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工作推荐信 英文版。

在这个信息化的时代,大家有时候会不可避免的要写一封书信。书信是一种人们普遍使用的交际工具,人们在暂时无法见面时就可以通过书信交流情感与思想。怎么写出一封优秀的书信呢?小编特意为大家收集整理了“工作推荐信 英文版”,供你参考,希望能够帮助到大家。


编者按: 雇主在聘用新员工时常会要求员工提供推荐信(reference letter)。

推荐信主要由雇主撰写,有些雇主则会要求员工自行撰写推荐信供其参... 雇主在聘用新员工时常会要求员工提供推荐信(reference letter)。







范本 :

To pany, Ms. Cheng is responsible for a number of job duties ranging from promoting our company products, exploring and establishing business relationship it may concern:

this is to confirm that mr. li dashui has puter hardputer programs, and test and implement programs for netputer netputer netpany. if you need further information, please feel free to contact me.

sincerely yours,


zhang xiaoming

senior engineer and technical manage

company name, address, tex fax



dear sir or madam:

i am xxx, general manager of xxx. learning that an excellent staff member of ours, mr. xxx is intent on further studying abroad, i am much pleased and gratified. in my opinion, such a promising youth striving for progress should receive better education so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to strongly recommend this outstanding young man to your municated and discussed modestly e extent, it may be a great loss of our company that such a superexcellent employee as mr. xxx is going to study abroad. however, in consideration of his prospect, i, without any hesitation, am in great favor of his decision of studying at your reputable university. with great sincerity, i expect that you will support his application fully and grant him an opportunity to uplift himself and realize his dream. thanks a lot.

respectfully yours,


general manager


tel: xxx

e-mail: xxx





To petition,the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representinghis or her school but also by representing his or her community as munity Center,I e to knomunity, he has also helped to implement plans and programs that amultitude of nemunity Center


To mend her foradmission.

Cheri has outstanding organizational skills.

She is able to successfullycomplete multiple tasks mendation for CheriJackson.

If you have any further questions regarding Cheris ability or thisrecommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information onthis letterhead.


professor William Dot




To train tickets to contract information, and I have al different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls.

Many of these pany finds most valuable in its dealings mend paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable.

Robert Moore



Dear Colleagues:

MS. XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser ising youth radiating putational theory study of inorganic functional materials project for his degree thesis Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs.

To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced do#mend his admission without any reservation.

Sincerely yours,

Chung Wei-kuo

Research Fellow and professor

The Institute of European and American Studies

Academia Sinica


出国留学需要导师写推荐信?导师的一封具有说服力的导师推荐信对于录取结果是有很大影响作用的 下面那位小编为大家带来了三篇导师推荐信英文版,希望能够帮助大家!


Dear Colleagues:

MS. XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser ising youth radiating putational theory study of inorganic functional materials project for his degree thesis Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs. To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced doplex ideas in other languages, but also to relate these things in a personable, conscientious fashion. His manner in these cases is both professional and personal, t different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls. Many of these pany finds most valuable in its dealings mend paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable.

Robert Moore



Letter of Recommendation


Room 902, March 20xx to September 20xx, during oted to Chief in marketing section. She efficiently contributed to push the marketing items such as media releasing, nee change in her life. Her decision to quit one year ago was quite unexpected to me. However, personally I respected her decision. Now I am glad to know that she was planning to pursue her study in Singapore. As I know, she liked Singapore since she had a wonderful travel experience there in 20xx. I hope her application can have your consideration.

Sincerely Yours,

Vice president in CASIO (SHANGHAI)




To train tickets to contract information, and I have al different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls. Many of these pany finds most valuable in its dealings mend paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable. Robert Moore



Dear Colleagues:

MS. XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser ising youth radiating putational theory study of inorganic functional

materials project for his degree thesis Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs. To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced domending Ren Ren, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.

Mr. Ren ted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics. But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class.




to ing class, if you accept this prospective student. he has managed to set himself apart from his peers in the lapleted assignments there munity in , mr. eday reform taiing decades.

sincerely yours,

john mend ms. shan shan, a graduate from this universitys department of international business management, for acceptance into your mba program.

i have knoe to knoan, she already had her oe one of our most successful graduates in her crop of students.

ms. shan is good at communicating in both oral and ermination, she is not to be daunted by any difficulties. she believes that, with hard work, she can achieve anything she wants. i think her confidence in herself is well grounded in her track record, especially when considering the fact that she entered into this university as the daughter of a most impoverished family, but graduated as a top student.

ept. 28, 1998




Recommendation Letter May 4 20XX

Dear Sir or Madam As an associate professor of English Department of Foreign Language institute Jilin University.

I am writing the recommendation letter with great sincerity to furnish you with my knowledge of my student You name who was born on October 8 1988 in support of his admission to your honorable program.

Should this letter be of any assistance of your processing of his application I will be much delighted.

I have known You name for almost two years and his capability and self-confidence left me a deep impression.

In professional study he was savvy and could master what he was exposed to quickly.

In class with agile thinking he positively devoted himself to the study.

During studies at university he is enthusiastic for every specialized course.

these qualities I believe that the young boy will make brilliant records in future studies.

I fully support his application and I will appreciate if you take him application into serious consideration.

Respectfully yours professors name professor Jilin University Signature:


Dear Admissions Officers:
In my capacity as professor mitment. She has been passionate about lapelling logic and sound critical reasoning really distinguished her from her fello then on, I no longer entertained any doubt about her full potential for academic and professional success in the field of lamendable, prehensive foundation in all major fields of laprehensive and deep-going, enabling her to approach various legal issues from the perspectives and methods of other academic disciplines. ics, she probed into the problems facing the market and proposed shortest path in Operations Research as the solution to the problems, ing a high-performing and high-achieving legal professional,
and all that she needs is more systematic academic training through your esteemed LLM program. I am convinced she is

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