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Online games impact on youngsters Recent years, many youngsters including lots of college students are addicted to computer games. They ignore that their main task is studying. Some youngsters even play computer games day and night. They don’t have any other hobbies except computer games. Their GpA is so loputer games is so beautiful and colorful that they even can’t distinguish e to class, the other are playing games instead of having classes. parents told their children that they shall study hard at school etimes can alleviate fatigue, but youngsters can’t be

addicted to it municate or deliver a speech.This League plete the task petition at certain times. Other aspects of them e evident that the other team’s must fall due to the folloing up me repeat me rephrase what I said.让我重申刚才所说的。 ? Concluding your own point of views

? That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。

? Do you agree? I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。

? Concluding the points of the other side debater

? As you said… 像你所说的那样……

? But haven’t you said that…? 但是,难道你没说过……吗?、 ? If I understood you correctly, you said that… 要是我理解正确的话,你说过…….

? How to Agree Strongly with an Opinion.

1. I couldnt agree more!

2. Thats absolutely true!


英语演讲教程:Ending the Speech Text

Chapter III Ending the Speech TextI. Signaling the Beginning of the End partLet’s look at ments.Alloe to a close by quoting bine edge detection bine these various denoising and edge detection methods according to the content of the images and nature of noise.That's all for my talk. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. I'm quite willing to discuss them with you at any time, Thank you.[ Sample 3 ]That's all t wanted to show you about Machine Vision and one of its applications, AGV. Thank you![ Sample 4 ](Turn to 12th ppt) OK, that is all I'm going to talk today.Thank you ![ Sample 5 ]That's all. Thank you!

英语演讲教程:Talking During the Break

Chapter V Talking During the Break
I. Useful encouraging phrases to shoething orro China.
B: Nice to meet you, Mr. Li.
A: Nice to meet you too. I'd appreciate the chance to talk to you some time.
B: That's very kind of you. 203.
A: Thank you very much.
B: Not at all. Do you knoe parts very difficult to understand.
A: Oh, .... I missed your presentation this morning. atographic method?
B: No, it's not that simple because their retention times are very similar. That makes it difficult to find a really appropriate separation column.
A: How did you manage it?
B: e address?
A: Of course. Let me write it for you.
B: please put it in my notebook, if you don't mind.
A: please keep me informed of the progress of your work.
B: Goodbye !

英语演讲教程:Asking and Answering Questions

Chapter IV Asking and Ansething else.I'd rather not say.ething like this:"I'm sorry. I don't happen to knoe better ideas.I think it and indicate that there is another question. Suggest that as there are several more questioners,' yon could discuss his or her question in more detail after your talk.Referring Back to the QuestionerHaving finished ansetimes ained longest and you are expected to behave in a professional manner.


用英语演讲,不要用太多 I feel, I think,老是用I,显得十分主观,狭隘。如果通篇全是 I feel, I think 的内容,会给人觉得缺乏说服力。另外,perhaps, maybe 这样的词语,虽然有客气,谦虚的成分,但太多会让人觉得你演讲的内容有不可靠之处。
还有,在演讲中,要少用you,多用, ----and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr Chairman, Honorable Judges(评委)等等。
结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似准备不足,请谅解,请批评指正这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention。

在英语演讲中,and, but, so, then 等虚词要尽量少用,that, which 等词引导的定语从句也只会使句子结构变得复杂,而使听众难以跟上演讲者的思路,从而影响演讲的效果。相反,多使用实词,短句,可使得演讲内容更清晰,气势更磅礴。
That government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.(排比)
United, there is little we can not do; pided, there is little we can do.(对照)
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. (对照和渐进)
What we should fear most is the fear itself.(警句)
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.(对照)

演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。希望《英语演讲与辩论教程》一文能帮助您解决关于2024“人类与科技英语演讲”相关的问题,再次感谢您的阅读!
