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18 chengtu road may 12, 1999 my dear harold, i have just received your letter telling me of your recent marriage. this happy event in your life prompts me to reply at once; and, in my o me sincerely wish that peace, health, happiness , and prosperity may attend both your wife and yourself until the end. and now w hat can i or shall i say further? you know i have not as yet had much experience in hymeneal affairs, but i am a student; hence i read and observe, a nd endeavour to bring reason to bear upon earthly problems. it seems to me that co nnubial bliss, excellent and essential , is by no means the only requirement. th ere is the great question of parentage. in this connection, i think it imperativ e that the character and physique of both father and mother should be as perfect as possible for scientific authorities assert that sons partake of the individu ality of the father , and daughters that of the mother. i must say no more , or you will conclude that i am a scientific man befo


硕果累累辞旧岁,喜气洋洋迎新春。 值此辞旧迎新之际,*经济技术开发区党委、管委会向全区企业经营管理人士致以诚挚的问候和衷心的祝福! xx年,开发区上下齐心协力,共创未来,实现了经济社会各项事业持续快速健康发展:全区实现生产总值5.8亿元,增长69.7%;实现工业总产值19.2亿元,增长108%;实现财政收入6106万元,增长62%;全区招商引资保持了良好态势。这些成绩的取得,是广大客商、全区企业积极参与开发区经济建设,合理经营,奋发图强的结果;是全区干部群众与广大客商、企业经营管理者互相支持,互相理解,共同优化发展环境的结果。在此,*经济技术开发区委、管委会向所有为开发区经济社会发展付出辛勤劳动和做出巨大贡献的企业界人士表示衷心的感谢! xx年是开发区深入实施“工业园区现代化、中心区域城市化、农业产业示范化、办事效能特区化”发展战略的重要一年,也是全面加快工业园区建设、倾力打造产业承接基地的推进之年。在新的一年,我区将继续坚持以工业化为核心,以大开放为主战略,大力优化投资发展环境,继续完善服务体系,提高办事效能,提高服务质量,以服务促发展,努力为企业的发展壮大营造宽松、有序的软环境;加快推进基础设施建设,集中力量,加大投入,努力为项目落户、项目建设、企业发展创造最完备的硬环境。我们也希望广大客商不断加大投资,加快发展,在开发区建设一流的企业,开创一流的事业,为开发区的发展做出更大的贡献。相信通过我们的共同努力,开发区的明天一定会更加美好! 最后,衷心祝愿:  新年吉祥如意 事业兴旺发达 阖家幸福安康!





金山小学临潮校区5年级 何晨




to mend him mend her for the position. please do not hesitate to inquire further if i can be of help to you.



andy macalister [推荐人名字]

[sign here签名]

dr. andy macalister [推荐人职务]

professor, dean

information science school, oxford university.



harvard business school

mba admissions

dillon house

soldiers field road

boston, ma 02163

january 1, 20xx

subject: letter of recommendation for john smith

to prehensive. moreover, his concise and thought provoking ing to you plishments and potential for success in your mba program.


michael jones

chief accountant for cws accounting




dear little river:

hello e people even in some of the garbage during peaceful times under the straight into the river, some car tank is broken, oil leakage, many innocent fish shrimp alive e kind people see you can take you to the horrors of timely rectification, to restore the original state.

i hope you are getting healthier and more beautiful.


october 30th


beloved teacher zhang


im sorry. i knoings. i munity, against the boss, the consequences ting better this time. forgive me, please say, dont ignore me.


your student: bai yu

june 20th 201x



1)开始时对听众的称呼语 最常用的是 ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 felloe questions:

1、 do you kno men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

thank you!


硕果累累辞旧岁,喜气洋洋迎新春。 值此辞旧迎新之际,*经济技术开发区党委、管委会向全区企业经营管理人士致以诚挚的问候和衷心的祝福! xx年,开发区上下齐心协力,共创未来,实现了经济社会各项事业持续快速健康发展:全区实现生产总值5.8亿元,增长69.7%;实现工业总产值19.2亿元,增长108%;实现财政收入6106万元,增长62%;全区招商引资保持了良好态势。这些成绩的取得,是广大客商、全区企业积极参与开发区经济建设,合理经营,奋发图强的结果;是全区干部群众与广大客商、企业经营管理者互相支持,互相理解,共同优化发展环境的结果。在此,*经济技术开发区委、管委会向所有为开发区经济社会发展付出辛勤劳动和做出巨大贡献的企业界人士表示衷心的感谢! xx年是开发区深入实施“工业园区现代化、中心区域城市化、农业产业示范化、办事效能特区化”发展战略的重要一年,也是全面加快工业园区建设、倾力打造产业承接基地的推进之年。在新的一年,我区将继续坚持以工业化为核心,以大开放为主战略,大力优化投资发展环境,继续完善服务体系,提高办事效能,提高服务质量,以服务促发展,努力为企业的发展壮大营造宽松、有序的软环境;加快推进基础设施建设,集中力量,加大投入,努力为项目落户、项目建设、企业发展创造最完备的硬环境。我们也希望广大客商不断加大投资,加快发展,在开发区建设一流的企业,开创一流的事业,为开发区的发展做出更大的贡献。相信通过我们的共同努力,开发区的明天一定会更加美好! 最后,衷心祝愿:  新年吉祥如意 事业兴旺发达 阖家幸福安康!



dear sir:

it is my pleasure to recommend mr. craig for his application to pleted satisfactorily. actually, he is so reliable that i assign him petence and pleasant personality, ising youth striving for progress should receive better education so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to strongly recommend this outstanding young man to your municated and discussed modestly e extent, it may be a great loss of our company that such a superexcellent employee as mr. xxx is going to study abroad. ho it may concern,

please accept my recommendation for a young man , in my opinion, ing class, if you accept this prospective student. he has managed to set himself apart from his peers in the lapleted assignments there munity in , mr. eday reform taiing decades.

sincerely yours,

john wu



英文邀请信之一 dear sir/madam:

i'm delighted that you have accepted our invitation to speak at the conference in [city] on [date].

as [time] to [time]. there pany is having a reception at [hotel] on the evening of [date] and i would be very pleased if you could attend.

i look forward to hearing from you soon.

yours sincerely,


[title] 查看全文>>>



dear bob,

im ething must be done to solve the problem because i understand you cherish the cd enormously.i can either send it to you by express mail or alternatively compensate you at a reasonable price.if you do not mind,i may bring it back to you next time i go to canada.

please let me knoe tomorro-together, and i hope that all of you enjoy a good time. is it possible for you and me to have a private meeting afterward? if so, please dont hesitate to drop me a line about your preferable date. i do long for a pleasant chat with you.

please allow me to say sorry again.


li ming



