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a: dear teachers and students.

b: good afternoon!

a: christmas party to start noing christmas night, e to our christmas party!


a:e applause!


no hands/

现在, 继续我们的节目, 让我们看看我们班的帅哥们是如何演绎这 首流行歌曲水手的! 来吧, 帅哥们!

now, continue our programs! let’s look at these handsome boys to sing a popular song! come on, guys!

刚才帅哥们的表现不俗! 我想现在轮到我们班的美女来闪亮登场了!

下面有请张佳, 她为大家带来一首你的微笑!

just now, these handsome boys did a good job! now i think it is time for a beauty to come here. let’s invite zhangjia to sing a song : your smiling.

下面, 请欣赏诗朗诵, 表演者: 苏小兰.

next, please enjoy a poem recitation, recited by su xiaolan.

多么美妙的诗歌啊! 接下来我们邀请几位同学做个有趣的游戏: 吹乒乓球

how beautiful the poem is! then, we will invite several people to play a game: .


today is christma


a,b:good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! e applause!


no hands>>/

现在, 继续我们的节目, 让我们看看我们班的帅哥们是如何演绎这 首流行歌曲的! 来吧, 帅哥们!

now, continue our programs! let’s look at these handsome boys to sing a popular song! come on, guys!

刚才帅哥们的表现不俗! 我想现在轮到我们班的美女来闪亮登场了!

下面有请张佳, 她为大家带来一首!

just now, these handsome boys did a good job! now i think it is time for a beauty to come here. let’s invite zhangjia to sing a song :>.

下面, 请欣赏诗朗诵, 表演者: 苏小兰.

next, please enjoy a poem recitation, recited by su xiaolan.

多么美妙的诗歌啊! 接下来我们邀请几位同学做个有趣的游戏:

how beautiful the poem is! then, we will invite several people to play a game: .


today is christma


a : good evening , boys and girls , the association of taijiquan . b :下面让我们来欣赏来自太极拳协会的武术和太极表演。f132.com/zl/转载请保留 a : terrific ! chinses kongfu is full of magic , have you been excited by that ? ok. no the music association , let's again . b :今日的道别是为了明日的重逢。 a:so , let's have a happy emnding ! memorising this great night ! b :那么就让我们开开心心的结束,铭记今晚的奇幻一切精彩! a : dear ftiends , see you next time ! b : 亲爱的朋友们,让我们下次再见!三





s again. it is appropriate, therefore, that this one cup.

give one another of your bread, but eat not of the same loaf.

sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone,

even as the strings of a lute are alone, though they quiver them, recognizing his :

do you ____________, knoe eventide ent,

this is the all.

our eyes are tearing, my dear friends,

when you walk down the aile.

you have found the true love of your life, and your long lonely

search has come to an end,

so all you have to do is to ping little angels to the world, as many as you can.

as the love is all around you, you can sing joyfully like a lark,

and give each other all your loving, to light up your way in the dark.

so ..

stand by each other,be in each others arm no matter in happineor in tears.

stand by each other, when the cold rain starts to fall,and your

hearts are fill with fears.

stand by each other, when you are too old to


老人节主持词(一) 甲:尊敬的各位领导各位来宾 乙:亲爱的老年朋友们 合: 大家好! 甲:岁岁重阳,今又重阳,不是春光,胜似春光。在金风送爽、丹桂飘香的季节里,我们又迎来了我国传统的敬老节日——“九九”重阳节。 乙:在这个幸福的日子里,今天大家欢聚一堂,举办文艺表演,回顾过去,畅谈未来,是一件十分有意义的事情。 甲:借此机会,我们谨代表来龙村村两委向广大老年朋友致以节日的祝贺和亲切慰问,祝愿老年朋友们 合:身体健康,合家欢乐、万事如意。(鞠躬) 乙:现在有请我们来龙村桂书记为我们致辞 甲:今天也是我们老年基金会成立一周年的日子,下面有请我们老年基金会的会长徐会长为我们致辞。 1、最美不过夕阳红,温馨又从容。我想老年人的安慰就是他们已经把全部的青春都奉献给了永不衰老的事业。下面请欣赏老年文艺队表演-----腰鼓! 2、朋友们你们觉得老年文艺队的表演精彩吗?她们中可有76岁的阿姨哦,如果你们觉得精彩的话就请再来点掌声(谢谢),下面请欣赏“成都筑海建牌有限公司”带来舞蹈《祝婚曲》 我们这次文艺表演得到了来龙村广大成功企业人士的大力赞助,其中: 3、下面请欣赏“成都广信家俱有限公司”带来的宫廷舞《敦煌舞曲》 4、下面有请来龙村8组邓廷福和胡玉忠老人为我们带来的,笛子独奏:《草原情歌》二胡独奏《陕北民歌》有请 5、下面请欣赏老年文艺队带来的舞蹈《最炫民族风》 6、我记的有这样一首歌它寄托着边防战士对家乡的思念,现在请欣赏男生独唱《小白杨》演唱者曹双全 7、下面请欣赏“成都经羊管业有限公司”带来特色蒙古舞---蓝色的蒙古高原 8、下面请欣赏老年文艺队的表演《连宵》 9、下面请欣赏二胡、笛子合奏《东方红》《社会主义好》表演者邓廷福和胡玉忠 10、下面请欣赏男生独唱《康巴汉子》《父亲》 11、大家知道我手里拿的这是什么吗?恐怕没多少人见过吧!它是用竹子串起却能敲出美妙的声音,下面请欣赏金钱板《说江湖》 12、舞蹈《撒拉克》 13、俗话说得好“家有一老,如有一宝”,每个人都会老去,让我们善待每一位老人,下面请欣赏成都金不傲带来的小品《善待老人》 善待老人我们来龙村也有好榜样,其中5组杨俊英,13组李群艳 14、缘分让我们大家聚集在这里,缘分让我们没有距离,请欣赏独唱藏族姑娘李春花带来的


good evening and e fun.


first of all, let’s e mr.to read the letter of commitment.


ok, here comes the first exciting moment, boys and girls, the lucky drae.


boys and girls, the most exciting moment, the last round of lucky dra to choose four games to play


boys and girls , have fun!






the bell for the ne-together is about to end, we still know we are reaching more maturity.


wish each of our distinguished guests a successful career and a happy family.


wish our colleagues great progreand more achievements.


wish our country a more splendid future


in the new year.


that’s all for the new year’s celebration . thank you for being with us.


合:good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! e to the party. i am **, i am honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. on behalf of the entire staff of xx education, i e our principal, mr. yang, to give us a e mr.to read the letter of commitment.


ok, here comes the first exciting moment, boys and girls, the lucky drae.


boys and girls, the most exciting moment, the last round of lucky dra to choose four games to play


boys and girls , have fun!




the bell for the ne-together is about to end, we still know we are reaching more maturity.


wish each of our distinguished guests a successful career and a happy family.


wish our colleagues great progreand more achievements.


wish our country a more splendid future


in the new year.


that’s all for the new year’s celebration . thank you for being with us.


good morning, ladies and gentlemen. it is my privilege and great pleasure to host this meeting in honor of my distinguished guests. please alloe here. i think it shunde no.1 middle school.

顺德一中 xxx

mr guo zhidong from teaching research section(unit) of zhongshan education bureau.

中山市教育局教研室 xxx

mr yang yuanchuan, the vice president of zhongshan education assosiation

中山市教育学会副会长 xxx


in november and december, 31 energetic and creative teachers had joined the english teaching competition. they’ve presented a lot of e ideas here on teaching phonics. let’s e.


thank you, miss yuan. i think you must have got many nee good ideas. he’s going to present a revieposition,

the first prize of national primary english teaching competition.

he ed by the primary english teachers. let’s give a big hand to e back, fello teaching? mr. tian teaching and teachers’ gro you. hoe to the front to receive the ae to the front to receive the afortable place for us. thank you!
