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dear sir/madam:

i am pared to other chinese applicants. it is easy to explain, because he belonged to the talented student class, mitment to his job. as a matter of fact, prof. linda s electronic lab happened to be neighboring my office and i could almitment more clearly. once he suggested compiling a fortran program to solve a complicated circuit problem in his class. in order to do that, he had to do a lot of computer e points and i could aletimes.

finally, i mend him without reservation for his admission and financial aid to your program. please feel free to contact me if needed.

sincerely yours,




Dear Sir/Madam:

In the capacity of the former dean of Kellogg Management School of North- western University (N time to time and I am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability in both research and teaching position. Therefore I feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program. I am confident that Mr. X will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in the NWU. please dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information.

Truly, yours



Dear Sir/Madam,

In the capacity of the former chairman of the Department of Finance and the associate dean of Business School in YYY University (p. R. China), I am our department can receive every year. Her semester-long experience there turned out to be an impressive success. Ms. XXX shopleting her undergraduate thesis defense in 20xx, I mittee struck by the display of creativity at her thesis defense conference, her lucid presentation expressed clear and logic thought. Her expansive and open-minded academic perspectives really struck a chord, so it gives me a great deal of pleasure to give you my recommendation to this outstanding young lady of immense promise.

After she graduated from YYY University, she still keeps in touch with me. I feel very delighted when she told me she would like to pursue her advanced studies in your honored program. I trust her academic excellence, spirit of devotion and pleasant personality warrant your serious consideration of her application. Should there be any way in which I can be of further assistance in your deliberations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Sincerely yours,

Associate Dean of Business School

YYY University



Chinese Academy of Sciences

Beijing 100080, p.R. China


School of Graduate Studies and Research

Dear Colleagues:

Mr. XXX requested a letter of refeXce from me to support his appXcation for graduate studies at your university. As his research adviser ising youth radiating munication project for his degree thesis the Radio Shunting System on Railroad. To make the product meet the actual needs, he faced down many practical problems, such as high reliabiXty and volume and weight of the product. Working hard and independently, he cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence.

Judging by his outstanding performance while he studied with me, I am convinced that Mr. X has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which he can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend him my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of his application.

Sincerely yours


professor, Graduate Adviser




August 23, 14

The Graduate Admissions Office

(Insert name of school here)

(Insert school address here)

Dear Admissions Officer:

As Dean of the School of Communication at XX University in China, it is and face challenges, plete all her homeinent academic performance and notable contributions to the Student Union, she panied by her unconventional puter aided design tools, management and marketing, prehensive interest, and open-minded to nepetent in the course study of your university. meantime, with the enlightenment of multiple culture and up-to-date concept of study, her talents will inevitably be demonstrated in no time.

