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我是一名湖北医学院04届大四学生,马上就要面临毕业,即将走上工作岗位,这将关系到我的前途,所以我做了一次慎重的选择,贵医院一直是我的第一就业目标,因此我决定递交这封自荐信,真诚的象医院领导表明自己的决心! 感谢您能继续阅读我的自荐信!

由于在考入大学之前就已经给自己确定了人生目标----做一名 白衣天使, 所以一旦如愿,我便开始全力学习医学知识,在校四年期间,我不但以优异的成绩完成了大学课程,还经常博览其他医学知识,包括护理学,病理学,甚至微生物学,细菌学,内外科手术....一系列专业医学知识,为了能更加充实自己,让自己能更快的进入社会角色,我还参加学校举办的个类 组织 曾经担任过学生会主席一职 这些经历为我踏上工作岗位提供了重要的经验,我相信我能团结同事,与领导,病人...和谐相处!

由于我是一名,我深知自己的知识仍然停留在理论阶段,正因为如此,我更加迫切需要 贵医院能给予我实践的机会,我一定发挥自己的专业所长,为病人提供最认真的医疗服务,为贵医院的发展贡献我的光和热!




I am a 04 session of Hubei Medical College senior students, immediately facing the graduate foot on these jobs provided an important experience, I believe I can unite colleague, and leadership, the patient ... live in harmony!

Because I am a fresh graduate, I am well aware that their knowledge remains in the realm of theory, which is why I am even more urgent need for your hospital can give me the opportunity to practice, I have to play their professional for patients The most serious medical services, for your contribution to the development of the hospital my light and heat!

I wish to apply, Ma Bole know! I hope you can see through this自荐信a vibrant, enthusiastic learning白衣天使future!




Dear leaders:


I was times; times; Chinese Medicine Clinical fresh graduates。 Into the medical industry to relieve the suffering of human diseases has always been my dream, and Stern School of Medicine a few years refining my dream has laid a solid foundation of professional expertise made me clear career goal: to do a clinical physician。

Choice of medical career and select the medical schools, determined to be life—saving faith engraved in mind。 After entering university, I seize every day of the accumulation of professional knowledge and the cultivation of basic skills, enrich their own minds。 As a medical student, I have a strong call for progress in thinking, optimistic, progressive, right cardinal remain sober—minded, not afraid of difficulties plex, have the confidence and sense of responsibility。 In the capacity—building, the school actively participated in various activities, school wide range of attempts to carry out practical activities on many occasions, both what they have learned into practice, but also exercise capacity。 Dapeng wings, speeding horse needs to have its own ground。 Kwiwon scientific management system and the concept of informed choice of people; make me truly believe that your hospital is my informed choice。

Finally, your esteemed hospital recruit more capable personnel, achieve better results!

