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三分钟英语演讲稿:Change Ourselves。

在逆境中依然要岿然不动,坚持正见。当我们即将站上台去演讲前,这时我们应该先把演讲稿准备好。演讲稿的要求是“上口入耳”。如何打造一篇属于自己的演讲稿呢?急你所急,小编为朋友们了收集和编辑了“三分钟英语演讲稿:Change Ourselves”,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。

Things in the e difficult or uncomfortable situation. etimes we need to change our life attitude; sometimes we need to change our views of seeing things; sometimes we need to tolerant; sometimes we need to be strong. Changing ourselves according to the specific situation is good for us.




Dear teacher and classmates:
I am very glad to say something here. At this time, I'd like to talk about my hobbies.
I have many hobbies. First, I like playing video games. Computer games are cool. I like CS best. I could play it all day. Secound, I like all kinds of sports. I like being outdoors. I love fresh air and sunshine.
playing football e. I often read comics on the bed in the evening. It's my secret. Hey, buddy. please don't tell my parents.
Furthermore, I like music. I like singing. I ofen sing film songs eday. Then I can talk about the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games with them. It's my colorful dream in the English world.
There is more I like to do. There is more I want to say. maybe I can tell you more next time. Thank you for listening


Three months ago,tpany you along the mon belief that your guys shoulders e from different places and we may have different stories and we may move in the different directions towards different futures.But we all would give the world to make our class shine.we are not only the sum of its parts that out of many,we are truly one.


the nature.

and this lasted so long a time.

today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting hell! i admit, frightening.to the nature, overpopulation is a big problem.

more people, more pollution.

and the big population is threatening the nature every second.the rapid rise in ime 30 times more of the worlds resources than a baby born in india.

unless all the countries of the world take united action to deal with the population explosion there will be more and more people fighting for a share of less and less land, food and fuel, and the future will bring poverty, misery and war to us all.for most of the developing countries, it is a good idea to control the population growth.


My dear friends,

Do you knoe other peoples wealth.

Then what is the most precious and everlasting thing in the world?

When you are far away from your family and feel especially lonely, who will you think of? When you stand on the crossroad in your life and dont know which way to choose, who will you think of? When you encounter greater difficulties than ever and need others encouragement, who will you think of? When you decide to make the greatest decision in your favorite course, which shed cheerful tears when see you get achievements? Whose wholehearted blessing will be always with you no matter how far you will go?

Yes, its mother who you will always think of and its mothers love that will be always be with you.

I once heard a moving story about a mother. Two children were drawn into the flood and the situation was very dangerous. Their mother jumped into the water without hesitation. But the mother couldnt swim at all. Jumping into the water means she might lose her life. But at that time she had no time to think about herself. She just wanted to try all means to save her children. Maybe her courage touched the God. The miracle happened. She finally succeeded in saving her both children. And she, of course, felt extremely exhausted.

My friends, mothers love is the greatest love. Mothers love is the safest love. No matter you are happy or depressed, rich or poor, mothers love will always stay with you.


Good morning India!
Today on 15th August 2013 India is celebrating its 67th Independence Day, and the bondage of British rule. No and prosperity. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar gave the longest ing years.
Our former president Dr.ApJ Abdul Kalam called the children of India to dream to build a strong Nation with aim and perseverance. Indeed! This is not a word of a single man. It is word of one billionsouls.

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