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英语演讲稿范文:Keep your goal in mind。

追求更高,是成功的动力。为了不断提升自己的演讲水平,也该根据演讲的目的与计划去准备演讲稿了,演讲者可以通过犀利而独到的观点、严密而有趣的逻辑论说来感染听众。一份演讲稿该如何下笔呢?有请驻留片刻,小编为你推荐英语演讲稿范文:Keep your goal in mind,可能你会喜欢,欢迎分享。

这篇关于英语演讲稿范文:Keep your goal in mind,是小编特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!

good morning(afternoon), dear teachers and felloething. there is no doubt that a goal is very important in our life. nopetition held in my school. petition, he or she then on, i kept a goal in mind. i said to myself aloud: stick to your goal and you petition and became no. 1. i am chose to take part in the next year’s english speaking competition held in jinjiang. i said to myself aloud again: come on! you e true. othere on, my friends, goal, goal, goal, success, success, success!

that’s all. thank you for your attention.


英语演讲稿 Love Your Life

hoe pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house.the setting sun is reflected from the new things,whether clothes or friends,turn the old,return to them.things do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.

Love Your Life英语演讲稿

However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names. is not so bad as you looks poorest when you are fault-finder will find faults in your life,poor as it may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man’s abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a town’s poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of be they are simply great enough to receive without think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest should be more poverty like a garden herb,like not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,turn the old,return to do not change;we your clothes and keep your thoughts.

英语演讲稿范文:Hold Fast To Your Dreams

这篇《英语演讲稿范文:Hold Fast To Your Dreams》,是小编特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!

热门演讲推荐:竞聘演讲稿 | 国旗下的讲话演讲稿 | 元旦演讲稿 | 师德师风演讲稿 | 年会主持词

 Hold Fast To Your Dreams

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

ething big and splashy, something significant. Now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality. However, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions. today.

演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。希望《英语演讲稿范文:Keep your goal in mind》一文能帮助您解决关于2024“大学英语演讲稿范文”相关的问题,再次感谢您的阅读!
