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ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you inance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody gro men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

thank you!


"...5,4,3,2,1ignite!go!"onoctober15,xx,chinalauncheditsfirstmannedspacecraftintoorbitfromthejiuquansatellitelaunchcentreinnorthicandsocialdevelopment.thesuccessfullaunchofshenzhou-vusheredinaneingabrightballbeforevanishingintodeepspace. ourdreambecomesreality.thoughtheshenzhou-vcircledtheearth14timeswithin22hoursand18minutes,ithasclearlydisplayedchina'sspirtsofdevotion,co-operationandpursuitoftheunknown.meantime,itwillturnouttobeanimportantdrivingforceforthecountry'seconomicandsocialdevelopment.thesuccessfullaunchofshenzhou-vusheredinanewchapterinspacehistory. 我们永远也不会忘记xx年10月15日。中国在其西北部的甘肃省酒泉卫星发射中心首次发射了载人宇宙飞船,进入了轨道。 喷射出一团橘黄色的火焰后,白色的长征n-f火箭运载神州5号宇宙飞船和中国第一个宇宙飞行员杨利伟腾空而起,蔚为壮观,慢慢地变成一个亮球消失在茫茫的太空中。 尽管神州5号在22小时18分钟内仅仅绕地球转14圈,但它清楚的体现了中国的奉献、合作和探索未知的精神。同时这一事件将证明对中国的经济和社会发展起到重要的推动作用。神州5号宇宙飞船的发射成功揭开了太空历史的新篇章。


"...5,4,3,2,1ignite!go!"onoctober15,xx,chinalauncheditsfirstmannedspacecraftintoorbitfromthejiuquansatellitelaunchcentreinnorthicandsocialdevelopment.thesuccessfullaunchofshenzhou-vusheredinaneingabrightballbeforevanishingintodeepspace. ourdreambecomesreality.thoughtheshenzhou-vcircledtheearth14timeswithin22hoursand18minutes,ithasclearlydisplayedchina'sspirtsofdevotion,co-operationandpursuitoftheunknown.meantime,itwillturnouttobeanimportantdrivingforceforthecountry'seconomicandsocialdevelopment.thesuccessfullaunchofshenzhou-vusheredinanewchapterinspacehistory. 我们永远也不会忘记xx年10月15日。中国在其西北部的甘肃省酒泉卫星发射中心首次发射了载人宇宙飞船,进入了轨道。 喷射出一团橘黄色的火焰后,白色的长征n-f火箭运载神州5号宇宙飞船和中国第一个宇宙飞行员杨利伟腾空而起,蔚为壮观,慢慢地变成一个亮球消失在茫茫的太空中。 尽管神州5号在22小时18分钟内仅仅绕地球转14圈,但它清楚的体现了中国的奉献、合作和探索未知的精神。同时这一事件将证明对中国的经济和社会发展起到重要的推动作用。神州5号宇宙飞船的发射成功揭开了太空历史的新篇章。


ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to have you all to this party to celebrate the inauguration of our nepany in the sales department. between 1983-1995, he visited and lived in six different foreign countries including the united states, canada, australia, and new zealand, to develop our overseas market. upon returning from abroad, he began to assume the position of executive manager of the sales department and has remained in that position until the appointment to the president this time.

he is very aggressive in business, but at the same time, a good husband and a caring father of three children.

ladies and gentlemen, our new president, mr. cheng-en lin !






以下是小编为大家整理的关于英语演讲稿开头的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! 英语演讲稿开头

尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享……honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!i feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today i'm going to look together e to the english speaking competition for grade 2005. (掌声~~~) first of all, please allopete in today’s english speaking competition, all from grade 2005. and this competition e; miluo, (掌声~~~)e contestant no.1

(译文:现在,让我们有请1号选手。 微笑状~)

thank you for contestant no.1, noe contestant no.3

(译文:谢谢我们的2号选手。女士们,先生们,下面我宣布1号选手的最后得分是:86.6分。恭喜!接下来,让我们有请我们的3号选手。 微笑状~)

and noe back to the english speaking competition for grade 2005. after our judges’ discussion, the exciting moment is coming.

(译文:女士们,先生们,欢迎回来。您现在看到的是外院2005级英语演讲比赛。经过我们评委老师的讨论之后,激动人心的时刻到了。 兴奋状~)

right nopetition has come to an end. thank you for your coming! see you next time. bye-bye! 你自己看看可有什么适合你的!!!


这篇关于最新英语演讲稿开头,是小编编辑为您整理的,希望对您有所帮助! 最新英语演讲稿开头

尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享……honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!i feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today i'm going to look together e to the english speaking competition for grade 2005. (掌声~~~) first of all, please allopete in today’s english speaking competition, all from grade 2005. and this competition e; miluo, (掌声~~~)e contestant no.1

(译文:现在,让我们有请1号选手。 微笑状~)

thank you for contestant no.1, noe contestant no.3

(译文:谢谢我们的2号选手。女士们,先生们,下面我宣布1号选手的最后得分是:86.6分。恭喜!接下来,让我们有请我们的3号选手。 微笑状~)

and noe back to the english speaking competition for grade 2005. after our judges’ discussion, the exciting moment is coming.

(译文:女士们,先生们,欢迎回来。您现在看到的是外院2005级英语演讲比赛。经过我们评委老师的讨论之后,激动人心的时刻到了。 兴奋状~)

right nopetition has come to an end. thank you for your coming! see you next time. bye-bye! 你自己看看可有什么适合你的!!!



i don't think so. printed books pletely by electronic products.

there are many things need to recorded on books. books are something meaningful and practical. i should say, in our country, printed books eway ridiculous.

secondly, our country haven't developed so strong to make every student study by computer or other forms of electronic tools. and even after 20 years, the possibility is also very small.

i also think it is unnecessary because books are cheap but useful and still meaningful.



ladies and gentlemen,

i have had a lot of teachers in my school who have given me much help in my study。 for their help i will never forget them。 but today i am going to talk about a special teacher of mine。 this teacher is not a human being and its name is“computer”。 it has been teaching me a lot of knowledge and i appreciate it very much。

with the development of modern science and technology, computers are widely used in every teritories (1) including education。 how can a computer be my teacher? how does a computer teach me? multimedia(多媒体)helps a lot in this aspect in recent years, and computer-based training (cbt) has become a popular educational medium (手段)。 even before the multimedia come (2) up, many different learning systems appeared, using the components and techniques we now associate with the term “multimedia”。 multimedia components, such as graphics (动画) , animations , sound and video, make the learning process easier through


小编演讲稿频道为大家整理的《英语演讲稿开头:我思故我在》,希望大家喜欢。 更多相关内容请参考以下链接: 竞聘演讲稿 国旗下演讲稿 建党节演讲稿 八一建军节演讲稿 师德师风演讲稿 三分钟演讲稿 dear fello then on, my life turned over a ne other people. i e people have never made an effort to seek the meaning of life. they live their oe of the problems i encounter. consequently, i e fun instead of taking pains to think? the reason is that its ree an indispensable part of my life. "i think, therefore i am." thank you! 以上就是我们小编为大家提供的演讲稿范文,更多精彩尽在小编,敬请随时关注哦!


小编演讲稿频道为大家整理的《英语演讲稿开头:if there paring ments on afterlife. but i do hope there’s afterlife! because our present life is so short that so many things slip amonplace life, i’m very much attached to the affections that should have been mine but have been washed away by the hurrying time, and i yearn for the perfection and maturity if i could start all over again. so believe it or not, i’d rather there were afterlife.




