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e recycling, participating the clean-up campaigns and so on. certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars. i believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.




on this observance of e -- highlights the plight of the ic crisis only increases the threat of marginalization and destitution.

随着这些城市继续以惊人的速度增长,难民成为城市中最弱势的居民群体之一。他们必须为获得环境卫生、健康和教育等最基本的服务而挣扎。全球 金融和经济危机的影响更加剧了边缘化和赤贫的威胁。

munity. refugees have been deprived of their homes, but they must not be deprived of their futures.



the four freedoms

franklin delano roosevelt

in the future days, of every person to from fear, b.

to that neen, and its faith in freedom under the guidance of god. freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights and keep them. our strength is our unity of purpose.

to that high concept there can be no end save victory.



vice president johnson, mr. speaker, mr. chief justice, president eisenhoe the prey of hostile po becoming merely a forum for invective, to strengthen its shield of the ne our present course -- both sides overburdened by the cost of modern merce.

let both sides unite to heed, in all corners of the earth, the command of isaiah -- to undo the heavy burdens, and [to] let the oppressed go free. and, if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a nemon enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and of man.

finally, whether you are citizens of america or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. with a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth gods work must truly be our own.




china-germany cooperation for the benefit of china, europe and the and gloom about europe. despite all this, china decided y, is leading europe to an accelerated recovery. all these have not only shoinently embodied the eastern or mon, such as diligence, modesty, earnestness and creativity, though ic miracle creators ies are highly complementary and promise a vast space for cooperation .

in recent years, the china-germany cooperation has led the china-eu cooperation. each day, the trade in goods bete each others largest trading partner in asia and europe respectively. furthermore, enterprises of our tprehensively, and seize the historical opportunity to realize the modernization of the country and the reneprehensive in-depth reform is designed to focus on the economic structure and put in place a single open market system featuring orderly competition, in the current high level to a neic groies in asia and europe respectively. greater integration of our tmodation, so are state-to-sta


the english language 英语语言

mr. chairman, adjudicators, ladies and gentlemen,

good afternoon.

the arrival of the year 1999 has brought lebating the language barrier eputer data sent across the globe.

but e of our alternatives.

perhaps i should give you a feeone off in spanish our relatively obvious “go fly a kite” e to knomunicate effectively mon universal language. and that will be the language of the third millennium. and that language without any doubt looks set to be english. thank you. 全世界的通用语言--英语








本文是小编为大家整理的关于英语演讲稿:初中希望英语演讲稿的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! 英语演讲稿:初中希望英语演讲稿

nothing is impossible to a willing mind,

i always say "nothing is impossible"you never look smart,you never say anything, one day, you are rocking on stage,i'm just the common one in the crowd looking at you,i ask you why?you say "impossible is nothing, if you persist in what you love"well, yeah, nothing is possible, i was right.but most importantly, you have to believe impossible is nothing.


【小编寄语】以下是小编为大家整理的英语演讲稿-和平的英语演讲稿,以供大家参考: mittee. let me be clear: i do not vieen, and all americans, mon challenges of the 21st-century.

these challenges can't be met by any one leader or any one nation. and that's e of the an who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace.

that has always been the cause of america. that's why the world has always looked to america. and that's why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much. 【小编提示】更多演讲稿范文,尽在小编!


there is no sunlight, no urn to his mother's ex-feeding, rejected the u.s. government hired him and all the honorary title, decided to return to poverty and backwardneof the motherland, and engaged in science, the modernization of china's national defense building outstanding contributions. people who know how to thanksgiving, there is a modest person zhide; people who know how to thanksgiving, there is a fear of heart; the people know thanksgiving is a deep understanding of life person. institute of thanksgiving, we know how to love; institute of thanksgiving, thinking learned; institute of thanksgiving, it is to understand the world and life. 生活没有阳光,没有温暖,没有下雨,没有粒fengdeng,没有水,就没有生命;没有父母,就没有我们。没有家庭关系和友谊,世界将是一个孤独和黑暗。这些都是非常si-mp-le真理,没有人会理解,但我们经常缺乏感恩意识形态和心理。 “谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,“谁知道呢,一段旅程”,这通常是当我们背诵这首诗,是谈论感恩节。water-en,涌泉相报;标题结草,报道的这些成语告诉我们是感恩节。 父母给我们生命,我们应该知道如何感恩节和实际的行动来回报他们,老师给了我们知识,我们应该知道如何感恩和回报他们的成就;祖国给我们的和平与安宁的土壤,我们应该知道如何给他们的感恩节和自然给予我们希望,我们应该知道如何感恩和爱的回报。 虽然自我谢谢dae,但感恩节不仅要记住,而且在


to be a good child

my mother always complains about my bad behavior, like i don’t eat up the food and sometimes i don’t have responsibility on what i do. i decide to behave myself, i want to help my mother to relieve her pressure.so i want to be a good child, i will eat up the food, no more pick up them and i also will keep on finishing the job i do.





