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how to be popular

most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. ed, we will not only look better but also feel better. in addition, we should smile and appear friendly. after all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. if we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.

another important step is developing more consideration for others. e our way.





no other forting the bottom of her heart! then, there came the gentle voice of hers: no, no, no her head shaking, this experience? never give up lightly! lifes full of opportunities, and lots of them! to realize your dreams and fulfill your potential, you must learn to work hard and smart and steer your lifeboat wisely! as a li lings sportswear commercial goes everything is possible! but not without sweat, devotion, and tears sometimes!

life is a long journey, during which we are surely going to face many challenges, experience lots of failures, and equally, many opportunities are waving to us, while sweet rewards are waiting for us! to transform these opportunities into fruitful results, or turn those challenges and failures into valuable assets, we must learn to seize the good ones and not to retreat lightly in front of difficulties.

winners can never be quitters!

thank you all!



hello, everyone.

dad, mom is a very kind call, fatherly motherly love, a contains unlimited touching e the big industry, at three moves, for future generations to leave told the story. in modern times, a the bottom of my grateful to her for years, although lost her youth and beauty, but she in my mind forever is cupid, aphrodite. hard although took her beautiful singing voice, but her every the infinite, so long as you are young . 查看全文>>>


i have been in university for about one year. during my stay here, i came to realize that university life is like drinking coke. etopany. i am sad that i cant be there ising company, such setbacks are likely to get us doe a better person. university life is like drinking coke. im experiencing it. and i knoe to t, let me shoe experts even claim that they could win 60 in fact,they have lost 7 games.i think maybe they can’t win the games as many as the experts said,but they must be a strong power in the western this season if the stars specially tracy and yao could keep health.

the second team is dallas season,they won more than 60 games,but they were washed out in the this team became the second team which won 60 or more games but lost the champion.

this season,most of the players there are in their golden age and i think they own the ability to create everything what even out of everyone’s expectation.












现在我们喊得最响亮的一句口号就是:one world,one dream!同一个世界,同一个梦想。如果我们不团结,哪来的同一个世


as everyone knoe the most common language on internet and for international trade. if to touch the my e dependence. love day dreaming, perhaps today e of the practice of life, we do not understand why they like to do ah. it is our wish too much too young to bury social experience. attitude of life when we are not deep.

down we love fantasy, love to dream of behavior, we need to do one for the people and human progremake a difference. to our actions to prove that we have!



飞机在一阵剧烈的颤抖之后,空中小姐突然表情凝重地为每个乘客都发了一张纸和一枝笔,随后,机长那浑厚而压抑的声音出现在广播里:“很不幸地告诉大家一个消息,由于飞机出现故障,将在4分钟后坠毁,请大家尽快书写遗言,交给乘务员。否则,您将失去与亲人的最后一次联系机会!”人们把脸贴到窗上往外看,没错,正往上飞的云告诉他们飞机正在跌落。“天哪!”机舱中一片骚动,几个女人开始哭泣。“请抓紧时间吧!”机长再次催促。人们无奈地握起笔,开始给亲人写信。 飞机坠毁在一片丛林里,机上乘客无一幸免。搜救人员找到了装有乘客遗书的特殊装置,发现大部分遗书都是关于思念亲人和遗产分配的,但也有几封非常特殊,引人深思。 一位第三者写给她的情人:我想这是报应,我破坏了你的家庭,伤害了你的妻子,最终却没能拥有你。不论我是飞到天堂还是下到地狱,我的灵魂都不会安息,为你、为她也为我们大家,永远忏悔! 一位官员写给他妻子:对不起老婆,我有两件事瞒着你,一是我私存了一笔钱,有5万余元,存折就放在卫生间中装手纸的匣子下面,密码是你的生日。二是我一直想和你离婚,但却没有勇气,我实在是厌倦了你的唠叨。但这回不必了,老天替我们办了离婚手续。孩子就交给你了。 一位癌症患者写给他的父母:本想在跳入大海前写给你们,可是来不及了,事故让我连这最后的愿望都没能实现。如果还能找到我的尸体的话,请一定将骨灰撒入大海。不孝儿,绝笔! 一位诗人写给一位编辑:这一刻,我的心真正飞了起来。不过,恐惧是翅膀,目的地是死亡。 一位企业家写给他的副手:和某某官员的关系继续搞,和某某公司的竞争继续来;某某厂的货钱继续欠,某某银行的贷款继续赖。某某秘书就不要用了,给她结清工资,让她回家。 一位外逃贪官写给远在美国的情-妇:都他妈的是你催的!


小编为大家收集整理了《英语三分钟演讲稿:how to be popular》供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!!!

how to be popularmost people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. ed, we will not only look better but also feel better. in addition, we should smile and appear friendly. after all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. if we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.another important step is developing more consideration for others. e our way.如何才能受人欢迎大部分的人都想受人欢迎,但是并非每个人都能达到目标。受欢迎的秘诀何在?事实上是很简单的。步骤一,先改善我们的外表。我们得确保自己很健康,并且穿着体面。当我们既健康又穿戴整齐时,不仅看起来更有精神,自己也会觉得好多了。此外,我们要保持微笑并表现得很友善。毕竟,脸部表情是外观很重要的一环。如果我们能做到这一点,别人会被我们的美好外表所吸引,并对我们的自信印象深刻。另一个重要步骤,就是培养对别人的体贴。永远以他人为重,并把别人的利益放在自己的利益之前。当个好听众也是很重要的;如此一来,别人才能很自在地对我们吐露心事。然而,不管我们做什么事,绝对不要说闲言闲语。最重要的是,要做自己,不要当虚伪的人。只有对人真诚又尊重时,才能赢得他人的尊敬。如果我们能做到以上几点,我相信受人欢迎是指日可待的事。


can money buy happiness? can money buy happiness? different people have different opinions. some think yes, mon viee places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable. so, money does not necessarily mean happiness. it all depends on how it is used. if we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.



