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求职自荐信英文模板 篇1


dear leaders:


i am a computer information management graduates. candidates provided by your posts.

imagine the difference between universities and the only truly experienced only know, university four-step song - "know of", this time with the popular sense, so i understand the lack of their own and their own advantage. from the initial confusion that now find themselves only. ran huang discovered their own values reflected the time has come, and it is imperative.

university during the period, in line with the attitude of rigorous study, i focus on the learning ability in the actual professional

knowledge and practice, as i used to enhance their ability to work, laying a foundation. computer information management computer system to train the basic theory and basic knowledge, familiar with computer systems commonly used software tools,


dear mr ho

application for the position of sales executive

please accept this application as an expressed interest in contributing my effort to your company as a sales executive, in response to your advertisement in the jobspopany for the past several years has afforded me exposure to many facets of sales, including cold calling, telemarketing, and prospecting. during my time pany. thank you for your time and consideration.

yours sincerely

steven cheung


dear sir / ms: hello! i beijing medical college. the profession of clinical studies. through 3 years in school, master the basic medical knomunication skills. i firmly believe that: dedication and sense of responsibility to enable me to face any difficulties and challenges team. today's healthcare industry is booming, i would like to join for china's medical cause and the development of your company to make its own contribution. attached to the letter to my cv. if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful. sincerely salute


dear sir:

please consider me for your sales management program. my background is one of selling ideas, concepts and programs, and of motivating myself and others to realize our potential.

attitudes predict behavior - or so goes the saying in sales. if this holds true, i am sure to be as successful in sales management as i am in my college endeavors. my unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives.

because of my can do attitude, sales will provide the challenge and opportunity to continue my successful history of setting and achieving goals. please allow me the opportunity to elaborate on how my background predicts sales success. i guarantee youll be providing your corporation with an outstanding sales management. thank you for your attention.


deng yun


敬尊的导领: 好您! 俺是xx师大外国语学院英语专业学生。在人生的又一个重要转折点上,感谢您给予俺的这份关注。 踏入师大校门之际,俺便决心在俺想做什么与俺能做什么之间建立一个合理的平衡点。经过学大四年的充实与提高,俺更加明确了自己想做什么,也很自豪自己能做得更多。习学方面,快速摸索出一套适合自己的习学方法后,在听、说、读、写、译等基本技能上下功夫,以坚实的基础开始英美文学、英美概况、语言学等高层次专业课的习学。连年获得专业奖学金,成绩良好,并在大二时顺利通过英语专业四级考试。习学之余,热心投入到班级、院系及各种社会实践活动中。在担任班团支书期间,带领本班支部成为院先进团支部,被评为校优秀团员。为在各个方面充实、完善自己,参加吉大atc办公自动化微机辅导课程,成绩优异。经常参加口语角,进行资料翻译等作工。特别喜欢体育运动如篮球、乒乓球等,健康状况良好。 带着对教师这一职业的喜爱与好奇,四年里俺全身心投入到成为一名教师的准备作工中。教法课上认真思考,课下在不同教学实践活动如家教及做课外辅导班兼职教师等活动中仔细揣摩,把课堂上习学到的理论与真实教学活动做认真对比与思考,试讲得到老师及同学的肯定与好评。在教育实习期间,教学实习与班主任作工实习两手抓,做到教学内容丰富、教法灵活、教态大方,获得实习院校老师、同学及本校带队老师的一致肯定。实习成绩优秀。 做事踏实、投入,但不盲目,这是俺作工、习学和生活的一个重要准则。在充满机遇与挑战的今天,在面临选择与被选择的这一时刻,真诚地希望能够有机会投入到俺喜爱的教育事业中,在贵校的导领与帮助下,为这一事业尽俺个人的一份力量! 期盼着来自贵校的好消息! 致此

礼敬 xxx xxxx年xx月xx日


dear ms. radon,

i am very interested in talking ers. my strong service orientation and bias for action ore year

-captain, varsity crew team, senior year

member, varsity crew team, 3 years

co-captain, varsity swim team, junior year

member, varsity swim team, 4 years

i would like the chance to put my energy, drive and enthusiasm to work for a company such as yours. may i have the opportunity to further discuss your requirements during a personal meeting with your representative on september 22nd?

sincerely,nicholas c.burkholder


atically shoe email packages automatically do candidates panies use applicant tracking systems (ats) to find and screen candidates, skill-oriented keypany guidelines for submitting resumes, and folloe companies block all emails ter. and remember, your email softter by emailing it to yourself, and put yourself in the mindset of an employer when you read it.






在xx电气化局运管公司工作期间,能够快速转变思想,迅速进入企业人的角色 。先后在上海南翔变电所、苏州xx变电所从事变电值班工作, 工作踏实、认真、负责、上进。在日常工作与学习中遵循公司的各项规章制度,重视上级各部门的各项要求,始终以最高效最认真的态度完成各项任务。使自己能按照公司要求的标准执行各项工作,而且强化了技术能力及实作能力让个人在变电所各方面作业能力逐步发展成熟。把知识就是财富的观念铭记于心,不断学习、端正态度,为个人和公司前途着想,严格要求自己。定期进行学习,把时间合理的利用起来,绝不荒废个人事业,绝不松懈、绝不懒散。在上海 维管处苏州昆山变电所期间, 很荣幸被选拔为变电专业转岗参加接触网学习的一员。 通过此次特殊的培训,学习到了接触网各类专业知识,同时具备了变电、接触网各项作业能力,实现了接触网、变电所人力资源得以充分利用的巨大价值。


工作中能够 团结同事、相互协作,善于处理人际关系。 在同事的帮助下共同探讨学习,带动大家互相学习,共同进步 。 希望自己所学的专业知识与技术能力有足够的用武之地, 若有幸成为贵单位的一员,必将以自己的努力释放出最大的热忱和能量,与同仁携手同心共进退,共同打造我们美好的明天!


dear sir,

i am looking for employment as from the summer of 1989. i am enrolled in the graduate division of the department of education at the university of michigan. my major is education. i feel qualified to ething both remunerative and related to my interests. thank you very much for your kind attention. please send me an answer at your earliest convenience.

respectfully yours,







the university is a model life values, the cultivation of thinking ability and practical ability, not only to the pursuit of truth and explore the truth of the spirit, and the spirit of all doubt, the university is the spirit of the open inclusive hall, although at present the system of the various restrictions, but think i\m such a noble spirit from out of the students. on this opportunity, expect to give me a chance to practice exercise, but also you a result. a sincere heart in expect you to trust. i mon goal to stand together, i choose you, you chose me. sincerely look forward to and thank you for your choice!

i am enclosing a resume, looking forward to your interview!
