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hello everyone, i am glad that e a secretary. i think that is a miracle. as everyone in the ewhat of a perfectionist, even in small things, but i know that i do need more self-confidence to see a thing through to the finish. 我是一个容易感动,并且追求完美的人,哪怕只是一点小事也不放过。 sometimes, i often feel as if i lived a long time because i am always dreaming and thinking odd things in the future and past and could not myself prevent it. 有时我觉得自己好像活了很久似的,因为我无法停止自己不去幻想过去与未来(这是一句纯英文)now i really enjoy my life now, although i still have many dreams to chase . my father often said to me:” nothing can stop you. believe in yourself.” so no matter how hard the challenging is, i will be accept it.我对自己现在的生活状况很满意,虽然我还有很多理想要去追求。 就象 我父亲常对我说的那样 ,没什么事情可以阻止你,相信自己。 无论未来的困难多大,我都随时准备迎接挑战。






伴着青春的激情和求知的欲望,我走完大学的求知之旅, 美好的大学生活,培养了我科学严谨的思维方法,更造就了我积极乐观的生活态度和开拓进取的创新意识.课堂内外拓展的广博的社会实践、扎实的基础知识和开阔的视野,使我更了解社会;在不断的学习和工作中养成的严谨、踏实的工作作风和团结协作的优秀品质,使我深信自己完全可以在岗位上守业、敬业、更能创业!我相信我的能力和知识正是贵单位所需要的,我真诚渴望,我能为单位的明天奉献自己的青春和热血!

21世纪呼唤综合性的人才,我个性开朗活泼,兴趣广泛;思路开阔,办事沉稳;关心集体,责任心强;待人诚恳,工作主动认真,富有敬业精神. 在三年的学习生活中, 我很好的掌握了专业知识.在学有余力的情况下,我阅读了大量专业和课外书籍,使我懂得也是我一直坚信的信念:只有努力去做,我一定会成功的!








dear sir/madam,

i’m a college graduate seeking opportunities to pany in beijing for years, 2000 to 4,500 yuan each month, excluding the social security. of course, it is desirable that your company provide me with a small room.

i hope you will give preference to my application and give me a chance to prove that i am worth more than you pay me.

best wishes!

sincerely yours


dear leaders: i handed him my very sincere personal cover letter, i hope my life reflects your company"s first value. sail, sharpening out, plum blossom from the bitter cold." after more than four years of professional study and university life of training, into the school puter had the national level, and by the national putonghua proficiency test second class exam. the second year, i learn various professional courses is also actively participate in after school hours tutoring practice for more than math, "lame" in junior high school and primary school students in math tutoring, so that their math scores have greater degree of improvement, my munication and coordination, so i work on the future of education full of confidence and expectations.





dear sir/madame,

your advertisement for a netpetent to meet the requirements.i municate fluently in english.my ability to hunan huangpu foreign language college in 20xx,i had done the teaching for one and half an year,and had y and trade english,busiess english correspondence,selected readings in english and american literatures,chinese and english translation course,interpret and listening,japanese,advance english writing etc.in addtion, i got the undergraduate diploma,flunetly oral english,good conpprehesion reading

better social communication ability!

for the time being, i would like to hunt the job that with regard to the trade business or english.i am sure that i should take advantage of my ability and experience to serve for your firm.

thanks for your reading!

looking forward to your replying!

with best regards,


respect leadership:

first please alloe result. if monolithic integrated circuit development design, aspects and so on pcb layout as puter knoe knoetimes, directly link up the cloud sail to aid the sea”, i hope alliance your firm sincerely, i can surely by full warm and the tenacious disposition diligent work, with colleague absolute sincerity cooperation, for expensive unit's development own one's pygmy effort.

along with letter enclosed resume and other material, if must a deeper understanding, hope for your interviewing!


为大家整理的高考英文求职信范文赏析,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站! 高考英文求职信范文赏析

1.写求职信的目的: 让招聘单位了解你的学历,经验,能力,专长,成果和愿望等,并让对方相信你是一个值得考虑的人选. 2. 文体与时态: 书信格式 一般现在时 写求职信的步骤 1.开头: 简单告诉收信人你是从何处获取到此职位信息,并表明你的求职心愿(即写信目的). after reading your advertisement for a secretary in today’s english paper, i a senior middle school of beijing. last year, i got the first place in the english composition contest in … that your company is looking for … 5. please consider me as an applicant for the position of … … in petent to meet the requirements you have listed. 结尾 am a senior middle school of beijing. last year, i got the first place in the english composition contest in ary very much. if these meet your requirements, i’ll be very thankful for your kindness .of course i’ll work hard and well if i can hold the position. i’m eager for your early reply sincerely yours,




求职信是用来向某一单位求取一份工作的信函,它属于广义的申请信的一种。之所以将求职信与其他类型的申请信分开来写,是因为其目前应用的普遍性和重要性,因此希望考生给予足够的重视。 写求职信时,要注意以下几点: 首先,措辞要礼貌,对求职单位要加以一定的褒扬,并表示对该单位的向往之情,希望能到该单位工作。 第二,简洁、明了、具体地说明自己的能力和条件。因为求职信通常是跟简历一起寄给用人单位的,所以在信中提到自己的能力和条件时,不是要简单重复简历中已有的内容,而是要用简洁、明了、具体的语言提出自己特别突出的或者可能引起用人单位特别的注意的能力和条件。 第三,对于要求取的工作岗位,要特别写明,给用人单位一个考虑选择的机会。 第四,要突出招聘者的利益,不要一味强调自己的需要和期望。 求职信一般分为三个部分来写,至于分成几段,没有严格的要求。第一部分说明从哪里得到的关于这份工作的信息,又或者写信人只是投求职信碰碰运气。 第二部分主要是推销自己,表达自己对应聘职位的兴趣以及介绍自己的最突出的能力和条件。如果求职者对应聘职位没有太多的了解,可以特别表达一向愿意接受新挑战的愿望,并强调一下自己在适应新环境、处理人际关系方面的能力。 最后一部分当然是表达一下希望,例如希望能得到面试的机会。 下面给出一封齐头式的求职信,省略了信头和信内地址,从称呼开始。 dear sir or madam: i am the enclosed resume, my previous pany in terms of customer relation and ne you and thank you for your consideration. sincerely yours, j.s. wu



dear sir or madam,i am applying for the position of secretary advertised in beijing today. i majored in business english. my training in business english and secretarial english puter as my second major. i’ve also had a part-time job as a secretary in a company for2years. i am confident that my qualifications and experience make me suitable for this position.i have enclosed a complete resume for detailed information. i hope you will consider me for this position. please reach me by telephone xxxyours



