范文 > 演讲稿 > 科技与生活英语演讲短文 > 导航 > 英语演讲短文——餐后演说





It is a great honor and prestige to be asked to make a speech here tonight. I have chosen a rather serious, unpleasant subject for tonight's speech: it is the problem of trade friction bete US $ 50 billion. The reason for that is that automobiles and electronic products of China are outselling the American equivalents. Criticism also goes to the closed market of China. Americans demand that China open its market for American agricultural products such as crops, fruit, and food-meat, and that the complex Chinese distribution system be simplified.

However, I think the basic posture the Americans are taking needs to be changed. That is, Americans tend to assume that the Chinese are all to blame, and they also demand quick changes from the Chinese. I think what we really need is a little more patience and effort to understand each other. Mutual understanding is indispensable today when international interdependence is the rule.

I hope my speech will serve as "food for thought" and that you will be able to "digest" it well. Thank you


trade friction:贸易摩擦

trade surplus:贸易盈余


distribution system:行销体系

the Chinese are all to blame:都是中国的错

food for thought:思考的食量



青春常在 feeling of youth

no young man believes he shall ever die. it ing age our omencement of life, any present symptoms ho for the thoughts of death.







president clinton:

thank you. thank you, president chen, chairmen ren, vice president chi, vice minister merce; the secretary of agriculture; the chairman of our council of economic advisors; senator sasser, our ambassador; the national security advisor and my chief of staff, among others. i say that to illustrate the importance that the united states places on our relationship e to yenching university e here to study and teach. mencement addreon these very grounds. at the appointed hour, he appeared, but no students appeared. they e here today to talk to you, the next generation of china's leaders, about the critical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between china and the united states.

the american people deeply admire china for its thousands of years of contributions to culture and religion, to philosophy and the arts, to science and technology. the ic transformation has been even more remarkable, moving from a closed command economic system to a driving, increasingly market-based and driven economy, generating te has more than doubled in the last decade. most chinese people are leading lives they could not have imagined just 20 years ago.



It is a great pleasure to have you visit us today. I am very happy to have an opportunity to introduce our company to you.

Our company , we need reliable agents to effectively market our products. I hope you will seriously consider doing business with us. Thank you.


the annual business gross: 年度总营业额

working diligently:努力工作


Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to have you all come to our lecture presentation this evening. Before we start off with the lecture, may I say a few words about tonight's guest speaker by way of introduction?

Tonight's guest speaker, as you all know, is Mr. Song Jiang, currently president of Vtech pacific company. He was born in ChongQing in 1965 and grew up there until he became 18 years old when he was drafted into the chinese air force to join a special squad called "Flying Dragon." He narrowly escaped death in the military mission, and after the pany as he gives us a lecture entitled, "Strategies and Tactics for Corporate Management and Expansion" ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Song Jiang.


lecture presentation:演讲会

be drafted into:征招入伍

the annual business:年营业额

strategies and tactics:战略和战术




1.为对上司的祝贺Congratulations, Mr.Hoffman, on your promotion to the managing director of the personnel department.
Under your directorship, I am sure the department otion to sales manager.
You have been a great colleague as e drop by our office any time.这是相当“敏感的”演说。无论上司也好同事也罢,我们对于别人的晋升难免总会有几分“嫉妒”(ENVY)的心情。当然这种心情一旦暴露出来,演说就垮了。诸如“这次的晋升对您来说实至名归”(a promotion you richly deserve)这类赞美之辞乃属必要。NOTES:directorship ,领导section director , 课长colleague , 同事come drop by, 过来玩needless to say 不用说

