范文 > 祝福语 > 圣诞节平安夜祝福语 > 导航 > 平安夜生日祝福语




● 平安夜,送短信,所有祝愿都成真;平安夜,发短信,情意长久心连心;平安夜,写短信,吉星高照交好运;平安夜,看短信,财源滚滚万事顺;试一试,肯定准,愿你平安永开心;祝圣诞节快乐。

○ 流星划过夜空,我的愿望随之飘过。烛光照亮厅堂,我的幸福随之产生。快乐就在今晚,平安夜祈祷平安常在。愿你的平安夜与我一起度过,共赏美景,共创明天!

● 把眷恋你的心折成星星点缀在你的天空,把关怀你的心串成歌谣回荡在你的世界,把牵挂你的心融成甜蜜的芳香飘荡在你的生活,把祝福你的心铸成响在平安夜的钟声,给你最真诚的祝福,愿你平平安安每一天。

○ 平安夜里钟声传,吉祥如意都来临;平安夜里平安报,欢欢乐乐如过年;平安夜里祝福送,真心真意真情感。祝你平安夜里快乐至,幸福美满万万年!

● 纤纤手敲开平安之门,时针指向平安时分,唱的是平安的歌,做的是平安的梦,心情是平安的淡定温馨,写一段平安的文,在这平安之夜,送给祝福平安的人:平安夜快乐!

○ 平安是福,平淡是真,漫步在平安夜时分;月光清冷,月夜温馨,耳畔传来圣诞清脆的钟声。良辰好吉日,美妙更动听,值此佳节,短信送上真诚祝福:祝愿家人朋友,平安一生。

● 愿你将平安珍藏,与快乐为伴;愿你将平安相传,与健康为伴;愿你将平安分享,与幸福为伴。平安夜送平安,愿大家平平安安!

○ 不能共度平安夜,只愿你平安四季;不能与你常相伴,只愿你出入平安;不能与共同进退,只愿你事事平安;朋友,愿你平淡生活有滋有味,只幸福的生活安居乐业,平安夜快乐!

● 雪花漫天,一片一片洒落满地快乐;烟火满炉,一缕一缕飘散满屋温馨;钟声回荡,一阵一阵飘进满心欢喜。平安夜,祝福短息,一条一条传递满腔思念,祝福你平安快乐,幸福相拥。

○ 平安夜的氛围是幸福的,平安夜的雪花是吉祥的,平安夜的人们是快乐的,平安夜的钟声是喜悦的,平安夜的祝福是真诚的,平安夜,愿你开心相伴,如意围绕!

● 又岁末,平安夜,平安夜里平安雪。晶莹雪,片片白,千树万树雪花开。花千树,圣诞树,平安夜里送祝福。送祝福,祝平安,最是浪漫雪满天。祝平安夜平安,祝平安夜快乐!

○ 平安夜里喜临门,送你一只聚宝盆,装花装果装吉祥,装金装玉装财富,装了甜蜜装快乐,装了健康装如意,愿你:开开心心每一秒,平安幸福怀中抱!

● 雪花飘飘圣诞到,平安夜真心祈祷,愿亲人平安,快乐常伴;愿朋友平安,笑容灿烂;愿爱人平安,欢笑连连;愿家庭平安,幸福绵绵;愿一生平安,好运不断;平安夜,愿您永远平平安安!

○ 平安夜,星光灿,朋友齐聚笑声扬。享蛋糕,燃烛光,满脸奶油笑傻眼。风儿轻,夜温暖,静享圣诞送吉祥。人也醉,钟已响,载歌载舞又一段。祝平安,喜洋溢,夜夜吉祥美如意。

● 生活漫步行,幸福踏月还,人在旅途盼驿站,转眼一三年;风雨逍遥过,人生潇洒看,岁月只等闲。寒暑天地间,烦恼莫在心羁绊,一滴祝福暖心坎。元旦来临,愿你幸福斗转星移永不变,快乐步履平稳,好运满满园。

○ 袜子装满好运,火炉燃烧吉祥,烟囱飘走是愁云,圣诞树照亮幸福。平安夜送祝福,愿你平平安安、快快乐乐、永永远远!平安夜祝福语

● 没有悲伤,没有磨难,平安是快乐的源泉;没有疾病,没有痛楚,平安是幸福的基础;没有挫折,没有失败,平安是如意的核心;平安夜到了,真挚的祝福送给我身边的好人,愿好人一生平安!

○ 雪花蹁跹,装点了平安的美丽;烟花流溢,绚丽了平安的色彩;苹果甜蜜,浓郁了平安的芳香。平安夜,让我的短信满载着真挚的惦念,暖暖的祝福,来到你身边,愿你平安一生,健康一世。

● 平安夜的钟声响起,驱走苦难和忧愁,将快乐和平安传递;圣诞老人爬过烟囱,送你幸福的礼物,装满吉祥和如意。平安夜,唱起幸福的歌,守候吉祥的夜,迎接美好的明天!

○ 凭着一颗真诚的心祝愿,安全的暖风拂过你生命的每一个角落,夜夜为你在窗前舞蹈,快乐的笑容伴你安然入眠,乐观的情怀成为你心底柔柔的清波。(每句首字连读)

● 霜凝了,风起了,雪来了,香槟开了,火鸡熟了,苹果笑了,你乐了,平安夜的钟声响了,我的祝福到了,愿你平安快乐的度过生命里的每一天。


平安夜祝福语 平安夜经典祝福语



















Color of snow, the white winter, the red Christmas, warm color of the season。 In this quiet moment, sincerely wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


Beautiful Christmas, hakodate starlight with you and I face, Christmas Eve ping fruit to nourish you my lips。 Happy you and me in the New Year opened a Christmas fruit。


Silent night, quiet, peaceful message was to read text messages feel wonderful, sweet smile every day, after much good day, go in peace joy! Wishing you all a merry Christmas!


Christmas Eve! The charming night, romantic night, go in peace night, good night, let us enjoy the great night! Wish your Christmas Eve in peace, be happy!


The meteor, falling is my miss to you; Fluttering snow, is my caring for you, flashing Christmas tree, is my blessing to you。 Wishing you a happy Christmas Eve。


Star bright sky, jixiangruyi befall。 Your smiling, let tao tao。 Bell distant harmony, SMS blessing happiness around。 On Christmas Eve, wish you happy, no worries!


Good luck to petition, good thing always in pairs, Christmas Eve, Christmas luck, I wish you a happy mood if snow, life every day as a holiday。 Luck on Christmas Eve, I wish you a happy happy!


peace, beautiful melody melodious bell send you send you lucky, colorful lights send you warm, devout prayer to send you honey is sweet。 Christmas Eve to send peace, good luck all the year round!


Chilly wind is blowing above the clouds, above the clouds with the snow, snow in succession is wrapped in the romantic, so romantic with you to a romantic Christmas Eve。 Merry Christmas!


St the Christmas that Christmas, Christmas all huan, also a sleepless night。 Transfer in Christmas Eve creamer wish Christmas, Christmas wishes, orgiastic night califarnia! Merry Christmas!


Readily and Christmas, carnival sleepless nights。 A peace night words, listen to laughter。 And some snow, friends gathered in front of the hall。 Is you, I miss the most wish merry Christmas!


I reversed the hourglass, the past into the future。 Let time frames, for you never stop at this moment of happiness。 Christmas Eve, wish you all the year round in peace, happiness life!


Christmas Eve snow, with my blessing flew into your heart。 I clicked happy piano keys, with playing Christmas carols for you sincerely, wish you happy in the New Year, happy every day!


Christmas Eve, safe way for you and happiness with you around, setbacks see you hurriedly, tao is all go, happy to give you special attention to Christmas, blessing messages to send!


On Christmas Eve, star all over the sky, stars, is I see miss, Christmas Eve, a little cold, bless full, I hope you feel very warm。 Friends, please remember, you the peace of my miss。


On Christmas Eve night, eat an apple, this life will be in peace。 Friend, dont forget to eat well, dont forget to remind your friends。 Wish you all the year round in peace, be happy!


On Christmas Eve, you would like to delete yesterdays troubles, determine the good tomorrow, store the body strong, copy the happiness in the side, paste peace without boundaries, upgrade beautiful forever。


Tonights the night is long, the wind cold tonight, ok dear and you by my side。 I didnt cry dont make, just want to and you go to the glebes old。 Christmas Eve, more than love。 Because have you by my side, every day at Christmas。


On Christmas Eve the bell had rung, the melodious bell is I miss you, Christmas tree lights have hung, that is, I think your eyes flickering lights, sincere greetings to my friends, merry Christmas!


Christmas Eve, the fallen leaves flying, is permeated with sweet, rippling the truth, blessed with, how many sleepless nights are not as good as todays peace night of happiness and joy, warm the night。


The warm lights, twinkling; Lucky star, shining; Colorful fireworks, in bloom; Sincere best wishes, it is sent。 On Christmas Eve, starlight praying for you, we wish you a merry Christmas happiness, happy forever!


On Christmas Eve, will give you a massage, tenet: peace around you。 Essence: happiness hug with you。 Slogan: success with you。 Theme: shake hands with you。 Objective: to wish you a happy Christmas Eve。


Christmas Eve, warm and peaceful have peace satisfied of trillion, has the blessing of health and happiness, good luck, peace be to you the night happy covered, silent accept my blessing, good fortune longevity and health!


Distance cant block me and your contact, distance to resist the I give you blessings, distance are my miss to you, distance to take dont walk I to your Christmas Eve message: wish far-away place of you, merry Christmas!


Silent night dreamed someone singing hymns, then you go and be kind to others。 Christmas Eve dream god smile at you, that you are sure to get grace。 If so, then you are free to enjoy life, enjoy happiness!


Unusual in tonight, night, is to send an apple you spend your Christmas Eve, protect you night and day safely and to send you a pepsi when ambrosia, all the surprises in tonight, I wish you a happy Christmas Eve。


On Christmas Eve, send you two gifts。 Happy to send you two cases bomb, blowing the trouble go away! Then send you an aircraft carrier, to bring you happiness! Finally I wish you a healthy body, life in peace!


Is the most warm warm on Christmas Eve, and you together, lively strip, borrow the moon lang lang, a few lights, a series of WenNianHua details。 As long as you said in your heart me again some more, I will gently dissolve all melancholy。


The stars twinkle in the night sky, like drop tears full of my missing。 Christmas Eve music ring, miss I often play the song for you though Im not in your side, but really want to gently in your ear said: baby, merry Christmas。


Again to the Christmas Eve, I wish you a lovely as roses: beautiful, radiant, beautiful, when it es to a man, heartbroken, woman。 I wish you: to be a confident woman, is the husbands favorite woman, merry Christmas to the beauty!


On Christmas Eve, I would like to life in their own planted beside their making love and heart, peace to my scared tree full of flowers, protect my side relatives, friends, and you know or dont know, safe and healthy for ever and ever!


On Christmas Eve, the air is full of joy and laughter, socks with four seasons peace, stove burning flame happiness, chimney up out of the auspicious clouds, text messages and write full wishes: wish you Christmas Eve peace, happy Christmas!


Dont love you, too difficult, difficult to move on! Dont miss you, too tired, tired to eat not sweet! Santa on Christmas Eve, my love to you the window and into the socks inside: a love you sincerely, looking forward to fall in love with you this life the same!


On Christmas night dreaming, god said to me, hell give you happiness all over the world, let me tell you, he will have a beautiful Christmas package send, certainly is the most sweet experience, pay attention to receive, merry Christmas。


A year of socks until Christmas Eve to wash out the dry, early in the morning was awakened by Santa Claus were purring, wake up after him: the elder brothers you are malicious, I busy night present all didnt, your socks left half full。


My dear friends, the ding of the Christmas Eve echoed in the path, I send you a sincere Christmas tree, above the review of our friendship, full of my blessing to you, wish good luck always put your care, peace be to you a lifetime of happiness。


Silent night you look up at the sky, if there is a star in the blink of an eye, that is I wish you a life of peace; Thousands of stars in the flash, that is to wish you a happy forever; If a star also have no, thats too many blessings, let the stars shade!


The message the Santa Claus will be responsible for the creation, the happiness is responsible for the writing, the happiness is responsible for the sending, the luck is responsible for the transfer, Im in charge of the investment, sent to your mobile phone in advance, I wish you: Christmas Eve, Christmas is happy!

