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my definition of failure s-u-c-c-e-s-s. success. success is the catch-mendable that you set your mind on the best and con-stantly strive for it. at many times, hopetitors also plays an important part. so it is a more sensible, but no less commendable thing for you to compete peted in the 3,000-meter race. i did this not because i m gifted in or good at running, but because i ing one of them and displaying my skills in a sports meet. after i entered university, i spent much of my spare time on physical exercises, such as running, the long jump. although i can run much faster than before, i m not capable of petition, i didn t call my attempt a failure, because i had tried and struggled. real failure is not to try hard. i ething? simple. first, don t panic, because failure is not the end of the ent . ho depressed for a certain period of time, but 's bear goldsmith's remarks in mind:our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but rising every time w


“once upon a time, there e young prince..." ething so fanciful, so unrealistic, and, i bination of both the process and the satisfactory result of an endeavor. to clarify my viees.

the concept of success is not constant but relative because the nature of difficulty is also relative. something you do effortlessly might pose a great difficulty for a handicapped person. in acquiring the ability to do the same as you can, he or she achieve success. that's e out first, it e young prince and the 4-step definition of success. you my have noticed that the usual worldly criteria of wealth, position and fame were not mentioned as part of the story, but rather, it emphasized the process of overcoming difficulties. the ancient wisdom had already defined the meaning of success, and this is my definition, too.

thank you.


food and health

green tea

green tea is favority and traditional drink of chinese for thousand years. recent studies have sho. and in this thanksgiving eleshelters or food pantries. on thanksgiving, and on every day of the year, america is a more hopeful nation because of the volunteers y from a recession, manufacturers and entrepreneurs are creating jobs again. volunteers from acrothe country came together to help hurricane victims rebuild. and eland security and intelligence personnel who spend long hours on faithful watch. and we give thanks to the men and women of our military who are serving with courage and skill, and ma-ki-ng our entire nation proud.

like generations before them, today's armed forces have liberated captive peoples and shoen have endured long deployments and painful separations from home. families have faced the challenge of raising children mander-in-chief, i've been honored to thank our troops at bases around the passion and decency of our people. i 查看全文>>>

president clinton:

thank you. thank you, president chen, chairmen ren, vice president chi, vice minister merce; the secretary of agriculture; the chairman of our council of economic advisors; senator sasser, our ambassador; the national security advisor and my chief of staff, among others. i say that to illustrate the importance that the united states places on our relationship e to yenching university e here to study and teach. mencement addreon these very grounds. at the appointed hour, he appeared, but no students appeared. they e here today to talk to you, the next generation of china's leaders, about the critical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between china and the united states.

the american people deeply admire china for its thousands of years of contributions to culture and religion, to philosophy and the arts, to science and technology. the ic transformation has been even more remarkable, moving from a closed command economic system to 查看全文>>>

today i am very glad to be here to share es very complicated. is fortune success? is fame success? is high social status success? no, i don‘t think so. i believe success is the realization of people's hopes and ideals.noe by, cause in the process of our striving for success, ation as i do. but i am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. so ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life!

wish you all good success!



first, i y and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the ae time to think of this question, ”does the olympic games have any special meaning to you?”

for us, i mean the chinese youth, 20xx olympic games is a tremendous gift. because forter” ----that is someone us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.



dear all,

experience makes you succeedi still remembered the first time , eager to share my kno. i ter.” greatly surprised, i read diary after diary, each expressed a similar theme. “didn’t i teach them anything? i described the entire framehing important struck me. i believe my life ter english teacher.

the follo through the rough spots with little more fortitude.


小编演讲稿频道为大家整理的《英语演讲稿:成功》,希望大家喜欢。 更多相关内容请参考以下链接: 竞聘演讲稿 国旗下演讲稿 开学典礼演讲稿 学雷锋演讲稿 师德师风演讲稿 妇女节演讲稿 belief in yourself is the secret of success from the moment etimes ent in our life, inating techqniue to be successful is first start from yourself. believe in yourself. if you don't believe in what you can do, then who else? if you don't care about yourself, then who else? trust your feelings, believe that you can do it. and as long as you hold that thought, nothing, nothing can stop you. the successful future right ahead of you are led by a pathway called belief. 以上就是我们小编为大家提供的演讲稿范文,更多精彩尽在小编,敬请随时关注哦!


成功与失败英语演讲稿(一)failure is petitions.although failure happens to everyone, attitudes toe it means poas edison succeeded, because he had experimented thousands of times to find the best material for lights. every success calls for hard the t our failures.in my opinion , failure is not a bad thing , the really bad thing is taking a failure as failure or even lose our heart after failure.more importantly, today, the the orroments outside the door. be yourself, follow your own cause and enjoy your own success!thank you sincerely!


成功与失败英语演讲稿范文成功与失败英语演讲稿(一)failure is petitions.although failure happens to everyone, attitudes toe it means poas edison succeeded, because he had experimented thousands of times to find the best material for lights. every success calls for hard the t our failures.in my opinion , failure is not a bad thing , the really bad thing is taking a failure as failure or even lose our heart after failure.more importantly, today, the the orroments outside the door. be yourself, follow your own cause and enjoy your own success!thank you sincerely!



