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the meaning of honor

the pleting their everyday task her and become interested in this language because of her enlightenment. so many years havepassed and miss zhang is still an ordinary primary school teacher without any prize, flowers or honorable titles but in my eyes she is the very person who deserve honor and respect. every time i stand on the winners box, i couldnt help thinking of miss zhang. i owe my success in english and my gratitude to her.

just as alexander pope said: act well your part, there all honor lies. honor can be found in our every day life and belongs to you, to me and to every ordinary person.



人们一提起荣誉,首先会想到那些干出一番轰轰烈烈的事业,那些做出过巨大贡献,或者是地位显赫的人。例如杨利伟、成龙等,或者是在座的教授、评委们。是的,他们都享有盛誉,都应该受人尊重。但同时, 我也不会忘记在我们身边还有许许多多默默耕耘、爱岗敬业、甘于奉献,却又默默无闻的人们。







竞聘演讲稿 | 国旗下演讲稿 | 英语演讲稿 | 师德师风演讲稿 | 年会主持词 | 领导致辞
the duality of money has been puzzling people since its first appearante. on the one hand, clean money can sy tells us that everyone should earn a living by selling something. professors sell their knoe the heroes no matter whether they make any contribution to our society. some people try desperately to make big money, which, more often than not, end up with degradation, corruption and crime.
though money is indispensable to our life, dirty money may drag us into hell. there are many things no money can buy. we will keep our honor intact at any cost because it is our soul. love of money is the root of all evil. for myself, i would rather die than dishonor myself for money.




热门演讲推荐:竞聘演讲稿 | 国旗下演讲稿 | 英语演讲稿 | 师德师风演讲稿

the duality of money has been puzzling people since its first appearante. on the one hand, clean money can sy tells us that everyone should earn a living by selling something. professors sell their knoe the heroes no matter whether they make any contribution to our society. some people try desperately to make big money, which, more often than not, end up with degradation, corruption and crime.
though money is indispensable to our life, dirty money may drag us into hell. there are many things no money can buy. we will keep our honor intact at any cost because it is our soul. love of money is the root of all evil. for myself, i would rather die than dishonor myself for money.




The duality of money has been puzzling people since its first appearante. on the one hand, clean money can sy tells us that everyone should earn a living by selling something. professors sell their knoe the heroes no matter whether they make any contribution to our society. some people try desperately to make big money, which, more often than not, end up with degradation, corruption and crime.

Though money is indispensable to our life, dirty money may drag us into hell. there are many things no money can buy. we will keep our honor intact at any cost because it is our soul. love of money is the root of all evil. for myself, i would rather die than dishonor myself for money.

关于金钱与荣誉英语演讲稿:Money and Honor

the duality of money has been puzzling people since its first appearante. on the one hand, clean money can sy tells us that everyone should earn a living by selling something. professors sell their knoe the heroes no matter whether they make any contribution to our society. some people try desperately to make big money, which, more often than not, end up with degradation, corruption and crime.
though money is indispensable to our life, dirty money may drag us into hell. there are many things no money can buy. we will keep our honor intact at any cost because it is our soul. love of money is the root of all evil. for myself, i would rather die than dishonor myself for money.


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