊先生看 熊先生看完了很高兴说 大家都棒 找到了这么多春天的颜色! 故事讲完啦 我们的动物朋友们这么棒 那我们大班的小朋友是不是应该更棒啊?

2、今天罗老师给小朋友们带了礼物来 小朋友们都想不想要呀? 那罗老师让小朋友猜一猜是什么 气球(balloon) 嘴巴吹一吹 可以变大 挤一挤又会变小 可以飞上天 也可以拿在手里 谁猜到啦? 没有小朋友猜到就偷偷拿出来一下提示幼儿 玩个游戏 罗老师做大气球的动作 小朋友就大声念 罗老师做小气球的动作小朋友就小声念

3、学习新单词 颜色 (color) 拿出礼物答对了罗老师的气球口令 的就可以领到礼物



