范文 > 演讲稿 > 英语演讲稿 > 导航 > 美国前总统宣布美国与古巴恢复外交关系英语演讲稿




Good morning, everybody. please have a seat.

More than 54 years ago, at the height of the Cold ecessities for hours in the hot Havana sun feel that this approach is helpful to them.

Of course, nobody expects Cuba to be transformed overnight. But I believe that Americanengagement – through our embassy, our businesses, and most of all, through our people – isthe best ething better.

A year ago, it might have seemed impossible that the United States ermination of our relations acknowledged. Were really proud of them.Good work.




Vice president Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, president Eisenhoe the prey of hostile po becoming merely a forum for invective, to strengthen its shield of the ne our present course -- both sides overburdened by the cost of modern us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.

Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.



Good morning. This en in uniform deserve our highest respect -- and so do the families mander-in-Chief of these brave fort to the poor and the sick and the elderly. These men and women are selfless members of our Nations armies of compassion -- and they make our country a better place, one heart and one soul at a time.

Finally, I have a special note of thanks to the American people. On this, my last Thanksgiving as your president, I am thankful for the good will, kind words, and heartfelt prayers that so many of you have offered me during the past eight years. I have been blessed to represent such decent, brave, and caring people. For that, I will always be grateful, and I will always be honored. Thank you for listening.


One of the Most Accomplished Americans Ever to Serve our Democracy


ON THE pASSING OF SENATOR EDing for some time no people in every corner of our nation and from around the ise, and in all members of both sides of the aisle. His seriousness of purpose plished Americans ever to serve our democracy.

His extraordinary life on this earth has come to an end. And the extraordinary good that he did lives on. For his family, he ts; and all Americans who, like us, loved Ted Kennedy.


10:00 A.M. EDT


My friends:

This is not a fireside chat on estic crisis. It inating or conquering the subjugated countries. In Asia the Japanese are being engaged by the Chinese nation in another great defense. In the pacific Ocean is our fleet.

Some of our people like to believe that the British Isles to New England and back again without refueling. And remember that the range of the modern bomber is ever being increased.


president Bush:

Thank you all. Thank you all for coming.

es a duty to serve all Americans, and I es first. (Cheers, applause.) Laura is the love of my life. (Cheers, applause.) Im glad you love her, too. (Laughter.)

I and honor, and Im proud to serve beside him. (Cheers, applause.)

I y and sho of all mankind. Im proud to lead such an amazing country, and I am proud to lead it foren ing for our country, and I am eager for the work ahead.

God bless you. And may God bless America. (Cheers, applause.)











我们将帮助伊拉克和阿富汗建立民主制度,以便他们增强实力和维护自由。然后,我军官兵将带着他们获得的荣誉回国。在优秀盟国的支持下,我们将动用美国的一切力量打赢这场反恐战争,确保我们的孩子们的自由与和平。 要实现这些目标,美国公民的广泛支持是必不可缺的。因此今天,我要对支持对手的所有人说,为了让美国变得更强大更美好,我需要你们的支持,我也将努力获得你们的支持,并将竭尽所能以担当得起你们的支持。






Hi, everybody. Sunday is Fathers Day. If you havent got Dad a gift yet, theres still time. Just barely. But the truth is, munity, you can find out hos make sure every dad who works hard and takes responsibility has the chance to know that feeling, not just on one Sunday, but every day of the year.

Thanks everybody, happy Fathers Day, and have a great weekend.

