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您正在查看《英语课的演讲稿——苗族风俗文化》good afternoon, everybody! today i s of miao nationality. lu sheng e difficult activities such as handstand, rolling, climbin

您正在查看《英语课的演讲稿——苗族风俗文化》g rods, human pyramid and so on. that's really surprising. reed-pipe peting horse skill, ball sports and other events b-san will dance and sing under the tree, and many of them fall in love. then we will look at miao's marriage custom. "pinch finger" is one way for miao guys to express their love. an will date as other lovers. they make marks with branches, leaves, weeds and wild flowers with different meaning: weed mark means dating, flower mark exp

您正在查看《英语课的演讲稿——苗族风俗文化》resses the secret meeting, pare s. i wish i can go to their inhabitation one day, and the same to you

good afternoon, everybody! today i s of miao nationality. lu sheng e difficult activities such as handstand, rolling, climbing rods, human pyramid and so on. thats really surprising. reed-pipe peting horse skill, ball sports and other events b-san e time, lovers pare s. i wish i can go to their inhabitation one day, and the same to you. 查看全文>>>

good morning,everyone, im so glad to be here and make a presentation. before my presentation, i’d like to ask you some quertions.do you knoen s singles final. this is the third time that li na has gone into the grand slam finals. once again, on january 26, li na e a part of their life. they fight inthe match, fight for their dream,and enjoy thir games

as students, studying is a part of our life.i know we may be confronted with many different kinds of problems,have you ever wangted to give it up? on the one hand, when i faced with difficulties,i felt sad and didn’t want to continue,on the other hand ,i would tell myself that:he who can sndure the greatest hardships will be the greatest among men.so to my way of thinking, on the road of studying, we need to learn how to keep ourself motivated and continue studying and learn how to make studying a better way to enjoy rather then boring ourself out.











good afternoon, everybody! today i s of miao nationality.

lu sheng e difficult activities such as handstand, rolling, climbing rods, human pyramid and so on. that's really surprising. reed-pipe peting horse skill, ball sports and other events b-san e time, lovers pare s. i wish i can go to their inhabitation one day, and the same to you.




很荣幸能站在这里参加班干部的竞选,在此我对大家的支持表示由衷的感谢。 小时候,父亲曾对我说过:做事要脚踏实地,一步一个脚印的去做。”不止一次,站上讲台参加竞选,我深感机会的来之不易,需要好好珍惜。正是由于这种动力,当我站在这里的时候,倍感自信。 当然仅仅有自信是不够的,还要有一定的能力。然而农村的教育水平终究不如城里,我比起班里的一些同学还是有差距的。从不会到会,从不好到好的过程,就是凭借着自信和虚心的态度来认真完成每一件工作的。但“人非圣贤,孰能无过”,我也犯过错,但我敢于面对自己的错误,从同学与老师的 帮助中虚心的接受批评,并改正错误,而且决不容许自己第二次在同一地方跌倒。 今天我之所以在这里参加竞选,是为了锻炼自己的能力,提高自己的英语水平,同时也会让全班的成绩一同提高。当然,我如果没有当选,我也不会懈气,我会更加努力的。 最后,我真诚希望大家相信我,支持我,给我这次展示能力的机会。我将在这一片属于我们的天空中挥洒春的汗水,为班级的明天绘出一幅美好的蓝图。












introducing yourself/starting the meeting /opening remarks

ladies and gentlemen, good morning!


hello everyone and lyceco./first let me introduce myself.i’m….



i hope you’ll excuse my english.i’m a little out of practice/nervous./please excuse my poor english.




preparing the aduience

ent…/now to change the subject for a moment…


to go back to my earlier point…/to return to the point i made earlier…


finally…/in conclusion…(最后…..)




before finishing/closing i’d like to summarize the main points again/

before i finish,i’d like to run through the main points again.


that’s all i’d like to run through the main points again.

that’s all i have to say for the moment/noing/being here/thank you for your attention 查看全文>>>

the first time i sa that time, i have focused on him. then gradually, i found that he not only has good appearance, but also has a talent for badminton.

he is very tall, about 1.90 meters. he is the tallest one among all the players in the chinese badminton team. in xx, he is chosen as the flag holder stands for china in the opening ceremony in the 15th asian games held in doha. it beats lin dan, so he gained a name e toe, he proved himself again in guangzhou, which is considered as his lucky place.

i think this will be the energy of his advancing. and i hope he can keep this fighting will and win the gold medal in the 29th olympic games held in beijing!

best wishes!


这篇关于,是小编编辑为您整理的英语课代表演讲稿参考,希望对您有所帮助! 英语课代表演讲稿参考

同学们,今天我竞选的职务是英语课代表。我相信,通过一个学期的锻炼,大家应该已经看到了我的实力和潜质。我会利用我的经验和热情,让大家看到实际的效果! 我想,这个学期,我还可以继续任职,没有人比我更适合这个职位了。如果我当上了英语课代表,我会做到以下几点。 1. 为人和善,与同学们成为亲密的好朋友,和大家共同进步。 2. 做好大家的督导员,老师的好助手。 3. 做好每天的工作,让同学们对英语更感兴趣。 4. 按时检查同学的英语作业,对不完成者进行提醒或惩罚。 5. 每天上课时注意观察,有溜号的同学及时汇报给老师。 6. 每天认真听讲,按时完成作业,做好预习和复习的工作,当好同学们的榜样。 如果我不能胜任这个职位,我也不会气馁,我会再接再厉,向大家展示我的实力,做好自己,做好一个学生! 很荣幸能站在这里参加班干部的竞选,在此我对大家的支持表示由衷的感谢。 小时候,父亲曾对我说过:做事要脚踏实地,一步一个脚印的去做。”不止一次,站上讲台参加竞选,我深感机会的来之不易,需要好好珍惜。正是由于这种动力,当我站在这里的时候,倍感自信。 当然仅仅有自信是不够的,还要有一定的能力。然而农村的教育水平终究不如城里,我比起班里的一些同学还是有差距的。从不会到会,从不好到好的过程,就是凭借着自信和虚心的态度来认真完成每一件工作的。但“人非圣贤,孰能无过”,我也犯过错,但我敢于面对自己的错误,从同学与老师的 帮助中虚心的接受批评,并改正错误,而且决不容许自己第二次在同一地方跌倒。 今天我之所以在这里参加竞选,是为了锻炼自己的能力,提高自己的英语水平,同时也会让全班的成绩一同提高。 当然,我如果没有当选,我也不会懈气,我会更加努力的。 最后,我真诚希望大家相信我,支持我,给我这次展示能力的机会。我将在这一片属于我们的天空中挥洒春的汗水,为班级的明天绘出一幅美好的蓝图。



