范文 > 演讲稿 > 金钱不是万能的演讲稿 > 导航 >




























孔子说过:“其身正,不令则行。其身不正,虽令不从。”我们教师若不是路标,你讲的道理再透,教育的形式再好,艺术性再强,都是无根之树、无源之水、无雨之云、无光之灯!每个教师的一举一动、一言一行、一思一想、一情一态,都清晰而准确地印在学生的视网膜里、心光屏上,都有意或无意地进行着现场的观摩表演,这就是无声路标的示范性,这种示范性将在学生的心灵深处形成一股排山倒海般的内化力。《中国教育报》刊载过:北京十杰教师孙维刚被他的学生称为“思想和灵魂的导师,终生学习的楷模”。考入清华大学的王一在转为正式党员的汇报中谈到了中学的班主任孙维刚老师时说:“我们的心灵从他的言行中得到了净化。大家热爱劳动,来自恩师每天早晨到教室打扫卫生;大家良好的修养,来自恩师每天上下班都和看门的老大爷亲切地打招呼;大家严格遵守纪律,来自恩师迟到了便向我们做检讨,甚至到教室外面罚站;大家艰苦朴素,来自恩师一年四季仅仅两套旧外衣。”王一汇报中还说:“虽然现在我不在孙老师身旁聆听他的教诲,但他的形象经常闪现在我的脑海。尤其是当我打开录音机再次倾听我们最后一次班会录音时?”师德无价。学子对恩师的追随,如同云翔而影从。没有什么比师魂的阳光更有无穷的魅力的了。 没有什么比师行的榜样更有无比的功能的了。





needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important.

if there is no money, i cant use this microphone to speak to you and etoeone has thought at times if only i had a lot of money, i could be the happiest person in the eones value in the society. they even regard money as the source of evil. also, they hate money, but they are ething harmful eone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? it is the same with money.

money is neither good nor bad itself. it is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity. in other words, all depend on us.

so, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. because, we have the future; we are the future. 。


needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important.

if there is no money, i can’t use this microphone to speak to you and etoeone has thought at times “if only i had a lot of money, i could be the happiest person in the eone’s value in the society. they even regard money as the source of evil. also, they hate money, but they are ething harmful eone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? it is the same with money.

money is neither good nor bad itself. it is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity. in other words, all depend on us.

so, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. because, we have the future; we are the future.


money needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important. if there is no money, i can’t use this microphone to speak to you and pletely wrong. in my opinion, it is unfair to money. money is a tool. eone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? it is the same with money. money is neither good nor bad itself. it is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity. in other words, all depend on us. so, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. because, we have the future; we are the future.


这篇英语演讲稿:金钱不是万能的是由小编整理提供的,请大家参考! 英语演讲稿:金钱不是万能的

以下内容从原文随机摘录,并转为纯文本,不代表完整内容,仅供参考。 is because of money itself. they think money has changed many things. for example, they think money has changed our pletely ething harmful eone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? it is the same with money. money is neither good nor bad itself. it is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity. in other words, all depend on us. so, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. because, we have the future; we are the future. ……………………


这篇关于最新英语演讲稿:金钱不是万能的,是小编特地为大家整理的,请大家参考! 最新英语演讲稿:金钱不是万能的

以下内容从原文随机摘录,并转为纯文本,不代表完整内容,仅供参考。 is because of money itself. they think money has changed many things. for example, they think money has changed our pletely ething harmful eone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? it is the same with money. money is neither good nor bad itself. it is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity. in other words, all depend on us. so, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. because, we have the future; we are the future. ……………………



感恩演讲稿:父母不是万能的,好好爱惜他们! 你父母十几二十年前生了你。给你养大了。是让你气他们的吗 别成天成天的往外跑了。你说你去上个课兼个职也挺好。干嘛非得今晚工体明晚工体。你住那啊 哪比家里好啊。哪天不用你给钱就一天三顿热乎饭,包住还给你倒贴钱。

你还能陪你父母走多久啊。我当然不是咒谁的父母。我也希望咱爸妈都长寿。可人总有一死对吗 你父母生你养你耗了他们近半个生命。你就舍得让他们白操二十几年的心?

是。确实是你父母跟你有代沟。有代沟怎么了。有什么沟不能填平了的?! 他们唠叨你。他们叫你烦了。你别老跟呲瞪小狗儿是的。那是你父母。烦了你就当没听见不就完了。 哪那么多事儿啊吵吵吵的。你是觉得你跟你父母吵架能提高你语言交际能力吗 心里有什么事儿你就跟他们说说。你爱说他们也爱听。

你别一失恋了或是受到生活的打击了,就要死要死的。一会儿不吃饭吧,一会儿不睡觉吧。 谁没有经历失恋或是打击!?谁的生活会是一帆风顺? 你说你父母看着得多难受。你不睡她也睡不着。大夜里隔半个小时就进一回你屋。 你说你没事。别闹了,你以为你非主流啊整天没事。 你这样让他们多不踏实啊。 古人都说了。身体发肤受于父母。别一天到晚想着给自己见点血啊想不开啊。 你妈给你生下来让你天天杞人忧天。天天愁。有事没事拿小刀划拉自己玩儿啊

她为两块钱跟超市呛呛。你能不觉得她这么做丢脸吗。 两块钱不是钱啊。别一出去就装大款。什么都是小钱。她原来也跟你一样是小姑娘。 她原来也觉得丢人。她为什么啊。还不是为了你。两块钱能给你做一盘热菜你知道吗?!

你你天天给这个过生日。给那个过生日。什么乱七八糟的日子都得送礼。 你想过长这么大了你到底记没记住你父母生日几月几号。你送过他们什么。 是不是花他们的钱给她买的?每年你一过生日好家伙又是蛋糕又是聚会。 一生日能过一礼拜。你父母过生日除了单位给发张贺卡还有什么?你也别动不动就朝你父母要钱。 你不问问自己到底想吃你父母多少年。吃到他们干活干不动了,还是吃到他们连床都下不了了呢  想想自己的未来,踏踏实实的好好奋斗,父母会看得到,更会欣慰! 孩子啊,你要慢慢学会长大,承受! 人是有感情的,要懂得感恩和回报!  





needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important.

if there is no money, i can’t use this microphone to speak to you and etoeone has thought at times “if only i had a lot of money, i could be the happiest person in the eone’s value in the society. they even regard money as the source of evil. also, they hate money, but they are ething harmful eone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? it is the same with money.

money is neither good nor bad itself. it is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity. in other words, all depend on us.

so, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. because, we have the future; we are the future.



