范文 > 书信 > 求职信范文10篇英语 > 导航 > 英语求职信优选10篇






Dear sir or Madam,

I am puter Science or equivalent field and proficient in petent to meet the requirements. I puter control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed mand of spoken and puter useage ,such as CAD.

Teaching practice do enrich my bined theories into practice. Miss Liang Fang, my director teacher thought puter Science or equivalent field and proficient in petent to meet the requirements. I puter control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed municate e an opportunity to meet softpanys Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my acplishments include:

Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, e an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


Gu Bin


Respect leadership: Hello!

First please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wish to you! In spite of being very busy heartfelt thanks you in to glance through my this material, and wishes the expensive unit enterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day! I am electronic information project specialized 20xx sessions of graduates, learned in the near future your firm is advertising for the talented person, I hoped can arrive has the opportunity to your firm work.

In school period, I study the specialized knowledge diligently, and invested the huge enthusiasm and the energy for it. my English proficiency have progress,And smooth passed the national English six levels of tests,Had certainly certainly has listened to, to say, to read, writes ability,Has the reading specialized literature English foundation of basic skills.



In reply to your advertisement in Beijing Youth Daily of Dec- ember 25, I respectfully offer my services for the situation.

I am thirty-tmission. If you ething of the scope and enter-prise of your huge department, I thought maybe you puter and I can type either in English or in Chinese.

Although I have had no business experience, I am ic Daily Times my attention e familiar with the various sales territories, and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.



personal Information
First Name Last Name: XXX other sex: Male Age: XX years
E-mail: 20xx20xxXX Tel: 20xxXXX
Address: pudong New Area, Shanghai Zip code XXX: 20xxXX

Desired Salary: 5000 yuan / month
Hours: After half a month

Workmanship experience
October 20xx - International Consulting Division, now the public translation 20xx
Various types of written munication in English writing, contract drafting;
The meeting site as a translator work, and negotiating with foreign;
English translation of various materials workmanship;
Translation Company Division staff training seminars;
January 20xx - October 20xx 20xxX limited business travel, public and senior representatives of the Secretary and translator
Organization of Chinese enterprises and government trade missions overseas study, training, and participate in various exhibitions, find all the business opportunities;
Responsible for liaison and munication with foreign matters, many translated for the delegation of various learning materials;
Responsible for the pany are all kinds of information in English translation and interpretation at the meeting workmanship; and deal with the pany are all kinds of English letters and telegrams of foreign exchange;

September 1996 - January 20xx 20xx Service Bureau for Diplomatic Translation
Broad participation in the case of the larger types of cases such as international contracts, agreements, laws, permits speech, arbitral awards and other legal documents, certificates and proof-reading the translation of munications materials workmanship;
With relevant government departments to carry out pliance with the policy project business, notary and other services review;
Takes part in various press conferences and press conferences, take part in the interpretation workmanship;

September 1997 - May 1999 Washington City School Great American labor and personnel training
September 1992 - July 1996, Hebei Normal science undergraduate major American Language and Literature

professional expertise and skills
Outstanding ability in the English translation, articulate, sound standards, quick response, experienced;
Workmanship and carefully, and can withstand the pressures and challenges workmanship;
Good puter skills, familiar with a variety of office software to understand the Internet;

Since I evaluation
English translation and interpretation experts, good for business talks with foreign investors, there are study abroad experience. I am stable character, conduct their serious attitude, with a strong sense of responsibility












1.申请信:这类信函的作用是使用人单位有兴趣看你的简历并为你安排面试。你应考虑采取的策略是说明你是符合招聘要求的人选。仔细研究招聘要求,然后选择一个或几个能有力说明你适合这份工作的方面,如受教育程序、经历、兴趣或责任心等等,还 要将你过去的工作表现和经历与申请的工作联系起来。

2.求职函:这尖信函的作用于和写作方法与申请信大同小异,它不适用于在异地寻 求工作。信函的形式要与具体的求职目标相对应。写这类信件更应注重从职业和所在机 构的角度来陈述自己能够适应工作环境要求的理由。

3.信息型信函:这类信件可以为你提供一次参加咨询的机会,而不是一次面试。你会在咨询会上见到一些人,他们会给你提供有关你申请的那个工作的情况,你想得到一次面试机会的初衷可能会有所改变,但是你希望与一些人联系并得到他们的帮助的意愿应始终保持真诚。这类咨询会,也可以称之为人才交流会,在近年非常盛行,但是许多求职者都不能很好地利用这样的机会。它并不是一个简化了的面试过程,也不会提供更多的就业机会;但是它要求参与精心地准备,诚恳地参与。信息型的信函正是你提供了这样一个参加人才交流会的机会。通常情况下,这类信函不需要加附个人简历,但是在 人才交流会上也许用得着,以便用人单位更了解你的意图。

4.感谢信:这是一个非常重要但却在求职过程中很少被运用的一种信函。它可以帮 助你树立良好的信誉,表达你的感激之情,或许不能增加你成功的机率。每一个帮助过你的人都值得你去感谢他们。在参加完面试之后,如果你打算写一封感谢信,一定不要拖过24个小时,而且要给每一个你会过面的人都发一封。对那些在人才交流会上见过面 的人和那些给你提供过帮助的人,你也应该给他们发感谢信。

5.接受信:如果你接受了对方提供的条件,应该发一封这样的信对此加以确认,也 应该积极肯定用人单位的选择,通常情况下,在你发出这类信函之后,应该给对方打个 电话,以进一步讲座有关的细节性问题。

6.撤回申请信:你一旦接受了一份工作,出于礼貌你应给其它你所申请的单位发一 封信,以撤回你的申请。对这些单位对你的申请所给予的考虑表示感谢。你应从个人的 角度来说明接受另一份工作的原因,千万不要说你选择了一个更好的工作。

7.拒绝信:这类信函并非只有用人单位可以发。求职者可能发现用人单位提供的条 件与他们的求职目标不符,因此应该考虑巧妙地拒绝用人单位提供的条件,但是在采取这一行动之前,求职者应充分考虑那些条件,在认为确实不适合自己时才这样做,同时 也不要忘记发一封感谢信,对用人单位给予的机会表示谢意。




dear leaders:


xx i xx campus university school of informatics department of electronic engineering, munication and information professional graduates a year. your pany through an initial understanding of some, i intend to join your pany, into a force for the pany. in order to facilitate the panys my understanding, is self-profile is as folloic and trade minor in english, take the second door outside the japanese and other humanities, management courses, so that their not only bee a qualified technical personnel, and knoputer languages and protel, orcad, autocad, office and other applications, the fpga, matlab has some basic understanding. i am slightly on the expertise of puter hardmunicative petence. to participate in a variety of interest groups, panys puter hardputer professional.

University for four years, I learned a puter data. Also panies, such as netpanys local area nete to the conclusion that Mr. Doe possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.

