范文 > 主持词 > 英语短剧主持词 > 导航 > 英语短剧比赛英文主持词




A(girl): Ladies and gentlemen

B(boy): Boys and girls, Good afternoon

A: ent, e!


A:Hoorrow is Christmas Day ,and I wish you all merry Christmas.

AB: Good bye!



【petition is beginning,please spetition.


X:Firstly,lets introuduce todays honorable leader and judges and guests. I have the great privilege of presenting todays judges for this Speech Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from...



Y:e professor----------to give us a speech.


X:Thank you ,professor------noptu speech 15 minutes before their performances. In the third section each of the finalists ptu speech (one question master asks only one question). That e contestant Number 2....

Noe contestant Number 456789

张:7、Let’s have a rest. play an English game。and e to the stage and let`s to give the prize,请获奖者到台前领奖。

(2)The second ing!让我们再次把最热烈的掌声送给我们的参赛选手和评委们!感谢你们的参与

张: Lets petition is over。


张:Another wonderful and successful!

Another memorable and growing!

毋: 又一次的精彩,又一次的成功!


张:In the future study and life, and hope that we will continue to learn English, speak English, use English, practice English and achieve our dreams.

毋:在今后的学习和生活中,希望我们继续学英语、说英语、用英语,练就英语口才 成就精彩梦想。

合:That’s all! Goodbye!




A:Good Moring, ladies ,gentlemen and my felloing from different Classes of they are freshman. I hope you can have a good day!


A:Noe they again!


A:Thank for join us,it’s time for shoing! I e our beautiful learn elder sister 彭瑞玥carry ething useful through this contest. Noing? What guy is so lucky to win the first prize? Can you guess?


A:Ok!i think I envy you now, he(she)is xx Congratulations

B:我想我也嫉妒你了,他(她)就是 恭喜你

A:let’s Congratulations them by the warmly applause Congratulations


A:If you want, you can! try your best, and you can do anything! You can not change your past, but you can improve your future, Try and believe,yes,we can!


A:Ladies and gentlemen, the contest is over! Thank all of you to join us, thank you for excellent speech, thank you for coming! bye!



ladies and gentlemen, class_3 grade XX.
there are all together 17 contestants to compete in today’s english speech competition all form mathematic dpt
i hope e!
thank you for being a part of the competition.
nopetition, the 1st is prepared speech,each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech.
the 2ed part is unprepared speech,each of the contestants has 2 minutes to present your unprepared speech,after your speech,you have 2 minutes to anse c n.1
thank your for c n 1,noe c n 3.
l and g ,e miss to give us a comment on this competition.e to the stage and let`s to give the prize.
l and g can you feel the most exciting monment ,right noiong!
till now ,l and g ,our competition has to an end.let`s look forword to the next year`s competition!
thanks again!



(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: my friends this competition is beginning, please spetition.

m: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!

f: firstly, let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests. i have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today's judges for this english song contest. ladies and gentlemen, mr. xx-x from...

m: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。女士们先生们,他们是来自……的……

f: once again let's e contestant no.2......contestant no.3 please get ready.

m: 感谢我们一号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是二号选手……,她为我们带来的歌曲是……,三号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎二号选手。

f: thank the last contestant’s e………….give some comments on our contestants’ performance.

m: 非常感谢我们最后一位选手的精彩的歌曲。到现在,所有的选手都完成了他们的表演,他们所有人真的是都非常非常的棒。下面,让我们由请……来为我们今天的比赛以及各位选手的表现做一下点评。由请。

f: thank you professor ……. for your ments.)

f:(加at the moment, the result of today’s contest have come out )

m: 到现在为止,我们今天比赛的成绩已经出来了。

f: let me announce the list of third prize-----------(三等奖名单) each recipient(接受者) e mr.—to present the ae mr.—ae mr.—to present the apetition is ending. i knopetition is close.

m: 女士们先生们,尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,西安音乐学院XX年英语歌曲大赛到此结束

f: once again thank you for your time. see you next year.

m: 再次感谢您的到来,让我们明年再见!

